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LawrenceY EWSIS

A Case for Multiple Intelligences Based Classroom Instruction « Advance Your ... - 0 views

  • All students should have the opportunity to not only further develop their dominant intelligences, but should also have the opportunity to develop their weaker intelligences. Students who are weak in the verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences will certainly be at a disadvantage in a culture that places so much emphasis on the traditional intelligences. Despite their weaknesses, however, students who are given the opportunity to succeed using an intelligence in which they can excel demonstrate that they are capable of developing their verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences.
    I'm learning more about the multiple intelligences right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How this theory is applied in modern education? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it mentioned that schools did not use a variety of learning styles to teach. "...American schools still base their instruction primarily on the verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences. As a result, many students who are not strong in these traditional intelligences develop poor attitudes toward school and their academic achievement suffers." Most schools today base their curriculum around only two of several intelligences. However, many students are more adept in using other methods to learn. This makes it harder for those students to excel, despite having the ability to if given the right school environment. I think this is true because I know a bunch of people who are extremely talented in a lot of areas. They know a lot, but, they have poor grades, mainly because they can not showcase their abilities properly. It makes me wonder if the school system will change in the future. Then, maybe it will be more fair.
    I'm learning more about Multiple Intelligences right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How are Multiple Intelligences used in school? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it answers my question directly. "traditional and nontraditional approaches should be combined to formulate a method of education that is best suited to the students who populate our classrooms. The multiple intelligences offer a balance which teaches students what they need to know in order to be successful in our society in a way that compliments the unique abilities that each individual possesses." The quote i chose here is basically saying that the authorities should change school so that they can combine two different intelligences together. By combining two intellgences it is easier for students who are not dominant in either logical, or linguistic intelligences. I think this is smart because many students dominant intelligences are not in linguistic, or logical. Instead it is in the intelligences schools do not incorporate into the curriculum. It makes me wonder if i would do better in school, if two intelligences were combined.

When You Dream of Work All Night : NPR - 0 views

    I just finish listening to this podcast from NPR and it was interesting. It was basically saying that sometimes people can dream about work. They can dream about their life at work. Martin said "Which is usually what I think when I wake from my dreams. If we're going be spending half of our day of work and two-thirds of the remaining day asleep, it would be nice to think dreaming about work would actually do us some good." I guess people do dream about life at work because people usually spend most of their day at work. I consider my work as a student. Its not really work because I dont get paid for what I do at school but I consider it a job for me because I do a lot of classwork, homework, projects and many more. What Im trying to say is that people dream about what happen recently to them. And for me, what happens recently at my day is school. I do remember dreaming many times about school. I dream about the test im going to have the next day, I dream about the homework I just did and if i did a good job on it. I also dream about my friends and teachers at my school. I like this NPR I just listened to.
corey stanley

Basketball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Before widespread school district consolidation, most United States high schools were far smaller than their present day counterparts. During the first decades of the 20th century, basketball quickly became the ideal interscholastic sport due to its modest equipment and personnel requirements. In the days before widespread television coverage of professional and college sports, the popularity of high school basketball was unrivaled in many parts of America. Perhaps the most legendary of high school teams was Indiana's Franklin Wonder Five, which took the nation by storm during the 1920s, dominating Indiana basketball and earning national recognition.
    • corey stanley
      High school basketball went from this big popular sporting event before the tv broadcasting and before it became widespread to schools not having teams at all. Big transformation
  • The first official game was played in the YMCA gymnasium on January 20, 1892 with nine players. The game ended at 1-0; the shot was made from 25 feet (7.6 m), on a court just half the size of a present-day Streetball or National Basketball Association (NBA) court. By 1897–1898 teams of five became standard.
    • corey stanley
      In todays game there is no way a game could end with a score of 1-0. That shows how much the game has really transformed over the course of time.
  • After rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket onto a 10-foot (3.05 m) elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, this peach basket retained its bottom, and balls had to be retrieved manually after each "basket" or point scored; this proved inefficient, however, so a hole was drilled into the bottom of the basket, allowing the balls to be poked out with a long dowel each time.
corey stanley

