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alexandra m. pickett

Reflections Blog - Just another site - 1 views

    • alexandra m. pickett
      Hey Bill: i completely get the "technologically connected" fatigue. i am very plugged in... but, i remind myself that i am in control. I have boundaries. Also fyi - i don't have a cell phone. I know i know... hard to believe, right?! I just don't want to be that connected. me : )
    • William Meredith
      I envy you for not having a cell phone!  I took mine to France but told people not to call me.  One of the best parts of being away!
  • it helps remove the filter.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      interesting. really? say more about that. : )
  • Alex mentioned her desire not to allow students to unsubscribe from the posts.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Bill: i am actually really torn about this. I myself don't use the email subscription AT ALL. I find it confusing and disconnecting from the context and flow of the discussion. I have mine set to subjects only as a daily digest and i mostly just delete them... before even opeining them. I use the cousre interface to interact and view the interactions. I wish i could give students the option. But i can't. I have tried it both ways and talked about it with students from past courses. I even tried it once where i initially forced but then gave students the option to opt out... And i have come to the very reluctant decision that i have to force. I force the subscription, becuase frankly students don't login to the cousre. They disappear for days, and then claim they didn't know or couldn't find...and then claim they are overwhelmed. You also just can't "catch up" once a discussion has ended. The flow has moved on. There are also students that for some reason just prefer to get the posts via email. I've had several students tell me that they liked to view posts from their cell phones... So, i force subscription to all/only the essential forums in the course. The reality is that I can't force students to login to the course and click on the discussion and other areas of the cousre to see all that is happening. And i need a way to make sure that they are aware of the level of activity in the course and what is happening. me
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • I feel as though students must be subscribed to forums, but be forewarned that they need to develop a system for themselves to allow for tracking of the dialogue and how they want to participate in that dialogue.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i don't remember this being a problem in past semesters and i wonder if a default was changed at the system level. I thought everyone got a daily digest of subject lines and that highlighted new forum post tracking was automatically enabled by default... based you your feedback here, i have added "forewarning" : ) to 2 of the course information documents (contact and evaluation). : ) me
  • my presence could be demonstrated in other ways than just logging in daily or talking to students.
  • I came to realize that
  • in this course I feel as though everything I learn is huge.
  • it feels as though I am letting the students go without my assistance.
  • This is were the “earth-shattering” part comes in.  I am learning that I am not letting the students go.  I am going to be there.
  • I can fully see the difference between f2f and online teaching and WHY those differences exist.
  • In the beginning of this course my intention was to translate my f2f assignments and activities to an online format.  This made me feel comfortable as I knew that these activities worked for me and for most of my students.  Yet, as I began to learn about presence and community it became apparent that these f2f activities did not embody presence or community building.  They represented ease for me, and that cannot be the focus in online learning.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      this is a brilliant observation bill!
  • Yet, I know I will always want to be tweaking my activities!
  • My two issues with online education before the start of this class dealt with the actual education being offered as well as the connections being formed.
  • But the theory in this course has allowed me to see that in practice, online education can allow for a sound education and a classroom community that can match that of most f2f classrooms.
  • Online learning allows an instructor the opportunity to put everything into place before the course starts so that students come in being able to see all that they need to be successful.  This may not always be the case with f2f courses.  Additionally, to make sure that such theories as presence and community are present in online courses online instructors often have to do more to ensure success in their classes.  For these reasons I am starting to believe that online education, when combined with effective theories can eventually surpass f2f learning.
  • I am not decisive as I would like to be.
  • While it probably should not be surprising that I feel prepared to teach online at the end of a course in online teaching, for me, I feel as though it is quite a surprising development and one I hope to pursue.
  • The article  written by Mark Edmundson, a professor at UVA, questions the validity of online learning. 
  • I have discovered that my thoughts are completely different on online education as a result of this class.  While this is probably not a huge development it has been interesting to watch my opinions change so much.  So, for the moment that is where I am.
  • I discovered that just inserting technology does not suddenly make things better. 
  • I leave this course knowing that presence is more than just responding to students. 
  • Being truly present requires that the students feel your presence as they are completing assignments and learning – knowing what is expected of them and what they expect of the instructor.
  • if a student knows what to do and how to do it (presence) he/she might feel more comfortable branching out in discussions and discussing points with a majority of students instead of just discussing with the same people at the same time.  But community depends heavily on presence and the two really work in tandem.
  • Yet, the blame lies solely with me for just assuming that my students know how to do something.
  • Instead, instructors, both f2f and online, need to assume that their students do not know how to do something.  Taking the time to explain something may seem tedious but it will provide for greater clarification, greater learning, and more meaningful assessments.  Taking the time to just let students know what to do and how to do it has the potential of increasing the enjoyment of learning for all involved!
  •   I truly struggled with this course and I walk away feeling fantastic about it.
  • Coming into this course I figured we would read a few articles about online education and create a course shell for an online course.  Additionally, I came into this course assuming online education failed to meet the standards of f2f education. Now, my thoughts are completely changed. 
  • Leaving this course I feel as though I could write an effective rebuttal of that argument and I believe that illustrates a great amount of growth for a person who entered this class questioning the merits of online education.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      what would you say? i would like to read that rebuttal.  : ) 
  • Yet, I feel as this is one of the first courses that will let me leave with having a profound change in thinking. 
  • Online education is the way of the future and more important, it needs to be done correctly.
  • o in my new “educated” role, I would like to try and be an advocate for online education.  I will try to discuss the field more often and when I hear someone mention online education I will ask them what they know about it and what they think about it.  Striking up conversations allow for the spread of ideas and maybe eventually online education will gain the same prominence that many f2f courses currently possess. (4)
Catherine Strattner

