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Gameplay of World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      WoW is a roleplaying game.
    • Jessica =D
      Indeed. I concur with thee.
    • William Utama
      its a massive multiplayer role playing in short mmorpg i love playing mmorpg :3 yeahh i jus wanna take up space :D
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Game creators consider seasons and the game has room for upgrading.
  • In it, players design a character to play based on a number of starting options, such as the race of character and its type or class.
    • Tian EWSIS
      I like that players can design their own charactors.
    • Andrea. C
      yea, it sounds like it's funner if the game has different jobs to play
    • Chun Heng EWSIS
      it is the top online game throughout the wolrd =)
    • Ammy EWSIS
      There are many games similar to this.. such as maple story, flyff, ragnorak... its nothing new. The only thing good about WoW is the graphics and the fact that they update the game every single week. I'm rather tired of kinds of games because all you do is level and fight. It got pretty boring to me.
    • diane ewsis
      this is for the whole paragraph the combat seems so interesting
    • JustinM EWSIS
      its hard to find a mmorpg that doesnt have a character design feature unless it is really crappy or low quality even then its still hard to find one thats well known
    • Hannah EWSIS
      I agree with Justin almost all have character design features.
    • Anna EWSIS
      Yeah I know what you mean ammy. At first I was addicted to MS but all i did was level and fight. It bored me.
    • Michael Harris
      I like that fact that you can obtain a character based on race
    • Noreen C
      Why is it so important to have a character design? I mean I get it when a person picks what character they want to be, but why do you need to pick the color of their hair, or race?
  • ...117 more annotations...
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Explains environment, possible interaction with international people.
  • a player then has four to seven of the game's ten character classes to choose from
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Not all ten players can be used.
    • Zhapa EWSIS
      so true
    • Tian EWSIS
      Also it needs a minimum level in order to choose a hero class. This gives players motivation to keep playing until they reach the levels they need.
    • Jose EWSIS
      personality affects outcome of characters.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      i love games like those ^
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      How to make a character. Alliance or Horde? Different "races" available.
  • Season
  • The game has three roles, DPS (damage dealer), tank and healer, a member of any class can be customized for the DPS role, while members of some classes, known as hybrids, can also be customized as healers, tanks or any of the three roles.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The different classes makes the game funner.
    • Jessica =D
      Also helps to play. You need a healer to heal your party and the such.
    • William Utama
      ofcourse if people have the classes it will be boring~~
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Hmm...I hate being a healer though...healers are boring in my opinion.
    • JustinM EWSIS
      every game has different jobs so that there is a varaity in the gameplay and for obsesive people who wish to have all the classes to have a little more fun
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      Classes makes it more interesting.
    • Andrea. C
      LOL really? I hate being tanks. no fun
  • Azeroth
    • Helen EWSIS
      that's a weird name... I wonder what the meaning of it is, if there is any?
    • Jordan EWSIS
      who comes up with thes names
    • Andrea. C
      many MMORPG have their own world to draw players in. makes every game special in their own way
    • jsmith4
      seems alright
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      who every comes up with these names really has no life or has one hell of a imagination
    • diane ewsis
      cool name
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      the names sound coool
    • Hannah EWSIS
      I really like the names they are quite creative and interesting.
    • Sarah B
      i think it is titled world of warcraft because this is an alternate world where people are learning the art of war, or how to make war/fight in wars.
    • Yuval S
      Helen, i think that there is also a meaning to this weird name
    • Kim T
      I'm guessing the name is either something in another language or gibberish.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Each character is assigned a role at your decision. Play in a group or individually.
  • Players can also participate in player versus player combat, either in large groups or small team matches.
    • Helen EWSIS
      I find this to be very typical in all kinds of games.
    • Houin EWSIS
      It is a good way for the character go to the PvP and have match with other player.
    • Jordan EWSIS
      how meny difernt conpons are there
    • Yuval S
      I agree with you Helen.
  • These are indicated by having yellow exclamation marks (!) above their heads, while yellow question marks (?) represent quests ready to hand back and complete.[26] Quests usually reward the player with experience points and in-game money
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Many games usually allow players make their own groups.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Hmm the yellow questions I have seen in other games for quests and stuff....
  • al and periodical events have also been added, such as Halloween, Midsummer and weekly fishing competitions
    • Tian EWSIS
      Although it's in a fictional world, there are still realistic things, such as Halloween. This makes the game more attractive and interesting.
    • Houin EWSIS
      i agree with you,the game will following the real holiday and create some activitly or quest about the holiday.
    • Andrea. C
      Yea, I think when there's events like these, people get drawn in because they get rare items or whatever
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      I think that this is giving people a excuse to be anti social and have no life why talk to real people or go outside when there is a whole vertual reality the mirrors the real world.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      I agree too. holidays always makes pepole happy and when there favorite holidays are in the game its more interesting.
    • Yuval S
      I agree, I like the idea of putting special things for special events.
    • Noreen C
      But isn't one of the main attractions of video games to put people in an alternate world? I, in fact, don't think the game is very realistic. The whole idea of fantasy is what is so different from real world. I think that's what is most appealing. 
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Professions are different from roles. You can actually get useful skills fit for that profession.
  • Characters can be resurrected by other characters that have the ability, or can self-resurrect by moving from the graveyard to the place where they died.
