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Reasat EWSIS

Extraterrestrial life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Extraterrestrial life is defined as life which does not originate from planet Earth. The existence of such life is theoretical and all assertions about it remain disputed.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is the general definition of what aliens are. They are known as extraterrestrial life that do not live on Earth, but oter space. The last sentence is important because, scientists are still trying to prove the existence of aliens.
  • Suggested locations which might have once developed, or presently continue to host life similar to our own, include the planets Venus[1] and Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn (e.g. Europa,[2] Enceladus and Titan) and Gliese 581 c and d, recently discovered to be near Earth-mass extrasolar planets apparently located in their star's habitable zone, and with the potential to have liquid water.[3]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      There may be potnetial alien life in various planets, moons, and star (i.e. - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Europa)
  • Alien life, such as bacteria, has been theorised by scientists such as Carl Sagan to exist in our solar system and quite possibly throughout the universe although no samples have been found.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Where is the evidence that bacteria exist else where?
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  • Scientists are directly searching for evidence of unicellular life within the solar system, carrying out studies on the surface of Mars and examining meteors which have fallen to Earth. A mission is also proposed to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with a possible liquid water layer under its surface, which might contain life.[19]
    • Reasat EWSIS
      Another source that goes more in detail about this is:
  • Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. This report is also controversial, and scientific debate continues.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is important because this is proof that extraterrestrial life existed in outer space, more specifically Mars.
    • JosephT EWSIS
      This isn't proof at all. It says possibly, and it says that there is a lack of evidence.
  • In February 2005, NASA scientists reported that they had found strong evidence of present life on Mars.[21] The two scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA's Ames Research Center, based their claims on methane signatures found in Mars' atmosphere resembling the methane production of some forms of primitive life on Earth, as well as on their own study of primitive life near the Rio Tinto river in Spain.
  • Within Islam, the statement of the Qur'an "All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds" indicates multiple universal bodies, and maybe even multiple universes, which may indicate extraterrestrial and even extradimensional life. Surat Al-Jinn also mentioned a statement from a Jinn regarding the current status and ability of his group in the heavens.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      This is interesting because I am a Muslim my self. A lot of things can have different interpretations. I am going to try looking for it in the Qur'an.
  • Europa - Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[2]
    • Reasat EWSIS
  • Mars - Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[34]
  • The other large moons of our system which have been visited appear similarly lifeless, though the interesting geothermic forces observed (Io's volcanism, Europa's ocean, Titan's thick atmosphere) have underscored how broad the range of potentially habitable environments may be.

Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil | Universe Today - 1 views

    I'm learning more about "Life on Mars" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is there life on Mars? I was researching this question online, and this blog caught my attention because It said that there is a possibility that bacteria could live on Mars. I thought this discovery was ground breaking, and I thought that nothing could live on Mars. "The question of whether life in the form of bacteria (or something even more exotic!) exists on Mars is hotly debated, and still requires a resolute yes or no. Experiments done right here on Earth that simulate the conditions on Mars and their effects on terrestrial bacteria show that it is entirely possible for certain strains of bacteria to weather the harsh environment of Mars." The quote I chose here is basically saying certain bacteria may be able to survive on Mars, but this is only inferred after a series of experiments, conducted on Earth. I think this is interesting because it makes me wonder if Humans will ever be able to live on Mars, or if anything does exist there, or if anything exists even outside of earth. I first read this and thought, "wow!" this is really amazing. I continued reading and found out that it was not completely true. All of these experiments were conducted on earth, but the test(s) simulated to be like the terrain on Mars. I began wondering why don't they just attempt to place the bacteria, I am sure on less person wouldn't affect the population that badly. I know that is a bit harsh but I don't care.
Shehrina EWSIS

E.T. to Earth: Don't Get Me Sick - Space | NASA | Solar System | Planets | Shuttle | As... - 0 views

  • "If terrestrial bugs make it to Mars can they survive and grow, or would they be able to thrive in extreme environments?" asks lead author of the paper Wayne Nicholson, who is a professor at the Department of Microbiology & Cell Science at the University of Florida, Kennedy Space Center. "So far, our results show that they wouldn't be able to grow."
    This is pretty interesting to be because imagine they find a way to plant trees & flowers in mars and they actually survive. Then people might be able to live there too. That would be pretty awesome.

