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laurel Ridley

Jan's blog - 1 views

  • Cools Tools for Schools Wikispace is Inspirational!
  • A colleague of mine found and bookmarked this wiki site and I have spent hours engaged in the multitude of avenues that learning can take place here.  The link is .  If you have a desire to learn a great deal about Web 2.0 learning tools, you will thoroughly enjoy this wiki.
  • The site is well organized with more than seventeen categories of “tools” ranging from Presentation Tools, Collaboration Tools, Audio Tools, Music Tools, Converting Tools, Image Tools, Research Tools, Mapping Tools, Quiz and Poll Tools, Graphing Tools, Creativity Tools, Video Tools, Slideshow Tools, Drawing Tools, Writing Tools, Widgets, etc.  I did not find one link that did not work and the pages were all very nicely linked for moving from page to page
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  • I was pleasantly surprised that there was a link to a site still under construction but already containing many marvelous finds entitled “Cool Apps for Schools” and the link is .  I especially liked the list of essentials for ipads, ipods, and iphones and I would highly suggest that you check out this list if you are a mobile device user
  • Web 2.0 Tools support Community and Collaboration Posted on February 21, 2013 by alwaysjan This is a Mind42 Map about Web 2.0 Tools.  These tools are used for collaboration and support of community.
  • “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” (John Dewey)
    There are some amazing tools listed on these sites, including a Mind42 map of Web 2.0 Tools. I can see that my map is quite lacking compared to these. But, now I have an idea as to what to aim for. It would be great to set my students loose of some of these tools. "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow." (John Dewey). This has been one of my favourite quotes along with "We need to prepare our students/children for jobs that have not been created yet" (Unknown). For me, they sum up what we as teachers need to strive for and that we need to keep on trying to stretch ourselves and our students...after all, we are 13% of the way through the 21st Century. It's exciting.
Florina Merturi

Think "Exciting": E-Learning and the Big "E" (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    Author Bernard Luskin indicates that most of today's literature refers to the physical changes in technology but as we learn more about human behavior and how people learn, it will dramatically impact the way we teach globally. The author provides 'key takeaways' from the article which all relate to media literacy. He explains that this new 'exploding' environment will impact the future of learning for all levels of education as the media, learning psychology, technologies become popular tools for learning. As we learn more from research and studies about media and how it relates to human behavior, it will increase the effectiveness of the ways technology is used in education. The author states that the 'big "E" is for "exciting, energetic, engaging, extended learning". He explains that E learning has and will continue to grow as a key in media literacy and the way people learn, study, individual behavior in society, and products that are produced. This interest in technology, media, communications and how humans learn has actually developed a new field of study, Media Psychology. The author supports the need for people to enter this field and recommends that we learn what e-learning is about and go beyond the electronic gizmos and gadgets.
    The exploding new media and communications environment has implications for the future of both K-12 and adult learning as media, technology, and learning psychology increasingly become tools for learning in and outside the classroom. The new research area of media studies, i.e., the study of media effects, includes media psychology because an understanding of human behavior is vital to the effective use of technology in education.
Jeanne Lauer

Solving the Problem of Online Problem Solving - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus - 13 views

    An intriguing article delineating several useful methods to bring online classrooms to life. While text and self-teaching methods were the way of the past, we now have a multitude of means to engage the student both visually and audibly via an incredible assortment of tools and resources just brimming with creative potential.
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    I think that this article makes so much sense. Online classrooms are really evolving with the tools that we have at our disposal as well as our students. Assessments of drawing , discussing, sharing how to skills can now be accomplished with web tools. These tools can really engage students and get them involved in our online classroom.
    This article takes math problem solving to the next level by incorporating a variety of technology devices in order to get students to think through problems.
    Using online math course as the example, this article provides teachers and students with a lot of technology tools to create a rich online learning and problem-solving environment. With these digital tools, students get more engaged in learning and become more creative thinking. It's a good reference for subject teachers.
    This article asks how we teach students the tools to learn how to talk, read, write, and think online. It mentions many of the media literacy tools presented in one of our readings.
Kae Cunningham

Education World: Promoting Active Online Learning - 0 views

    An Interesting article that focuses mainly on good Communication practices for online courses. However, having good "communication tools" is simply good practice in any learning environment. Having the right tools and using them in the right learning environment promotes Higher Order Thinking, building these skills is essential to success.
Ann Chapman

Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom - 20 views

    A discussion of "disruptive innovations" and how online learning can be used in brick and mortar schools to engage students in richer, more complex learning experience and increase student/teacher interactions.
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    Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
    RSS aggregator
    Nowadays IPAD is being used in the classrooms for more and more functions. This article introduced APPs offering 5 new software and assistive technology for special needs kids.They have a lot of other options for a child's particular needs. I am sure IPAD(APPLE) will keep their great contribution in the education in the future.
    "We believe the more connected students are with their peers and instructors, the more likely they are to enjoy the overall experience and successfully complete their course. Decades of research from scholars such as Lev Vygotsky and Gabriel Tarde indicate that by making groups more interactive and social, student learning experiences can become more productive and fun. We are working hard to evolve the online learning process from markedly remote to highly collaborative." Original article site:
    Online homework is beneficial to students. They get feedback promptly, even more promptly than that provided by very conscientious instructors. Online homework can also be designed so that it allows students to work on areas that frequently cause trouble and/or on areas where the individual student is having difficulty. Original Article site:
    This brief article points out that many new online teachers focus on two of the three critical elements identified by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) that support instruction and learning: cognitive presence and teaching presence. The third, social presence, might be overlooked. The article's author, Dr. Oliver Dreon, offers five ways to build social presence in an online class, many of which are familiar to the VHS community.
    While this article is about 'flipping' in general, it also describes a team-based learning approach to flipping. The author used this approach at the university level by grouping students into heterogeneous and permanent teams of six or seven. The students then used the author's templates to explore course material.
    This article fully explains implementation of blogging in a classroom. The teacher explains: expectations; use of blog posts for classroom discussions, and decorum. She highlights that student blogging enables her to bring to the classroom, without pinpointing a particular student: "insightful responses, inaccurate interpretations, good questions, and lively exchanges". Excellent Information!
    This is actually one of the most useful blog things I've seen. It's a solid reminder that teaching an online course is not a checkout for the teacher. Students really want constant feedback - because many things are not verbally explained and the students have to break them down into steps for themselves, it can be overwhelming. They want to know "Am I doing this right? Is this what you're looking for?" so constant feedback and grading reinforcement in more necessary online than in f2f.
    This blog really hits home with me. I do get overwhelmed at all the different places I have to navigate to get my work done, so it is important, as the article stated to have an easy-to-access-course - design. Trying to tab to resources , clicking on links, then opening up different websites. I love the videos, which help me, because I am a visual learner. As stated in the article, it is difficult for the teachers to be present all the answer questions, but if students and teachers work together the class can work out. Some students take longer to master a new process than other, so good communication is the key here.
    The article explains the importance of Problem-Based Learning in Education. It is crucial to create lessons that incorporate interesting, safe and useful activities.
    I read this and thought how true it is that giving feedback to students taking an online course...or working on a website etc. is as important as feedback we give on essay writing, reading, speaking and listening. Feedback is a key communication tool for students to know where they stand. As is any feedback - provided it is constructive.
Kathy Heller

Education World: Cool Tech Tools for Differentiated Instruction - 1 views

    This article discusses 5 technology tools to help teachers incorporate differentiated instruction into any lesson. These tools appeal to different learning styles and individual strengths. Advanced students can be challenged and struggling students can receive help. The 5 programs/tools cited are Museum Box, The Elements, Garage Band, Intro to Math, and Dragon Dictation.
    Each of the apps listed in this article deserve a glance, some especially for the younger grades and special education. Garage Band appeals to all ages - my colleague uses it to set poems to music in her 2nd grade class. I hope to have students use it this year as background to a video. The Elements app is awesome! (I just spent an hour checking it out - I was completely swept away and so not focused on the task at hand.) I can also imagine an group project with Museum Box, that would appeal to the ultra-organized students. This article really showcases just how technology and all the ensuing apps has something for every student to latch on to and feel success with.
S Worrell