  • To start, players select a game realm or server to play on.
  • Each realm is in one of four different categories, depending on which set of combat rules it uses.
    • Tian EWSIS
      The main goal of the game is to defeat monsters and complete the mission, which is very similar to the one that I used to be playing.
  • players are mainly focused on defeating monsters and completing quests (Player versus environment)
    • Helen EWSIS
      option 1
    • Houin EWSIS
      most of the game need to do the same thing going to up lvl.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      A "guild" is like a club for players.
  • open combat between players is permitted (Player versus player)
    • Helen EWSIS
      option 2
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      player verses enviorment what the hell is that I think it is more sane to do player verses player I won't go coocoo.
  • Enhancing a character's reputation can gain access to rare items, unique abilities and profession-based patterns and plans,[29] as well as lowering cost of items sold by NPCs belonging to that faction
    • YuDi EWSIS
      This kind RPG game should be online game.
    • diane ewsis
      An Npc is it like a potion?
  • Players are also able to customize their character through the use of talents, which are further abilities related to their character class.[9][10]
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This sound fun, and very engaging becasue people can can create characters depending the person.
  • roleplay versions of both these types, where players are encouraged to control their character as if they were an inhabitant of a fantasy world
    • Helen EWSIS
      I can't imagine someone getting so in to the game... but I guess it's fairly normal also. How do you do that? o_o
    • Luis EWSIS
      This sounded like Sims, but it would be interesting to have this combination of battle and civil life
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      People get addicted to a game. And when they are playing their favorite video games they have no idea about whats going on around them.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      I think this game sounds pretty fun.. I used to like roleplaying games
    • Yuval S
      A lot of people go ODE about the game. you will if you also play
    • Noreen C
      This does sound like Sims, however it is more fantasy. I guess it's what someone wants to get out of the game. I think that the idea of going on hunts and the whole monsters and dragons thing makes it very different than Sims. 
  • In one of the updates following the release of the Burning Crusade expansion, the rate at which characters gain experience from killing monsters was increased, along with reducing the amount of experience required to gain further skills and abilities.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      By accumulate experiences can make players beat boss.
  • Race determines the character's appearance, starting location, and initial skill set, called "racial traits".
    • Tian EWSIS
      "Racial traits" does not only determine the appearance of each charactor, but also affect their skills in combat. I like how this is designed.
  • Characters are also able to learn two primary professions from a list of ten. These can be gathering professions, such as mining, herb gathering, or animal skinning. Characters can also choose from crafting professions, such as blacksmithing, leatherworking, or enhancement professions such as enchanting or inscription.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Different areas added because of new editions. Objective is to earn experience points to level up and become better. There is communication through text chat. While traveling, one could ride a boat or a plane.
    • diane ewsis
      cool 3-D
    • diane ewsis
      There should be airplanes that could transport them to places faster
  • language players are encouraged to use, offering in-game support in that language
  • This allows players to explore areas and defeat quests without other players outside the group interfering.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Players get together to defeat the boss.
    • Kim T
      How can players interfere one another? Is there only one dungeon?
  • Gameplay of World of Warcraft
    • Jordan EWSIS
      who spent the time to wright this
    • JustinM EWSIS
      this game iv heard of many times and it is suppose to be a good game however i find that it gets extremely tedious really fast and it gets boring after time which is good for a game that you piad for and have to keep paying for in order to play it
    • Jose EWSIS
      World of Warcraft is a place where people can leave their everyday lives and live a "cooler" much perfered life to escape reality. It is here where a great world of interaction occurs and technology truely shines as we see it in action.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This is really interesting... GLOBAL APPROACH?
    • Dylan EWSIS
      I can see how people get addicted because they dont want to miss out on any extra priviledges so they buy all the extra game packs ot keep up to date with the game.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Includes holiday-based events and uses weather effects. How sentimental.
  • A typical dungeon will allow up to five characters to enter as part of a group.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Group players makes the game easier.
    • diane ewsis
      do you have to have group players
    • Ammy EWSIS
      i agree. Teamwork makes everything a lot easier because 5 heads are better than 1 !
    • Andrea. C
      Yup, but the more people you have, the slower you're going to lvl
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      General idea of questing. Awards and experience points are given after completing a quest.
  • As well as banding together to form groups, players can also band together to form guilds. These structures allow players several benefits, such as easier communication and an identifying guild name and tabard. Guild members can also be given access to a central pool of resources known as a guild bank.[13] Guilds can also make use of an in-game calendar, allowing guild members to view scheduled events, and respond to them with whether they can attend or not. This calendar can also be accessed without need to log-in to the game, using the Armory feature.[14]
    • Munaza EWSIS
  • Characters can only communicate and group with other characters of the same faction. Each faction has five races to choose from. Race determines the character's appearance, starting location, and initial skill set, called "racial traits".
    • Helen EWSIS
      CHALLENGE for the players...
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      This paragraph explains the types of quests. Death happens but characters can be brought back to life.
  • As well as dungeon-based raid challenges, several creatures exist in the normal game environment that are designed for raids to attack.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The background music and photo makes players interesting in the game.
    • diane ewsis
      do you have to go into a dungeons with a group you can't go in by urself