Vatican Looks to Heavens for Signs of Alien Life - - 1 views

  • ''Both science and religion posit life as a special outcome of a vast and mostly inhospitable universe,'' he told a news conference Tuesday. ''There is a rich middle ground for dialogue between the practitioners of astrobiology and those who seek to understand the meaning of our existence in a biological universe.''
    I'm learning more about extraterrestrial life right now, and in particular I'm wondering about is: Is there life on Mars, or in space at all? I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because It discusses the Vatican's approach on researching Extraterrestrial life. The Vatican is a major congregation of the Catholic church in Rome. ''Both science and religion posit life as a special outcome of a vast and mostly inhospitable universe,'' he told a news conference Tuesday. ''There is a rich middle ground for dialogue between the practitioners of astrobiology and those who seek to understand the meaning of our existence in a biological universe.'' The quote I chose here is basically saying that a common stance is met between scientists that want to research Extraterrestrial-ism and rather more religious people that want to research it. I think this is shocking because... It makes me wonder why would the Vatican of all things want to seek information about Alien Life. I would assume that the Vatican, would oppose any beliefs that life exists outside of earth. The article also mentions that it was appropriate that the Vatican would host such a meeting, this honestly makes me a little paranoid.

Astronomers Start Search For Life Beyond Earth - The New York Times - 0 views

    I'm learning more about extraterrestrial life right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is there life on Mars, or in space at all? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because It discusses the search, and research processes of extraterrestrial hunts. "The search for evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, commonly known by the acronym SETI, began at 3 P.M. today with simultaneous commands to computers and radio receivers here at the world's largest radiotelescope and at another big telescope in the Mojave Desert in California." The quote I chose here is basically saying that the search for extraterrestrial life has began. I think this is surprising because I already know that scientists had already began the "extraterrestrial hunt" but I never or hardly ever hear anything about their progression. After all the hoaxes, the little information dished out about Area 51, I don't know what to believe. I think this issues paranoia and conspiracy among me and countless other people. It really makes me wonder... nothing. It reinforces my stance on trust in the government.
Veronica EWSIS

The Twelve Gates: Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi Synastry Part 2 - 0 views

    I'm learning more about synastry right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How accurate is it? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it actually focuses on two real, well-known, people. "The patnership works best when they pursue goals with passionate commitment. Obviously there is the need to be aware that this can be a difficult contact and they have had their fair share of psychic conflicts that can at times spill out into violence of some sort. Lisa's control and distance can create passionate fury in Patrick's Mars. The couple have faced a lot in their relationship and this shows in their more difficult contacts. Patrick has battled alcohol, cocain and a riding accident that almost left him paralyzed, and his final battle was the fight against Cancer." The quote I chose here is basically saying that because of their synastry the two celebrities blend well. Also, their personalities tend to make them work together more. I think this is great support in favor of my topic because it focuses on real people providing an accurate example. It makes me wonder if I'll find more articles like this. I hope so. I kind of want to change my question. I can't find enough news articles on the topic.

