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Contents contributed and discussions participated by William Meredith

William Meredith

Using Project-Based Learning to Teach World Languages | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Consequently, cross cultural communicative competencies are increasingly important for mutual understanding and cooperation - how is that for some alliteration?
    • William Meredith
  • I am also keen on addressing the necessary skills students must acquire for the 21st century as outlined in the wonderful document from the Carnegie Institute available at (2).
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  • Next year, I plan to augment my project-based approach by connecting my classes with classes in 3 Francophone countries - France, Canada, and Sénégal
  • ie, they will learn to communicate in French while learning 21st century skills!
    How to use project based learning in world language courses
William Meredith

Building Student Engagement in Online Courses - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus - 0 views

  • The telephone.
  • “Students need to feel like they know their instructor and that you’re interested in how they’re doing,” says Mandernach, noting that these random calls make such a favorable impression on students that they always comment on it in their course evaluations.
  • online learning environment where students are not only isolated from their instructor and fellow students, but must be disciplined enough to ward off distractions and other commitments that compete for their time.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • integrates active learning environments with authentic learning tasks; fosters a personal connection with the class (teacher-student as well as student-student); and facilitates the process of learning in an online environment.
    Keeping students engaged online
William Meredith

Online Learning - Student-Centered Learning - 0 views

  • These are true benefits of a student-centered learning environment. Learners who really want to learn flourish in this environment, while those that are in classes for other reasons (parents sent them to college, or they had nothing else to do so came to school) will not fare as well.
  • Open-ended, student-centered environments properly designed to support learners allow them the best opportunity to succeed. It also gives them the prospect of finding something they want to learn more about--serendipity. As learning progresses, students are allowed to assess their progress and learning needs, to adjust the learning as necessary.
  • To be effective, learning must be meaningful to the student. Otherwise, the instructor's time in creating the environment and assignments, and the student's time in taking the course, are both wasted.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • In the online course, the learner must direct his or her learning process, since the instructor is not standing next to the student telling him or her what to do next.
  • Online Learning - Student-Centered Learning
  • Benefits of student-centered learning environments include dynamic and constantly evolving learning through activities that focus on underlying cognitive processes which are based in relevant contexts.
    Why focus on student-centered learning?
William Meredith

French I Tutorial: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar * Learn French Online * Free F... - 0 views

    Pronunciation of French words and phrases
William Meredith

Does User Age Differ in Perceptions of Online Learning for Certified and Licensed Pesti... - 0 views

    No age difference in satisfaction in online learning
William Meredith

What Your Ph.D. Didn't Cover | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • Now, recognizing that what these instructors need is markedly different training from their counterparts in high schools and at four-year universities, some graduate programs are offering credentials specifically for those students who plan to or already teach at community colleges as a supplement to their subject matter graduate training.
  • Those seeking the certificate do not have to be enrolled in a Temple graduate program, and there is a specific track for current community college instructors who, though they are already experts in their discipline, want a professional development opportunity to learn new teaching techniques.
  • The certificate for current community college instructors consists of a three-credit seminar on “teaching in higher education” — with broad-based lessons on various teaching philosophies and course designs — and three one-credit modules on specific topics. Current topics are “assessment,” “diversity and inclusive teaching” and “teaching with technology.
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  • “Having a Ph.D. doesn’t necessarily prepare one for teaching, so some are having 'a-ha' moments by the minute in the program,” Barnett said.
  • Offering teaching certificates to community college instructors or those who wish to become them is not an entirely new idea. In contrast to Temple’s more general teaching certificate, a few other graduate programs around the country have certificate programs for specific disciplines at community colleges
  • “There’s a lot of research on programs that prepare new teaching assistants and those of the like, but there is very little research on preparing community college teachers,”
    Preparing PhDs to teach at community colleges
William Meredith

Managing Virtual Adjunct Faculty: Applying the Seven Principles of Good Practice - 0 views