Mapping Main Street » A Collaborative Documentary Media Project - 2 views

    These girls seemed to enjoy themselves!
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    what i noticed about main street pimp was that this is the men that i always saw on main street and he was always around and i always see him when ever i get off i might get afraid of him sometimes because yes i do though that he was crazy however after i watch this i felt that in some ways we are connoted to him because we grow up around him. in flushing where i live for 3 years. when the pod caster said the rumor that he was dead i was thinking that. that must be a lie i mean how can someone so close to me and always there went away i think this is a great podcast because i always wonder what happend to him and i just found out what happend i think that they should give something to remind everyone in flushing about flushing pimp. another part that i thought that was great was when they were talking about him and his sister how his sister was his guardian angel and always helping him this stood out because she really was there when he needed help and is great to see family relations and i get to see the main street pimp thanks to her. i do like this pod cast because i saw this at home that's how intersecting i though i was i don't even have to see it in class one reason i say this is a intersecting and great podcast because is what i grow up around for about 3 years and i though that it was amazing and great. i Love this podcast greatly since he's been around me. in conclusion this pod cast was great and thanks to Helen Andrea and Rayon i get to know more about this men that was always around me thanks to them i get to know what happend to him lets hope i get to See More intersecting podcast like this one.
    What I noticed about," Radio Rookies" is that it's very creative. I like the way Helen Peng, Andrea Lee Torres, Melissa Best and Alexis Gordon did this presentation. I like the way they made it fun and in the same time they made it very interesting. I really like the way they described the Steam Buns. I was very surprised the way they try to make it also. I like the way they made it though. It end it up coming the same way they make it in Main Street. And even though they may not be healthy, I mean lets face it it's really good. When Alexis said: "that it was very fun and easy doing this Steam Buns things" I really like the motivation because it shows how positive they were. I think that when they started talking about the guy in Main Street who was known as the Pimp. I was very surprised because I didn't know he died. Which was very surprising. I really like the way they worked as a team work and the way they understood their task. They all worked together and had a good presentation. I really like the way they all worked out perfectly. And the way they organize their ideas. To be honest it was a good job.
    What I noticed most about, "Steam Buns R Us" was that the steam buns, a Chinese food, represent the culture on Main Street in Flushing, New York. Main Street in Flushing, New York was famous for its Asian culture and thus the steam bun is a good choice of the symbol of Main Street. When Hawa said, "Main Street in Flushing is very crowded, noisy, and sometimes smelly." I was thinking, "is Main Street really that bad?" I think this is actually true after I have thought it over. As a resident in Flushing myself, I also feel Main Street is really crowded and noisy, and sometimes I couldn't even find a free space to sit when I went into a restaurant. Another sentence that stayed in my mind was, "steam buns come in all shapes, all sizes, and all different content too just like people." This stood out for me because comparing food to people actually made me laugh. But more importantly, it really reflect the culture of Main Street in Flushing. I agree with what Mr. Chow said. Flushing has lots of immigrants, especially Asians, and while walking on the Main Street, you can easily see tons and tons of people coming from everywhere in the world, just as steam buns have different sizes, shapes, and contents. Also, steam buns are easily found on Main Street here, yet it may not be found in any other places in the U.S. Therefore, it really shows the feature of Main Street in NYC. I really appreciated the people who worked so hard on this video. Thank you so much for introducing Main Street and bringing so much fun.
    What I noticed about Steam Buns "R" Us was really great. It's shows the crowned Main Street in Flushing, NY. When the podcaster said,"Everyday after 1:30 when school ends, we are in the fighting of where to eat." I was thinking where are they really want to go eat. Because there are all different kinds of restaurants around Flushing, and there are 3 different places to eat steam buns. However, they smartly choose the worst one to eat. Another part that I love was:"The food outside is dirty and has no nutrition, so we decided to make steam buns in home." This stood out for me because the food on main street is really dirty especially the food sold in AA Plaza. I do agree that like they said, restaurants are everywhere in flushing and they always bother for where to go. One reason that I say this is because asian's special part is that you always have a lot of choice to choose. Another reason I agree with you is because food in flushing are really good and cheap. There are many people waiting at all different restaurants every single day. The Steam Buns somewhat shows the cultrue of flushing people. Asian food, asian restaurant, asian people, asian culture, flushing is a place that full of asian.
    What I noticed most about " Steam Buns 'R' Us" was steam buns are delicious. There are tons of stream buns everywhere in Flushing Main Street of New York. When Melissa said," But we go there for the food." I was thinking that there are so many Asian food in Flushing. I am living in Flushing so I know well that there are tons of food in Flushing. I think this is great because whenever I feel hungry, I can always get food from Main Street. Another part that I agree was" what is inside of the steam bun?" I was thinking of the samething because I love to eat steam buns but I never think is the steam bun really clean? I strongly agree that homemade steam bun is better than we buy outside. We know that what is inside and we can eat them without worrying about anything. Everything that is homemade is always cleaner than the food outside because we can't see how the food is done in outside. I want to hear more about the food from Flushing Main Street.
    A couple of our classmates created a podcast called "Steam Buns 'R' Us." I really enjoyed watching it and I got so hungry too! I was also surprised at the fact their final product looked so professional. I found it interesting that they picked out steam buns as part of the different cultures that are present on Main Street. I could see that they had fun while working on it which I was glad to see. Now I wish that i was part of it! When Melissa said, "It's funny how they compare steam buns to people because we found out on google that steam buns are shaped as human heads." I thought this was really linteresting. I never made the connection between steam buns and human heads, but now that I picture it, it kind of makes sense too. Steam buns are each shaped differently , and the inside contents also vary from one culture to another. Another part that I liked was when Hawa said, "it's like four mini ones for a dollar. So it's really cheap and won't empty our wallets." I strongly agree with this quote because steam buns taste good, but that doesnt mean they have to be expensive like some other types of asian cuisine. As I'm currently doing an inquiry question of how to save money, this line obviously caught my attention. I was glad to know that steam buns are actually healthier than most fast foods people seem to be so crazed about. I also agree that steam buns sort of represent the population of Main Street, and that people from many different cultures would find it easy to enjoy them. I thank Melissa, Hawa, and Alexis for posting such an interesting podcast. I really hope to see some more from you guys!
