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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jsmith4


Gameplay of World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

  • Over time, a number of additio
  • The mechanics of each class vary, with some tending towards melee combat while others are more suited to attacking from range or casting spells.
  • weather effects
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • battlegrounds

Existentialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • A central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the actual life of the individual is what constitutes what could be called his or her "essence" instead of there being a predetermined essence that defines what it is to be a human. Thus, the human being - through his consciousness - creates his own values and determines a meaning to his life.[65]. Although it was Sartre who explicitly coined the phrase, similar notions can be found in the thought of many existentialist philosophers, from Kierkegaard to Heidegger.
    • jsmith4
      This quote actually relates to my topic and My opinion differs. The quote says that existence precedes essence and that is true in physically and literally but in a spiritual sense, it is incorrect. This is due to the fact that like i said in my earlier paragraphs, you have your natural imaginary subtle thoughts then you have the physical ones that are manifested from those so "essence" infact precedes existence. Think about this, love is essence because it is an imaginary substance and that can sometimes lead to sexual intercourse with brings about something physical...a baby right? See so essence comes before existence or life for that matter.

Existentialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Existentialist thinkers focus on the question of concrete human existence and the conditions of this existence rather than hypothesizing a human essence, stressing that the human essence is determined through life choices.
    • jsmith4
      This relates to my topic and is significant due to the fact that this is exactly what I try to explain in my essays. It says in this quote that the essence of being human is determined by "life choices" . I have mentioned this in one of my earlier essays,what we do makes us unlike any other kind of life form.also those "life choices" are what all my other essays are about. When I am talking about the human cycle and all its rules, I am talking about what you do and dont do to ruin this human process.
  • " Man exists in a state of distance from the world that he nonetheless remains in the midst of. This distance is what enables man to project meaning into the disinterested world of in-itselfs.
    • jsmith4
      Let me break this down,you see what he is trying to say is that even though we come from the world and are here, we are still different from it. You see when two things are the same, it doesnt make sense for them to give things off to each other cause they both have the same things and are made up of the same parts. This goes back to what i mentioned about betterment and acheiving a sense of hightened enlightenment. The point of us being here is to give off something to the world and everything around us,in doing this...we better ourselves. Think about this....when you are away from can go towards it.
  • A central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the actual life of the individual is what constitutes what could be called his or her "essence" instead of there being a predetermined essence that defines what it is to be a human.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • It is often claimed in this context that a person defines himself, which is often perceived as stating that we can "wish" to be something — anything, a bird, for instance — and then be it. According to most existentialist philosophers, however, this would be an inauthentic existence. What is meant by the statement is that a person is (1) defined only insofar as he or she acts and (2) that he or she is responsible for his or her actions. For example, someone who acts cruelly towards other people is, by that act, defined as a cruel person. Furthermore, by this action of cruelty such persons are themselves responsible for their new identity (a cruel person).
  • "man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world – and defines himself afterwards." Of course, the more positive, therapeutic aspect of this is also implied: A person can choose to act in a different way, and to be a good person instead of a cruel person. Here it is also clear that since man can choose to be either cruel or good, he is, in fact, neither of these things essentially. [

Mapping Main Street » A Collaborative Documentary Media Project - 2 views

    This is a response to the second story which i thought was sort of tragic and unfortunate. I am very big on health,i do A lot of research involving the human anatomy and nutrition. The so called "flushing pimp" in the story died of cancer. This did not really come as a surprise due to the fact that cancer is one of the leading causes of death. Today, the average diet is an amalgamation of so much junk and contaminated foods. We are not taking care of our bodies in any way and are just letting everything go to waste. Health is a big problem in this country and we are hardly doing anything to fix that. The human body should remain natural because we are made from natural forms. The elements that coalesce to give us life should only be able to thrive and run at full capacity on natural products. These days, there are not many doctors or the the health profession is not one that is pursued A lot due to lack opf patience and being squeamish. Taking care of your body should never be tiring and should always give us a sense of dignity. One quote that caught my attention was when she said that he still wanted to go out on his last day. I found that to be quiet robust and i could see how much pride he had even though i met him. This is one of the many skills of humans. The ability to keep that joyful benign mindset in the most formidable times. We can be energizer bunnies if we want to,the problem is...not enough of us want to. Some of us hold ourselves in such a high esteem with all the confidence and everything in our prime and when we are in good health but we lose it just when we need it the most. The day we find out that a disease has burdened us and we are rendered forever sick. Some of us lose that hope to live cause we know that we only have but a few more days on earth but it should be the other way around. We should fight and be bellicose and obstinate the most when those days approach us. I believe that compassion for life is solely for that purpose. I know its a
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