  • Virtual adjunct faculty have largely carried higher education into the cyber classroom. Adjunct faculty have always been broadly used in higher education, especially in the community college setting. Nationally, adjuncts teach 30-50% of all credit courses. At community colleges, adjuncts compose about 60% of all faculty (Gappa and Leslie, 1993).
  • About 80% of all online course offerings are taught by virtual adjuncts. About 70% of the active 250 adjuncts teaching in the program reside in the state of Florida , and the other half in assorted states.
  • As colleges and universities work steadily to get full-time faculty onboard with distance learning, virtual adjuncts have eagerly stepped up to fill the void, thereby enabling institutions to respond promptly to market demand.
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  • Having familiar, collegial, and multiple points of contact helps them develop and maintain the confidence they need to be successful teachers. And, mentoring is a proven-effective strategy for support, improvement, and community building.
  • . Adjuncts who know that they are working for a professional organization are more likely to feel a sense of pride in their affiliation, and feel accountable to the institution.
  • These required training opportunities allow new adjuncts to actively learn about FCCJ's instructional culture, and build community with other instructors. They actively discuss their teaching experiences, best practices, learn new strategies for teaching online, and apply those strategies to the courses they are currently teaching.
  • In the online environment, Virtual Adjuncts need to know clearly what the institution's expectations are of them, and whether they are meeting those expectations. There is very little continuity among contemporary online programs, and each institution has its own instructional priorities, goals, constituencies, and definitions of excellence. Many adjuncts teach simultaneously at multiple institutions, and so it is important to define expectations clearly.
  • Peer-based sharing is the most effective model for the professional learning community
  • Maria Puzziferro-Schnitzer
    How to manage a growing cadre of online adjuncts.  Provides great numbers on percentages of adjuncts.
William Meredith

Faculty Concerns about Online Teaching - Online Colleges - 0 views

  • Despite increasing rates of enrollment in online colleges, the most recent studies show that faculty in all fields has mixed feelings about the quality of online courses and online teaching. This has been a consistent trend for several years
  • 48% of faculty who have taught online thought that online courses were inferior to on-the-ground courses, and only 37.2% thought that online and face-to-face courses were equivalent in quality and outcomes.
  • According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, more than 50% of college faculty consistently report that institutional support for teaching and developing online courses is below average
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  • One of the biggest concerns that college faculty have about online education is that students do not take such courses as seriously as they take face-to-face courses. Commercials promoting “college in your pajamas” do not help the reputation of online students.
  • For faculty opinion about online education to change, online faculty needs more support and respect from their colleges and respect
    Building more respect for online learning
William Meredith

Getting Started Teaching Online | The Sloan Consortium - 0 views

  • Online enrollments continue to increase substantially (Allen & Seaman, 2010, p. 2), as nearly one third (30%) of higher education students take at least one online course (Allen & Seaman, 2010, p. 2).
  • These data revealed that online learning has been adopted in the mainstream of higher education with trends indicating continued growth. Unfortunately, however, institutions often require instructors to design/develop online courses and/or transition into teaching in the online learning environment sans an understanding of the fundamental pedagogical/andragogical differences among face-to-face (f2f), blended/hybrid, and online learning environments.
    preparing to teach online
William Meredith

Differences Between Online and Classroom Teaching - 0 views

  • Online teachers must often have all class material prepared and ready for students before the course ever begins.
  • In online classes, teachers are not required to be in class at any particular time, but must make themselves available to student questions on a consistent basis throughout each day to insure that students have a consistent resource for learning
  • Instructors who conduct classes online have to be more aware of certain teaching techniques and learning outcomes. For example, online teaching classes available through public high school systems as well as postsecondary institutions emphasize the need to facilitate student communication. Because learners aren't communicating in a classroom setting, they need to be able to conduct ongoing dialogue with peers and professors. Teachers may wish to assign group projects or set participation quotas to provide distance-education students with the same sense of community and learning support that classroom-based students experience.
    Differences n teaching online or f2f
William Meredith