    What I noticed most about "Searching for the Main Street Pimp" ( was that it was a story filled with heartbreak and joy. I never would of thought that the main street pimp had passed away. I remember passing by him all the time after school when i would either go home to take the bus or to hang around Flushing. I remember the first time when I met him, he was wearing an interesting outfit that reminded me of a pimp. I tried to take a picture of him with my phone but I didn't want to seem obvious so I was trying to be sneaky. However he got me and instead of getting questioned which i feared He smiled and yelled "Hey! You ain't getting my good side yo!" He posed for a couple of pics and then off he went to go do whatever he needed to do. When Helen, Rayon and Andrea went searching for the main street pimp i was anxious to see what they would uncover. Getting the main street pimp into my head got me thinking so much on where he had been. It really was boggling my mind. However of course, the end of the podcast gave everyone the answer that to me was unexpected. The Main Street Pimp had passed away about a year ago. Another part that I was shocked to hear was the sickness and conditions he had. Besides the fact of being very ill and having physical problems, he was also a schizophrenic. That was very hard to take in. I never would of guessed that. He seemed so happy and so fun. Never would i expected a man like him to have gone through so much. I thank the podcasters Helen, Rayon and Andrea for bringing this story to us and I look forward to their next stories on radio rookies.
    Mapping Main Street, a collaborative program from WNYC Radio, contains many stories told from a personal viewpoint. Two of these stories involving Main Street in Flushing, Queens NY involves several of my classmates. I think that they are splendid Radio Rookies for they make a story that is both hilarious and informative. These personal connections to Main Street, which is familiar to anyone in the East West School of International Studies, enriches our own experiences in this particular place. Everyday, I have contact with Main Street but never thought of anything interesting from it. One of the things that my classmates mentioned in this podcast that I found very interesting is "steam bums are shaped like human heads." I found this to be funny and interesting because I have eaten so many of this stuff but never thought that it have any resemblance with the human head. Furthermore, Alexis, Melissa, and Hawa went on to discuss the healthiness of eating steam buns in comparison to other popular food. The narrative was indeed well mixed with a sarcastic approach and give taste to a topic that would be otherwise boring. They also investigated about something I had never heard before: The Flushing Pimp. It was very shocking when Dominique screamed "Disgusting!" in the middle of the podcast because I was expecting a nicer response. The Flushing Pimp podcast was at the beginning very funny with all the suspense build into it, but later became somewhat melodramatic when the story revealed schizophrenic basis. It is very sad that a person is driven by severe personal problems to develop such a serious mental illness. I was very surprised in fact that this was the "real" story behind the mysterious Flushing Pimp. In summary, I really liked my classmates' podcast in Mapping Main Street. Both podcast on "Steam Bums" and "The Flushing Pimp" were funny and well developed. A great variety of personal connections were used to facilitate the description and narrative of a particul
    What I noticed most about "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp," was that he had schizophrenia. I knew that he had passed away but didnt know the cause. I thought he had been hit by a car or died of heart attack. It turns out that he had a brain tumor and that was what had killed him. When the podcaster said, "Emmanuel had schizophrenia," I was thinking, what is schizophrenia? I searched this online and I found out that it was a mental disorder in which he would not react normally to certain situations. I think this is sad because as I read on of schizophrenia, the website said that as the illness continues, the person starts to hallucinate and become delusional. Another part that stood out for me was when the Flushing Pimp's sister told the interviewers that Emmanuel (aka the Flushing Pimp) had a brain tumor and he didnt believe it and thought it was just a headache. This stood out for me because he refused to believe that he was terminal. Some people would think that the Flushing Pimp was crazy and not like him. If they just knew him or talked to him or knew his past, they would probably think differently of him. He doesnt seem like a bad guy. Thank you for the podcast. I didnt know how the Flushing Pimp died before I saw this podcast.
    What i noticed most about, "Searching for the Main Street Pimp">," was after reading the title realizing that I haven't seen the main street pimp in a while. I would always see him walking around, but then i forgot about him. When the podcaster said,"We haven't seen him in about a year" I was wondering where he was and what he was doing. No one had seen him for a while, no one knew his whereabouts, so i thought that was weird. He might be dead i thought, or in another area. Another part that I heard was: "I don't like him, he's a pimp" This stood out for me because he wasn't really a pimp he just walked around with flashy clothes that does not meant that you are a pimp. I don't agreev that you should judge people by how they dress. One reason i say this is because they may dress/ act a certain way because of something that happened to them, just like the Main Street Pimp. People called him a pimp without knowing why he dressed that way. Thank you for working so hard to find out the whereabouts of the Main Street Pimp. It is sad to find out that he has passed away. I hope to hera more podcasts from you.
    What I noticed most about, "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp" was the complete change in tone from the beginning to the end. It was really amazing to listen to the reporters as they unraveled their little mystery, and how new details would change their opinions. I found it poignant, beautiful even. There was just something in the way they spoke of the "Flushing Pimp" that was so moving. When the podcaster said, " the conversaton, kept going on and on it felt like she really did care for him..." I was thinking about how much I agree with that statement. When I started hearing that care for her brother emanating from her voice it made me tear up just a little. I think this is wonderful because I like it when things can move me to tears. It shows that the work is deep, and really something worth watching, reading, etc. Another part that I struck by was when Emanuel's sister said: "But that Saturday he died." This stood out for me because it was so sudden. Not to mention, Emanuel thought he was completely fine, I had hopes, small ones, but, I had them. I completely agree that it's great that Emanuel lived how he wanted to. One reason I say this is that many people who saw him seemed to enjoy his presence. He brought a lot of people happiness and he seemed proud of it. Another reason I agree with you is because he wanted to leave the hospital and go through his regular routine. It made him happy, it made him feel right, I guess. And that is just the way a person should live, as himself. Thanks for the great post. I think this was enlightening and somewhat inspiring. You put a lot of effort into this, and it shows. It was a joy to listen, I hope you'll make more.