  • Death Knights are a hero class, which means the player needs a level 55 (at least) and they start at level 55 with many skills, abilities, weapons and armor. While a character can be played on its own, players can also group up with others in order to tackle more challenging content. In this way, character classes are used in specific roles within a group
    • Houin EWSIS
      different class character have different skill, if your lvl is higher,then the class will more high,and the you will hagve more skill
  • The Alliance currently consists of Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Draenei; the Horde currently consists of Orcs, Tauren, Forsaken, Trolls and Blood Elves.
    • Helen EWSIS
      too many terms...!
    • Houin EWSIS
      most of the game have 2 different alliance,it will make the game more interest and fun.
    • Luis EWSIS
      I wonder what happened to the dead hordes
  • In common with many MMORPGs, World of Warcraft requires players to pay for a subscription, usually either by credit-card or by buying a card from a retailer to redeem for a pre-determined amount of subscription time.[15]
    • Houin EWSIS
      it is very expersive.some MMORPGs is free.:)
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      This paragraph shows that one can improve "reputation." There are rare abilities available.
  • Further options to customize the appearance, such as hairstyles, skin tones, etc are also available.
    • Helen EWSIS
      REALLY? I thought that was just in games that "dress up" their characters as opposed to fictionous animated characters.
    • diane ewsis
      For the paragraph What can't you change
  • Players can discover 'flight masters' in newly discovered locations and then use those NPCs in order to fly to previously discovered locations in other parts of the world.[19
  • As well as banding together to form groups, players can also band together to form guilds.
    • Tian EWSIS
      Players can interact with each other, which makes the game more fun. The players can also share experience with each other.
  • Depending on the race chosen and the expansions installed, a player then has four to seven of the game's ten character classes to choose from.
    • Helen EWSIS
      I'm a little confused... based on whatever they choose before, they then choose another character classes??
    • Houin EWSIS
      the game only have 3 main character,after up lvl,it can upgrade to other character.
  • Gameplay primarily consists of completing quests and dungeon runs, and other in-game activities, in order to obtain rewards which will allow one to improve one's character and equipment in order to be able to complete the more difficult quests and dungeon runs.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Overall, I am very bored of this lesson and feel that this is pointless because I really don't care about the history or explanation of the "Gameplay of World of Warcraft." Plus, this game is rather boring and makes me not want to play. Great.
    • Kim T
      I agree. The game seems really confusing and pointless. I don't find it necessary to learn about a fantasy world that isn't really interesting or beneficial.
  • A number of facilities are available to characters when in towns and cities. In each major city characters can access a bank in order to deposit items, such as treasure or crafted items.
  • Characters can also choose from crafting professions, such as blacksmithing, leatherworking, or enhancement professions such as enchanting or inscription.
    • Helen EWSIS
      Professions... part of the game... I like! It's gives me something to do when not battling :]
    • Houin EWSIS
      most of the people doing for the game money,you make the own thing and sell it out.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      very similar to other mmorpgs where people can choose jobs for their characters.
    • JustinM EWSIS
      it makes the game more realistic
    • Luis EWSIS
      What are these skills for?
  • n this game world, players use their characters to explore locations, defeat creatures and complete quests.
    • Tian EWSIS
      Players have to explore locations themselves. That means the plot is not determined by the game and it will leave the players more to imagine.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I like exploring in games especially when the game has very good graphics.
    • JustinM EWSIS
      same old style of gameplay lols
  • Although the game world remains reasonably similar from day to day, changes have been made over time. Seasonal events that reflect on real world events such as Halloween (as Hallow's End),[23] Christmas (as Winter Veil), Children's Week,[24] Easter (as Noblegarden) and Midsummer run for a period of a day or two up to several weeks.
  • Gameplay primarily consists of completing quests and dungeon runs, and other in-game activities, in order to obtain rewards which will allow one to improve one's character and equipment in order to be able to complete the more difficult quests and dungeon runs.
    • Andrea. C
      makes the game interesting when there's a goal for you
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      The many quest can get boring if there is no one singular goal of enemy to defeat and you whined up giving up.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      I agree. completing small quests in order to achieve the big gaol
  • in-game calendar
    • Helen EWSIS
      this seems useful - like a timeling/schedule for when everyone is free to play
    • jsmith4
      Wow! this game really doe shave everything!
  • First, some realms allow player versus player combat to take place almost anywhere in the game world outside of areas for new players.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The system of players vs players makes the game in touch with the real world. Players vs. real players in the game.
    • diane ewsis
      There too many points in this game
  • This calendar can also be accessed without need to log-in to the game, using the Armory feature.
    • Helen EWSIS
      +PLUS! it's less of a hassle to log in
  • World of Warcraft requires players to pay for a subscription
    • Helen EWSIS
      haha, nothing is free!!
    • Ammy EWSIS
      that sucks because maple story is free and the characters are way cuter !!!
  • A large amount of World of Warcraft revolves around questing.
    • Andrea. C
      Lol, I like questing, when it's with a big group. But it does get boring
  • These structures allow players several benefits, such as easier communication and an identifying guild name and tabard.
  • When a player instructs their character to yell or say something, a chat bubble appears above their head containing the spoken words in a similar way to a comic book image.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This is kind of cool!
  • Each battleground has a set objective, such as capturing a flag or defeating an opposing general, that must be completed in order to win the battleground.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      This is similar like the super mario.
  • inding a difficult to locate object, or delivering an item from one place to another.
  • In each major city characters can access a bank in order to deposit items, such as treasure or crafted items.
    • Helen EWSIS