There May Not Be an App for That - Whole Child Education - 0 views

    " I know now the secret to using any piece of technology in the classroom is to begin with clear learning goals and intentions that are based on "big understandings." Once students know what they need to learn, they will often find a way to express their ideas. Providing tools such as iPads for students enables them to use the items and skills they use outside of the classroom to communicate their knowledge. Furthermore, they are building the skills and learning how to use the tools that they may be required to use in the workplace."
Courtney Langieri

Education with Technology Harry G. Tuttle - 11 views

    This article suggests how to use Web 2.0 tools to assess students in the digital age. The article has many useful links. I wish that the examples of the actual rubrics were larger. Overall, I found the article to quite helpful.
    How do we assess students' learning in these in Web 2.0 environments? We want to go beyond assessing the mere mechanics of using these tools; unfortunately, most current rubrics for Web 2.0 learning devote only a minuscule amount (usually 16% or less) to actual student academic learning.
    This article is about standards-based learning and 21st century skills. How to improve student learning through teacher's decisions and technology. He has a excellent list of rubrics Web 2.0 tools. Some examples "rubrics" are......Wiki/Blog, Images/Photo/Flickr, Video/YouTube,Podcast, Social Bookmarking, Twitter, Videoconferencing, General Assessment: Prensky's 21st century skills, General Assessment: enGauge's 21st century skills, General Assessment: Partnership for 21st century skills. I really liked the links and rubrics and found them very helpful. However the rubrics were small and a little hard to read.
Ali LP

elearn Magazine: Top Tools for Learning - 2 views

    Jane Hart gives a preview of her list of the top 100 tools for learning on the web.
Linda Williams

Adapt Courseware Delivers New Social Learning Tools to Improve Student Engagement - 1 views

    A comprehensive adaptive online curriculum resources that individualize each student's learning experience, It is a new social learning tool. The tool promote increased online collaboration among students and with instructors. The goal is an approach to community-based learning is to deliver a more engaging educational experience where each student can benefit from a high level of support and interaction.
Holly Ruiz

23 Things On a Stick: Thing 9. Online Collaboration Tools - 6 views

    Have you ever thought, "Gosh, I wish I had time to learn more about Flickr, wikis, or (enter your Web 2.0 tool here)?" Well, this is your chance to take the time to focus on your personal and professional development around Web 2.0 tools. It's fun to explore these tools and figure out ways to use them in the library, with your personal Web sites, or in other ways.
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    I like this article, time is of the essence when it comes to all of these tools.
    I will give Zoho a look. We use google docs at my school now. Each staff member and student was given an account with the same extension. With so many sites to choose from it takes time to see which ones you lke. Google docs seems to show up in many articles.
    Zoho Writer looks interesting as you need to be invited to participate. Google Docs are used extensively within our school, though I only used them for our NGY Ning project last year. We also use Google Docs for attendance in our after school programs.
Jeanine Keyes-Plante

eLearn: Best Practices - eLearning Tools for English Composition - 1 views

    30 New Media Tools and Web Sites for Writing Teachers. This article is really for adult learners but it offers loads of information and ideas for how best to incorporate technology into your lessons...everything from online learning to screen video capturing programs to online collaboration to web conferencing to video to animation creating tools...and it goes on and on! Worth looking at all the options.
Cheryl Zaino

Learning Technology Learning - 1 views

    This article includes a Mindmap that visually shows differences between the social media or personal side of learning vs the collaborative side of learning. As stated in the article education is now using 21st century tools for teaching and learning internet-based tools for use in teaching and learning.
Christie Gloss

Learning with 'e's: Five tools for global educators - 1 views

    In this article, Steve Wheeler discusses the changing role of teachers from traditional classroom teachers to global educators. He discusses the top five tools he believes global educators need to connect with global communities, resources and audiences.
Florina Merturi

How to Use Internal Collaboration and Social Networking Technology - 4 views

    This article discusses collaboration on a large corporation level and allows for small businesses to conduct important daily activities and decision making using social media as well. The article states the Top 5 must have tools, how to set your goals, and how to choose an appropriate vendor.  I think the article can be viewed when working in our classrooms and we are trying to incorporate social media with collaboration tools.
    This article proves that we need to prepare our students for the world of work. Companies and corporations are using social networking and social media tools for their employees to communicate and collaborate around the world. The Top 5 tools include several we are learning in our class.
    Social media tools can be adapted inside of your company to share data, support employees, and facilitate the exchange of ideas. These days you can find a lot of advice about how to use public social media-such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter-for marketing your company to prospective customers, partners, and employees.
Natasha Makucha

