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Mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Kit EWSIS on 09 Dec 09 - Cached
  • The first scholarly theories of myth appeared during the second half of the 19th century.[46] In general, these 19th-century theories framed myth as a failed or obsolete mode of thought, often by interpreting myth as the primitive counterpart of modern science.
    • Kit EWSIS
      The trust in myth lost bit by bit over time to modern sicence. Sicence change what people used to have total trust in, as the one who created the world ect. Also to explain natural phenomena. But I don't think science can say Myth is just a story. I can prove the false in Myth it self, but it prove the contens in the Myths are false.
  • Many 20th-century theories of myth rejected the 19th-century theories' opposition of myth and science. In general, "twentieth-century theories have tended to see myth as almost anything but an outdated counterpart to science […] Consequently, moderns are not obliged to abandon myth for science."
    • Kit EWSIS
      I think 20th century theories and 19th century theories are close, but the 20th century thought that Myth is a total counter part of science.
  • Euhemerism Main article: Euhemerus One theory claims that myths are distorted accounts of real historical events.[26][27] According to this theory, storytellers repeatedly elaborated upon historical accounts until the figures in those accounts gained the status of gods.
Shehrina EWSIS

Book The Curious Incident of [...] | Evening Post; Bristol (UK) Newspaper | Find Articl... - 0 views

    "Christopher, 15, has Aspergers Syndrome. Read this book and you'll misunderstand the world like him. He understands maths and science but can't get his logical mind around the science of human beings. He doesn't understand many emotions and he hasn't got the grasp of why people do what they do." I read the book. But that time I had no idea what this disorder was so I didn't understand the character very well. But now that I have a little idea about this disorder I understand why he was acting different.

Vatican Looks to Heavens for Signs of Alien Life - - 1 views

  • ''Both science and religion posit life as a special outcome of a vast and mostly inhospitable universe,'' he told a news conference Tuesday. ''There is a rich middle ground for dialogue between the practitioners of astrobiology and those who seek to understand the meaning of our existence in a biological universe.''
    I'm learning more about extraterrestrial life right now, and in particular I'm wondering about is: Is there life on Mars, or in space at all? I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because It discusses the Vatican's approach on researching Extraterrestrial life. The Vatican is a major congregation of the Catholic church in Rome. ''Both science and religion posit life as a special outcome of a vast and mostly inhospitable universe,'' he told a news conference Tuesday. ''There is a rich middle ground for dialogue between the practitioners of astrobiology and those who seek to understand the meaning of our existence in a biological universe.'' The quote I chose here is basically saying that a common stance is met between scientists that want to research Extraterrestrial-ism and rather more religious people that want to research it. I think this is shocking because... It makes me wonder why would the Vatican of all things want to seek information about Alien Life. I would assume that the Vatican, would oppose any beliefs that life exists outside of earth. The article also mentions that it was appropriate that the Vatican would host such a meeting, this honestly makes me a little paranoid.

Danger Flowers - 0 views

    Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been danger flowers. I remember my Science teacher in third grade talking about it I was very young, but I didn't really understand it because I was very young. Lately, the issue has caught my eye again. I know that many people feel that some flowers are very danger. From what I have heard, this is true. Some flowers are very danger and can harm you. For example, I heard that there is this specific flowers that can kill you if you touch it or eat it. Now that's just what I've heard, it may or may not be true. One thing that I know for sure is that some flowers are healthy and others are bad. Now I've studied my share of Environmental Science, and I believe that it's something that people should know just in case you don't know that some flowers are danger. Personally, it's funny to me how flowers that are mainly red are the ones who are poisen. This was immportant in the past because, back then there was many people dieing for strange reasons due to poisen flowers. What I know about this topic is that you should be very careful with kids because kids are the ones that usually pick flowers and sometimes end up eating it. The flower is the reproductive structure of angiosperms or flowering plants. Compared to the reproductive structures of other plants, the flower is unique in several ways. It consists of four kinds of modified leaves, two of which (stamens and carpels, the latter sometimes called pistils) bear pollen and seeds. According to the fossil record, flowering plants appeared only about 140 million years ago, although some recently found fossil evidence suggests that they appeared 80 million years before that. Being that I didn't have a lot of background information on danger flowers, I chose to do some research on the topic. As I searched for blogs and news articles on Google, I came across this one article: This article provided a lot of info