Robot avatar allows sick boy to go to school - TODAY Health - - 0 views

  • But now, a 4-foot-tall chrome and steel robot takes Lyndon’s place in classes and allows him to interact with teachers and fellow students. His face is displayed on a screen near the top of the robot and his voice is projected through its speakers. Lyndon can see and hear everyone through signals transmitted to his laptop from the robot’s camera. It's like a video conference — on a robot.
  • The technology that changed Lyndon’s life costs about $6000.
    Another story about a boy attending school via robot.
Jennifer Boisvert

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Roadmap - 0 views

  • Visual SourceSafe is a version control system that: Protects users from accidental file loss. Allows back-tracking to previous versions of a file. Allows branching, sharing, merging, and management of file releases. Tracks versions of entire projects. Tracks modular code (one file that is reused, or shared, by multiple projects).
    Microsoft Program that allows files to be shared and backed up.

Rubrics as Effective Learning and Assessment Tools Laura Baker - 1 views

  • measurable criteria that can be counted or marked as present or not present in the work that is being evaluated. 
  • This allows the rubric to be used as an ongoing dialog between the teacher and student and allows the student to know when each criterion has been met and then make improvements as needed. (Lockett, 2001)
  • Although allowing student involvement in creating rubrics is time consuming, by allowing students a voice in creating their own rubric, the students have more ownership over their own learning and evaluation.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • will be easier for the students to understand due to the fact that the students are the ones supplying the language for the criteria
  • when there is a wide range of variation between quality work and work that is not yet proficient.
  • writing assignments, use of scientific inquiry, problem solving, performance based learning, and presentations
  • that teachers scoring the same set of papers using the same rubric have a correlation value beyond 0.80
  • Students should be given rubrics at the beginning of an assignment because rubrics not only are valuable to teachers because they help in more consistent grading, but are helpful to students as well. 
  • Holistic rubrics are quicker to use than analytical rubrics because holistic rubrics don’t break down the task.
  • better diagnostic information and provide students more feedback about how to make his or her work better
  • Analytical rubrics, on the other hand, break down the final project into parts
  • empowered to take more responsibility for their own learning.
Erin Fontaine

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture « User Generated Education - 0 views

  • Classrooms become laboratories or studios, and yet content delivery is preserved.
  • the benefits of video in the classroom:
  • idea exchange
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • regardless of locations
  • allowing them to learn from the best sources
  • allowing them to progress at their own pace.
  • Allows them to meet students and teachers from around the world to experience their culture, language, ideas, and shared experiences.
  • ability to review parts that are misunderstood,
  • A major roadblock or barrier to the implementation of this model is that many educators do not know what to do within the classroom
  • They become hooked through personal connection to the experience and desire to create meaning for and about that experience (ala constructivist learning).
  • Students become interested in the topic because of the experience
  • It is the teacher’s responsibility to structure and organize a series of experiences which positively influence each individual’s potential future experiences
  • content-based presentations are controlled by the learner as opposed to the lecturer as would be the case in a live, synchronous, didactic-driven environment.

