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College essay samples written by teens - 13 views

    This is a great site for getting an idea of what colleges are looking for in an essay. My idea of a good college essay changed after reading the top voted college essay.
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    Reading the top voted college essay made me think that you do not have to use a story that is extremely special and/or unique. It could be a plain and general story, one that happens to most people, (story about stepping in "doggy poo") connected to something you value in life (connection of inevitability of making mistakes). The most discussed college essay reinforced the idea of humor to add a bit of your personality/voice your essay and keep the reader engaged. But, it also brought up the idea of finding a story that continues through most of your life, so you may add other important stories to add depth to the reader's knowledge of your extracurricular activities and passions.
    It was very interesting to read a few extremely well written essays. I can see why these essays were voted on as being very well written. It was interesting to see how these people weren't writing so much about an experience that they had in their lives, but more about how the experience made them gain a better understanding of the world.
    While I began reading the top voted college essay, I was really confused as to why this girl was describing a piece of candy in such great detail. However, she slowly created this metaphor and theme that she incorporated throughout her college essay. This technique she used was very successful, in making me want to read the entire thing and connect the dots back to her candy metaphor. Therefore, maybe it's the parts that was not written about the writer, herself, that really gave me, or the reader, a strong sense of who she is as a person.
    After reading a few essays from this site I got a pretty good idea on what a good essay sounds like. Before reading this I didn't really know how I wanted my essay to go, I'm still not too sure how I want to write it but now I have some inspiration to look toward when writing. I don't have a backstory like the girl who compared chocolate to her life but I think I could find something else interesting to write about.
    The top voted essays on this site are amazing. It's obvious why they are so highly ranked, they have well thought out structures, elaborate descriptions of everything, and such beautiful word choice. It's crazy because these people were writing about such simple things in their every day life but they made it interesting to read, they wrote it, probably, better than the actual experience was.
    I kind of had an idea what I was going to write about in my essay, but after reading this site I know how to write it and what a good essay sounds like and what it conveys in the words. It made me see that you don't need a super great topic in your essay, you just need to write it well.
    The top essay was a very descriptive piece. It sounded like a short story, and I didn't know you could write about those kind of topics on a college essay. This site really helps me get a better idea of what an essay should look like when the time comes to submit one.
    It really helps to be able to read examples of good college essays. It gives you an idea of not only what to write about but how to write it. I never would have guessed some of the top voted college essays would be written on such simple, everyday topics. I have a lot of work to do haha.

Change Your Words, Change Your Life: The Simplest Tool I Know for Immediately Transform... - 1 views

    "Language shapes our behavior and each word we use is imbued with multitudes of personal meaning. The right words spoken in the right way can bring us love, money and respect, while the wrong words-or even the right words spoken in the wrong way-can lead to a country to war.

Finlandʻs Sisu Is Your New Nordic Life-Improvement Buzzword - CityLab - 0 views

    It seems like a lot of people can't get enough of being told how to live their lives by Scandinavians. That's what you might assume by the truckload of English-language books, articles, and TED talks emerging in recent years, all urging readers to adopt lifestyle philosophies that hail from various Nordic cultures. First came the craze for Danish hygge (pronounced HOO-guh) a striving for cozy, primarily domestic wellness that some authors claimed lay behind Danes' apparent satisfaction with their lives. Then we discovered Swedish lagom (LAW-gm), a term broadly meaning "just enough," whose use as a moderating folk principle, boosters suggested, has helped Swedes achieve their unusually high levels of happiness. Now, as Sweden's neighbor Finland tops this year's Northern European happiness league, Finnish writers and pundits are getting in on the act, tossing their own mythologized national mental attitude-called sisu-into the crowded Nordic life-hack market. Sisu= fortitude; inner stamina; grit.