Sensation-Seeking | - 0 views

    • William Meredith
      Not applicable to higher education?
  • Nevertheless, these students still pay attention to tasks, activities, and media messages that are low in sensation-value, if the topic is particularly salient to them. For example, individuals may attend to a seemingly boring documentary on cancer research, if they have close relatives or friends who is suffering from the disease; they may attend to a lecture on the stock market if they have just received the gift of a larger sum of money.
  • Students with a high sensation needs benefit from instructional practices that meet those needs. It certainly is not possible to meet the needs of these students at all times, but some lessons can be altered to better hold their attention.
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  • benefit from changes in daily routines
  • hese adaptations include: (a) the use of dramatic role-playing activities (including the videotaping of such activities), (b) the incorporation of videos and music into traditional lessons, (c) the inclusion of outside speakers with real-world experiences, and (d) the opportunity for students to facilitate conversations and activities in the classrooms
  • Third, educators need to be aware that students with high sensation needs may also experience problems with behavior in the classroom. These students are more likely to get out of their seats, to talk to their neighbors, and to seek attention from the teacher. Thus targeting students with high needs for sensation early on and setting up classroom contexts to provide for these students' needs may alleviate some potential behavioral problems in the classroom.
  • Sensation-seeking is characterized by researchers as a basic human need and as a component of human personality. The need for sensation runs along a continuum, wherein some individuals have a high need for sensation, whereas others have a low need for sensation.
  • The concept of sensation-seeking primarily has been studied in the domains of clinical psychology, personality psychology, health psychology, and communications. From an evolutionary perspective, attention to novel stimuli in the environment was necessary for human survival
  • Individuals who have high sensation needs typically engage in certain predictable behaviors. Most notably, the research indicates that individuals who exhibit a high need for sensation often are more likely to engage in risky or dangerous behaviors, such as abusing substances and having unprotected sexual intercours
  • Research indicates that sensation-seeking rises markedly during early adolescence (Donohew et al., 1994). For many adolescents, this increase coincides with the transition from elementary school into middle school. Thus although students with high needs for sensation are present in elementary, middle, and high schools, these students may be particularly prevalent in middle school settings.
William Meredith

Learnng Styles take your test - 0 views

    Learning styles or multiple intelligences?
William Meredith

Strategies for Effective Online Group Work: Virtual Work Groups - 0 views

  • It is very important to bond with group members---to break the ice, post photos, details, etc.---so that team members can know each other personally
  • It is a good idea to discuss and identify the tasks at the beginning of the group work. The key is to divide the work and let individual team member’s work on their tasks
  • Finally, bring together all the work and make sure it blends in. The work should flow and sound as if it was d
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • It is a good idea to discuss and identify the tasks at the beginning of the group work. The key is to divide the work and let individual team member’s work on their tasks. Finally, bring together all the work and make sure it blends in. The work should flow and sound as if it was don
  • by one person only
  • It is recommended to define a communication plan and communicate regularly with an instant manager or video chat.
  • All group members should have their own tasks for which they are responsible. If done accurately, they should be rewarded in terms of acknowledgement in the form of a group thank you message
    How to be successful in online groups
William Meredith

Why we need group work in Online Learning | online learning insights - 1 views

  • collaboration is about open, learning, relationships, sharing and innovation.
  • Learning from and through peers is a dimension of learning both in the class and online that is often negated. In previous posts, I’ve also discussed the need for social presence as one of three dimensions of the community of inquiry model, which is foundational to successful group work. Students’ ability to express themselves confidently online is necessary for effective team learning.
  • For e-learning and online educators, incorporating group work into courses is a non-negotiable, given the demands and needs for collaboration and [online] communication skills.
    The necessity for group work in online courses
William Meredith

Constructing Experiential Learning for Online Courses: The Birth of E-Service (EDUCAUSE... - 0 views

  • . In this environment, teachers become mentors and guides rather than the "all knowing" authority often associated with the traditional face-to-face format. In addition, new issues and challenges have begun to materialize from this new paradigm, prompting investigations related to the quality of online instruction:
  • engage distance students in their local communities through experiential learning opportunities.
  • provide community service as part of their academic coursework, learn about and reflect upon the community context in which the service is provided, and develop an understanding of the connection between service and their academic work.3
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  • t becomes difficult to develop experiences for distance students that continue to provide work-based experiences and engage them as members in their local communities.
  • Reflection is a major component of service-learning
  • When conducting online courses, e-service offers excellent outreach to community organizations and fills a void in meeting community needs. As the educational paradigm shifts to more distance learning, students will be looking for ways to gain work experience and build long-lasting partnerships with their communities that will benefit their future careers. The experiences provide rich, authentic, hands-on training for students.
  • E-learning challenges students to think in new ways, explore new ways of problem solving, and raise critical questions about their learning and service. E-service enhances student academic experience through experiential learning that reflects the complex issues of students' future workplaces. Students get the opportunity to wrestle with complex issues right in their own communities and to become a part of the solution. These solutions are shared with peers statewide, assisting other small towns and businesses that may have similar needs.
  • Because online students tend not to be the traditional age of on-campus students and usually work a 40-hour week in addition to going to school, access to a community partner can be a challenge.
    Creating service-learning in an online environment
William Meredith