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
    For anyone who needs the tutorial on Chrome and Diigo

Microsoft Educator Network - Hot Topics : Personalized Learning : Flipped Learning: tec... - 0 views

  • . Understanding the details of the world in which a learner lives allows the learner to the ability to shape and manipulate that world to his advantage. Content mastery must be accompanied by healthy relationships in a learning community that fosters curiosity within learners. Focusing only upon content can lead to a cold, rote learning environments; spending all our energies on relationships can be done at the expense of content mastery; and developing curious learners without strong relationships can lead to learning in isolation. Essentially, the flipped learning approach allows teachers to spark interest, provide initial exposure, and deliver content through easy to make teacher created video so class time can be used to foster healthy relationships and engage students in higher levels of cognition to help ignite curiosity. Simply using video as a teaching tool will not fundamentally change a classroom. But rethinking how class time can be used for things other than direct instruction and lectures will transform a classroom from a teacher-centered instructional environment to a learner-centered laboratory of learning. Flipped learning is a transitional tool for teachers who know they want to move the attention away from themselves and on to student-centered learning. Flipped learning is not an end, but a means to greater teaching and deeper learning. You can read more about Flipped Learning in our upcoming book: Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Achievement which can be pre-ordered here: Jonathan Bergmann &amp; Aaron Sams Flipped Learning, Gateway to Student Achievement, Bergmann, Sams piln.hottopic.onPostDisplayInLineLoaded(); Pictures and videos var thumbRatio = [1, 1]; $(function () { initializeGallery('/Gallery/Media/', '138408f4-616a-4cc9-ab2c-9e7543cf50e4') }); Cover of Jon Bergmann &amp; Aaron Sams' book: Flipped Learning $('.galleryDescription').hide(); $('#bigImage').load(function () { var newHeight = $('#bigImage').height() + $('.galleryDescription').height() + 60; if (newHeight < 360) { newHeight = 360; } $('#progressbar').hide('blind', {}, 300); $('#loading').animate({ height: newHeight + 'px' }, 300); $(this).fadeIn('slow'); }); $('.galleryDescription').fadeIn('slow'); gallery created by Jon Bergmann {{if error}} ${name} ${sizef} Error: {{if error === 1}}File exceeds upload_max_filesize (php.ini directive) {{else error === 2}}File exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE (HTML form directive) {{else error === 3}}File was only partially uploaded {{else error === 4}}No File was uploaded {{else error === 5}}Missing a temporary folder {{else error === 6}}Failed to write file to disk {{else error === 7}}File upload stopped by extension {{else error === 'maxFileSize'}}}The resolution of this image is too big {{else error === 'minFileSize'}}The resolution of this image is a little small. The minimum size is 160x160 {{else error === 'minResolutionSize'}}The resolution of this image is a little small. The minimum size is 160x160 {{else error === 'tooWide'}}This image is too wide for our gallery to display correctly. You will need to replace it with something that is proportional to your monitor. {{else error === 'tooTall'}}This image is too tall for our gallery to display correctly. You will need to replace it with something that is proportional to your monitor. {{else error === 'acceptFileTypes'}}Filetype not allowed {{else error === 'maxNumberOfFiles'}}Max number of files exceeded {{else error === 'uploadedBytes'}}Uploaded bytes exceed file size {{else error === 'emptyResult'}}Empty file upload result {{else}}${error} {{/if}} {{else}} {{if thumbnail_url}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{if type === 'image'}} ${description} $('.galleryDescription').hide(); $('#bigImage').load(function () { var newHeight = $('#bigImage').height() + $('.galleryDescription').height() + 60; if (newHeight < 360) { newHeight = 360; } $('#progressbar').hide('blind', {}, 300); $('#loading').animate({ height: newHeight + 'px' }, 300); $(this).fadeIn('slow'); }); $('.galleryDescription').fadeIn('slow'); {{html ""}} {{else}} ${description}
  • a situation in which lower order thinking is removed from whole-class teaching time and placed upon the individual regardless of whether video or any other technologies are being used.
  • Content is important in that it is the structure upon which learning is built
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Content mastery must be accompanied by healthy relationships in a learning community that fosters curiosity within learners.
  • so class time can be used to foster healthy relationships and engage students in higher levels of cognition to help ignite curiosity
diane hamilton