UCSD Study on How Newly Sighted Blind People Learn to See - Provides Clues to Developme... - 1 views

    An article about researchers recording results after a patient regained his sight after being blind his whole life and how he reacts to the "new world"
    An article about researchers recording results after a patient regained his sight after being blind his whole life and how he reacts to the "new world"

Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life | Psychology Today - 4 views

    Dr. Derald Wing-Sue examines the demeaning meta-communications or hidden messages in comments addressed to people of color. Though it should be noted that microaggressions can also be levied at white people, e.g. when Hawaii born-and-raised whites are asked "Where are you from?", and then when told "Here", persist: "No, I meant originally." ;-)
    Hey Lara, thanks for remembering me ;-)

In the beginning was the word: How babbling to babies can boost their brains - 2 views

    The more parents talk to their children, the faster those children's vocabularies grow and the better their intelligence develops. The problem seems to be cumulative. By the time children are two, there is a six-month disparity in the language-processing skills and vocabulary of toddlers from low-income families. Toddlers learn new words from their context, so the faster a child understands the words he already knows, the easier it is for him to attend to those he does not. Dr Anne Fernald, of Stanford, found that words spoken directly to a child, rather than those simply heard in the home, are what builds vocabulary. Plonking children in front of the television does not have the same effect. Neither does letting them sit at the feet of academic parents while the grown-ups converse about Plato. The effects can be seen directly in the brain. Kimberly Noble of Columbia University studies how linguistic disparities are reflected in the structure of the parts of the brain involved in processing language. Although she cannot yet prove that hearing speech causes the brain to grow, it would fit with existing theories of how experience shapes the brain. Babies are born with about 100 billion neurons, and connections between these form at an exponentially rising rate in the first years of life. It is the pattern of these connections which determines how well the brain works, and what it learns. By the time a child is three, there will be about 1,000 trillion connections in his brain, and that child's experiences continuously determine which are strengthened and which pruned. This process, gradual and more-or-less irreversible, shapes the trajectory of the child's life.And it is this gap, more than a year's pre-schooling at the age of four, which seems to determine a child's chances for the rest of his life.

'Some of the More Mundane Moments in Life Make Great Essays' - - 26 views

  • Here’s an essay that’s sure to make an admissions officer reach for the triple grande latte to stay awake
  • “I spent [choose one: a summer vacation/a weekend/three hours]
  • struck by the number of students rhapsodizing about expensive travel or service projects in exotic locales
    • Shermann Alconcel
      Elaborate and fancy isn't always better than simple and concise
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • On the other hand, Mr. Springall was working at Cornell when an applicant revealed that while waitressing she got angry at a customer and spit in his food before serving it. “Immediate red flag,” Mr. Springall recalled. “She makes poor choices.
    • Alex Cheung
      This really exemplified the "fine line" between things, and I'll have to be sure to check my essays to make sure nothing "bad" is revealed, or at least misunderstood.
    I was surprised by this article and by the fact that sometimes, our seemingly boring moments in life has the potential to transform into a great college essay. This article made me change my views of college essays and reexamine what topics I want to write about.
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    I think this is really interesting because I have never really thought about what an admissions officer would be thinking of as he/she reads a really cliché essay. This really makes me want to work harder to come up with less cliché topics and essays.
    I feel like the "bad" example that they used was really effective, because it highlighted the fact that the essay itself says nothing about the writer's character or personality. Instead, that essay talked about the misfortune of others and the worldly possessions of the writer. This makes me really want to focus on writing something that displays my personality/mind.
    I thought that this article was very interesting because it made me realize how critical some of the college admission boards are. They won't accept any "cliche" topics such as service projects, however I feel like community service are indeed one of the most important experiences in life that influence people. This makes me think that the colleges examine not so much the grammar or clarity, but more of who stands out among everyone.
    This article really makes you think of all the experiences to NOT write about in your college essay. I think it's interesting that humbling experiences (such as helping out the less-fortunate) are not always beneficial to you when it comes to college acceptance.
    I think that this is a really helpful article because it helps give a new perspective on what they like and that they think the best essays are the ones that make them laugh or cry instead of the cliché college essay.
    I agree with the statement made in this article that it is harder to think of a specific personal experience to write about than actually writing the essay. But this essay also made me realize that you can shape an ordinary story into something interesting and worth reading to boost your chances for admission.
    I think that this article explains in depth what kinds of stories shouldn't be told, which is why it is helpful. For example, the essay where the person wrote about torturing frogs when the mascot is a frog. It shows bad examples and explains why they're not so good, such as not writing about being apologetic or epiphanic.
    This article made me realize the importance of choosing a good essay topic. The examples that were used in the story effectively showed the importance of choosing a topic that is appropriate and unique at the same time. It also highlighted the importance of the essay, as the article mentions some top students that were denied because of an inappropriate essay topic.
    This article tells what kinds of things to write about and what not to write about. You can write about something inappropriate if you want but it should include some kind of realization. It should be unique to you even if the story was mundane. It would be best if you try to leave the reader feeling an emotion.
    I'm glad I read this one.... I'd never thought about how many papers admissions counselors have to read... writing concisely and interestingly is much more important than I originally thought.
    I never thought about how something that you have done that is seemingly daily or routine could be something that astounds other people who live a very different lifestyle then you. You also should be careful of giving off the wrong impression when writing about something bad that you did in the past.
    I got a huge kick out of reading the user comments on this article, my favorite being one who recommended to screw worrying about essays and worry about sports and ethnicity. This article definitely puts your essay into perspective. One out of thousands. There people have seen it all which is why its even more important to be honest.
    This article made me realize that because college admissions offices have read thousands of essays, there's a high chance that someone has already written about what you want to write. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about college essays, is talking about something that will make you look good to the admissions. But what I never thought about before was that it doesn't just have to be something extraordinary, it can be the simplest experience; it just has to be something that is unique to you.
    I feel like this article stresses how important the college essay it is, and how the topic of your essay can either make or break you, but it doesn't give much advice on what to do. It does give helpful insight on what not to do, but doesn't give any good examples of topics. It was helpful to know how the college admissions directors will be reading the essays to find out who we are.
    After reading this article I discovered that it's okay to take take risks and writing about a funny experience, but don't take take it too far as to making your essay controversial or an essay that may offend the school mascot.
    I liked the ideas this essay shared because I realized that if I were to have written my college essay prior to reading this article, my essay would've been similar to the majority of students who submit college essays. This site stresses the importance of being different and that having humility, humor, and personal stories in college essays are attractive. But the article did imply that there are limits and that some things such as torturing animals and showing inconsideration to other people, are inappropriate.
    It seems more common now for counselors and advisors to recommend writing about everyday things, but with our own personal "flair." So it was helpful to read in this article about how there are some negative everyday experiences that are important to leave out.