      my first thought was $ not treasure or materials...
  • As well as gaining in-game money, items and experience points, many quests will also increase reputation with a faction.
  • These matches are among a small number of characters (between 2 and 5 per side) in two teams.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Team vs. Team
    • diane ewsis
      so cash prizes competition after competition
  • the rate at which characters gain experience from killing monsters was increased, along with reducing the amount of experience required to gain further skills and abilities.
  • A mailbox can be used to collect items won at auction and also to send messages, items and even in-game money to other characters.
    • Helen EWSIS
      I bet it never gets full! Just like every other mailbox!
    • Hawa EWSIS
      omfg for aim I have 666 new mails that I yet to read. O_O
    • diane ewsis
      You have to pay for everything the messages that are sent must be important
    • jsmith4
      mailbox huh? UPS? FEDEX? I prefer the former..
  • These mods can help the player by automating simple tasks, grouping similar spells or abilities together and enhancing the way information about the game environment is presented to the player.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      This shows the development of the game.
    • JustinM EWSIS
      its also call macroing your keys
  • Some of the harder challenges in World of Warcraft require players to group together to defeat them.
    • Andrea. C
      lol, how did i know jessica highlighted this one? but anyways, not when it's like a big boss monster
  • . Seasonal events that reflect on real world events such as Halloween (as Hallow's End),[23] Christmas (as Winter Veil), Children's Week,[24] Easter (as Noblegarden) and Midsummer run for a period of a day or two up to several weeks.
    • Tian EWSIS
      There are also realistic events in the fictional realm, which made the game more attractive.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      yea those are fun because you get to celebrate it with people from all around the world
  • These are indicated by having yellow exclamation marks (!) above their heads, while yellow question marks (?) represent quests ready to hand back and complete.[
    • Helen EWSIS
      this is an interesting way off disputing who is who
  • These dungeons allow up to forty players to enter at a time in order to face some of the most difficult challenges.[3
  • The ability for players to communicate with each other using voice chat was added some time after the release of the Burning Crusade expansion.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The game also let players communicate easier while playing the game.
    • Anna EWSIS
      I think thats interesting and fun.
  • In a change from the previous Warcraft games produced by Blizzard, World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where thousands of players can interact with each other. Despite this change, the game draws many similarities with its predecessors.
  • Sometimes, quests of this nature are linked together by a common theme. Where one quest ends, another starts, forming a quest chain.
    • Helen EWSIS
      longer quests?!
    • diane ewsis
      If you stop playing the game that you get experience points dont you have to play the game to get the points
    • Andrea. C
      I know!! That's the worst. You just want to give up halfway but if you do complete it, you get something good out of it.
    • Carmen M
      Dont quests get boring after a period of time? The game designers or whatever you call them must come up with a lot of ideas if the quests are never ending.
  • However, most players prefer to use Ventrilo or Teamspeak, as they come with more customizable features and provide better sound quality than the voice service in-game.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      This system is really useful in the boss defeating.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      i've used ventrillo back when I played a game called gunbound and it was great.
    • JustinM EWSIS
      this is used in numerous games for similar reasons
    • Andrea. C
      Yea, and during guild wars but it's kinda weird when your teamates and you only chatted by texts and not hearing each other's voices.
  • a character may get attacked and killed by a creature, becoming a ghost at a nearby graveyard.
    • Helen EWSIS
      you can't die?!?!?!
    • Andrea. C
      LOL helen. You can die. You just respawn at the nearest respawning point. And you also lose exp which is a total ...
  • As well as being able to complete quests and enter dungeons, players can also fight against other players in the game.
  • When a character dies the items being carried degrade, requiring in-game money and a specialist NPC to repair them. Items that degrade heavily can become unusable until they are repaired.
    • Helen EWSIS
      never mind... you can die!
  • These locations act in a similar way to dungeons or instances in that only a set number of characters can enter a single battleground, but additional copies of the battleground can be made to accommodate additional players.[34]
  • As well as banding together to form groups, players can also band together to form guilds. These structures allow players several benefits, such as easier communication and an identifying guild name and tabard. Guild members can also be given access to a central pool of resources known as a guild bank.[13] Guilds can also make use of an in-game calendar, allowing guild members to view scheduled events, and respond to them with whether they can attend or not. This calendar can also be accessed without need to log-in to the game, using the Armory feature.[14]
    • Andrea. C
      it's fun if your guild is a good one. they back you up and help you out until you're strong enough.
  • The ability for players to communicate with each other using voice chat was added some time after the release of the Burning Crusade expansion.
    • Tian EWSIS
      This added function brought the players more fun from making people network with each other. People can share their experience or ask others question while playing through this voice chat.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I think voice chat is awesome because you can continue to walk around without having ot stop and type. Its much easier to talk while you're hunting. many games have this feature right now which is awesome.
  • Arenas are a further development to player vs player that were added in the Burning Crusade expansion
  • High end dungeons allow more players to group together and form a raid. These dungeons allow up to forty players to enter at a time in order to face some of the most difficult challenges.[33] In the Burning Crusade expansion the most common group sizes are ten and twenty-five,[32] based on the idea that these groups would be easier to fill and coordinate.[32] As well as dungeon-based raid challenges, several creatures exist in the normal game environment that are designed for raids to attack.[20][23] [edit]
    • Helen EWSIS
      that's a CRAZY amount of people...
  • In the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, a new player vs player zone was introduced called Wintergrasp