Savvy Web 2.0 Teens Forge Critical Thinking Skills - 5 views

  • a handful of 14-year-old girls in a pilot study used critical thinking skills independently online. "How teenagers use Web 2.0 tools has huge implications for teaching critical thinking skills," says Ronda,
    • Natasha Makucha
      It makes sense.
  • Students can even collaborate on writing a Wikipedia article on a topic they're studying to see how the process of peer writing and editing works
    • Natasha Makucha
      Great idea!
  • "These conversations and activities can be really important, and can teach students valuable critical skills: how to find information online, how to examine the accuracy and source of information they find online, and how to be not only consumers of information, but active participants in creating it."
    • Natasha Makucha
      Finding information on-line is a learned skill of knowledge. Examining the accuracy and source of information is one of the highest critical thinking skills, which develops with time, experience, and rich schemata.
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  • Not all teens are enthusiastic users of tools such as Facebook.
    • Natasha Makucha
      I agree
  • teens made decisions on who they connected to and what they shared, after exploring options and reflecting on how these decisions would affect their online experience.
    • Natasha Makucha
      Critical thinking right here!
  • "These tools grow and diversify, and researchers need to catch up to what teenagers are doing online," she says.
    • Natasha Makucha
      The teachers are as good as the researches, since we have to keep up with the teens, and the technologies.
  • Social media tools hold great potential for developing important proficiencies that have to do with communicating and expressing ideas and thoughts, conducting research, and accessing and creating knowledge.
    • Natasha Makucha
      The highest points of critical thinking on Blomm's taxonomy!
    Brief article about various ways teens use web 2.0 skills. Takes a look at proper use of tools such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Youtube.
laurel Ridley

Education World: Brenda's Blog: VoiceThread: Capturing and Sharing Student Voice with a... - 0 views

  • Not only is that a great way for students to share their learning orally, it provides a platform for students to give and receive feedback as peers, parents, and teachers respond to the project.
  • Used as an assessment tool, VoiceThread projects give teachers a birds eye view into the thinking of their students, especially students who have difficulty communicating their learning through writing.
    Brenda offers some great suggestions and ideas for using Voicethread in classes. Brenda suggests using Voicethread as an assessment tool for teachers but I am thinking it might be a great tool for students to assess/comment on each other as well.
    Laurel, I agree that students could also use Voicethread in class as a tool for commenting on peers' work. I could see groups viewing each other's work and offering feedback, as well. I like that you can add images to this. Have you used Voicethread before? I will have to spend some time checking this out.
Andrea Jones

Adobe Presenter 8 - 1 views

    This site gave a quick tutorial on how to use Adobe Presenter 8. It seemed like an easy video and voice tool to use. It reminded me of a you tube video and it was a little like animoto. It was hard to tell with the brief overview. This presentation tool could lead to some real creativty for use in projects at school. I read a lot of articles while I was in newsstand icnluding: Tech in the Classroom: Earbud yo-yo, and Social Learning networks promote student engagement, global awareness, but I thought the Adobe Presenter was the most creative.
Tim Ryan

The Calculus Trap - 0 views

    • Tim Ryan
      I agree with a kit if what is being said here, many of my students simply take calculus because it is the next class in the progression.
  • then you should find another classroom
    • Tim Ryan
      Ideally this is true, but many students don't have that many options. An alternative may be to split them into carefully made groups.
  • But you’re in ninth grade and you’ve already taken nearly all the math classes your school offers. They were all pretty easy for you and you’re ready for a greater challenge.
    • Tim Ryan
      I haven't ever had a student in 9th grade ready for Calculus, but I get the point.
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  • That student who breezed unchallenged through algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, will breeze through calculus, too
  • Rather than learning more and more tools, avid students are better off learning how to take tools they have and apply them to complex problems. Then later, when they learn the more advanced tools of curricular education, applying them to even more complicated problems will come more easily
  • Students of like interest and ability feed off of each other.
Kae Cunningham

What are educators' professional obligations to learn from social media channels? | Dan... - 0 views

    A 'challenge' for every teacher to step up and finally embrace the tools that enhance learning.
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