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Coffee and health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Coffee contains caffeine, which acts as a stimulant. For this reason, it is often consumed in the morning and when feeling tired. Students preparing for examinations with late-night cram sessions or code jams frequently use coffee to stay awake.
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      This shows that many people drink coffee in the morning to start their day with energy. Whihc is somethimg good. But resourses state that coffee affects your health.
  • A study comparing heavy coffee drinkers (3.5 cups a day) with non-drinkers found that the coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to contract Parkinson's Disease later in life. [7]. Likewise, a second study found an inverse relationship between the amount of coffee regularly drunk and the likelihood of developing Parkinson's Disease
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      Accrordind to this it state that coffee is a drink that many people drink but what as a result it gives you a disease. I strongly feel that children should not be drinking coffee becuase that is what manily affectx them with their brain.
  • Coffee consumption is also correlated to a reduced risk of oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer.[17][18] In ovarian cancer, no benefit was found.[19] In the Nurses Health Study, a modest reduction in breast cancer was observed in postmenopausal women only, which was not confirmed in decaffeinated coffee.[20] According to one research, coffee protects from liver cancer.[21]
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      As it says here, that coffee can not only be bad for children. But also for adults because it gives cancer to your body. Cancer to women and men. That's why I think that coffee should not be drank every morning only sometimes.
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  • Blood pressure Caffeine has previously been implicated in increasing the risk of high blood pressure; however, recent studies have not confirmed any association. In a 12-year study of 155,000 female nurses, large amounts of coffee did not induce a "risky rise in blood pressure".
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      Coffee is also known as giving blood pressure.
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      Coffee is also known as giving blood pressure down.
  • Effects on pregnancy A February 2003 Danish study of 18,478 women linked heavy coffee consumption during pregnancy to significantly increased risk of stillbirths (but no significantly increased risk of infant death in the first year). "The results seem to indicate a threshold effect around four to seven cups per day," the study reported. Those who drank eight or more cups a day (64 U.S. fl oz or 1.89 L) were at 220% increased risk compared with nondrinkers. This study has not yet been repeated, but has caused some doctors to caution against excessive coffee consumption during pregnanc
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      This is so true due to the fact that many people think that coffee won'y affect women who are pregnant. But they are wrong cause it actually effects the baby from stillbirths.
  • The study concluded that consumption of coffee is associated with significant elevations in biochemical markers of inflammation. This is a detrimental effect of coffee on the cardiovascular system, which may explain why coffee has so far only been shown to help the heart at levels of four cups (24 fl oz or 600 mL) or fewer per day.[42]
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      No matter wthat coffe is bad to drink.
  • Coffee intake may reduce one's risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 by up to half. While this was originally noticed in patients who consumed high amounts (7 cups a day), the relationship was later shown to be linear.[13][14]
  • Coffee can also reduce the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver[15] and has been linked to a reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a primary liver cancer that usually arises in patients with preexisting cirrhosis.
  • However, coffee can also cause excessively loose bowel movements.
  • Coffee contains the anticancer compound methylpyridinium. This compound is not present in significant amounts in other food materials.
  • Coffee consumption decreased risk of gout in men over age 40. In a large study of over 45,000 men over a 12-year period, the risk for developing gout in men over 40 was inversely proportional with the amount of coffee consumed.[32]
  • Over 1,000 chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee, and 19 are known rodent carcinogens;[33] however, most substances cited as rodent carcinogens occur naturally and should not be assumed to be carcinogenic in humans at exposure levels typically experienced in day-to-day life.
  • A 2007 study by the Baylor College of Medicine indicates that the diterpene molecules cafestol and kahweol, found only in coffee beans, putatively raise levels of low-density lipoprotein or LDL in humans.[36] This increase in LDL levels is an indicator that coffee raises cholesterol. The Baylor study serves to link cafestol and kahweol with higher levels of cholesterol in the body.
  • A Harvard study conducted over the course of 20 years of 128,000 people published in 2006 concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim that coffee consumption itself increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • for heart attack when drinking multiple cups of coffee a day due to genetic differences in metabolizing caffeine.[citation needed]
Yeung Shing EWSIS