  • A number of facilities are available to characters when in towns and cities. In each major city characters can access a bank in order to deposit items, such as treasure or crafted items. Each bank is unique to that character, with players able to purchase additional storage space.[21] An additio
  • sade expansion was the concept of guild banks, allowing members of the same guild to contribute items, resources and in-game currency to a central poo
  • After a set amount of experience points have been gained, a character gains a level, opening up the option of learning new skills or abilities, exploring new areas and attempting new quests.
    • Andrea. C
      The more you lvl, the stronger you get and more skills to use and lvl up. Keeps people interested
    • jsmith4
      Like most games! its a center for for people who like to electronically and cybernetically toil
  • some realms allow player versus player combat to take place almost anywhere in the game world outside of areas for new players. In these environments, members of opposing factions can attack each other at any time.
    • Helen EWSIS
      this reminds me of when I used to play Star Craft... LOL
  • A number of features have been added to World of Warcraft, either prior to the original release or in one of the following content updates.
    • Helen EWSIS
      these constant updates with technology! -___-
    • Usman 'uZi' attends EWSIS
      whats wrong with constant updates with technology? it only makes it better..
    • Hawa EWSIS
      because updates help with stuff =O
  • expansion was the concept of guild banks
    • Andrea. C
      guild bank or storage is really helpful, helps stores everything you and your members donate to your guild
  • Over time, a number of additio
  • 3D-representation of the Warcraft universe that players can interact with through their characters. The game features two continents on the world of Azeroth. A second world, known as Outland, was later added in the expansion World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.[16] The second expansion, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, added a third continent, Northrend, to Azeroth
    • Jose EWSIS
      Open world serves as a great way to roam and complete quests, tasks, meet new people and in a way get lost into a massive world away from your ordinary life
    • diane ewsis
      Nice 3-D
    • Jose EWSIS
      More Expansions = More $$$ LOL! (including online fees)
  • Players can also use facilities such as boats and zeppelins in order to move from one of the continents on Azeroth to the other. Players can communicate with each other using text based chat, separated into different channels for ease of use.
    • Jose EWSIS
      Things can be used within the world and can be interacted with. Communicating with players can bring a more interesting experience to the gameplay to form alliances and discovering enemies.
  • The mechanics of each class vary, with some tending towards melee combat while others are more suited to attacking from range or casting spells.
  • Players can communicate with each other using text based chat, separated into different channels for ease of use.
  • Players can also modify their in-game experience through the use of third-party modifications such as macros and add-ons.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      I think that this makes the game more appealing because users always want updates
  • Players are able to transfer their established characters between realms in the same territory (North America, Europe, etc) for a fee.
    • Luis EWSIS
      It seems that they charge you for everything, what an ingenous way of raising money
  • Mages can be animal skinners,
  • Dungeons
    • Hawa EWSIS
      DUN DUN DUN~!
  • More regular events such as a fishing tournament have also been set up for players to take part in.[25] Other changes include adding weather effects such as rain, snow and dust storms to areas,[19] or redeveloping areas of the game in order to add new quests or to continue a particular storyline in the game.[23][24] This can also include adding new dungeons to locations for the players to explore.[20][25]
  • character classes are used in specific roles within a group.
    • Luis EWSIS
      There is a great variety of classes. I will be dizzy choosing from all of them just like choosing from the game Neverwinter Night
  • nal features and improvements have been added to the game world, such as additional locations to explore.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      it's always better when they keep on adding new stuff to the game, so you'll get bored not as fast
  • In a change from the previous Warcraft games produced by Blizzard, World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where thousands of players can interact with each other
  • characters of the same factio
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      these character's names reminds me of Harry Potter.
  • Comparison of a default World of Warcraft user interface (bottom) to a heavily modified one (top)
    • Luis EWSIS
      This game was actually the first of this type I had known or heard of. Although I have never played this game, I think I would have enjoyed the setting and the interplay between players.
  • combat, either in large groups or small team matches.
  • Both Draenei and Blood Elves were added as part of the Burning Crusade expansion, which is required for these options to become available
    • Dylan EWSIS
      An example of what I meant by players having to buy extra game packs to keep up to date with the game and have as much fun as possible.
  • These include using the same setting of the world of Azeroth as well as following a similar art direction.
    • Luis EWSIS
      people who like warcraft in general would like this world, so it is no wonder it remained there
  • These re-tune a set of dungeons in the Outland area for high-end characters, improving their replay value.[32] This feature is also available in Wrath of the Lich King for players who have reached the new level cap. A "looking for group" option allows players to passively find other players interested in doing the same instance
  • Each bank is unique to that character, with players able to purchase additional storage space.
    • Luis EWSIS
      This game has so many different stuff in it. I am amazed at the variety
  • weather effects
  • Characters can also learn secondary professions, such as cooking, fishing and first aid.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      i think the closer to reality a game is, the less boring it gets
  • battlegrounds
  • Victory rewards the character with tokens and honor points that can be used to buy armour and weapons.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      So this is the reward everyone's trying to get?
  • character in: the Horde or the Alliance.
    • nicholas n
      Can you change between the Horde or Alliance at will?
  • These include using the same setting of the world of Azeroth as well as followi
    • nicholas n
      Are there warecraft games that are not MMOS
  • This was seen as an attempt to encourage newcomers to the game, as they would be able to play alongside more advanced characters much earlier than before.[30]
    • nicholas n
      How long does it take to get to the max lvl
Sky Cig