Benefits of Online Learning | Education Guidance | - 0 views

  • 2. Online learning enables student-centered teaching approaches
  • Course material is accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Students have the ability to read and re read lectures, discussions, explanations and comments. Often spoken material in the classroom passes students by due to a number of distractions, missed classes, tiredness or boredom.
  • Over 75% of colleges and universities in the U.S. offer online degree programs, with online degrees as respected as "on the ground" degrees. (Lewis)
    15 reasons why people like online learning
William Meredith

Understanding Oral Learners - Moon - 2012 - Teaching Theology & Religion - Wiley Online... - 0 views

    • William Meredith
      Perhaps students need the preparation in being evaluated by both?
  • Since oral learners often learn best in dialogue with others, create opportunities for dialogue to occur. This could be in the form of group projects outside of class or small group discussions in the classroom.
  • Oral learners also learn best when learning is connected to real events, people, and struggles of life instead of learning principles that are removed from actual people and struggles.
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  • Generally, oral learners have a more difficult time with online learning. It is not that they cannot do the work; rather, they will have to work harder to stay engaged through this print-based teaching form. Many of the above recommendations still apply but they may be more difficult to provide in an online platform. Suggestions for teaching oral students online include:
  • personal contact
  • Incorporate media assignments in the classroom,
  • Provide opportunities for assignments that are engaged in real life struggles, events, and people instead of abstract principles
  • Oral learners learn best and have their lives most transformed when professors utilize oral teaching and assessment methods.
  • Whereas previous generations in U.S. seminaries assumed that print-based means of teaching and assessing were effective to produce student learning and transformation, many contemporary students prefer to learn through oral means
  • The results of this research indicate that slightly more seminary students had an oral versus print learning preference. In order to create positive learning experiences and effectively reach students, it is important to understand the difference between oral and print preferences
  • , this paper seeks to understand how learning is shaped by oral versus print preferences. In short, how do oral learners learn differently than print learners?
  • discovered that slightly over half of the students evaluated via an Orality Assessment Tool (Abney 2001) had a preference for oral learning
  • Her grades were based entirely on print-based rubrics. Part of the difference in her grading was due to learning/assessment preferences rather than intelligence. This was a breath of fresh air for her as she was finally starting to understand herself and her learning preferences better.
William Meredith

InstructionalDesign - 0 views

  • The primary goal is information acquisition
  • Examples are traditional classroom lectures, reading assignments, and watching educational television.
  • high degree of instructional support, feedback and reinforcement — with limited learner control
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  • typically characterized by problem-solving and scaffolded guidance that supports learning from an inductive, case-based and example approach.
  • characterized by the highest degree of learner control, initiative, and self-direction
    The four architectures of instruction for blended classrooms.  
William Meredith

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - 1 views

  • seven distinct intelligences.
  • "we are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligences - the so-called profile of intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress in various domains."
  • Gardner says that these differences "challenge an educational system that assumes that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way and that a uniform, universal measure suffices to test student learning. Indeed, as currently constituted, our educational system is heavily biased toward linguistic modes of instruction and assessment and, to a somewhat lesser degree, toward logical-quantitative modes as well."
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Very aware of their environments.
  • Keen sense of body awareness.
  • They love music, but they are also sensitive to sounds in their environments
  • These students learn through interaction
  • These learners tend to shy away from others
  • reasoning, calculatin
  • At first, it may seem impossible to teach to all learning styles. However, as we move into using a mix of media or multimedia, it becomes easier
    a description of Gardner's inteligences
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