ScienceDirect - Cognition : Unconscious modulation of the conscious experience of volun... - 0 views

    In this journal article, freewill and control are being the objects of an experiment. I found this very interesting because it proposes another perspective for looking at voluntary control. It also provides an objective hypothesis attempting to explain freewill physiologically and the underlying mechanics of such a conscious experience. "The conscious experience of free will is a central feature of human self-perception. We usually feel that our conscious intentions cause our actions, which in turn produce desired effects in the world. Although the subjective feeling of control is an essential aspect of our self-conceptualisation as intentional agents, the mechanisms underlying this experience are not well understood (e.g., [Haggard et al., 2002], [Jeannerod, 2003], Lau et al., 2004 H.C. Lau, R.D. Rogers, P. Haggard and R.E. Passingham, Attention to intention, Science 303 (2004), pp. 1208-1210. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (100)[Lau et al., 2004], [Sebanz and Prinz, 2006] and [Sirigu et al., 2004]). Here, we argue that the conscious feeling of voluntary control is closely tied to our ability to represent future effects of our actions." This segment is the introduction of a long experiment. I found fascinating that what we call control can be just a representation of cognitive anticipation of future events. I am now digesting this article slowly, so for the time being, I am not able to provide a better explanation for I have not yet understood completely where does the conclusion comes from or how was the hypothesis made

2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today - 0 views

    I'm learning more about 2012 right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Should we as a society, put our beliefs into Mayan predictions, or should we believe Scientists just because they have information to back up their facts?I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it speaks about the reality of science and whether or not we should believe in it. It also speaks about the Mayan calender. This specific source sparked my interest because lately, with Hollywood coming out with new movies about 2012, the thought of the world coming to end has constantly been bothering me. I had a strong urge to find out the truth. "The Mayan calendar does not end in December 2012. Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period, but then - just as your calendar begins again on January 1 - another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar." The quote I chose here basically tries to persuade us by saying that the Mayan Calender ending on the year 2012 is a hoax. The author of this posts believes that even after the calender ends, just like any of the calenders that we have at home, it will start itself new again. I think this is very captivating because it makes me really wonder. It makes me wonder about all remarks people are making, what society thinks about this, and if there are any evidence that are being hidden from society. I hope as we go further into the years, scientists will dig out more information to support the theory so when the day comes, I won't have to hide under my bed and panic.

Obama, Copenhagen, and the Global Warming Skeptics | The LA Progressive - 0 views

    I'm learning more about Global Warming right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is will we have to live underwater in the future? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because many things are changing around the world. Disasters like hurricanes grow stronger and other things like drought become longer and deadlier. Few challenges facing America-and the world-are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We've seen record drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season. The quote here is basically saying that our continents are sinking into the sea or is getting swallowed by the sea. Things like hurricanes grow stronger from this and other disasters also grow deadlier. I think this is scary because one year your house might be right next to the coast line and the next year, right when you step out of your backyard, your stepping on ocean water. This makes me think will we have to live underwater in the future and adopt to underwater conditions.

Help For Shopaholics Stop Compulsive Shopping - 0 views

    Have you ever felt like you need to go shopping and shopping everyday until you brought everything you wanted? Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been Shopaholics. I remember seeing this movie last year that made me wonder about people who are Shopaholics. Lately, the issue has caught my eye again. I know that many people feel that being Shopaholic is really bad because it damages your living style. From what I have heard, being Shopaholic isn't something bad. It's just a way of being. You just shop and shop. It's not like if you creating a crime. I know that it's like a sickness that can't make you stop. But if it's really affecting your life then you have to give that up. For example, I heard that Shopaholic is more like able to be out of control. Shopping does not only effect the shopper it also effects family members, spouses, loved ones and friends. Many times married over active spenders will be divorced and in debt before they can control their spending habits. Now that's just what I've heard, it may or may not be true. One thing that I know for sure about is that Shopaholics do suffer a lot when it comes to money. Many Shopaholics end up having a big amount of budget. And I also know that Compulsive shopping is a serious condition that affects thousands of people's lives in America. Another fact that I know is that one major key to successfully overcoming compulsive shopping is simply taking responsibility for ones own actions. Stop denying the problem and or blaming others. Shopaholics who truly want help need to say enough is enough. Once a shopaholic realizes that shopping is just not worth the troubles that are caused from shopping excessively things get much easier. Make the decision to change and change will come. Now I've studied my share of Philosophy, and I believe that if being a Shopaholic damages your life... then you should make a change to take that out of your life. Personally, it's funny to me
Leah R