No Smoking Day! - 0 views

    The first thing to do if you want to quit smoking is to accept the fact that you're really a cigarette addict. Then, the next move is to find ways on how to stop this kind of habit. You can explore new things so you attention will be on other activities and not on smoking. Proclaim each day as a No Smoking Day and try to avoid getting one.
    The first thing to do if you want to quit smoking is to accept the fact that you're really a cigarette addict. Then, the next move is to find ways on how to stop this kind of habit. You can explore new things so you attention will be on other activities and not on smoking. Proclaim each day as a No Smoking Day and try to avoid getting one.

Digital Is | Digital Is ... - 0 views

    The NWP Digital Is website is a teaching-focused knowledge base exploring the art and craft of writing, the teaching and learning of writing, along with provocations that push us to think in new ways about culture and education in the digital age.

Climate | Farming First - 0 views

  • Members of the Farming First coalition believe that: Agriculture generally, and farmers especially, are vital to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Increasing farm productivity in a sustainable way and decreasing waste and losses can significantly mitigate the effects of climate change, prevent deforestation, and protect biodiversity. Adopting proven sustainable agricultural practices reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhances the effect of natural carbon sinks. Further research and innovation are essential to invent the necessary adaptation and mitigation solutions. Therefore, farmers must be involved in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. To support them, we must create sound and reliable incentives; we must share knowledge; and we must make adequate tools and technologies accessible to deliver both food and energy security. As key stakeholders in agriculture, the world’s farmers, agronomists, scientists, engineers and industries are working together through an open coalition, to provide innovative solutions which reduce emissions from agriculture and adapt to climate change while increasing agricultural productivity to meet growing food needs.
  • Further research and innovation are essential to invent the necessary adaptation and mitigation solutions. Therefore, farmers must be involved in implementing climate c
    its good that we are haveing more knowledge to get world hungary over with because i though that they are really bad when they have alot of food shortage speically in the desert parts there is like no way that they can grow food but with our powers now i think that we can actually grow food at places liek that which can help them which is great. i though that it's great in many ways because with this i thin k that they can help them solve thier thing
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how to reduce the chance of food insecurity and get a better way to produce more food. I was researching this question online, and this blog post, "Climate/Farming First" caught my attention because it answered my question and listed a lot of useful sources of ways. The quote I chose here is basically saying that the change of the climate affects the amount and quality of agricultural production directly. For example, greenhouse gas emission would affect the quality of the production or even reduce the amount of it. As a result, professors in various fields from all over the world tried to do research and explore ways to solve this problem. I think this is very amazing because I didn't know that the surroundings would also affect the agriculture production, which might lead to great food insecurity. It makes me wonder whether the experts have thought of good ways to solve the issue. I'm also wondering if I would also be able to contribute to their research in the future.

