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sophiya miller

A Comprehensive Guide to Top 10 Online Resources for Academic Success - 2 views

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, students often find themselves juggling multiple assignments, projects, and exams simultaneously. The digital era has not only transformed the way we ac...

takemyclasscourse college university education student

started by sophiya miller on 26 Dec 23 no follow-up yet
sophiya miller

How much does it cost to avail TakeMyClassCourse for online Physics classes? - 3 views

In the dynamic landscape of education, online learning has become an integral part of academic pursuits. There are some situations which make the students think who will Take My Online Physics Clas...

#takemyclasscourse #college #university #education #student

started by sophiya miller on 09 Jan 24 no follow-up yet
sophiya miller

Unveiling the Top 5 Online Assignment Help Services: Elevate Your Mechanical Engineerin... - 3 views

Embarking on the journey of higher education in Mechanical Engineering can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience. As you navigate through complex assignments and demanding courses, the supp...

college student university takemyclasscourse education

started by sophiya miller on 11 Dec 23 no follow-up yet

Top 10 Strategies for Excelling in Your Online Classes with TakeMyClassCourse - 7 views

Your post serves as a valuable resource for those seeking educational content. The thoughtful analysis and clarity of presentation make it a standout contribution to the academic community.

college university education takemyclasscourse student

Duane Sharrock

Bringing the world to innovation - MIT News Office - 0 views

  • mentions: a popular TED talk Smith gave in 2006 and Time magazine’s
  • D-Lab, the project aimed to develop creative solutions to problems facing people in the world’s least-affluent countries — and then hoped those residents would embrace the solutions.
  • thanks to a major new U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) grant to D-Lab and MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, D-Lab’s instructors and researchers will implement this strategy even more broadly — providing greater continuity to projects around the world, says D-Lab founder Amy Smith, a senior lecturer in MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The program now employs about 20 people and encompasses 16 courses that reach about 400 students each year. Even though D-Lab does little to publicize its activities, staffers are increasingly hearing that this program was a major reason why participating students chose to attend MIT.
  • Awareness of D-Lab has grown in recent years, thanks in part to some prominent mentions: a popular TED talk Smith gave in 2006 and Time magazine’s selection of her in 2010 as one of the world’s 100 most influential people.
  • with the new USAID support, “we can harness the alumni of IDDS as a kind of an extremely diverse and dispersed design consultancy,”
  • While some students have already managed to turn class projects into ongoing organizations — building better water filters in Africa, bicycle-powered washing machines in Latin America, and wheelchairs in India, for instance — the new funding should enable more such activities, Smith says, by “incubating ventures and training entrepreneurs.”
  • The emphasis has shifted,” Grau Serrat says, “more from designing for poor people to designing with poor people, or even design by poor people.”
    Another reason some students are applying to MIT. Undergrads are making a difference globally. "the innovative MIT classes and field trips known collectively as D-Lab, the project aimed to develop creative solutions to problems facing people in the world's least-affluent countries - and then hoped those residents would embrace the solutions." "The program now employs about 20 people and encompasses 16 courses that reach about 400 students each year. Even though D-Lab does little to publicize its activities, staffers are increasingly hearing that this program was a major reason why participating students chose to attend MIT." "All of D-Lab's classes assess the needs of people in less-privileged communities around the world, examining innovations in technology, education or communications that might address those needs. The classes then seek ways to spread word of these solutions - and in some cases, to spur the creation of organizations to help disseminate them. Specific projects have focused on improved wheelchairs and prosthetics; water and sanitation systems; and recycling waste to produce useful products, including charcoal fuel made from agricultural waste."
    "All of D-Lab's classes assess the needs of people in less-privileged communities around the world, examining innovations in technology, education or communications that might address those needs. The classes then seek ways to spread word of these solutions - and in some cases, to spur the creation of organizations to help disseminate them. Specific projects have focused on improved wheelchairs and prosthetics; water and sanitation systems; and recycling waste to produce useful products, including charcoal fuel made from agricultural waste."
Tom Daccord