Global warming 'will leave Arctic ice-free' | Science | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Global warming is causing the Arctic ice-cap to melt at such an unprecedented rate that by the summer of 2070 it may have no ice at all, according to the most comprehensive study carried out on global climate change in the region.
  • The icecap has shrunk by 15% to 20% in the past 30 years and the trend is set to accelerate, with the Arctic warming almost twice as fast as the rest of the planet, due to a build-up of heat-trapping gases.
  • The findings support the broad scientific consensus that global warming is caused mainly by rising atmospheric greenhouse gases as a result of emissions from cars, factories and power plants.
    This is helpful information towards understanding how serious global warming is in the arctic.
    This is helpful information towards understanding how serious global warming is in the arctic.

Does B.F. Skinner say We Are Free? || - 0 views

shared by Luis EWSIS on 21 Oct 09 - Cached
    I am learning more about Skinner's ideas on freewill, which were the inspirations for my research. In this blog, I found a very interesting quote that is supposed to summarize Skinner's ideas. Although, I do not believe Skinner's ideas were so simple as to be summarized in one sentence, this quote does make an interesting observation from Skinner: "With every lawful relationship I can prove in animal or human behavior, I am showing that the behavior of living organisms obeys laws just as other disciplines in science describes their subjects in a lawful way." This quote is practically saying that people's behavior or actions are not decided by the decision of that individual but rather are made to "obey laws" which are set by mature. This statement does point to his observation that freewill is an allusion.
AndreaLee EWSIS

Mayans, Global Warming, NASA & 2012 - 0 views

  • This is real history using real science, not selective misinterpretation of found relics
  • So forget vague prophecies about 2012 and pay attention to this world.  Science isn't magic, and we have indications that we can indeed outstrip our ability to live.
    I couldn't even imagine that the Modern Mayans are annoyed by the movie. Also, I want to know what is modern culture misinterpreting?
    I guess we are so hyped up, that we forget about our present and won't fix it.
Yu Park