Global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The most commonly discussed measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is impotant, many people do not know that the temperature of the earth is cahnging significantly.
  • An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[7] The continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice is expected, with warming being strongest in the Arctic. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The temperature is affecting not only regular temperature but also changes in the agriculture facilities. It is merans that food industry prices as well as food companies will "sky rocket", because of temperature changes.
  • Political and public debate continues regarding climate change, and what actions (if any) to take in response. The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Politics is making the Climate Chnge issue, unimportant, I beleive that Govermnets are just "selling their image", so they would look good. There are many, many policies pacts that have been made in order to "control Clmiate Change/ Global Warming". When will there be a policy that actually help the meniviroment?
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  • Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide. The concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since the mid-1700s.[23] These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores.[24] Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen about 20 million years ago.[25] Fossil fuel burning has produced about three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, particularly deforestation.[26]
    • Munaza EWSIS
      Industrial Revolution was bound to happen, people would live in the stone age for the rest their lives. When the Industrial Revlotion did occur things did not look bad, as of 2002 and futher did the climate change was becoming a issue to looked upon as an issue.
  • If the atmosphere is warmed, the saturation vapor pressure increases, and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere will tend to increase. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increase in water vapor content makes the atmosphere warm further; this warming causes the atmosphere to hold still more water vapor (a positive feedback), and so on until other processes stop the feedback loop
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The atmosphere is warming up, there is no way for stoppiong the warming up but there is a way of slowing this down or going green
  • When ice melts, land or open water takes its place. Both land and open water are on average less reflective than ice and thus absorb more solar radiation. This causes more warming, which in turn causes more melting, and this cycle continues.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      The Ice is melting. If you look at the The cold continent of Antartica, the ice caps are melting there. The North and the South Poles are melting. The sea levels are rising and inhabitants such as polar bears and Penguins are getting affected. The sea levels are afftecting Island Nations as well as sea bordering nations.
  • Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.
    • Mei EWSIS
      basic information about global warming.
  • However, warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop, because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    • Mei EWSIS
      people are using air conditioner in the summer and the gases come out of air conditioner are bad for the o-zone.
  • Temperature changes vary over the globe. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (0.25 °C per decade against 0.13 °C per decade).
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this sentence is important because this shows that global warming is causing the earth to get warmer. This changes things lik melting of ice bergs which can lead to rising sea level and cause major changes.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This is important because it descibes why and how the temperatures all around the world are going up. This also shows that as we get more technology, we are destroying the earth more and more.
  • The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanoes produced most of the warming from pre-industrial times to 1950 and had a small cooling effect afterward.
  • The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this means that no one can predict what would happen or how much emissions we produce. Less is the best, but none is great
  • The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that how much emissions we would make is how much global warming we create or how much we would make our own doom.
  • Clouds also affect the radiation balance, but they are composed of liquid water or ice and so are considered separately from water vapor and other gases.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can also help since it can cool down the face of the earth and also it can help by reflecting solar light back into space as it makes it's way through the atmosphere.
  • Global dimming, a gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface, has partially counteracted global warming from 1960 to the present.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that global dimming helps by reflecting the warm sunlight away from earth so that we can keep it cool itstead of hot.
  • Observations show that temperatures in the stratosphere have been steady or cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became available.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if this can really help out since it has really little effect, while we release tons of gas into our atmosphere.
  • Warming is expected to change the distribution and type of clouds. Seen from below, clouds emit infrared radiation back to the surface, and so exert a warming effect; seen from above, clouds reflect sunlight and emit infrared radiation to space, and so exert a cooling effect.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important since it might trap heat, but it relfects even more heat out than it traps. It also helps cool the earth, but trapping those gases in can harm us since those gas can be toxic.
  • Measures including water conservation,[99] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[100] construction of flood defences,[101] Martian colonization,[102] changes to medical care,[103] and interventions to protect threatened species[104] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.[
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder if we would really need to evacuate earth if there is no possible answer for saving our lives and the earth as well.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.[106] An example is greenhouse gas remediation, which removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, usually through carbon sequestration techniques such as carbon dioxide air capture.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because if we do have to evacuate the earth, then we would need to bring this information to our new planet so that we can preserve that planet and hopefully learn from our mistakes.
  • In 2007–2008 Gallup Polls surveyed 127 countries. Over a third of the world's population were unaware of global warming, with developing countries less aware than developed, and Africa the least aware. Of those aware, Latin America leads in belief that temperature changes are a result of human activities while Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and a few countries from the Former Soviet Union lead in the opposite belief.
  • Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      This means that geoengineering is the study of changing the environment of earth to suit human needs. This is like constructing more land or to shape the lands so that buildings can be built or changing the land so that it can be used for vegetation.
  • one study suggests that projected rates of extinction are uncertain.[80]
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I wonder will this be true since there are many theories of when the world will end like the upcoming 2012.
  • United States President Barack Obama has announced plans to introduce an economy-wide cap and trade scheme
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
  • Measures including water conservation,[100] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[101] construction of flood defences,[102] Martian colonization,[103] changes to medical care,[104] and interventions to protect threatened species[105] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
    • JackeyQ EWSIS
      I think this is important because this is our means of survivial if anything happens to our planet earth or what we might have to do in the future to prevent anything from happening again.