Generate HTML Tables Clean and Fast - 0 views

    a tool for table generation - it allows you to set up a table and provides the html code that you can copy and paste to other locations to place your table wherever you want
Lauren D

Direct Instruction: Targeting Strategies for Student Success - 1 views

    "The exemplary model of direct, explicit instruction consists of five phases that allow teachers to scaffold instruction, gradually shifting and releasing responsibility for completing a task from themselves to students." 1. Orientation 2. Presentation 3. Structured Practice 4. Guided Practice 5. Independent Practice
Joan McCabe

Fostering Communities of Learning in Two Portuguese Pre-School Classrooms Applying the ... - 0 views

    "This study provides evidence on how young children can start to direct their learning plans and take responsibility in responding to their problems through active participation in planning and assessment, and it therefore contributes to our understanding of how ECE classrooms can operate as Communities of Learning. In any Communities of Learning, there is always a dual focus: To empower children as learners, using the concept of learning as change in participation, but also to keep a close and critical eye on what the nature of the change is and its relationship with valuable learning. Edwards (2005) calls it "learning as a resourceful action" and argues that it "allows us to examine the processes of learning as well as the outcomes and to consider how they are pedagogically supported" (p. 58). Her argument for research that highlights the cognitive potential of sociocultural approaches to learning can contribute to the research about Learning Cultures in kindergarten (Hodkinson et al. 2008).
alexandra m. pickett - the affordance of anch... - 0 views

    Describes anchored discussion. Compares regular discussion with anchored discussion.
    Anchored discussion is a form of collaborative literature processing. It "starts from the notion of collaborative discussion that is contextualized or anchored within a specific content" (van der Pol, Admiraal & Simons, 2006). In this course, the discussions we participate in are based on prompts that address ideas included in each of the required resources for each module. However, an anchored discussion is a discussion that is focused on one piece of literature. As students read and digest the material, discussions about the meaning of that material occur within a window where the material is present. It is like having an asynchronous chat window open next to a research article. (van der Pol et al., 2006) As I started learning about anchored discussions, I saw many connections to shared annotation such as what we use Diigo for. Van der Pol et al. (2006) state that "shared annotation might leave more room for individual processes, but is shown to have some limitations in supporting interactivity". Anchored discussions take shared annotation a step further in that it requires conversation (as opposed to individual notes) regarding a resource. The collaborative piece of anchored discussions really got my attention in that it provides greater opportunity for the development of teaching presence by both students and the instructor. The opportunity to facilitate a discussion within the context of a required reading is an exciting idea for me. The use of anchored discussion allows for all three facets of teaching presence: instructional design and organization, facilitating discourse, and direct instruction (Shea, Pickett, & Pelz, 2003). I am wondering if there is a way to use Diigo in creating anchored discussions.
William Meredith

Online Learning - Student-Centered Learning - 0 views

  • These are true benefits of a student-centered learning environment. Learners who really want to learn flourish in this environment, while those that are in classes for other reasons (parents sent them to college, or they had nothing else to do so came to school) will not fare as well.
  • Open-ended, student-centered environments properly designed to support learners allow them the best opportunity to succeed. It also gives them the prospect of finding something they want to learn more about--serendipity. As learning progresses, students are allowed to assess their progress and learning needs, to adjust the learning as necessary.
  • To be effective, learning must be meaningful to the student. Otherwise, the instructor's time in creating the environment and assignments, and the student's time in taking the course, are both wasted.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • In the online course, the learner must direct his or her learning process, since the instructor is not standing next to the student telling him or her what to do next.
  • Online Learning - Student-Centered Learning
  • Benefits of student-centered learning environments include dynamic and constantly evolving learning through activities that focus on underlying cognitive processes which are based in relevant contexts.
    Why focus on student-centered learning?
diane hamilton

