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Contents contributed and discussions participated by khirnhup yeo

khirnhup yeo

Inaccurate update info - 19 views

  • khirnhup yeo
    In the My Groups page, it always says no updates on the various groups although this is clearly wrong. Not too sure if this problem has been noted by others. Surely I cannot be the only one?
  • khirnhup yeo
    Hi Sandy. Essentially, the problem is as I have explained. The My Groups page always reports no updates for all my groups. Knowing the frequency of postings in the Diigo Community group for instance, this is clearly impossible. I attach a screen capture fyi:

    Note that this happens all the time. The My Groups page NEVER reports any updates whatsoever.
  • khirnhup yeo
    Yes, the problem is fixed. Thank you for the pronto response. Cheers!
khirnhup yeo

Teacher Console: Cannot delete members' names - 29 views

Teacher Console delete members
  • khirnhup yeo
    I notice that the names of members continue to appear in the Console even after they are supposed to have been deleted. The Group Info box correctly reflects the number of current members though.
  • ...1 more comments...
  • khirnhup yeo
    The group name is ykh-gp. Thanks for the quick response.
  • khirnhup yeo
    Seems like a solution has yet to be found??
  • khirnhup yeo
    Seems ok now. Thank you very much!
Marielle Palombo

Changing group tags - 137 views

groups tags change
started by Marielle Palombo on 05 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Tyme 2.0

snapshot ( now "cached" ) checkbox disable ! (PREMIUM) - 100 views

premium snapshot cached
started by Tyme 2.0 on 06 Sep 10 no follow-up yet
khirnhup yeo

Error message - 12 views

bug help resolved
started by khirnhup yeo on 22 Apr 10 no follow-up yet
khirnhup yeo

Teacher Console - 33 views

started by khirnhup yeo on 10 Apr 10 no follow-up yet
  • khirnhup yeo
    When a student changes username or password, such a change does not seem to be updated in the Console.
khirnhup yeo

Keep a message on top - 16 views

started by khirnhup yeo on 08 Apr 10 no follow-up yet
yc c liked it
  • khirnhup yeo
    Within a group, is there any way to keep a topic or bookmark always on top?
khirnhup yeo

Polls Help - 5 views

help diigo polls
started by khirnhup yeo on 03 Apr 10 no follow-up yet
1 - 8 of 8
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