Moon landing conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

  • Various Moon landing conspiracy theories claim that some or all elements of the Apollo Project and the associated Moon landings were falsifications staged by NASA and members of other involved organizations.
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if conspiracy theorists think these things up in order to gain something
  • An article in the German magazine Der Spiegel places the Moon hoax in the context of other well-known 20th century conspiracy theories which it describes as "the rarified atmosphere of those myths in which Elvis is alive, John F. Kennedy fell victim to a conspiracy involving the Mafia and secret service agents, the Moon landing was staged in the Nevada desert, and Princess Diana was murdered by British intelligence."[41]
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if all of these conspiracy theories are connected in some sort of way.
  • A 2000 poll conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Fund found that 28% do not believe that American astronauts have been on the Moon, and this percentage is roughly equal in all social-demographic groups.[
    • Yu Park
      I wonder if the poll rate is raised because of the media and the internet
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • A number of different hoax claims have been advanced that involve conspiracy theories outlining concerted action by NASA employees, and sometimes others, to perpetuate false information about landings that never occurred, or to cover up accurate information about the landings that occurred in a different manner than have been publicized. Believers have focused on perceived gaps or inconsistencies in the historical record of the missions. The Flat Earth Society was one of the first organizations to accuse NASA of faking the landings, arguing that they were staged by Hollywood and based on a script by Arthur C. Clarke.[13]
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows why conspiracy theorists believe that the moon landing was a hoax and how they try to find proof to back up their theory.
  • Cold War prestige, monetary gain, and providing a distraction are some of the more notable motives which are give
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows the reasons why conspiracy theorist think why the government would want to create a hoax of the landing on th moon
  • A 1999 poll by The Gallup Organization found that 89% of the U.S. public believed the landings were genuine, while 6% did not, and 5% were undecided.[2][3]
    • Yu Park
      This is important because it shows the percentage of beilevers and none-believers
  • Dr. David Williams (NASA archivist at Goddard Space Flight Center) and Apollo 11 flight director Eugene F. Kranz both acknowledged that the Apollo 11 telemetry data tapes are missing.
    • Yu Park
      I double-checked this here
  • On November 1, 2006 Cosmos Magazine reported that some one-hundred data tapes recorded in Australia during the Apollo 11 mission had been discovered in a small marine science laboratory in the main physics building at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia. One of the old tapes has been sent to NASA for analysis. The slow-scan television images were not on the tape.[67] Britain's Sunday Express reported in late June 2009 that the missing tapes were found in storage facility in the basement of a building on a university campus in Perth, Australia.
    • Yu Park
      I double-checked this here
  • There are no stars in any of the photos. The Apollo 11 astronauts also claimed in a press conference after the event to have not remembered seeing any of the stars.
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First because of the daytime at the moon, stars were not visible. Second, the camera may have just concentrated on the bigger blackness rather then the light. Third, human eyes werent used to the light in the moon.
  • 5. The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent.
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First the angle of the Sun's light affects the angle of the shadows. Second, the distance between objects affect the angle. Third light reflects off the moon resulting in some objects appearing to be different angles.
  • p. 97-98 2.
  • The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts flapped despite there being no wind on the Moon.[citation needed] Sibrel said "The wind was probably caused by intense air-conditioning used to cool the astronauts in their lightened, uncirculated space suits. The cooling systems in the backpacks would have been removed to lighten the load not designed for Earth’s six times heavier gravity, otherwise they might have fallen over".
    • Yu Park
      Let me explain this. First the flag appears to be moving because the astronaut is shaking it. Second, the crumpled state of the flag makes it look like its waving. Third it waves because it is like a pendulum

Trust (social sciences) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Some philosophers argue that trust is more than a relationship of reliance
    • Hiba EWSIS
      This is important because it says trust can be much more than relying on each other.
  • we are not trusting when we are suspicious of the other person, because this is in fact an expression of distrust
    • Hiba EWSIS
      This is important because when you question another's actions and words, you don't have trust in them.
  • Trust is a statement about what is otherwise unknown -- for example, because it is far away, cannot be verified, or is in the future.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      I wonder if this means trust involves proving yourself to another.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • From this perspective, trust is a mental state, which cannot be measured directly. Confidence in the results of trusting may be measured through behavior, or alternatively, one can measure self-reported trust (with all the caveat surrounding that method)
    • Hiba EWSIS
      In my own words, this means trusting in yourself. When you success in something, it allows you to gain confidence and trust yourself that you can do it again or improve.
  • A time lag exists between the extension of trust and the result of the trusting behavior.
  • In psychology trust is believing the person who you trust to do what you expect. It starts at the family and grows to others.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      Trust is with relationships within your family as well as relationships with new people.
  • Trust is being vulnerable to someone even though they are trustworthy; Trustworthiness is the ability to trust, and trust propensity being able to rely on them Relationship and Risk taking. Once trust is lost, by obvious violation of one of these three determinants, it is very hard to regain trust. Thus there is a clear a-symmetry in building versus destruction of trust. Hence being and acting trustworthy should be considered the only sure way to maintain a trust level.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      It's difficult to build trust after you have been betrayed and it takes time.
  • Conversely, where trust is absent, projects can fail, especially if this lack of trust has not be identified and addressed.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      Trust is an essential factor in every type of relationship or otherwise it won't be stable.
  • However, once again perception of honesty, competence and value similarity (slightly similar to benevolence) are essential.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      This is important because it's saying that honesty is key in building trust.
  • People may work together and achieve success through trust, while working on projects that rely on each individual’s contribution.
    • Hiba EWSIS
      I wonder if this means that equal commitment from each partner is needed to build trust. If one completely gives up, it is almost impossible to rebuild trust.
Christos EWSIS

Stupidity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In science and research
    • Christos EWSIS
      What is this paragraph post to mean, seems like a lot of random stuff.
  • stupidity has taken place along with "fool," "idiot," "dumb," "moron
    • Christos EWSIS
      This is important because it show related terms associated with stupid.
  • "stupid" has a broad range of application
    • Christos EWSIS
      This is important because it show how stupid can be used for a lot of things.

Mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Kit EWSIS on 09 Dec 09 - Cached
  • One theory claims that myths are distorted accounts of real historical events.[26][27] According to this theory, storytellers repeatedly elaborated upon historical accounts until the figures in those accounts gained the status of gods.[26][27] For example, one might argue that the myth of the wind-god Aeolus evolved from a historical account of a king who taught his people to use sails and interpret the winds
    • Kit EWSIS
      I always ask myself, do Myth According to history event or people? Maybe is theory maybe right.
  • Some thinkers believe that myths resulted from the personification of inanimate objects and forces. According to these thinkers, the ancients worshipped natural phenomena such as fire and air, gradually coming to describe them as gods
    • Kit EWSIS
      I'm think this theory is also good, I never knew there were so many thoery. I thought it may answer the question. Which came first? Myth or Gods?
  • According to the myth-ritual theory, the existence of myth is tied to ritual.[33] In its most extreme form, this theory claims that myths arose to explain rituals.[34] This claim was first put forward by the biblical scholar William Robertson Smith.[35] According to Smith, people begin performing rituals for some reason that is not related to myth; later, after they have forgotten the original reason for a ritual, they try to account for the ritual by inventing a myth and claiming that the ritual commemorates the events described in that myth.[
    • Kit EWSIS
      I never realized ritual is also releated to myth. Now I think of it many culture had different kind of ritual, even some means to offer a human life to what they belived in.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The first scholarly theories of myth appeared during the second half of the 19th century.[46] In general, these 19th-century theories framed myth as a failed or obsolete mode of thought, often by interpreting myth as the primitive counterpart of modern science.
Reasat EWSIS

Extraterrestrial life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth. The existence of such life is theoretical and all assertions about it remain disputed.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is the general definition of what aliens are. They are known as extraterrestrial life that do not live on Earth, but oter space. The last sentence is important because, scientists are still trying to prove the existence of aliens.
  • Suggested locations which might have once developed, or presently continue to host life similar to our own, include the planets Venus[1] and Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa,[2] Enceladus and Titan) and Gliese 581 c and d, recently discovered to be near Earth-mass extrasolar planets apparently located in their star's habitable zone, and with the potential to have liquid water.[3]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      There may be potnetial alien life in various planets, moons, and star (i.e. - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Europa)
  • Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorised by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in our solar system and quite possibly throughout the universe although no samples have been found.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Where is the evidence that bacteria exist else where?
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Scientists are directly searching for evidence of unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors which have fallen to Earth. A mission is also proposed to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with a possible liquid water layer under its surface, which might contain life.[19]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Another source that goes more in detail about this is:
  • Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. This report is also controversial, and scientific debate continues.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is important because this is proof that extraterrestrial life existed in outer space, more specifically Mars.
    • JosephT EWSIS
      This isn't proof at all. It says possibly, and it says that there is a lack of evidence.
  • In February 2005, NASA scientists reported that they had found strong evidence of present life on Mars.[21] The two scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center, based their claims on methane signatures found in Mars' atmosphere resembling the methane production of some forms of primitive life on Earth, as well as on their own study of primitive life near the Rio Tinto river in Spain.
  • Within Islam, the statement of the Qur'an "All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds" indicates multiple universal bodies, and maybe even multiple universes, which may indicate extraterrestrial and even extradimensional life. Surat Al-Jinn also mentioned a statement from a Jinn regarding the current status and ability of his group in the heavens.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is interesting because I am a Muslim my self. A lot of things can have different interpretations. I am going to try looking for it in the Qur'an.
  • Europa - Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[2]
    • Reasat EWSIS
  • Mars - Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[34]
  • The other large moons of our system which have been visited appear similarly lifeless, though the interesting geothermic forces observed (Io's volcanism, Europa's ocean, Titan's thick atmosphere) have underscored how broad the range of potentially habitable environments may be.
Jeannie EWSIS

