they really like it a lot. Unidentified Man #7: (Spanish spoken) Ms. ESCAMILLA: (Through translator) And with that, they go to the fields to work really happy. Mr. SILVA: I work in the farm before in Mexico, but I started to work in the United States (unintelligible) 17 years old. When 1986, my wife, she passed away. I lose my car, I lose my pickup, I lose my small beans I had. I lose everything. And now I feel like my life is over. I don't see a reason to live. And these guy, he offered me to cross his car, and he put 30 pounds of dope inside. When I'm coming to cross the borderline over here in San Luis, Arizona, the officer, he saw me nervous with the way I speak to him. So, when the guy opened the trunk, he (unintelligible). In prison, I'm going to the book library and I find the bible and I start to read it. I never speak English the way I'm speaking to you now, never.