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John Evans

About the Forest® - 0 views

    "The Forest of Reading® is Canada's largest recreational reading program! This initiative of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) offers eight reading programs to encourage a love of reading in people of all ages. The Forest® helps celebrate Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators. More than 250,000 readers participate annually from their School and/or Public Library. All Ontarians/Canadians are invited to participate via their local public library, school library, or individually."
John Evans

One iPad is better than none | News Center | Wake Forest University - 0 views

    " research presented by Assistant Professor of Education Kristin Redington Bennett in the December/January issue of Learning & Leading With Technology, the magazine of the International Society for Technology in Education."
John Evans

GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! - 5 views

    "Experience the sensation of being a modern day Columbus as you travel across the vast spaces of the land of the free and home of the brave. From the hot deserts of the south to the great forests of the north, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 50 states of challenging locations awaits you!"
Tom Stimson

The Butterfly Conservatory | American Museum of Natural History - 0 views

    Web cams, photo gallery, FAQ about butterflies. Active during the day, they live almost everywhere around the world, from Arctic tundra to tropical rain forests.
John Evans

Let 'Em Out! The Many Benefits of Outdoor Play In Kindergarten | MindShift - 0 views

    "For the typical American kindergartner, unstructured free play during the school day consists of 20 to 30 minutes of recess, and perhaps some time at indoor "stations" - perhaps creating with building blocks, costumes, or musical instruments. But what if there was more? What if the answer to "what did you do in school today?" was, "I climbed a tree, played in the mud, built a fire"? That is exactly the kind of learning going on in the Swiss Waldkindergartens, or forest kindergartens, where children ages four to seven spend all of their school days playing outdoors, no matter the weather. With no explicit math or literacy taught until first grade, the Swiss have no set goals for kindergartners beyond a few measurements, like using scissors and writing one's own name. They instead have chosen to focus on the social interaction and emotional well-being found in free play."
John Evans

The Generation That Doesn't Remember Life Before Smartphones - 3 views

    "Down a locker-lined hallway at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis, Zac Felli, a junior, walks to his first class of the day. He wears tortoiseshell glasses and is built like he could hit a ball hard. He has enviable skin for a teenager, smooth as a suede jacket. Over one shoulder he carries a slim forest-green and tan messenger bag that would have been social suicide in 1997. But 1997 was the year Zac was born, so he wouldn't know anything about that. A squat, taupe monolith flanked by parking lots, Lawrence Central smells like old brick and floor polish and grass. Its gleaming floors squeak if you move your foot a certain way. The school has existed on precisely this spot of land since 1963: maroon block letters over the door, tang of chlorine from the indoor pool. None of that has changed. Here's what has: After Zac turns the doorknob of Room 113 and takes his seat in Japanese III, he reaches into his shoulder bag, pushes aside his black iPhone 5S and Nintendo 3DS XL, and pulls out his Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablet with purple detachable keyboard, which he props up on his desk using its kickstand. By touching a white and purple icon on his screen, he opens Microsoft OneNote, a program in which each of his classes is separated into digital journals and then into digital color-coded tabs for greater specificity. And then, without a piece of paper in sight and before an adult has said a word, he begins to learn."
Tom Stimson

Virtual Forest Challenge | - 0 views

    Make good choices for your environment in this game. Shows how the changes we make in our daily lives impact the environment.
John Evans

BioBook - eText evolved | News Center | Wake Forest University - 0 views

    "What started as an idea for an iPad application evolved into a more accessible tool for the next generation of electronic textbooks, which Johnson and Macosko call "BioBook." BioBook was created within a Moodle-based learning management system designed by Odigia. Moodle is a free, open-source Web application that educators can use to create online learning sites. "Students can access BioBook from desktop PCs, laptops, iPads and mobile devices," said Johnson."
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