Açaí Palm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Jeannie EWSIS
      This is important because it supports the idea that there is no scientific evidence that suggests acai berry promotes weight loss.
  • Global demand for the fruit has expanded rapidly in recent years, and açaí is now cultivated for that purpose primarily.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      I'm wondering why so many people are falling for the whole acai berry businesses. It has been revealed a long time ago that there is nothing different about acai berry than any other types of berries.
  • Eight species are native to Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru, growing mainly in swamps and floodplains
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      The fact that acai berry only grows in brazil is important because this is what makes the price go up so high. It can't be found anywhere in the United States.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Recently, the açaí berry has been marketed as a dietary supplement. Companies sell açaí berry products in the form of tablets, juice, smoothies, instant drink p
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      There have been many products using acai, many of which is just utilizing the popularity.
  • Even web sites purporting to warn about açai-related scams are themselves perpetrating scams
  • According to ABC News correspondent Susan Donaldson, these products have not been evaluated (in the United States) by the FDA, and their efficacy is questionable.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      In other words, though the efficacy of acai is questionable, currently there is no way to address this problem because the products haven't been evaluated by the FDA
  • A study in 12 healthy fasted human volunteers demonstrated that blood antioxidant capacity was increased within two hours after consumption of a commercial açaí juice beverage or applesauce.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      This supports that acai does have antioxidants. It is a good fruit, but nothing about it makes it different than other healthy berries.
  • When three commercially available juice mixes containing unspecified percentages of açaí juice were compared for in vitro antioxidant capacity against red wine, tea, six types of pure fruit juice, and pomegranate juice, the average antioxidant capacity was ranked lower than that of pomegranate juice, Concord grape juice, blueberry juice, and red wine
  • Marketers of these products, such as Monarch Health Sciences, parent company of MonaVie, make claims that açaí provides increased energy levels, improved sexual performance, improved digestion, detoxification, high fiber content, improved skin appearance, improved heart health, improved sleep, and reduction of cholesterol levels.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      On what scientific evidence?
  • Quackwatch noted that "açai juice has only middling levels of antioxidants—less than that of Concord grape, blueberry, and black cherry juices, but more than cranberry, orange, and apple juices."
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      This is important because they tell you what other fruits have almost the equal amount of antioxidants; means you don't have to spend tons of money on acai
AndreaLee EWSIS

How Can Scientists Help Address Poverty? : NPR - 0 views

    i dont believe that scientist cannot slove the problem of poverty.

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009.
    • Houin EWSIS
      This is important,because it shows the country where the conferer is,and the days of the conferer start and the end.
  • European Union To cut greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 1990 levels by 2020 if an international agreement is reached committing other developed countries and the more advanced developing nations to comparable emission reductions. To cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2020 unconditionally
    • Houin EWSIS
      This makes me wonder about the contry. Is that all of the country in european union will follow what they accept to do?
  • At this international conference, 250 high-ranking representatives from industry, science, politics and non-government organizations discussed solutions for future road transportation under the motto of "Sustainable Mobility– United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009|the Post-2012 CO2 Agenda"
    • Houin EWSIS
      This is important,because it show that why the country in the world need to have a conference,because they need to discuss some thing that will affect the world.
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  • Potential focus areas for TAPs include early warning systems, expansion of salinity-tolerant crops, electric vehicles, wind and solar energy, efficient energy grid systems, and other technologies.[30]
    • Houin EWSIS
      This is important because it show the potenial focus area for TAPs include early warning system, and the expansion of salinity-tolerant crop and some other technologies.
  • A leaked document known as "The Danish Text" has started an argument between Developed and Developing Nations. The document was subtitled as "The Copenhagen Agreement", proposes measures to keep average global temperature rises to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I have a question about that 2 document.What is the document ''The Danish Text'' that argu about between the develop and develop nations?
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