Everyone Needs Therapy: Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake - 0 views

    I'm learning more about "personality" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is:"Why do I always feel so lonely?" and "Why do I always act so funny?" I was researching this question onine, and this blog "Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake" caught my attention because the title attracted me and my problem is somewhat related to that title, so I think it should answer my questions. This sparked my interest because maybe I'm somewhat depressed and stressed these days so that I always think too much, which makes me want to explore more about people's inner psychology. My favorite quote in this blog is "the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny." This quote I chose here is basically saying that people who cannot easily control their emotions actually always look funny and they are always very smart. I like this quote because I think it somewhat applies to my situation. I think this is cogent and it makes me wonder that if I am also that type of person. I always look very funny, and maybe most people think I'm smart, which isn't exactly true... but anyways, actually I'm also easy to feel lonely and I always feel that I have some sort of inner disorder or something like that, though I don't really show that on my face, so people cannot really tell. I just don't want people to think that the thing I'm annoyed with is very silly and insignificant. Yet I believe that most people always get angry at very little things, but sometimes things have different meanings to different people, so something may be insignificant to someone, but it may also be very paramount to another. Nevertheless, I have to admit that when I get annoyed with something or someone, I usually just pretend nothing has happened. And the same with things that frustrate me. I would always try to look happy and funny even if I was very depressed. Anyways I believe that it's something that most people do in this society, so it's not rea
    I'm learning more about "personality" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is:"Why do I always feel so lonely?" and "Why do I always act so funny?" I was researching this question onine, and this blog "Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake" caught my attention because the title attracted me and my problem is somewhat related to that title, so I think it should answer my questions. This sparked my interest because maybe I'm somewhat depressed and stressed these days so that I always think too much, which makes me want to explore more about people's inner psychology.\n\n"And the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny. Traditionally with people who have Borderline Personality Disorder, once they're flying, meaning angry, there's no stopping them. The anger is a manifestation of pain. If you can't see that, then there's no helping your spouse, your child, your friend, your mother, whoever it is who is unable to regulate emotion. When the plate needs shattering, it will shatter. When they need love, they'll find someone to sleep with. When a car needs to be keyed, it will be keyed."\n\nMy favorite quote in this blog is "the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny." This quote I chose here is basically saying that people who cannot easily control their emotions actually always look funny and they are always very smart. I like this quote because I think it somewhat applies to my situation.\n \nI think this is cogent and it makes me wonder that if I am also that type of person. I always look very funny, and maybe most people think I'm smart, which isn't exactly true... but anyways, actually I'm also easy to feel lonely and I always feel that I have some sort of inner disorder or something like that, though I don't really show that on my face, so people cannot really tell. I just don't want people to think that the thing I'm annoyed with is very silly and insi

Extreme Horror: Basic Escapism or Simply Base? - 0 views

    This podcast was very interesting to listen to. It deals with the grossing effect of extreme horror as it explores how people love to watch films like these. It brings the question who are the REAL crazy people in this world? David Poland, a film critic says that after watching Hostel II, he felt that, "I think that we've crossed some sort of line." The special effects and improvements in film today have created horror to a whole new level with new genres. However many horror film directors have different views. Rob Zombie takes the idea that its all for thrill rides and its like "taking the sex out of a porno movie... Its hallow." Eli Roth takes it as a reflection of the "horror" he sees in the news. "While we were recording the score for the first Hostel, I turned on the television, and Hurricane Katrina was on," Roth says. "[There were] bodies floating down the street, reports of people raping and shooting - and the police quit! Look around the world, at what happens when you're in a society where no one's looking and no one's paying attention and you can do whatever you want: People revert immediately to this state of killing." "In spite of the laughter, Brottman, a scholar, she says "extreme horror might be a way of examining the core of what makes us human." Figuratively speaking, of course."
Rachel EWSIS

Nursing ethics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The nature of nursing means that nursing ethics tends to examine the ethics of caring rather than 'curing' by exploring the relationship between the nurse and the person in care.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      What this is saying is becoming a nurse instead of curing for the person you have to care for them.
  • The focus of nursing ethics is on developing a caring relationship
    • Rachel EWSIS
      This is important because, if the nurses don't care then in my opinon i don't think that they will pick this career choice. Also if you don't have a caring relationship then, the patients won't really open up to their nurses.
  • This is where information about the person is only shared with others after permission of the person, unless it is felt that the information must be shared to comply with a higher duty such as preserving life. [5].
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think that this is interesting because, i wonder if nurses do talk about the patients business. If i were a nurses patients i wouldn't want them telling my business unless it was necessary.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Nursing ethics shares many principles with medical ethics, such as beneficence, non-maleficence and respect for autonomy
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I wonder why some nurses sret up a list of laws for themselves? Aren't they given a set of rules or laws already?!
  • This is considered by its advocates to focus more on relationships than principles and therefore to reflect the caring relationship in nursing more accurately than other ethical views.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think caring about the relationships more than the principles is good because, the principles don't get you to a point where you could bound with the person and in my opinion i think that being a nurse you connect with the person on a professsional and emotional level.
  • People are then enabled to make decisions about their own treatment.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think that it's important for people to make their own decisions wether or not they want the treatment because, what if their family doesn't have enough mom to pay for it or they on't have insurance. Usually depending upon the situation like lets say if it's really bad then the person won't take the treatment if they are close to dying.
  • There is a balance between people having the information required to make an autonomous decision and, on the other hand, not being unnecessarily distressed by the truth.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I wonder why sometimes people aren't able to handle tghe trhuth when they hear bad news about their health?!
  • This is because nursing theory seeks a collaborative relationship with the person in care.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      Patients and thie nurses need to have a caring relationship with each other.
Reasat EWSIS