Voice Feedback & Visuals -- Crews - YouTube - 0 views

    giving feedback via screencast or similar technology to allow for student visual product to show while instructor provides verbal comment
Lauren D

Increasing Student Interaction in Your Online Course - 0 views

    create a Dear Abby discussion forum in your online course that allows students to post problems they may be having with a particular concept or assignment assign a few new students to the role of Abby each week and have them respond directly to any peer questions encourage other students in class to confirm "Abby's" suggestions or provide alternative suggestions
Luke Fellows

The Facebook phenomenon: online self-disclosure and uncertainty reduction. - Free Onlin... - 0 views

  • Facebook has begun to transform the way in which individuals perceive relationship development and interpersonal reactions, namely through self-disclosure.
  • A self-disclosure is any message or interaction between individuals that communicates information about oneself to others
  • Uncertainty reduction is the exchange of information between individuals that allows one to form impressions of others and make sense of social situations
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The process of uncertainty reduction thus enables individuals to predict another individual's actions, attitudes and behaviors, which can ease anxiety in initial social encounters
  • Facebook ranks higher than any other form of communication technology, including phone and email, and has become the number one choice of communication for university students
  • Self-disclosure is the process of revealing personal information about one's self through verbal communication (Sheldon, 2009). Traditional theories of self-disclosure pertain to face-to-face communication encounters, which suggest that self-disclosure allows others to know more about him or herself
Diana Cary

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching - 0 views

  • Traditional course management systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, or WebCT provide integrated solutions for faculty to post course content, assignments, and student grades.
  • They are often document-centered, allowing instructors to post PowerPoint slides, Word and PDF files, and other course content for students to access. In addition, many course management systems allow students to log in to check grades, submit assignments, or take exams electronically. The responsibility lies with the instructor to create the course content for students to download or access.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Heather Kurto

Making Sense of MOOCs: Musings in a Maze of Myth, Paradox and Possibility | Daniel | Jo... - 0 views

  • The first course carrying the name MOOC was offered in 2008, so this is new phenomenon. Second, the pedagogical style of the early courses, which we shall call cMOOCs, was based on a philosophy of connectivism and networking. This is quite distinct from the xMOOCs now being developed by elite US institutions that follow a more behaviourist approach. Third, the few academic studies of MOOCs are about the earlier offerings because there has been no time for systematic research on the crop of 2012 xMOOCs. Analysis of the latter has to be based on a large volume of press articles and blogs. Fourth, commentary on MOOCs includes thinly disguised promotional material by commercial interests (e.g. Koller, 2012) and articles by practitioners whose perspective is their own MOOC courses.
  • The term MOOC originated in Canada. Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander coined the acronym to describe an open online course at the University of Manitoba designed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes. The course, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, was presented to 25 fee-paying students on campus and 2,300 other students from the general public who took the online class free of charge (Wikipedia, 2012a).
  • Can xMOOCs make money?
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • In 1841 the 'inventor of the blackboard was ranked among the best contributors to learning and science, if not among the greatest benefactors to mankind'. A century later, in 1940, the motion picture was hailed the most revolutionary instrument introduced into education since the printing press. Television was the educational revolution in 1957. In 1962 it was programmed learning and in 1967 computers. Each was labelled the most important development since Gutenberg's printing press.
  • technology has been about to transform education for a long time
  • But first, we agree with Bates (2012) that what MOOCs will not do is address the challenge of expanding higher education in the developing world. It may encourage universities there, both public and private, to develop online learning more deliberately, and OER from MOOC courses may find their way, alongside OER from other sources, into the teaching of local institutions.
  • With such support MOOCs provide a great opportunity to develop new pedagogy. In a world of abundant content, courses can draw from a pool of open educational resources (OER) and provide their students with better and more varied teaching than individual instructors could develop by themselves. The University of Michigan (2012) (which made history by using OER from Africa in its medical school) uses OER extensively in its Coursera course Internet History, Technology and Security. UC Berkeley (2012) draws extensively on OER in its course on Quantum Computing.
  • teaching methods 'are based on very old and out-dated behaviourist pedagogy, relying primarily on information transmission, computer-marked assignments and peer assessment'.
  • Another myth is that computers personalise learning. Bates (2012) again: 'No, they don't. They allow students alternative routes through material and they allow automated feedback but they do not provide a sense of being treated as an individual.
  • He notes (Siemens, 2012) that 'MOOCs are really a platform' and that the platforms for the two types of MOOC that we described at the beginning of the paper are substantially different because they serve different purposes. In Siemens' words 'our cMOOC model emphasises creation, creativity, autonomy and social networking learning.
  • pedagogy is not a familiar word on the xMOOC campuses. It is a myth that professors distinguished by their research output are competent to create online courses without help.
  • This, in turn, will put a focus on teaching and pedagogy to which these institutions are unaccustomed, which will be healthy. At the same time academics all around the world will make judgements about the intellectual quality and rigour of the institutions that have exposed themselves in this way.
  • With such support MOOCs provide a great opportunity to develop new pedagogy. In a world of abundant content, courses can draw from a pool of open educational resources (OER) and provide their students with better and more varied teaching than individual instructors could develop by themselves.