Education Secretary Seeks to Foster Innovation in Schools With $5 Billion Fund - washin... - 0 views

    With $5 Billion Fund, Duncan Seeks to Fuel Innovation in Schools By Maria Glod Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, March 26, 2009; Page A19 Education Secretary Arne Duncan said yesterday that he will leverage a $5 billion fund to shape school reform, rewarding states that push for classroom innovation with federal stimulus dollars and denying extra aid to those that do not.
sophiya miller

Tailored Solutions for Academic Triumph: The World of Finance Assignment Help - 2 views

Embarking on the adventure of enrolling in an online finance course brings a mix of excitement and challenges. The ever-expanding digital landscape not only provides diverse learning opportunities ...

education college university takemyclasscourse student

started by sophiya miller on 05 Dec 23 no follow-up yet

Community Health Nurse Degree - 0 views

    Students seeking a career in healthcare should enroll in a community health nurse degree program. This program is offered by both regular and online schools. Students who cannot get into campus-based programs can get into an online degree program in community healthcare nursing and pursue exciting and rewarding employment opportunities in a convenient manner.
Nigel Coutts

Delivering on the promise of STEAM - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    The challenge is to ensure that students within a STEAM programme are better prepared than they might be if they studied the disciplines in isolation and that in seeking to integrate diverse fields we do not weaken the efficacy of one for the inclusion of another.
Tero Toivanen

How To Define Web 3.0 | How To Split An Atom - 1 views

  • I think I have managed to explain Web 3.0 quite nicely, so without further ado. Definition: Highly specialized information silos, moderated by a cult of personality, validated by the community, and put into context with the inclusion of meta-data through widgets.
  • Web 3.0 will take this one step further. If you are searching for information on Cars, for example, you would use the search engine as you normally would, but your results would be more specialized subengines.
  • Web 2.0 brought us a change in the basic way that we search, tagging.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • The strong algorithms that are currently used would be kept, but in addition some weight would be given to items that the community has flagged as interesting or voted on. Meme: Community built around search results.
  • You could type in what you were looking for, “conservative viewpoint on Darwin” for example and it would pull up results ordered by relevance (algorithms), tagging, and validation through user voting.
  • Seeking Validation
  • Seeking Entertainment
  • StumbleUpon may be the closest analogy to how we will be entertained in Web 3.0. You fill out a profile, define your tags and then flip the channel.
  • Meme: Relevance through user interaction.
  • Imagine a world where you could search a name and bring up that person, all the social networks they belong to, and produce a feed around them.
  • If I put a proper name into the search engine of Web 3.0 it would provide the running profile of my presence on the web; it would show everything in the webosphere that has been tagged as belonging to me, ordered by community validation and relevance.
  • In this Wikiality my page would contain both information that I have written about myself and information that has been written about me.
  • Meme: Everyone will have Page Rank.
  • Web 3.0 will see a more complete integration between devices like cell phones and the world wide web (does anything still use that term?) Posting pictures, videos and text from anywhere, anytime with as little hassle as possible.
  • Our pages will be little more than our personal interpretations of all the data available on the web, plugged into these pages through a growing array of widgets and shared with the world. Meme: The Widget Web
  • Summary Specialized Subengines for Search Social Networks replaced by People Search Your Online Presence Searchable, Taggable and Ordered by Relevance through Voting and Algorithms Increased Microblogging and more Powerful Widgets to allow you to place any of your feeds anywhere. Increased Integration between devices like cell phones and the web.
  • In ten years RSS and its related technologies will be seen as the single most important internet technology since Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau created the World Wide Web at CERN around 17 years ago.
  • If Web 3.0 is the Semantic Web, where computer agents read content like human beings do — then RSS will be its eyes (or at least its corrective lenses).
  • In this future, RSS will be extended to include a host of data-points it currently does not. Each blog post (or microblogging feed), every picture, every video clip will have searchable, taggable, XML based syndication around it.
  • Finally, RSS enables users to define their own contexts for information. Imagine a word where creating a mashup between Google maps and your Twitter account was no more difficult than sticking a few widgets together.
  • If you used a search engine, your results would be weighted based not only on the standard Web 3.0 metrics, but also on “what you care about” as defined by all your previous interactions with this particular search engine and all of this would be completely transparent.
  • Programs that surf the web for you will become more and more powerful. In a world where your personal profile containing your likes, dislikes and search history is as easy to upload as it is to add a feed to your RSS reader, it is no surprise that a major industry will be software that does your searching for you.
  • Microblogging will be the critical change in the way we write in Web 3.0. Imagine a world where your mobile phone, your email, and you television could all produce feedback that could easily be pushed to any or all blogging platforms. If you take a picture from your smart-phone, it would be automatically tagged, bagged and forwarded to your “lifestream”. If you rated a television show that you were watching, your review would be forwarded into the stream.
  • Fortunately, microblogging also opens up the world to new opportunities. Live blogging, a technique usually reserved for important events, would become common. If you can’t actually be at a conference, pictures, video and commentary could be pushed to you in real time. The entire world would become an Op-Ed piece.
  • In Web 3.0 search engines will need to have a better understanding of “context”. One way to accomplish this is to take a nod from directories and allow results to be tagged. These tags can be voted on by the community and would only be an addition to, not a replacement for, traditional sorting algorithms.
    How To Define Web 3.0 | How To Split An Atom
Brown Hemert