Extraterrestrial life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth. The existence of such life is theoretical and all assertions about it remain disputed.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is the general definition of what aliens are. They are known as extraterrestrial life that do not live on Earth, but oter space. The last sentence is important because, scientists are still trying to prove the existence of aliens.
  • Suggested locations which might have once developed, or presently continue to host life similar to our own, include the planets Venus[1] and Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa,[2] Enceladus and Titan) and Gliese 581 c and d, recently discovered to be near Earth-mass extrasolar planets apparently located in their star's habitable zone, and with the potential to have liquid water.[3]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      There may be potnetial alien life in various planets, moons, and star (i.e. - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Europa)
  • Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorised by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in our solar system and quite possibly throughout the universe although no samples have been found.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Where is the evidence that bacteria exist else where?
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Scientists are directly searching for evidence of unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors which have fallen to Earth. A mission is also proposed to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with a possible liquid water layer under its surface, which might contain life.[19]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Another source that goes more in detail about this is:
  • Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. This report is also controversial, and scientific debate continues.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is important because this is proof that extraterrestrial life existed in outer space, more specifically Mars.
    • JosephT EWSIS
      This isn't proof at all. It says possibly, and it says that there is a lack of evidence.
  • In February 2005, NASA scientists reported that they had found strong evidence of present life on Mars.[21] The two scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center, based their claims on methane signatures found in Mars' atmosphere resembling the methane production of some forms of primitive life on Earth, as well as on their own study of primitive life near the Rio Tinto river in Spain.
  • Within Islam, the statement of the Qur'an "All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds" indicates multiple universal bodies, and maybe even multiple universes, which may indicate extraterrestrial and even extradimensional life. Surat Al-Jinn also mentioned a statement from a Jinn regarding the current status and ability of his group in the heavens.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is interesting because I am a Muslim my self. A lot of things can have different interpretations. I am going to try looking for it in the Qur'an.
  • Europa - Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[2]
    • Reasat EWSIS
  • Mars - Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[34]
  • The other large moons of our system which have been visited appear similarly lifeless, though the interesting geothermic forces observed (Io's volcanism, Europa's ocean, Titan's thick atmosphere) have underscored how broad the range of potentially habitable environments may be.

Personality psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Personality can be defined as a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations [3]
    • Tian EWSIS
      As I know, one's behaviors are always affected by that person's personality. This quote made me want to explore more about the connection between a person's personality and behavior.
  • There is no consensus on the definition of "personality" in psychology. Most researchers and psychologists do not explicitly identify themselves with a certain perspective and often take an eclectic approach.
    • Tian EWSIS
      According to this quote, I realized that everyone's definition of "personality" is different from others'. Therefore, a person's behavior may be explained in different ways among different people. Thus, nothing is always absolutely constant, especially personality. This made me wonder if it is human's nature that people always change as time passes, and one day you suddenly realize the one you used to know is not the same any more.
  • Critics of personality theory claim personality is "plastic" across time, places, moods, and situations. Changes in personality may indeed result from diet (or lack thereof), medical effects, significant events, or learning. However, most personality theories emphasize stability over fluctuation.
    • Tian EWSIS
      This quote has proved my previous hypothesis was right. A person's personality may change because of many facts in our lives. I'm now wondering which facts have the greatest impacts on people's personalities.
Justin Tatis

Ayiti: The Cost of Life - 4 views

shared by Justin Tatis on 18 Jan 10 - Cached
  • Global Kids developed two workshops with supporting materials for teachers and facilitators around Ayiti: The Cost of Life. Both workshops offer a number of actions for young people who want to make a difference in the real world around poverty.
    Now for some gaming!
    Interesting game. Reminds me of the Sims or Civilization; games of such nature. Will probably play again later. Strategy is key!!!
    this is the game, i dont know how it works, but w/e
Paul Allison

Digitally Speaking / Social Bookmarking and Annotating - 0 views

  • social bookmarking applications take advantage of the wisdom of millions of users to identify resources worth exploring
  • if you find someone whose thinking stimulates yours, you can "see" what it is that is leaving them jazzed on any given day
    • Paul Allison
      I'm testing how to make this work.
  • It's an instant "starting point" for researching.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • he fundamental nature of reading is changing as we sprint towards a digital future, and many believe that the changes aren't good
  • Imagine the collective power of an army of readers engaged in ongoing conversation about provocative ideas, challenging one another's thought, publicly debating, and polishing personal beliefs.
  • a group research tool, consider introducing the following six roles:  
    I've been thinking about how some of the Diigo tools can help students to become a more thoughtful, slower, more considered process. "Carr goes on to argue that reading online---the most prominent form of reading for many---has devolved into nothing more than "power browsing," a horizontal trip through text characterized by skimming in search of content that is immediately engaging and accessible. Concentration is irrelevant to the online reader, as new pathways are only a quick click away. "Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words," writes Carr, "Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski." " I agree that students tend to skim and perhaps look for nuggets they can use in their own writing when they read online. Changing this is what I want to use Diigo for.
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