'World of Warcraft:' An Online Treasure Hunt : NPR - 0 views

    this is my favroite podcast of all. because i been playing this game for a week and yes indeed i agree is highly addictive. is way too good i cant get it off my mind. i cant really do my home work because i keep on playing this game however now i try to keep my balance between these games i try to be better at studying and playing the game at the same time hopefully i wont be one of those guys who play games all day well i mean i wont play games all day to turn into one of those because i know that plying mmorpg game is an orpg game and i play like crazy so hopefully i will stop playing because i do feel that i pay too much warcraft even though is jsut my forst week. is amazingly addictive and i regret buying the game because now i'm additected to the game hopefully i can be off the game soon well not completely off the game like remeber to play and study but not to remind myself to play everyday. is a great game im a current warlock who kills moster who are higher than my level. i soon have to take math b in jan and i need to start study soon so im goign to be studying and playing at the same time i though that this is a way to improve myself to be a better person and move foward because i know that i have to learn more knowledge each day in order to be a better human being i'm going to try and learn more everyday along with balanceing the games in so mixture of both would be a great combnation studying while playing games. thank you for looking at my thing because this is probally the one podcast that i like the most and it made me reliaard how hard i fell into teh game on the first week.

Environment Institute strives to shrink carbon footprint - 0 views

    Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been about Environment. I remember my Math Teacher talking about it during his math class, but I didn't have a good explanation on what he really meant. Lately, the issue had caught my eye again. I know that many people feel that why is the environment important to the world and us? From what I have heard many scientist say that we need to have the environment clean. For example I hread that if we dont keep the environment clean we are destryoing ourselves. Now that's what I have heard, it may or may not be true. On thing that I know for sure about Environment is that it's what we live in and we need to make the best of it. Now I've studied my share of Biology and I believe that the Environment is caused by the smokes and other stuff that damages the world. Personally that's what I know and it may sound kind of funny but hey that's what ever one says. The most important about this topic is that Environment is what it keeps us on this world. An important quote that I believe that is given alot of information is where it says: Be the change you want to see in the world, said former UCL student Mahatma Gandhi - and staff at the UCL Environment Institute are acting on his advice.Staff calculated the carbon footprint of their work-related travel as part of an ongoing attempt to reduce the institute's impact on the environment.The study was based on the movements of a total of 12 staff and three PhD students during the 2007/08 academic year.The staff based their calculations on guidelines from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).They used the guidelines to calculate precisely how much carbon was emitted in the course of their work-related travel. According to the article :: The total carbon dioxide emissions for staff in 2007/08 amounted to 29.64 tonnes as a result of 231,700 kilometres of travel - an average of 2.5 tonnes per person. Of the total
Veronica EWSIS

Learning styles? They don't exist! - 0 views

    I'm learning about multiple intelligences right now, in particular what I'm wondering about is: Have there been further studies on the subject? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because the title was blunt, there's no masking the point behind the article. "Last month, however, a group of cognitive scientists released a study concluding that the practice of shaping instruction around learning styles has no demonstrable effect on the individual student's grasp of classroom material." The quote I chose here is basically saying that scientists have disproved the multiple intelligences theory. There is no relation between the way a teacher teaches and how well a student gets the information. I think this is disheartening because I thought it was true, I still hope it is. It makes me wonder if the students I mentioned will have chances to live up to their potential.
Rachel EWSIS

Would you change your diet for good sex? - Kare about Health - 0 views

    I'm learning more about chocolate right now, and in particular what i was wondering about is chocolate a sexual food. I was reasearching online and this news article caught my attention because, it is basically saying that chocolate is a sexual food. The title of this article is Would you change your diet for good sex? "We hopefully all know this story: Chocolate (cocao) contains the compound methylxanthine which triggers the release of dopamine in our blood which can leave you woozy with pleasure! Also, a study of 163 women in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that those who consumed at least one cube of chocolate daily reported significantly greater desire and better overall sexual function than the individuals who abstained. The reasoning: high-flavonoid chocolate consumption has been linked to improved circulation. Bring it on!" The quote here is basically saying that chocolate is a sexually food. There was a study shown that proves it. Women who eat chocolate daily have better pleasure and desire while they are having sex. I think this is interesting because, i heard this on television and i wondered if this was actually true. I wonder what other foods make you have more pleasure when having sex. I think that chocolate is tasty and this might be the reason why mostly women eating i or eat it so often.