    What I noticed most about "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp" was that I've always seen that guy for the 7 years that I've been leaving in flushing. One day I just stopped seeing him and I wanted to know what happen to him. This podcast pretty much answer my question and gave us a little more information. When the pod caster said " No one whore what he whore" I was thinking they are so right, he was so unique, he stand out from everyone else. I think this is true because he was one of a kind. He always dress so neatly and clean even on the cold and hot weather. His clothes always matched and it was well iron and clean. Another part that I liked was " I think he choose the right path to be happy even though when he found out he did have a brain tumor" This stood out for me because he died being happy, he did what he wanted to do in his life and no one could ever change that. Even though he knew he was sick he never showed it and he never changed the way he was. I agree with the pod caster when they said it was nice to see someone different not the same people every single day. One reason I say this is because like I mention before he was one of a kind he always dress good to gain respect. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people like the way he dress. Another reason I agree with you is because like you mention on the podcast he went trough a lot of things and that never affected the way he was in the streets or the way he looked. Thank you for informing us about the Main Street "Pimp". I was wondering what happen to him and now I know the answer to my question. I hope he rest in peace and I hope to hear more from you because you picked an interesting topic to find out about.
    What i noticed about Searching For Main Street Flushing Pimps was that this pimp that they are talking about was noticed by every the clothes. He was noticed because of that he was wearing. The colors of his clothing were really bright and he always matched from head to toe. Ummm... what stands out to me in this podcast was the way the interview people and they described the pimp. When the podcaster said" Where is this pimp now?" I was thinking yeaa... where is he i haven't seen him a long time and i wonder why he hasn't been on main street. I think this is interesting because, i thought i was the only one that notice that the main street pimp was gone. I use to him all the time when i would walk on main street to get to the place i needed to go at that time. Another part that I strongly agree with is "What made the pimp walk Main Street everyday?". This stood out to me because, i mean after you see something but so many times you get tired of it. I wonder if he ever got tired of seeing the stores and maybe even the same people everyday. I do strongly agree with you when you say" The main street pimp was cool." One reason why i say this is because, he was always wore bright colors no matter what season it was. I give him props because, most dudes don't have the guts to wear these bright colors several people. Thanks for the podcast and i look forward to hearing more about the main street pimp so keep me informed. I would like to hear your thought
    I liked your response post because you spoke a lot about how you felt about seeing the flushing pimp. One sentence that stands out is "i always saw on main street and he was always around and i always see him when ever i get off i might get afraid of him sometimes because yes i do though that he was crazy" because I never got to see the flushing pimp. I just moved here last year and it is very interesting to me to think about this odd person. Another sentence is when you said "i think that they should give something to remind everyone in flushing about flushing pimp. " I agree with this statement. I think flushing should make something in memory of this flushing pimp because he was so memorable and such a part of main street. This post reminds me of what a community really is. A community is always full of crazy people, and different cultures. The diversity is not only what makes us Flushing, It makes us America. Thanks for the response.
    Steam Buns 'R' Us Rookeis Reporters: Alexis Gordon, Hawa Lee & Melissa Best Producer: Sanda Hyte What I noticed most about "Steam Buns 'R' Us" was how energetic and fun this piece was. The tone of the story was informational and interesting at the same time. Alexis, Hawa & Melissa told a story that was close to their hearts since they attended school near Flushing, Main Street. It stands out for me because there is a lot I can relate to in this podcast. I think that I will try to make steam buns one day at home. It seems really fun and like the nutritionist said, it's healthier to make it at home because you can control what goes in or out of it. 90 calories for one mini steam bun isn't all that bad. When Melissa said that steam buns were actually shaped like human skulls, I got kind of freaked out. Sometimes Google isn't 100% true, yet it is a reliable source for information as well. So if they did the research on it, then I believe them. I was also surprised that steam buns originated in China because I thought that they came from like other Asian countries as well. But, it does make sense that it came from China because most steam buns today are made at Chinese bakeries or stores. Another part that I enjoyed listening to was the beginning. It made me want to listen more about the story because it was a good starter. Their voices were very energetic and loud, which made the story seem appealing. Their tones were happy at one point and serious when it came down to interviewing the nutritionist. Ironically, originally I was supposed to do this story with Alexis & Hawa, but then they kicked me out I guess. So then I worked with Rayon & Andrea on the Flushing Pimp story. I would have been okay doing both the stories because I worked on both of them in some way, but I won't hold a grudge. The Radio Rookies Short Wave program was really inspiring and I suddenly feel like I developed a love for radio/audio. You guys did a great job! I'm really glad that I go
    What I noticed most about "The Flushing Pimp" is that it was very real to me. It came from a true source of his family, not just assumptions, and it let us see another side of the guy. I think Radiorookies did a very good job explaining and investigating on The Flushing Pimp's life. Now, we all know that he wasn't just some crazy guy dressed like a pimp walking down the street, he had a life we never would've known about. When Andrea said "In the end, I felt that she cared a lot and loved her brother, and she missed him a lot", it made me feel lonely for her. Although he had many problems, and I'm sure there were times when his sister really couldn't handle him, it let me know that some family love never goes away. Another part that I liked was the fact that his sister actually told her brother's story to Radio Rookies. She was very honest and open about it, and because of that, now people know who he was, and his story and life can live on within us. This stood out to me, because it was surprising to me that she would talk about a personal subject like this to teenagers she didn't know. I agreed with the podcasters and the sister that his story should be passed on. One reason I say this is because I know that people never really knew him as a "person". They only saw him as some crazy pimp looking guy always walking on Main Street. But when you really hear the story, you start to understand the different layers of personality and pain he had. Another reason I agree with it is because I feel like if his story is passed on, everything he went through can be relived through us. I enjoyed this podcast a lot, it was very informational and interesting to watch.