Collaborative annotation of images | speakingimage - 0 views

    An interactive tool for group annotations of images - great for art, maps, anatomy, diagrams and more. Allows embedded wiki pages linked to points within the image, advanced selection and highlighting tools, links to video within the image.
    This is a very robust tool, when it works. Early versions were not capable of handling too many people and the group function broke down. However subsequent communication with the authors of this software revealed they had invested quite a bit of effort in the new beta to overcome some of the early issues. I want to test this for my class.
Alicia Fernandez

Using Content Curation Tools to Engage Students | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    The abundance of freely available information also has changed the role of educators. It's no longer about us standing in front of class and providing information. It's about helping these learners contextualize that information. Helping them connect it to what is out there in the real world and give it foundation and meaning. They have access to the information already, but can they critically evaluate it and figure out which piece goes into which puzzle? Then the question becomes, how should we, as instructors, be helping them? One method to facilitate this process is to have the students contribute to the class content. There are a variety of sites out there that combine content curation with a social networking component, thereby allowing users to discover, organize, and share content around a specific topic.
alexandra m. pickett

Jing, screenshot and screencast software from TechSmith - 1 views

    • b malczyk
      For the Moduel 4 assignment I explored and practiced using Jing. I know Alex has used it many times in our course. I will use it in the beginning of my course to help student get familiar with blackboard. Many of my students in previous semesters are unfamilar with blackboard. Having a screencast video can help them to feel comfortable with blackboard and help to resolve many questions that students will have right from the beginning.
  • Take Screenshots: Capture an image of what you see on your computer screen Record Screencasts: Record up to 5 minutes of onscreen video
  • Jing eliminates a lot of phone and email time
    • b malczyk
      In previous semester I received several emails at the beginning of the course about how to use the online discussion boards, how to upload files, how to download article etc. Having a video screencast can allow students to watch step by step how to do all of these thing.
    • b malczyk
      In previous semester I received several emails at the beginning of the course about how to use the online discussion boards, how to upload files, how to download article etc. Having a video screencast can allow students to watch step by step how to do all of these thing.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Give your students the information they need
    • b malczyk
      For the Moduel 4 assignment I explored and practiced using Jing. I know Alex has used it many times in our course. I will use it in the beginning of my course to help student get familiar with blackboard. Many of my students in previous semesters are unfamilar with blackboard. Having a screencast video can help them to feel comfortable with blackboard and help to resolve many questions that students will have right from the beginning.
    jing- screen shots on to use blackboard
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