Global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The most commonly discussed measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is impotant, many people do not know that the temperature of the earth is cahnging significantly.
  • An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[7] The continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice is expected, with warming being strongest in the Arctic. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The temperature is affecting not only regular temperature but also changes in the agriculture facilities. It is merans that food industry prices as well as food companies will "sky rocket", because of temperature changes.
  • Political and public debate continues regarding climate change, and what actions (if any) to take in response. The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Politics is making the Climate Chnge issue, unimportant, I beleive that Govermnets are just "selling their image", so they would look good. There are many, many policies pacts that have been made in order to "control Clmiate Change/ Global Warming". When will there be a policy that actually help the meniviroment?
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  • Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide. The concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since the mid-1700s.[23] These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores.[24] Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen about 20 million years ago.[25] Fossil fuel burning has produced about three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, particularly deforestation.[26]
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Industrial Revolution was bound to happen, people would live in the stone age for the rest their lives. When the Industrial Revlotion did occur things did not look bad, as of 2002 and futher did the climate change was becoming a issue to looked upon as an issue.
  • If the atmosphere is warmed, the saturation vapor pressure increases, and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere will tend to increase. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increase in water vapor content makes the atmosphere warm further; this warming causes the atmosphere to hold still more water vapor (a positive feedback), and so on until other processes stop the feedback loop
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The atmosphere is warming up, there is no way for stoppiong the warming up but there is a way of slowing this down or going green
  • When ice melts, land or open water takes its place. Both land and open water are on average less reflective than ice and thus absorb more solar radiation. This causes more warming, which in turn causes more melting, and this cycle continues.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The Ice is melting. If you look at the The cold continent of Antartica, the ice caps are melting there. The North and the South Poles are melting. The sea levels are rising and inhabitants such as polar bears and Penguins are getting affected. The sea levels are afftecting Island Nations as well as sea bordering nations.
  • Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.
    • Mei EWSIS
      basic information about global warming.
  • However, warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop, because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    • Mei EWSIS
      people are using air conditioner in the summer and the gases come out of air conditioner are bad for the o-zone.
  • Temperature changes vary over the globe. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (0.25 °C per decade against 0.13 °C per decade).
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this sentence is important because this shows that global warming is causing the earth to get warmer. This changes things lik melting of ice bergs which can lead to rising sea level and cause major changes.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This is important because it descibes why and how the temperatures all around the world are going up. This also shows that as we get more technology, we are destroying the earth more and more.
  • The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanoes produced most of the warming from pre-industrial times to 1950 and had a small cooling effect afterward.
  • The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this means that no one can predict what would happen or how much emissions we produce. Less is the best, but none is great
  • The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that how much emissions we would make is how much global warming we create or how much we would make our own doom.
  • Clouds also affect the radiation balance, but they are composed of liquid water or ice and so are considered separately from water vapor and other gases.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can also help since it can cool down the face of the earth and also it can help by reflecting solar light back into space as it makes it's way through the atmosphere.
  • Global dimming, a gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface, has partially counteracted global warming from 1960 to the present.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that global dimming helps by reflecting the warm sunlight away from earth so that we can keep it cool itstead of hot.
  • Observations show that temperatures in the stratosphere have been steady or cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became available.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can really help out since it has really little effect, while we release tons of gas into our atmosphere.
  • Warming is expected to change the distribution and type of clouds. Seen from below, clouds emit infrared radiation back to the surface, and so exert a warming effect; seen from above, clouds reflect sunlight and emit infrared radiation to space, and so exert a cooling effect.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important since it might trap heat, but it relfects even more heat out than it traps. It also helps cool the earth, but trapping those gases in can harm us since those gas can be toxic.
  • Measures including water conservation,[99] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[100] construction of flood defences,[101] Martian colonization,[102] changes to medical care,[103] and interventions to protect threatened species[104] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.[
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if we would really need to evacuate earth if there is no possible answer for saving our lives and the earth as well.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.[106] An example is greenhouse gas remediation, which removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, usually through carbon sequestration techniques such as carbon dioxide air capture.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because if we do have to evacuate the earth, then we would need to bring this information to our new planet so that we can preserve that planet and hopefully learn from our mistakes.
  • In 2007–2008 Gallup Polls surveyed 127 countries. Over a third of the world's population were unaware of global warming, with developing countries less aware than developed, and Africa the least aware. Of those aware, Latin America leads in belief that temperature changes are a result of human activities while Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and a few countries from the Former Soviet Union lead in the opposite belief.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that geoengineering is the study of changing the environment of earth to suit human needs. This is like constructing more land or to shape the lands so that buildings can be built or changing the land so that it can be used for vegetation.
  • one study suggests that projected rates of extinction are uncertain.[80]
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder will this be true since there are many theories of when the world will end like the upcoming 2012.
  • United States President Barack Obama has announced plans to introduce an economy-wide cap and trade scheme
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
  • Measures including water conservation,[100] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[101] construction of flood defences,[102] Martian colonization,[103] changes to medical care,[104] and interventions to protect threatened species[105] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because this is our means of survivial if anything happens to our planet earth or what we might have to do in the future to prevent anything from happening again.
Genji N

Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Gulf War
  • In 1990, faced with economic disaster following the end of the Iran–Iraq War, Saddam Hussein looked to the oil-rich neighbour of Kuwait as a target to invade to use its resources and money to rebuild Iraq's economy. The Iraqi government claimed that Kuwait was illegally slant drilling its oil pipelines into Iraqi territory, a practice which it demanded be stopped; Kuwait rejected the notion that it was slant drilling, and Iraq followed this in August 1990 with the invasion of Kuwait. Upon successfully occupying Kuwait, Hussein declared that Kuwait had ceased to exist and it was to be part of Iraq, against heavy objections from many countries and the United Nations.
  • The UN agreed to pass economic sanctions against Iraq and demanded its immediate withdrawal from Kuwait (see United Nations sanctions against Iraq). Iraq refused and the UN Security Council in 1991 unanimously voted for military action against Iraq. The United Nations Security Council, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, adopted Resolution 678, authorizing U.N. member states to use "all necessary means" to "restore international peace and security in the area." The United States, which had enormous vested interests in the oil supplies of the Persian Gulf region, led an international coalition into Kuwait and Iraq. The coalition forces entered the war with more advanced weaponry than that of Iraq, though Iraq's military was one of the largest armed forces in Western Asia at the time. Despite being a large military force, the Iraqi army was no match for the advanced weaponry of the coalition forces and the air superiority that the coalition forces provided. The coalition forces proceeded with a bombing campaign targeting military including an occupied public shelter in Baghdad.[38][39][40] Iraq responded to the invasion by launching SCUD missile attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia. Hussein hoped that by attacking Israel, the Israeli military would be drawn into the war, which he believed would rally anti-Israeli sentiment in neighboring Arab countries and cause those countries to support Iraq. However, Hussein's gamble failed, as Israel reluctantly accepted a U.S. demand to remain out of the conflict to avoid inflaming tensions. The Iraqi armed forces were quickly destroyed, and Hussein eventually accepted the inevitable and ordered a withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Before the forces were withdrawn, however, Hussein ordered them to sabotage Kuwait's oil wells, which resulted in hundreds of wells being set ablaze, causing an economic and ecological disaster in Kuwait.
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  • After the decisive military defeat, the agreement to a ceasefire on February 28, and political maneuvering, the UN Security Council continued to press its demands that Hussein accept previous UN Security Council Resolutions, as stated in UNSCR 686. By April, UNSCR 687 recognized Kuwait's sovereignty had been reinstated, and established the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM). Two days later, UNSCR 688 added that Iraq must cease violent repression of ethnic and religious minorities. The aftermath of the war saw the Iraqi military, especially its air force, destroyed. In return for peace, Iraq was forced to dismantle all chemical and biological weapons it possessed, and end any attempt to create or purchase nuclear weapons, to be assured by the allowing UN weapons inspectors to evaluate the dismantlement of such weapons. Finally, Iraq would face sanctions if it disobeyed any of the demands. Shortly after the war ended in 1991, Shia Muslim and Kurdish Iraqis engaged in protests against Hussein's regime, resulting in an intifada. Hussein responded with violent repression against Shia Muslims, and the protests came to an end.[41] It is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were killed.[42] The US, UK, France and Turkey claiming authority under UNSCR 688, established the Iraqi no-fly zones to protect Kurdish and Shiite populations from attacks by the Hussein regime's aircraft.
  • Disarmament crisis Main article: Iraq disarmament crisis While Iraq had agreed to UNSCR 687, the Iraqi government sometimes worked with inspectors, but ultimately failed to comply with disarmament terms, and as a result, economic sanctions against Iraq continued. After the war, Iraq was accused of breaking its obligations throughout the 1990s, including the discovery in 1993 of a plan to assassinate former President George H. W. Bush, and the withdrawal of Richard Butler's UNSCOM weapon inspectors in 1998 after the Iraqi government claimed some inspectors were spies for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.[43] On multiple occasions throughout the disarmament crisis, the UN passed further resolutions (see United Nations Resolutions concerning Iraq) compelling Iraq to comply with the terms of the ceasefire resolutions. It is estimated more than 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions.[44][45] With humanitarian and economic concerns in mind, UNSCR 706 and UNSCR 712 allowed Iraq to sell oil in exchange for humanitarian aid. This was later turned into the Oil-for-Food Programme by UNSCR 986. Over the years, U.S. land forces were deployed to the Iraq border, and U.S. bombings were carried out to try to pressure Hussein to comply with UN resolutions. As a result of these repeated violations, US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and US National Security Advisor Sandy Berger held an international town hall meeting to discuss possible war with Iraq, which seemed to have little public support. In October 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, calling for "regime change" in Iraq, and initiated Operation Desert Fox. Following Operation Desert Fox, and end to partial cooperation from Iraq prompted UNSCR 1284, disbanding UNSCOM and replacing it with United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
  • The Bush administration made a number of allegations against Iraq, including that Iraq was acquiring uranium from Niger and that Iraq had secret weapons laboratories in trailers and isolated facilities throughout Iraq;[citation needed] none of these allegations have proven true. Saddam Hussein, under pressure from the U.S. and the U.N., finally agreed to allow weapons inspectors to return to Iraq in 2002, but by that time the Bush administration had already begun pushing for war. In June 2002, Operation Southern Watch transitioned to Operation Southern Focus, bombing sites around Iraq. The first CIA team entered Iraq on July 10, 2002. This team was composed of elite CIA Special Activities Division and the U.S. Military's elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) operators. Together, they prepared the battle space of the entire country for conventional U.S. Military forces. Their efforts also organized the Kurdish Peshmerga to become the northern front of the invasion and eventually defeat Ansar Al-Islam in Northern Iraq before the invasion and Saddam's forces in the north. The battle led to the killing of a substantial number of terrorists and the uncovering of a chemical weapons facility at Sargat.[46][47] In October 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq, and in November the UN Security Council passes UNSCR 1441.