    What I noticed most about, "Steam Buns 'R Us", was that it was most like a music video than it was a report. That was just to make fun of my friends, I really did enjoy it though. It was really informative and it did bring together the whole history of steam buns together and showed how it connects to our culture now. They did a lot of research on steam buns, and you would think the whole report would be bland, but it was actually very entertaining. Alexis, Hawa and Melissa did a very good job in connecting steam buns to the rest of the world. When Melissa started talking about the history of how steam buns were made how they were "representation of human heads", I got thoroughly creeped out. No one wants to think about human heads when they are eating, especially if those heads were used to be items of sacrifice. It's good that they decided to make a food that would represent a human head instead of sacrificing real human heads. Another part that I loved was when they actually made it themselves. They spoke about the whole experience, and it was like you were actually there~ They spoke about how steam buns were like "world peace wrapped up in a bun" that was really hilarious. But if you think about it, it makes sense. This podcast was a really fun and informative one, please continue the great work!
    What I noticed most about, "The Flushing Pimp," was that the interviewers had managed to have a direct 1-hour conversation with the subject's sister. I thought that the accomplishment of managing to have a 1-hour long interview with a complete stranger was actually pretty cool. When the podcaster said, "We had a 1-hour long conversation with [her]." I was thinking OSHI- wow. I thought it was pretty cool and professional to be able to manage that. Out of nearly all things I listened to about the podcast, for some reason, this practical thing seemed to intrigue me the most.
    This was a radio program where students had the chance to record and edit stories. There are four stories about steam buns, the Flushing Pimp, culture, and the Main Street Cinema. \n\nI worked on the "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp" with Helen and Rayon. Being biased, our video was the best! We had the experience to learn how to become detectives and even deemed ourselves as the Flushing Detectives. \n\nThis is about a man who dressed similarly to a pimp. In class, we heard two of the radio stories created by East-West students. Helen, Rayon, and I worked on the "Searching for the Main Street Flushing Pimp," and Hawa, Alexis, and Melissa created "Steam Buns 'R' Us." It wouldn't be fun to talk about my group's project, so I'll describe the other team's work. You guys can check it out on and look for the Radio Rookies work in Queens, New York. The thing about this podcast was that it uses the member's love for food and Asian culture. When Melissa explained the origins of steam buns, I felt a wave of uncertainty. I wasn't sure if I wanted to eat human heads. However, the use of history embedded into the podcast is amazingly well thought out. I felt as if though, they really took some depth into their story than just regular adventure. Another strong part that I thought added onto their story was the interview with the nutritionist. People who eat steam buns should have the right to know what they are eating and whether it was healthy. 360 calories for four buns is surprisingly a decent meal! There is nothing to disagree or agree with, but all I can say is how awesome that podcast was; from editing to a diverse number of interviewees. Great job guys!
    What I noticed most about, "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp," was that these pod casters are seriously brave. It is very interesting to learn about his background story. I live in Flushing ever since I came to America. Over the summers I seen him walking down the streets many times. He would wear really bright clothing like how Rayon mentioned in the podcast. It caught my attention every time I see him. Every time I see him around, he would be in different set of clothing. Which is very interesting to me. When the pod-casters Helen, Andrea and Rayon interviewed some students in school to see if they can do some further research on this man so call "Flushing pimp." A 9th grader told them he lives right across from school (East- West school of international studies). I was shock when they actually found something interesting. When they knock on flushing pimp's door I thought it was weird. But, by going over to his house they found out more about flushing pimp. They went over to his house and talked to his sister for more than an hour. They found out more than just his real name Emanuel. Another part that I was over shocked was when his sister said he passed away with some type of diseases call Schizophrenia. Some schizophrenia symptoms are having delusional thoughts. Thinking things happen that it really didn't happen. Being paranoid all the time thinking someone is trying to get you. Having false beliefs. Sometimes you can hear voices and having weird thoughts. Emanuel's parents die in his earlier age so him and his sister grows up together. When pod-caster Andrea Torres said "Keep walking that walk." mad me felt really proud of our "Flushing Pimp". His a normal person who lived his life to the fullest. Even when his sick he would still keep walking down those streets living like his fine. His sister is proud of her and so are we. P.S. Rest in peace, Flushing Pimp
    I love you're Mapping Mainstreet Podcast. At first, I assumed it would be boring.. another podcast? But I had high expectations because you guys were the ones doing this project. It wasn't boring and caught my interest through out the podcast. I find it interesting that steam buns are shaped after human heads because they use it as sacrifice..I think I've lost my appetite..for now. The steam buns are great because it's cheap and although it's not healthy, it's better than a happy meal, especially when you're on the go. But it's still counted as fast food because it's when you need something on the go. Also, when I buy it, it's usually filled with like.. oil, more bread, and less meat. But it doesn't matter when you're really hungry. Yes, definitely, when food is homemade, you're in control of what is getting put inside. For example, sometimes when my mom buys food from Flushing, I'm really skeptical. I'm guarded when I eat these things.. and you don't want to hear about the incidents that occurred before... :shivers:. I love it when my mom makes homemade food. Did you know AA plaza also makes dumplings? I hate it. I sometimes find weird ingredients in it and I'm like "what the crap am I eating?!?!" But when my mom makes it, I make sure to ask her to put my favorite ingredients! I liked the pictures you took of Flushing because those are the places we see in our daily lives...I bet all of us pass that place at least once, every day. I do agree with you Alexis, on how a steam bun is like a world that connects everyone. I loved how you guys actually made steam buns. Were they edible? Teach me how to make it next time!!
    What i noticed most about, The flushing pimp" the way he dressed and his sense of style. The way he walked through the street he didn't care how people looked at him or what they thought about him he was comfortable with who he was. When the pod caster said "he had schizophrenia, i was thinking wow what is that exactly? I heard of the condition before but i didn't know exactly what it did to you or if you could die from it. This quote stood out to me and i chose 0to write about it because it was something serious that this guy had to go through. Also I didn't know much about it so i just wanted to express that through writing. There was another part in this video that fascinated me. The guy didn't have any money and without his sister he would have been homeless. The way he dressed and the way he walked around flushing was like nothing was wrong with him. I feel that this guy had an effect on people and i strongly like the fact that the pod casters chose to write about him. He may have been a bit weird but he never bothered people he just wanted to get fly and be happy. Sadly he died and now that, "flyness" that use to walk around flushing main street no longer exists. I would like to thank the pod casters for making this piece about "the flushing pimp". I really enjoyed watching the video, it had comedy and a little bit sadness that made it just right.