Admissions Essay Ordeal: The Young Examined Life - New York Times - 14 views

  • filled whole grocery bags with crumpled efforts at expressing his adolescent essence in 500 words or less.
    • Jenna Frowein
      This is actually kind of creative and poetic.
  • And though they seem to have more collaborators than ever before
    • Jenna Frowein
      It's true! I think that we have so much help! We just need to start and get writing!
  • ''No adult is ever asked to do that.''
    • Jenna Frowein
      I think it's cool that they ask us to do this, write about what makes us unique, and adults don't do it. I think it's kind of like a test to find yourself and who you are; when that happens, you are ready for college, I guess.
    • Kristen Ige
      But most students going into college don't know who we are yet. We often apply undecided becuase we don't know what we want to be. I think part of the college experience is finding who we are. Maybe writing the essay is the first step.
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  • 'I wrote about racism toward myself
    • Jenna Frowein
      Wow, this is a really interesting comment. My first thought was that he thought he was worthless, and maybe the important thing that he wrote about was how he overcame that and realized that he is a valuable and unique person.
  • This is the season of that excruciating rite of passage that requires college-bound seniors to take what has often been a blessedly uneventful existence and transform it into something extraordinary, intriguing, distinctive.
    "Few students are as lucky as Chris Bail [...] When I was about 11 or so, a group of kids threw stones at me, and that stuck in my head. That was just a big, big experience for me, and I guess I'm really lucky to have that because I know kids that are writing about, like, concerts they went to and stuff like that.'' I am disturbed greatly. What does not kill us will only make us stronger... Scary thought: Students trying to get into college will take extremes for more interesting topics to write about. What if it happens? Pressure. It exists. But don't let it RULE or RUIN your life.
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    Don't we all have some special experience in our lives, it's just that we need to look for them.
    As many students across the world struggle to individualize themselves on paper in order to get into college, they often write about drastic situations that they often think are unique only to them. This however is not the case as these situations have also happened to thousands of other students and the people reading over the essays probably already have read something like that. The only true way to express yourself in your paper is to just write how you normally would instead of hyping yourself up, using big words that you normally would never use in an attempt to seem smart, or blowing your achievements out of proportion to what they really are. Just be your self and let your voice shine through your paper.
    I find it quite sad that students will go to the extremes and seek something that they think admissions officers will find intriguing rather than it coming from their gut and what is important to them. In my opinion the best advice I could give to someone writing their college essay is, be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not.
    "And though they seem to have more collaborators than ever before, from cooperative English teachers to new Web sites that offer successful essays for sale, the competition seems tougher than ever, now that so many early applicants have whittled the number of available slots." To me the college application is sounding more and more deceptive. By the time you take that raw essay written by purely yourself and it goes through multiple English teachers and websites, and other peers, it goes from your writing to like your teacher's writing. I feel that after all of the processes it goes through, all the people who review it, the finished product really doesn't show the college who YOU are.