  • Invasion and civil war Main article: 2003 invasion of Iraq Further information: Iraq War On March 20, 2003, a United States-organized coalition invaded Iraq, with the stated reason that Iraq had failed to abandon its nuclear and chemical weapons development program in violation of U.N. Resolution 687. The United States asserted that because Iraq was in material breach of Resolution 687, the armed forces authorization of Resolution 678 was revived. The United States further justified the invasion by claiming that Iraq had or was developing weapons of mass destruction and stating a desire to remove an oppressive dictator from power and bring democracy to Iraq. In his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002, President George W. Bush declared that Iraq was a member of the "Axis of Evil", and that, like North Korea and Iran, Iraq's attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction posed a serious threat to U.S. national security. These claims were based on documents that were provided to him by the CIA and the government of the United Kingdom.[48] Bush added, Iraq continues to flaunt its hostilities toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade... This is a regime that agreed to international inspections — then kicked out inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world... By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes [Iran, Iraq and North Korea] pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred.[49] However, according to a comprehensive U.S. government report, no complete, fully functional weapons of mass destruction have been found since the invasion.[50] There are accounts of Polish troops obtaining antiquated warheads, dating from the 1980s, two of which contained trace amounts of the nerve gas cyclosarin, but U.S. military tests found that the rounds were so deteriorated that they would "have limited to no impact if used by insurgents against coalition forces." [51][52][53][54][55][56] Iraq was also home to 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium, miscellaneous other nuclear materials, and chemical weapons paraphernalia; the nuclear material was under the supervision of the IAEA until the beginning of the war.
  • Post-invasion Main articles: Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present, Insurgency in Iraq, Civil war in Iraq, and Humanitarian Crises of the Iraq War Occupation zones in Iraq after invasion. Following the invasion, the United States established the Coalition Provisional Authority to govern Iraq.[57] Government authority was transferred to an Iraqi Interim Government in June 2004, and a permanent government was elected in October 2005. More than 140,000 troops, mainly Americans, remain in Iraq. Some studies have placed the number of civilians deaths as high as 655,000 (see The Lancet study), although most studies estimate a lower number; the Iraq Body Count project indicates a significantly lower number of civilian deaths than that of The Lancet Study, though IBC organizers acknowledge that their statistics are an undercount as they base their information off of media-confirmed deaths. The website of the Iraq body count states, "Our maximum therefore refers to reported deaths – which can only be a sample of true deaths unless one assumes that every civilian death has been reported. It is likely that many if not most civilian casualties will go unreported by the media."[58] After the invasion, al-Qaeda took advantage of the national resistance to entrench itself in the country. On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was hanged.[59] Hussein's half-brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Hassan and former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bandar were likewise executed on January 15, 2007;[60] as was Taha Yassin Ramadan, Saddam's former deputy and former vice-president (originally sentenced to life in prison but later to death by hanging), on March 20, 2007.[61] Ramadan was the fourth and last man in the al-Dujail trial to die by hanging for crimes against humanity. President of Iraq Jalal Talabani with U.S. President Barack Obama in 2009. At the Anfal genocide trial, Saddam's cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid (aka Chemical Ali), former defense minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed al-Tay, and former deputy Hussein Rashid Mohammed were sentenced to hang for their role in the Al-Anfal Campaign against the Kurds on June 24, 2007.[citation needed] Al-Majid was sentenced to death three more times: once for the 1991 suppression of a Shi'a uprising along with Abdul-Ghani Abdul Ghafur on December 2, 2008;[62] once for the 1999 crackdown in the assassination of Grand Ayatollah Mohammad al-Sadr on March 2, 2009;[63] and once on January 17, 2010 for the gassing of the Kurds in 1988;[64] he was hanged over a week later on January 25.[65] Acts of sectarian violence have led to claims of ethnic cleansing in Iraq, and there have been many attacks on Iraqi minorities such as the Yezidis, Mandeans, Assyrians and others.[66] A U.S. troop surge to deal with increased violence and improve security became a contentious political issue in the United States. The surge in troops was enacted in early 2007; in his September 2007 testimony to Congress, General Petraeus stated that the surge's goals were being met.[67] Iraq also suffered a cholera outbreak in 2007.[68]
  • olence in Iraq began to decline from the summer of 2007.[69] The mandate of t
  • On June 29, 2009, U.S. troops formally withdrew from Baghdad streets, in accordance with former U.S. President George W. Bush's security pact with Iraq known as the Status of Forces Agreement. The SOFA pact stated, among other things, that U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq's cities by June 30, 2009, and will leave the country on Dec. 31, 2011.[70] Throughout the country, as the citizens of Iraq celebrated with fireworks,[71] television programs declared June 30 as National Sovereignty Day.[72][73] However, crime and violence initially spiked in the months following the US withdra
  • last extended by UN resolution 1790, expired on December 31, 2008.
  • ssaults, and shootings increased dramatically.[74][78] According to the Associated Press, Iraqi military spokesman Major General Qassim al-Moussawi said investigations found that 60 to 70 percent of the criminal activ
  • As Iraqi security forces struggled to suppress the sudden influx of crime, the number of kidnappings, robberies, bomb
  • ity is carried out by former insurgent groups or by gangs affiliated with them — partly explaining the brutality of some of the crimes.[74] United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that the withdrawal caused a change of chemistry with “a real sense of empowerment on the part of the Iraqis.”[79] U.S. troops continue to work with Iraqi forces after the pullout.[80] Despite the initial increase in violence, on November 30, 2009, Iraqi Interior Ministry officials reported that the civilian death toll in Iraq fell to its lowest level in November since the 2003 invasion.[81]

