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Soffit Fascia Repair Installation in Bridgeport , CT - Soffit Fascia Repair - 0 views

    We offer the best Soffit Fascia Repair Installation in Bridgeport , CT .We also offer gutter, painting, sliding and other services. Get a Free quote now.

CT Campus - 0 views

    CT Campus is spreading its Wings all over the India in the field of Govt Jobs ( Bank Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Officer , SCC, CGL, NDA, CTET, TTET, ).
jacob logan

AI surpasses humans in predicting heart attack and death - 0 views

    An algorithm has learned how to identify imaging patterns correlating to heart attack and death in cardiac patients and can predict the occurrence of these events with superior accuracy to human doctors, according to a study presented at 2019's International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT (ICNC) in Lisbon, Portugal.
Joel Liu

Why diigo toolbar report every web access to - 24 views

Diigo doesn't record your history. The server need the URL information to decide several things 1) Whether you have made highlights/Sticky notes on this page before, if yes, load them back. 2) Whet...

help resolved

Graham Perrin

Error deleting highlights - 53 views

Graham Perrin wrote: > i) Using Diigo online, the web interface, can you delete the duplicates? Update duplicate overlapped highlights can not be deleted - if the duplicates are limited to y...

highlight bug duplicate hide


Đặc điểm để hiểu về thép hình chữ U và chữ I - 2 views

thép I thép hình thép H thép góc L thép U

Niharika Anand

Connecticut Map | Map of Connecticut (CT) - 0 views

    Connecticut Map for free download. Detailed map of Connecticut shows its capital, major cities, Rivers, highways, airports, rivers, etc.
Laura Johnson

Algebra Tutor NewCanaan - 0 views

    Select a tutor for face-to-face instruction in your own home or some other nearby location. Or, if you prefer, choose an online tutor for even more convenient assistance. You'll be amazed at how invaluable an algebra tutor in New Canaan, CT, can be! Math homework help can be particularly beneficial to your grades and your knowledge base.
Graham Perrin

Can't install diigo v.4.1 toolbar on flock v.2.5 - 17 views

Error: no element found Source File: Line: 1

toolbar v4 flock

Ole C  Brudvik

T H E H O R I Z O N R E P O RT - 0 views

  • THe New sCHoLarsHiP aNd eMerGiNG forMs of PubLiCaTioN Time-to-adoption Horizon: four to five Years The time-honored activities of academic research and scholarly activity have benefited from the explosion of access to research materials and the ability to collaborate at a distance. At the same time, the processes of research, review, publication, and tenure are challenged by the same trends. The proliferation of audience- generated content combined with open-access content models is changing the way we think about scholarship and publication—and the way these activities are conducted
  • Increasingly, scholars are beginning to employ methods unavailable to their counterparts of several years ago, including prepublication releases of their work, distribution through nontraditional channels, dynamic visualization of data and results, and new ways to conduct peer reviews using online collaboration.
  • New forms of scholarship, including fresh models of publication and nontraditional scholarly products, are evolving along with the changing process. Some of these forms are very common—blogs and video clips, for instance—but academia has been slow to recognize and accept them. Some scholars worry that blogging may cut into time that would otherwise be used for scholarly research or writing, for example, or that material in a podcast is not as well researched as material prepared for print publication. Proponents of these new forms argue that they serve a different purpose than traditional writing and research—a purpose that improves, rather than runs counter to, other kinds of scholarly work. Blogging scholars report that the forum for airing ideas and receiving comments from their colleagues helps them to hone their thinking and explore avenues they might otherwise have overlooked.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • While significant challenges remain before the emerging forms of scholarship we are seeing are accepted, nonetheless, there are many examples of work that is expanding the boundaries of what we have traditionally thought of as scholarship. In the coming years, as more scholars and researchers make original and worthwhile contributions to their fields using these new forms, methods for evaluating and recognizing those contributions will be developed, and we expect to see them become an accepted form of academic work.
  • examples of the New scholarship and emerging forms of Publication The following links provide examples of the new scholarship and emerging forms of publication.
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THE ROCKETT 257 COMPANY INC. (frankiesteelie) on Pinterest - 0 views

    Captain-Hemp-Oil-Products-CONTENT-IS-KING - BUZZEZESOCIAL.NING.COM To-Get-HIGH-or-NOT-That-is-the-Question THE ROCKETT 257 COMPANY INC. NEW AGE WAR MACHINE Captain-Hemp-Oil-Products-CONTENT-IS-KING BUZZEZESOCIAL.NING.COM NEW PRIME BUSINESS: I Have Dropped Everything to get the Word OUT.New Global Curve,"Hemp Oil Products"currently 170 million,BUT,Forbes Projects,"Next Multi-Billion Dollar Industry"WHY,CBD,Cannabidiol The Super Ingredient in Hemp(NON THC) Natural Medicinal Health Benefits,Endless,CBD IS the Component in the Cannabis Family which is for Pain Relief.CTFO,Changing The Future Outcome Gives You a Free 24 Product E-Commerce Store with Shopping Cart,Unique 4 Money Stream Payment Plan,Get in the Forefront of this HUGE Health and Wellness Trend!

Toolbar communication causes Security Warnings in IE - 88 views

I have the same problem. Uninstalling diigo toolbar and then reinstalling does not help.

suggestion toolbar ie Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 7


150+ Software/Tech Marketing Stats to Help You Plan for 2018 {PDF} - 0 views

    Looking for solid stats to support your 2018 marketing plan? We've got you covered.

Watch!! Cape Town Sevens Rugby Live stream HSBC World Series online - 5 views

Watch Cape Town Sevens Live Stream HSBC World Series CT Sevens Rugby 2017 Cape Town Sevens Live Stream freeLIVE New Zealand vs HSBC Cape Town Sevens Rugby 2017 Online Stream free. Watch Cape Town 7...

Cape Town 7s Rugby live stream

started by lmona0489 on 09 Dec 17 no follow-up yet
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