Becoming Bilingual | Psychology Today - 6 views

    Interesting article that talks about becoming a bilingual later on in life and how one becomes bilingual.

Tips for Keeping a Gratitude Journal - 2 views

    Studies have traced a range of impressive benefits to writing down the things for which we're grateful-benefits including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness among adults and kids alike. Robert Emmons, a UC Davis professor who studies the science of gratitude, offers the following research-based tips to enhance journaling effectiveness: 1. Don't just go through the motions. Research by psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky and others suggests that journaling is more effective if you first make the conscious decision to become happier and more grateful. "Motivation to become happier plays a role in the efficacy of journaling," says Emmons. 2. Go for depth over breadth. Elaborating in detail about a particular thing for which you're grateful carries more benefits than a superficial list of many things. 3. Get personal. Focusing on people to whom you are grateful has more of an impact than focusing on things for which you are grateful. 4. Try subtraction, not just addition. One effective way of stimulating gratitude is to reflect on what your life would be like without certain blessings, rather than just tallying up all those good things. 5. Savor surprises. Try to record events that were unexpected or surprising, as these tend to elicit stronger levels of gratitude. 6. Don't overdo it. Writing occasionally (once or twice per week) is more beneficial than daily journaling.
    Writing down what you're grateful for greatly impacts your social, physical, and physiological health but to some the impacts are unclear. This article page has a link that has created their very own technological gratitude journal that deepens and practices efficient journaling. Included in this article are 6 tips: 1) Have passion behind jotting down your gratitude. It put more motivation and thought in your writings. 2) Be specific with what you're grateful for. 3) Lean towards focusing your gratitude on people rather than things. (You learn to become less materialistic.) 4) Consider mentioning what it would be like with out the blessings. 5) Record events that were surprising & out of the ordinary. 6) Occasional writing over daily writing because it's easy for us to get numb to the good side of life. Writing our thoughts down rather than thinking about them or saying them, deepens our emotional connection and makes us more self aware.

Technology's impact on childhood brain, language development | WRVO Public Media - 0 views

    Dr. Michael Rich is the director of the Center on Media and Child Health and the Clinic for Interactive Media and Internet Disorders. Rich notes some major takeaways: 1.Babies' brains are elastic: the first three years of life are critical for both language and overall brain development. Unlike other animals, humans are born with embryonic brains, rendering babies helpless and in need of caregivers while also providing a developmental advantage: allowing us to build our brains in response to the challenges and stimuli of the environment we're in," In the first three years of life, the brain triples in volume due to synaptic connections, therefore stimuli and challenges babies receive within that time frame help babies build creative, flexible and resilient brains. 2. Face to face interaction is valuable. 3. It's not just about screen time duration, but the type of content being consumed. For example, young children can interact meaningfully via Facetime, if they've previously interacted with that person. However, screens as a distraction for kids in lieu of human interaction= not good.
    This article talks about how screen time affects babies language development. The first nine months of a baby's life are important for a child to understand sounds and how they should be used. They are able to understand language much earlier than they actually start talking. Many doctors and scientists encourage parents to communicate with their babies as soon as possible to develop language. Recent studies found that babies that spent more time in front of a screen than talking suffered in language development. I found it interesting that not all screen time is necessarily bad for a child's language development. For example, FaceTime can be beneficially for children because they are interacting in a meaningful way but using screens as a distraction for kids can be harmful.