Young women more susceptible to swine flu: Study - 0 views

    I'm learning about swine flu right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how far does swine flu spread? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it tells me how far does the swine flu spread and how many people die from the flu. Here is the quote I found from the news. "The study found that of the 113 women and 55 men admitted to an intensive care unit between April and August, the mean age was 32. Overall, 29 people (17 per cent) died - most within the first 14 days after becoming critically sick. Twenty-one (72 per cent) of those who died were female." The quote I chose here is basically saying that the average of people who has swine flu were 32. I think this is ridiculous because people can be die from 14 days. It makes me wonder if anyone who has the flu will all be dead in 14 days?
Andrea. C

Teen Athletes Sleep Better Than Couch Potatoes | HealthDay | Find Articles at BNET - 0 views

    Athletic teens sleep better than their couch-potato peers and have fewer problems concentrating at school, a new study finds. The teen athletes reported waking fewer times during the night, higher energy levels during the day and a greater ability to concentrate than their less-active peers. The study, by researchers at the Basel Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel, Switzerland, appears online in the Journal of Adolescent Health .

Psychology of Fear: What Makes Us Scared and Why Do We Want It? - 1 views

    Recent studies have shown that this also effects gender roles and what each gender is "supposed" to do in watching a horror film. "There's a great set of studies done here at Indiana where they had a male and a female watch horror films together, and when the female was a part of the experiment the male would watch it if the female appeared uncomfortable, squeamish, unhappy with the content, then the male enjoyed the movie more and rated the female as more attractive," Weaver said. And vice-versa: If the man appeared frightened, the woman would enjoy the movie less, and find her companion less attractive."
    I read the title and I thought that it would be similar to my essay topic of phobias. It turned out, not so really, because it focused on people watching horror films. I especially like the part (where Jose quoted) that when a guy and girl go to the horror film. They both either dislike or like the movie depending on how their partner would react. Maybe I would be similar to this example because I can't take it when a guy gets frightened. It's just not cool. Music is also a frightening play on people! I hate it when the suspense builds and it just terrifies before the actual scene.
Paul Allison