Payday Loans Long Term - Rapid Solution For Short Term Urgent Crisis - 0 views

    If you seeking a perfect loan that will take a comparatively short time to process, then payday loans long term are your ideal choice. It is the first ever loan that has high rates of approval with minimal requirements. Payday loans long term have a record of 100% sanctioning rate because of their low requirements and instant decision.
Diane Tillman

Get Better Results Out of your Marketing Campaign with Customized, Targeted Lists - 0 views

    C-level executives are usually the ones that marketing teams of other companies try to get in contact with. After all, these top-ranking individuals and corporate officers have the power of making decisions for the entirety of the company they work for. It is not a wonder why many people seek to buy executive lists from list providers.
    After all, these top-ranking individuals and corporate officers have the power of making decisions for the entirety of the company they work for.
    It is not a wonder why many people seek to buy executive lists from list providers.
Martin Burrett

My Reading Tool - 0 views

    An English language adventure game. Seek out the correct words and other English activities.
Sussana Martin

Islamic Education: Seeking Knowledge - 2 views

    Human history pre-dates the advent of Islam by about twenty five thousand years. During this long period man made little progress in knowledge and science.
Dimitris Tzouris

The 21st-Century Classroom - 26 views

    American classrooms are outdated. Slate seeks your great ideas for how to modernize them. - By Linda Perlstein - Slate Magazine

Law firm seeking record fee - 0 views

    HOUSTON - A California law firm is asking a federal judge to approve nearly $700 million in attorneys fees for its efforts to help Enron Corp. shareholders and others recoup billions they lost after the once-mighty energy company collapsed.

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Cathy Oxley

Web 2.0 That Works: Marzano & Web 2.0 - 4 views

    This wiki seeks to bridge the gap to help teachers see that technology doesn't have to be an add-on that distracts them from focusing on the curriculum
Bill Graziadei, Ph.D. (aka Dr. G)

New Animation: Intellectual Property Rights in the Web 2.0 World : JISC Video - 0 views

    Copyright issues within the world of Web 2.0 are just as valid as in the real world. 'Web 2.0, IPR and You' is a new animation that highlights how to ascertain copyright ownership and seek the correct permissions before reusing any audio, visual, textual or multimedia material found online." />
Darren Walker

How Many Penguins Does It Take to Sink an Iceberg? - 0 views

    This paper seeks to consider the benefits and barriers to using web 2 in the classroom Education web2.0 teacher eLearning web2
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