The Truth About Positive Self-Talk - 5 views

    This article defines what self-talk is, how it's important and why it's important. Self-talk is "the endless stream of unspoken thoughts than run through [our] heads". If these thoughts are more positive can offer multiple health benefits, such as increased life span and increased immunity. The article also covers the four categories of self-talk (calming/relaxing, instructional, motivational, focus) , what to say to yourself (instructional self-talk or motivational self-talk), and when to say it.

The Opposite of People | College Essays About friends, self-esteem, sports/hobbies and ... - 4 views

    This is an interesting college essay about an actor. She introduces the idea that "actors aren't human," in the first few lines, which hooks our attention, but never clearly tells us why they aren't. Instead of revisiting this topic, she shares a personal narrative of her acting experiences which, in a way show us why "actors aren't humans." I still think she could made it a little more clear.
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    I really liked this college essay. It captured my attention immediately, and it held it throughout the entire essay. I enjoyed reading it which is how I want my audience to feel when they read my college essay. I feel like I write an essay kind of like this one.
    At first when I started reading this essay, it didn't seem much like an essay, which is why I kept reading. I thought it was interesting how the author decided to write about her acting experiences; she made it clear that acting was very important to her. She did a good job of capturing my attention as a reader.
    I think this essay is interesting. The ending message of it is about how her director had such a big impact on her life but you would never have guessed it would end up being about the director because he is not brought up until the end. I think this essay shows a great way to talk about someone who had a great impact in your life while still sharing a ton of information about yourself because I know that colleges use the essays to learn more about you.

Improve Your Baby's Language Skills Even Before He Says a Word - 4 views

    Playing a series of sounds to infants can speed up the way they process language and can also predict which infants will have trouble with language as they develop. Researchers concluded that processing language sounds sets up the neural foundation in babies.
    The way that babies react to certain sounds can indicate their learning patterns and language capabilities later in life.

Catherine Jones on what language reveals about us | Life and style | The Observer - 1 views

  • people unconsciously shift their speech and voice style to more closely match those of people in powerful or authoritative positions
  • Similarly, people who are depressed, suicide-prone or experiencing a traumatic event tend to use "I" more
  • Our words express the metaphors which underpin our thinking, which in turn express who we are, our values and our life experience.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • reveal many of their values in the metaphors they use
  • senior management teams to describe what they're like when they're working at their best, they often use competitive, sporting metaphors - "we're like a gold medal-winning team" - because winning is important to them
  • teachers and the metaphors are startlingly different - "it's like tending a garden, or bringing up a family" - because nurturing is an important value for this group
  • tone of voice, the pauses in our speech, the role we take in conversations and our use of fillers - for example, "um" or "you know" - to reach many more conclusions
  • older people tend to refer to themselves less often, use more positive emotion words, more future tense verbs and fewer past tense verbs
  • status
  • fewer emotion words and first person singular pronouns we use, the higher our social class.
  • "Freudian slips"
    What our speech reveals about us

The Ancient Greeks' Six Words For Love (And Why Knowing Them Can Change Your Life) - 2 views

    The Greeks distinguished six types of love: eros (sexual passion), philia (deep friendship), ludus (playful love), agape (love for everyone), pragma (longstanding love), and philautia (love of the self).

Learning a language in later life: are you ever too old? | Education | The Guardian - 1 views

    Study examined the medical records of 648 Alzheimer's patients in Hyderabad and found that bilinguals developed dementia four to five years later than monolinguals. 

BPS Research Digest: Stroke cures man of life-long stammer - 1 views

    "The researchers can't be sure, but they think the remission of the man's stammer is likely related to his cerebellum damage, which may have had the effect of inhibiting excessive neural activation in that structure."

Admissions Essay Ordeal: The Young Examined Life - Page 2 - New York Times - 5 views

    • brad hirayama
      I Find that this line is very true in the sense that every person that is reading your essay is not trying to see who has the best story but instead who are you, and what makes you unique.  i think this is the best advice, don't try to make yourself special just because, be who you are and portray your personality through your writing. 
  • just be yourself
    • Kristen Ige
      I have seen this suggestion many times. But I often think, what if being myself isn't good enough?
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