Stanford Study of Writing - Research - Overview - 0 views

  • The Study has several major goals: to provide an overview of student writing at Stanford; to trace student development in writing across a five-year period; and to use findings to inform the work of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, the Stanford Writing Center, and, if appropriate, our Writing in the Majors courses.
    • Paul Allison
      This feels like a good resource, but I'm not sure yet, exactly where the actual skills or products are described in this "overview of student writing at Stanford." Will this overview really help my Seniors to understand what habits of mind, heart and practice they need to develop for college writing?
    • Franklin EWSIS
      i hope so
Paul Allison

Virtual Community and Social Media - What important issues are raised by the use of soc... - 0 views

    This looks like a very interesting map of a course, and isn't this what many of are teaching, whether we call our course English, technology, social studies, or computer arts?
Paul Allison

Clive Thompson on the New Literacy - 0 views

  • The fact that students today almost always write for an audience (something virtually no one in my generation did) gives them a different sense of what constitutes good writing. In interviews, they defined good prose as something that had an effect on the world. For them, writing is about persuading and organizing and debating, even if it's over something as quotidian as what movie to go see. The Stanford students were almost always less enthusiastic about their in-class writing because it had no audience but the professor: It didn't serve any purpose other than to get them a grade.
    • Paul Allison
      I'm excited to find this study, the Stanford Study of Writing. And I'm wondering how to involve my seniors in an inquiry into what sort of writing they will need to be able to do.
    This part of the article seems particularly relevant to our work in Youth Voices: "In interviews, they defined good prose as something that had an effect on the world. For them, writing is about persuading and organizing and debating, even if it's over something as quotidian as what movie to go see."

SSPP Reads: Multiple Intelligences - 0 views

    I'm learning more about the multiple intelligences right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how did Howard Gardner come up with the multiple intelligences. I was researching this online, and this blog post caught my attention because it mentioned Howard Gardner and the multiple intelligences. The title also showed a preview of what the article is about. I read the blog post and didn't show what i want, however i did find this quote to be intriguing. "Howard Gardner has questioned the idea that intelligence is a single entity, that it results from a single factor, and that it can be measured simply via IQ tests. . . challenging also the cognitive development work of Piaget. Bringing forward evidence to show that at any one time a child may be at very different stages for example, in number development and spatial/visual maturation, Howard Gardner has successfully undermined the idea that knowledge at any one particular developmental stage hangs together in a structured whole. (" The quote i chose here is basically saying that Howard Gardner noticed that people learn differently through the study of basic children. I think this is informative because it makes me wonder how he figured this out without using really complex technology.
Adriana EWSIS

Bisexuality is a Distinct Sexual Orientation - 0 views

    Results from a 10 year study show that bisexuality in women is not a transitional phase it is considered as a long term sexual orientation .

7 Steps to Better Handwriting - TigerPens Blog - 0 views

    "WORK ON YOUR MANUAL DEXTERITY Researchers in the UK found that children improved their handwriting by playing games that increased their hand-eye coordination. Practice tying knots, shuffling cards, pen spinning or anything else that strengthens fine motor control. Even video games can help - according to a US study, surgeons who play video games are less prone to make errors. If it can help them with something that delicate, it certainly can improve your handwriting." so technically me practicing pen spinning will help me in college but a thing that stood out to me in the paragraph was that hand to eye reaction games can greatly improve your skill in all the things listed in the paragraph which is great because i play a game called DJ Max which is like DDR for your fingers but much harder so now that i know playing these games can help im going to play a lot more
Madeline Brownstone

Report: 'Why pirate when you can stream?' - FierceOnlineVideo - 0 views

    "Want to cripple content piracy? Stream your video online instead. That's the conclusion of a new study from Global Web Index, which says content piracy isn't about having the content, it's about watching it as soon as possible. GWI -- the offspring of research consultancy Trendstream and Lightspeed Research -- contends that the increasing popularity of Hulu, YouTube and other online video hubs has increased content availability to the point where personal ownership is redundant, making users less inclined to steal content."
    My Information Technology in a Global Society commented on this in "What's Up" today - 12-10-09
Reasat EWSIS