    I agree with your post, mapping main street - Steam Buns "R" us, because I really enjoy the video. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is "it really reflect the culture of Main Street in Flushing."because I think main street is the place that asian people hand out a lot. Another sentence that I read was "Steam buns are easily found on Main Street here," This stood out for me because steam buns are good and special food that really popular in many place in an asian community. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next.
    I like steam buns and i eat them a lot. And i know how to make those step by step. Back in China my grandmother often made steam buns in the house, i watched and remembered most of the steps. I haven't actually made any.\n\n In here there are frozen steam buns available in supermarkets and all you have to do is warming them up in your microwave oven. But the taste is different. In here the steam buns are either small, too oily, or very large with only vegetables inside.\n\n Man this sucks. I miss a lot of things in China. So yea, the video reminds me of a lot of things. And they didn't make the steam buns in the right way. It also reminds me of my grandparents, whom i have grown up with until four years ago. I kind of miss them.\n
    What I noticed most about, "Searchin for The Main Street Pimp" (, was that the pod casters Rayon, Helen, and Andrea actually took their work to heart and actually wanted to find out more about this "main street pimp". They went above and beyond to find out what happened to him. They searched his facebook then found out that he has a sister. They were so passionate about their work that they actually went and found out where his sister lived and visited her. She then came into the hallway and spoke to the pod casters about her brother. When Dominique said, "I don't like him, hes disgusting", that actually made me sad a little bit, because she didn't think about who the man really was and what kind of person he was on the inside. She felt that he was a real pimp and took away young girls lives for the sake of money. Im sure that when she actually listened to this pod cast and heard his sister speak, she felt otherwise. My heart sank with her words. I felt sad because I was sure that other people felt that way too; about him being a real pimp. Another part that I saddened me was: "he has spinal cancer, throat cancer, two head tumors", I almost cried because I felt that this man has lived with such heart in his life, knowing that his mother died while he was just transitioning from a teenager into a man. He became homeless after a while and decided to just continue living his life. even after he found out about his sickness.
    What I noticed most about, "The Search for the Flushing Pimp" was that there was actually a pimp among us. I have never seen a pimp before and just seeing those pictures amazed me. It's sad that he passed but to know that there was a person like that in Flushing is amazing. When the Helen said " He took his dying the right way by not putting himself into a deep depression. He continued to walk around and dress up" I was thinking that even though this man may of had problems he was still an inspiration to those who think that because they are dying they can sit there and wait for death. This is very strong, I think a lot of people can gain inspiration from him if they heard his story, Another part that I thought was interesting was the fact that he liked to collect things. This stood out for me because I didn't know that schizophrenics collect things but I think that the collecting of things made him happy. I always heard that those type of people are not in touch with the environment and their surroundings. I can't say whether I agree with it or not because this whole new experience with these type of people. While listening to the post it helped me learned more and more about what he was going through. When you hear it, it makes you thank God more and more that you didn't end up like that. But he handled the situation like a real man and went about his business even though he was troubled with his sicknesses. Thank you for the podcast, it really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I really didn't know about schizophrenia but know I know. I hope to listen to more of your work.
    This is a response to the second story which i thought was sort of tragic and unfortunate. I am very big on health,i do A lot of research involving the human anatomy and nutrition. The so called "flushing pimp" in the story died of cancer. This did not really come as a surprise due to the fact that cancer is one of the leading causes of death. Today, the average diet is an amalgamation of so much junk and contaminated foods. We are not taking care of our bodies in any way and are just letting everything go to waste. Health is a big problem in this country and we are hardly doing anything to fix that. The human body should remain natural because we are made from natural forms. The elements that coalesce to give us life should only be able to thrive and run at full capacity on natural products. These days, there are not many doctors or the the health profession is not one that is pursued A lot due to lack opf patience and being squeamish. Taking care of your body should never be tiring and should always give us a sense of dignity. One quote that caught my attention was when she said that he still wanted to go out on his last day. I found that to be quiet robust and i could see how much pride he had even though i met him. This is one of the many skills of humans. The ability to keep that joyful benign mindset in the most formidable times. We can be energizer bunnies if we want to,the problem is...not enough of us want to. Some of us hold ourselves in such a high esteem with all the confidence and everything in our prime and when we are in good health but we lose it just when we need it the most. The day we find out that a disease has burdened us and we are rendered forever sick. Some of us lose that hope to live cause we know that we only have but a few more days on earth but it should be the other way around. We should fight and be bellicose and obstinate the most when those days approach us. I believe that compassion for life is solely for that purpose. I know its a
    What i noticed most about "searching main" Is that it's funny how i've seen this man before. I did wonder what happened to him. But then i just forgot about him. This video caught my attention and answered my past questions. When the podcast said " He has a broken heart cause his mother died " I was surprized because he always seemed to look very happy and calm. They say after his mother passed away he completely changed. Another part that i was shocked by was "He has throat cancer , Spine cance , Lung cancer and a brain tumor ." It shocked me because again he always looked like a happy man. I would have never guessed that he was going through the conditions that he was going through. He had a very bold and outstanding fashion sense. He got his name from the way he dressed. FLUSHING Mainst PIMP. He dressed like a pimp. I kind of miss seeing him around i remember him catching everyone's attention . No one ever looked like him. He didn't look ordinary but rather unique. He believed the way you dress is important. He believed he got respect by the way he dressed. I never saw him in the same outfit not once. And i used to see him since i was 9. Unfortunately he died. I enjoyed the podcast and hope to see more of your work. Thank you for answering my long lost question.