ESCAP Press Release: ESCAP Urges Recognition of Women's Informal Work as Crucial to Imp... - 0 views

  • A special session to commemorate International Women’s Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, “Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector,” heard messages about valuing women’s informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women’s work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women’s leadership.
  • “We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children’s attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights,” said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. “They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern.”
  • “Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,”
    A special session to commemorate International Women's Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, "Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector," heard messages about valuing women's informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women's work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women's leadership. "We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children's attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights," said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. "They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern." "Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,"
Daniel T

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • – People's Army
  • guerrilla
  • guerrilla organization based in Colombia
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  • Colombian government had initially ignored the growing influence of several communist enclaves in and around Sumapaz (a locality of Bogotá) until 1964 when, under pressure by Conservatives who considered the autonomous communities (which were labeled as “independent republics” by senator Álvaro Gómez Hurtado,[31]) to be a threat, the Colombian National Army was ordered to take full control of the area.
  • By 1985, the major guerrilla groups (EPL, FARC-EP, M-19, and ELN) had come together under an umbrella organization known as the Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CNG). This group evolved in 1987 into the Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CGSB), which led negotiations between the numerous guerrilla groups and the government. While the CGSB did achieve some of its goals, its success was very limited. The CGSB's initiative led to the successful peace process with the M-19. The FARC-EP and ELN, on the other hand, decided to continue their struggle.
  • The FARC-EP have demanded a mechanism for prisoner exchange, which would involve the liberation of 21 military and police "prisoners of war"[12] (not including civilians held for extortion or ransom, which may number in the thousands) that the group currently holds, in exchange for the release of at least 500 jailed criminal rebels. During the duration of the DMZ negotiations, a small humanitarian exchange took place.
  • Partial hostage releases and escapes during 2006 and 2007
  • Anti-FARC rallies
  • Death of Raúl Re
  • Death of Manuel Marulanda Vélez
  • Hugo Chavez's call to disarm
  • Operation Jaque
  • FARC receives most of its funding -which has been estimated to average some $300 million per year- from taxation of the illegal drug trade, ransom kidnappings, bank robberies, and extortion of large landholders, multinational corporations, and agribusines
  • Drug trafficking Main article: Illegal drug trade in Colombia FARC-EP was not initially involved in direct drug cultivation, trafficking, or trans-shipment prior to or during the 1980s. Instead, it maintained a system of taxation on the production that took place in the territories that they controlled, in exchange for protecting the growers and establishing law and order in these regions by implementing its own rules and regulations[100][101]. During the 1990s, FARC expanded its operations, in some areas, to include trafficking and production, which has provided a significant portion of its funding[102]. Right-wing paramilitary groups also receive a large portion of their income from drug trafficking and production operations[102]. FARC has called for crop substitution programs that would allow coca farmers to find alternative means of income and subsistence. In 1999, FARC worked with a United Nations alternative development project to enable the transition from coca production to sustainable food production. On its own, the group has also implemented agrarian reform programs in Putumayo[103][100][101][104]. In areas where it is involved in coca production, FARC generally makes sure that peasant coca growers receive a much larger share of profits than the paramilitaries would give them[105][99][101], and demands that traffickers pay a decent wage to their workers[99]. According to journalist and author Garry Leech, when growers in a FARC-controlled area are caught selling coca to non-FARC brokers, they are generally forced to leave the region, but when growers are caught selling to FARC in paramilitary-controlled areas, they are generally killed[105]. He concludes that the lower prices paid for raw coca in paramilitary-controlled areas lead to significantly larger profits for the drug processing and trafficking organizations, which means that they generally prefer that paramilitaries control an area rather than FARC[105]. After the April 21, 2001 capture of Brazilian druglord Luiz Fernando da Costa (aka Fernandinho Beira-Mar) in Colombia, Colombian and Brazilian authorities accused him of cooperating with FARC-EP through the exchange of weapons for cocaine. They also claimed that he received armed protection from the guerrilla group.[106][107][108] [edit] Kidnappings Main article: Kidnappings in Colombia The FARC-EP is responsible for ransom kidnappings in Colombia. The group’s kidnapping targets are usually those that it considers wealthy landowners and businessmen, the police and military, as well as foreign tourists and entrepreneurs, and prominent international and domestic officials.[109] Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has expressed his disagreement with their resorting to kidnappings[110]. [edit] Human rights concerns
  • Child soldiers FARC-EP, the ELN, and right-wing paramilitaries all train teens as soldiers and informants. Human Rights Watch estimates that the FARC-EP has the majority of child combatants in Colombia, estimating that approximately one quarter of the guerrillas are under 18 years of age[112][113]. Forcible recruitment of children, by either side, is rare in Colombia; most of the children join of their own volition without any threats of force to themselves or their families. They join for a variety of reasons including poverty, lack of educational opportunities, avoiding work in the coca processing plants (which is dangerous), escaping from domestic violence, offers of money (mostly from paramilitaries, who pay their soldiers), and other reasons[113].
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