Extraterrestrial life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth. The existence of such life is theoretical and all assertions about it remain disputed.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is the general definition of what aliens are. They are known as extraterrestrial life that do not live on Earth, but oter space. The last sentence is important because, scientists are still trying to prove the existence of aliens.
  • Suggested locations which might have once developed, or presently continue to host life similar to our own, include the planets Venus[1] and Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa,[2] Enceladus and Titan) and Gliese 581 c and d, recently discovered to be near Earth-mass extrasolar planets apparently located in their star's habitable zone, and with the potential to have liquid water.[3]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      There may be potnetial alien life in various planets, moons, and star (i.e. - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Europa)
  • Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorised by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in our solar system and quite possibly throughout the universe although no samples have been found.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Where is the evidence that bacteria exist else where?
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Scientists are directly searching for evidence of unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors which have fallen to Earth. A mission is also proposed to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with a possible liquid water layer under its surface, which might contain life.[19]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Another source that goes more in detail about this is:
  • Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. This report is also controversial, and scientific debate continues.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is important because this is proof that extraterrestrial life existed in outer space, more specifically Mars.
    • JosephT EWSIS
      This isn't proof at all. It says possibly, and it says that there is a lack of evidence.
  • In February 2005, NASA scientists reported that they had found strong evidence of present life on Mars.[21] The two scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center, based their claims on methane signatures found in Mars' atmosphere resembling the methane production of some forms of primitive life on Earth, as well as on their own study of primitive life near the Rio Tinto river in Spain.
  • Within Islam, the statement of the Qur'an "All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds" indicates multiple universal bodies, and maybe even multiple universes, which may indicate extraterrestrial and even extradimensional life. Surat Al-Jinn also mentioned a statement from a Jinn regarding the current status and ability of his group in the heavens.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is interesting because I am a Muslim my self. A lot of things can have different interpretations. I am going to try looking for it in the Qur'an.
  • Europa - Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[2]
    • Reasat EWSIS
  • Mars - Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[34]
  • The other large moons of our system which have been visited appear similarly lifeless, though the interesting geothermic forces observed (Io's volcanism, Europa's ocean, Titan's thick atmosphere) have underscored how broad the range of potentially habitable environments may be.

Childhood obesity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Obese children often suffer from teasing by their peers.[10][11] Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      This is very important because children often becoming suicidal or low self esteemed due to teases made by their peers or own family.
  • Physical inactivity of children has also shown to be a serious cause, and children who fail to engage in regular physical activity are at greater risk of obesity.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      It is very important for an overweight child to engage in physical activity as it can help improve their health and lose weight. The key to fighting obesity is to exercise daily and maintain a healthy eating habit.
  • A 2008 study has found that children who are obese have carotid arteries which have prematurely aged by as much as thirty years as well as abnormal levels of cholesterol[13].
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Why is this so? How does carotid arteries and obesity both contribute to premature aging?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Children's food choices are also influenced by family meals. Researchers provided a household eating questionnaire to 18,177 children, ranging in ages 11–21, and discovered that four out of five parents let their children make their own food decisions.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      A child's weight is highly influenced by their food choices and family meals. It plays a critical role on their diet.Hence if a parent lets their own child make their own food choices, then that wouldn't be good since kids enjoy eating junk food and fast food, which doesn't do any justice to their bodies. Instead, they should be eating healthy nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits. It is important for the parent to be in charge of what their child consumes. I found out from another source that studies have shown that almost all childs who are overweight, are due to their parents giving them control over what they want to eat.
  • Breast-feeding for example may protect against obesity in later life with the duration of breast-feeding inversely associated with the risk of being overweight later on.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      How does breast feeding contribute to preventing child obesity? Where are the facts to support this?
  • Stress can influence a child's eating habits.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I agree because sometimes when people are stressed, they tend to eat a lot, because eating usually makes them feel better and happier.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However, in some case, its different for other people. For example, females are very conscious about their own body appearance. They are very strict to themselves when it comes to having a nice body image. When influenced by a magazine model to look thin, they would binge and not eat; which later on leads to a serious case of anorexia.
  • Childhood obesity however can also lead to life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders.[6][7] Some of the other disorders would include liver disease, early puberty or menarche, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory problems.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Yes this is very true. Child obesity can lead to any of these risky factors.
  • Many children fail to exercise because they are spending time doing stationary activities such as playing video games or watching TV. TV and other technology may be large factors of physically inactive children.
AndreaLee EWSIS

What Causes Overeating?: A Discussion of Food and Environmental Factors Affecting Intake - 0 views

  • Atmospheric factors include things such as lighting and noise level. Different research studies demonstrate that soft or dimmed lighting encourages longer eating duration and increased food intake, by promoting an atmosphere of comfort, encouraging dinners to stay longer and order an extra drink or dessert. Additionally, soft music tends to favor a slower eating pace, longer meal duration and a higher consumption of both food and drink.
  • Studies describe that meals eaten with others are larger than when eaten alone.
  • Being aware of food and environmental factors that influence one’s food intake is a first step to fight back and reduce their pull.
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