Devastating Earthquake Hits Haiti - The New York Times > World > Slide Show > Slide 2 o... - 1 views

    I'm learning more about the Haiti Earthquake right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what will happen next? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it shows people laying die and crying for those who die. The title is Devasting Earthquake hits Haiti- New York Times. Something that appear on this article is " Huge swaths of Haiti's capital lay in ruins on Wednesday following a devastating earthquake, and thousands were feared dead. Displaced residents in Port-au-Prince, the capital." People cryng for their relatives who die. Another summary is where this woamn is walking past bodies . " A woman walked past bodies in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian president, René Préval, told The Miami Herald that the death toll was "unimaginable." The quote that I choose was " Parliament has collapsed," President Préval was quoted as saying. "The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed. There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them." The streets were strewn with rubble." How sad to know that innocent children die while they were learning having an education! I think this is strong because many people, good people die on this earthquake attack. It's sad to know that people was stuck in schools, buildings, houses, and they can't get out. And most of the people who survive they end u dieing later on.

Silver Spring school blends instruction in English, Spanish - - 0 views

    I'm learning more about English as a second language right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how can other people learn English while their native language is not English? I was researching this question online,and this news item caught my attention because I was about how Spanish children learned English. "In one, English is spoken; in the other, Spanish. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Pledge of Allegiance and announcements are in Spanish; on the other days, in English. " The quote I chose here is basically saying the school is a bilingual school.
Paul Allison

New School Rules on Bias Bullying - - 0 views

  • “Simply put, there is just no place for prejudice or hate or bullying in our schools,” said Mr. Bloomberg, who was joined by Schools Chancellor Joel I. Klein as he announced the rules.The policy is intended to deter intimidation and harassment based on ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.Every principal will be required to designate a staff member to whom students can report bullying, and schools will be required to report complaints to the Department of Education within 24 hours.The schools will have to investigate the complaints and contact the families of students accused of bias-based harassment.
    • Paul Allison
      This makes me wonder how much bullying has -- at it heart -- the kinds of harassment and intimidation that they are trying to address in this policy. Is it about "ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability?" If so than it appreciation of these differences that we need to work on if we want to deal with bullying, cyber or face-to-face.
Yeung Shing EWSIS

WikiAnswers - How long does it take to become a dentist - 0 views

    this article intersected me because this could be one of my furtrue carre or one of my furtrue jobs before i get to my carree this wouldt be my carree because its not somehting i want to do or be however its a good job because you get paid alot and i think that it would be an good idea to gain alot of money though a job. in this article it tells me how long it take in med school and profesnal school where i only learn in that one subject and i can do it in 11 years that is not bad at all oh wait that is pretty long so it might have to be my carree after all =[. well im not so sure about doing this as a carree but is a good job andi wouldt mind but im still thinking about it do i really wanna be surroded by mouth everyday of my life hahaaha well at least half of my life. maybe i will do somehting else that im intersected in but this is a really good job in my thinking due to the high payments and the benifts of being a docotr is overwhelming which is a good thing.
Michael Dodes

Learning and Teaching PDF from NYC DOE School Library Services Handbook - 0 views

    The NYC DOE Department of School Library Services publishes a handbook for librarians which includes a curriculum for research with grade level benchmarks called the Information Fluency Continuum and a process for Research called the Stripling Model. This document contains the grade level benchmarks and the Research process.
DominiqueE EWSIS

20091204 :: Latino USA - 0 views

shared by DominiqueE EWSIS on 23 Dec 09 - Cached
    The Story of Sam He plays the saxophone and is in his school's jazz band. He is a senior in high school and is about to graduate. He is here from Mexico and immigrated here when he was 5 years old. His visa expired and his father did not reapply for one. "I was raised an American." He did not get in to college because of his legal status. Michelle is his girlfriend, she plays the piano. His family wanted him to keep a low key because they were afraid of what would happen. Every Sunday morning, his family gets together to play together. His mom sings, brother plays the drums, sister plays the bass, and his father is a pastor. He graduates high school in Indiana and his dream is to go to Indiana University, but he applied too late and issues arose. He did not qualify for financial aid because he is undocumented. His father tries to push him to find a job in the summer since school is about to start in 2 months. He cannot pay for tuition, cannot commute to college because he doesn't have a driver's license, and can't work on the mark. "I can't go very far." "I'm not sure what my future is..."
  • ...2 more comments...
    The thing that stood out most for me was the saxophone that was playing throughout the podcast and the talk about college. It never occurred to me that immigrants who don't have their documents, might not be able to go to college. And it's hard for Sam to go to college, also because he has only 2,000 and even with financial aid, it's impossible
    I really like his story. The story taught me a lot about college, which is something that we are all working on right now. In addition, when he said that "But what happens after they leave high school? The best and brightest have no problem getting accepted into top universities. But that's where their immigration status gets tricky", I was also thinking that it might be an issue. As an immigrant myself, I was starting to think about if the immigration status would have certain impact in the future.
    Right now we are listening to a podcast. The podcaster is talking about himself. The podcast is about a guy who is undocumented and its his struggle in college. One quote that stood out for me was "whole family plays music on the stage." This stood out for me because it shows that he has a close family and they are there for each other. Another quote that stood out for me was " The whole college proses was very frustrating" I understand him because I am also going through this college proses and it is very confusing at times. Also stressful because everything has to be right. I admire Sam because With all the obstetrical in his life he still going to college and getting an education. It is great that his family is supporting him.
    Sam's parents did not teach him his indigenous culture/language. They possibly thought that by not teaching him Spanish it'd become easier for him to assimilate to the American culture, but by doing so I feel like it cost him a part of his identity. What if Sam get's deported, he won't be able to survive in an environment that he's not familiar too. His own father acknowledges his sons capability to adjust in born country.

Multiple Intelligences - 0 views

shared by Kit EWSIS on 13 Jan 10 - Cached
  • The two learning situations that I have chosen to observe in this project are the teaching of children in a daycare and the use of video games to teach children. Both of these situations are considered two different agents of socialization. The teaching of children in a daycare is classified as the school agent and the video games teaching children are considered a form of the mass media agent. These two socialization agents fall within the childhood stage of socialization. Although the two learning situations use different agents of socialization, they both help to teach important cognitive development skills, motor skills, and the development of “how to” thinking.
    • Kit EWSIS
      I'm learning about gaming, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how do gaming change peoples. I was reseaching this question online, and this blogpost caught my attention because it's about daycare and video games, and children. "The two learning situation that I have chosen to observe in this project are the teaching of childern in adaycare and use of video games to teach children .Both of these situations are considered two different agents of socialization. The teaching of children in a daycare is classified as the school agent and the video games teaching children are considered a form of the mass media agent." The quote I chose here is basically saying that when using video game to teach student becam more attatch to media, and the ones that teach in daycare are more attatch to school. I think this is important because It made me wonder that video game is way more that just entertament, it can be a way or teachinh. Because children can some time learn more from video games, good or bad information.
corey stanley

Len Chenfeld's Outside Shot at Basketball Glory - - 0 views

  • At 5 feet 9 inches and 150 pounds, Len does not imagine himself playing in the N.B.A. or even the N.C.A.A. tournament
    • corey stanley
      I can relate to this because I am 5'11 and 153lbs, and being that i didnt play h.s ball i cant see myself making it to the N.C.A.A tournament let alone the N.B.A.
  • Kenny Anderson grew up in LeFrak City, Queens, and had an army of recruiters tracking his skills by the sixth grade. Stephon Marbury, raised with six siblings in Coney Island, became “Starbury” and the subject of a book, “The Last Shot,” by the ninth. Both played for powerhouse city high schools (Archbishop Molloy, Lincoln), went to Georgia Tech on scholarship and left college diploma-less for the N.B.A. and its attendant fame and fortune.
    • corey stanley
      This is very discouraging for me because these NBA stars were being tracked since 6th grade and had books made about them. They went to big "powerhouse" schools and i cant compare to these acomplishments at all.
Paul Allison

Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Document - 1 views

    I like the way school uniforms are put into a larger context, that of freedom and rights.
Masaki EWSIS

Mapping Main Street » A Collaborative Documentary Media Project - 0 views

    The podcast, "Searching For Flushing Main Street's Pimp", caught me by surprise. I thought the Flushing Pimp had been killed by another person. I had heard he died, but I wasn't sure how until now. I expected it the information to be on the internet by now, but I guess a primary source is the best way to gather information. When the podcasters found out that they were on to something, I thought they did a good job in expressing their reactions when they discovered something new. The main part was when they found out that someone from their school actually knew the pimp since he lived in the same apartment that she did. I thought this was a fairly lucky find. Another part that stood out to me was in the beginning of the podcast when one of them said, "I don't think he's a pimp.", because I thought the same thing. I think they only called him a pimp because he dressed like one. In the end, I discovered he wasn't really a pimp after all. It was fairly well edited, and I thank you for sharing your podcast. I think there have been a few clips at least instead of just images of the pimp.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I too heard he died but wasn't completed sure how. And I agree it was a lucky find that he lived in the same building as someone from the school.
    I've seen him on the street very often for the pass three years but I just realized that he's not around here anymore. I used to see him all the time on Main street and he's always talking to himself.
    I agree with you Masaki, This post caught me by surprise too. I really didn't know that a person with so much going on in his body could continue to move on, Many people with those type of problems would lay down and accept defeat but he continued to move on and dress good. Although many people laughed at him or talked about him he continued to do what he does. That is what i call determaination
Paul Allison

National Women's Law Center: Download - 0 views

    This feels like an important report, and just in time for Hispanic History month -- which starts just after we return to school

Japan's 16 Year Old Pen Spinning Champion | Japan Is Doomed - 4 views

    "Here he is, the champion, doing what he does best (other than ignoring his English teacher, I'm sure!) Apparently Mr. Omura here has dominated Japan's first pen spinning tournament to become the "sport"'s ringleader. Congratulations to him. I'm sure he has a future ahead of him, spinning not only pens, but also new progressive ideas like pencils or, for the thrill of danger, trying to spin a pen in my English lesson. (Grr!) Edit: His videos are available, and they are amazing. The real question is: Where does one go after dominating the world of pen spinning? What other sports can Ryuki move into? Well, worry not Omuramaniacs, I've done my research. I think an obvious first move would be into a championship for another game that goes on in school a lot. Janken. (Rock Paper Scissors). I had a good laugh looking at the advanced techniques of the World RPS Society website: Here he is, the champion, doing what he does best (other than ignoring his English teacher, I'm sure!) Apparently Mr. Omura here has dominated Japan's first pen spinning tournament to become the "sport"'s ringleader. Congratulations to him. I'm sure he has a future ahead of him, spinning not only pens, but also new progressive ideas like pencils or, for the thrill of danger, trying to spin a pen in my English lesson. (Grr!) Edit: His videos are available, and they are amazing. But the real question is, where does one go after dominating the world of pen spinning? What other sports can Ryuki move into? Well, worry not Omuramaniacs, I've done my research. I think an obvious first move would be into a championship for another game that goes on in school alot. Janken. (Rock Paper Scissors). I had a good laugh looking at the advanced techniques of the World RPS Society website; Chain Gambits "Chain Gambits" are one way of expanding Gambit strategies. A Chain Gambit is a series of five throws, or two Gambits joined by a common throw. For instance, "PSPSS" is a
    wow he is very good and how can you be so good with pens.
CorrineA EWSIS

Astronomy and Education Resources » Blog Archive » Employing Howard Gardner's... - 0 views

  • Each student is uniquely different and learns in a variety of different way. So you will find that many of the top tier private preschools and child care centers will recognize this on a daily basis. Many of these best schools will let each child learn at their own pace and steer them into smaller groups for learning. The student will do more reading if it is shown that they have more advancement in linguistic stimulation. Or if he or she show advancement in reasoning, mathematics, or creative arts, then the student will be lead in the direction.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      I'm learning more about Howard Gardner right now and in particular what I am wondering now is: What made him want to write about these eight intelligences?I was researching this question online and this blog post caught my attention because the background is very eyecatching and the summary was very vague but I thought about it and I figured out what the writer had meant. The quote I chose was basiacally the answer to my question because it states the reason that he wrote the book with those learning styles, he says that the best schools focus on your individual talents so you succeed in your life to your best ability
AndreaLee EWSIS

Ad Shop Injects Strategic, Creative Thinking With Cultural, Social Anthropology | PR Ne... - 0 views

  • Advisory board members also will provide cultural and behavioral insights useful to Adrenalina's team of cognitive and cultural anthropologists, or "cogs," the new school version of the old school account planners' model that emphasizes culture ahead of brand consumerism.
  • "We believe this kind of collaboration between academics, strategists and corporate enterprise will be powerful and mutually beneficial in helping to better define a culture, tell its story accurately and vastly change the tone and understanding of the impact that multicultural consumers will have on future generations,"
  • "We've brought together three of the nation's brightest minds and set into motion a formal program for examining, developing and furthering the discussion about the nation's transformation into a new America,"
Paul Allison

Oct. 1995 Michigan Today---Vietnam teach-in 30 years ago - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to work in a school where teach=in's were encouraged? "The teach-in proved to be a forum that appealed to broad sections of the student body. Indeed, it created a new relationship between students and faculty. Following the event, the Faculty-Student Committee to Stop the War in Vietnam was formed to organize other protest activities. As Waskow observed, "This teach-in is in the true spirit of a university where students and faculty learn from each other and not from the calendar." "
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