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Matti Narkia

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and colon cancer: eight-year prospective study. - [Lancet. 19... - 0 views

    Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and colon cancer: eight-year prospective study. Garland CF, Comstock GW, Garland FC, Helsing KJ, Shaw EK, Gorham ED. Lancet. 1989 Nov 18;2(8673):1176-8. PMID: 2572900 Blood samples taken in 1974 in Washington County, Maryland, from 25 620 volunteers were used to investigate the relation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) with subsequent risk of getting colon cancer. 34 cases of colon cancer diagnosed between August, 1975, and January, 1983, were matched to 67 controls by age, race, sex, and month blood was taken. Risk of colon cancer was reduced by 75% in the third quintile (27-32 ng/ml) and by 80% in the fourth quintile (33-41 ng/ml) of serum 25-OHD. Risk of getting colon cancer decreased three-fold in people with a serum 25-OHD concentration of 20 ng/ml or more. The results are consistent with a protective effect of serum 25-OHD on colon cancer.
Matti Narkia

ACS :: Vitamin D Has Role in Colon Cancer Prevention - 0 views

    "Vitamin D may be more important to colon cancer prevention than previously believed, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol. 290, No. 22: 2959-2967). The study examined people with no symptoms of colon cancer to determine what role diet, exercise, smoking, and other behaviors played in the development or not of colon polyps, small growths in the colon that can turn into cancer if they aren't removed."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor are critical for control of the innate immune resp... - 0 views

    Conclusion The data point to a critical role for the VDR and 1,25(OH)2D3 in control of innate immunity and the response of the colon to chemical injury. Vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor are critical for control of the innate immune response to colonic injury. Froicu M, Cantorna MT. BMC Immunol. 2007 Mar 30;8:5. PMID: 17397543 doi:10.1186/1471-2172-8-5
Matti Narkia

(VIDEO) Shedding light on the vitamin D deficiency 'crisis' - - 0 views

    (VIDEO) Shedding light on the vitamin D deficiency 'crisis' By Oct 11, 2009 - 4:49:39 PM San Diego, CA - Can vitamin D prevent 80% of the incidence of breast cancer? What is its affect on colon cancer and other major illnesses? These questions and more will be addressed when some of the most prominent vitamin D researchers in North America participate in the " Diagnosis & Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency" seminar presented by GrassrootsHealth at the University of Toronto on Tuesday, November 3 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. GrassrootsHealth is the founder of D*action, an international public health project whose goal is to solve the vitamin D deficiency epidemic. GrassrootsHealth and D*action work with over 30 scientists, institutions and individuals committed to educate, test, and study vitamin D levels worldwide. At the conference, a group of physicians and researchers in the vitamin D field will discuss vitamin D's role in the potential prevention of many diseases, including breast cancer, colon cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, the ultimate reduction in the incidence of infectious diseases and the economic impact of such action
Matti Narkia

Self-Help Cancer - Complementary and alternative cancer treatments - 5 views

    The Author The author of this site is the British writer, John Davidson. Please note that the author is neither a doctor, nor a qualified health practitioner. Every cancer patient should always consult his or her medical practitioner with regard to the use of complementary remedies or treatments, and nothing on this site should be construed in any way as medical or therapeutic advice. It is simply the result of one person's search for solutions. Please read our disclaimer. About This Site Internet searches trawl up vast amounts of information about cancer, from a broad spectrum of viewpoints. The information and internet links on this site are for those seeking to augment the treatment offered by their hospital oncology (cancer) unit. Of course, a great many other internet sites concerning cancer can be found by keying the requisite search words into any of the major search engines. The content of this site was initially prepared, at the request of medical and nursing staff and others, some weeks after I had had an emergency operation for the removal of a colon cancer, and while undergoing chemotherapy in case any cancer cells had gone AWOL. There had been some escape of cancer cells into associated lymph nodes (3 out of 17, including the most distal), but no other tumours had been picked up by a CT scan. When I returned home from hospital in September 2005, with the help of friends, I started doing some research on cancer. I was amazed to discover that despite the billions of pounds/euros/dollars etc. spent on cancer research, and the many advances in understanding the numerous variants of the disease, the standard treatment for my stage of colon cancer is still a drug (fluorouracil, also called 5FU) that has been in use for more than forty years, has uncomfortable side effects, and which only increases the chances of survival after five years by 5 to 10%.
    Good Information
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D A Key Player In Overall Health Of Several Body Organs, Says Biochemist - 0 views

    Vitamin D A Key Player In Overall Health Of Several Body Organs, Says Biochemist In a paper published in the August issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Norman identifies vitamin D's potential for contributions to good health in the adaptive and innate immune systems, the secretion and regulation of insulin by the pancreas, the heart and blood pressure regulation, muscle strength and brain activity. In addition, access to adequate amounts of vitamin D is believed to be beneficial towards reducing the risk of cancer. Norman also lists 36 organ tissues in the body whose cells respond biologically to vitamin D. The list includes bone marrow, breast, colon, intestine, kidney, lung, prostate, retina, skin, stomach and the uterus.
Matti Narkia

The Role of Vitamin D in Cancer Prevention -- Garland et al. 96 (2): 252 -- American Jo... - 0 views

    The role of vitamin D in cancer prevention. Garland CF, Garland FC, Gorham ED, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Mohr SB, Holick MF. Am J Public Health. 2006 Feb;96(2):252-61. Epub 2005 Dec 27. Review. PMID: 16380576 DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.045260 Vitamin D status differs by latitude and race, with residents of the northeastern United States and individuals with more skin pigmentation being at increased risk of deficiency. A PubMed database search yielded 63 observational studies of vitamin D status in relation to cancer risk, including 30 of colon, 13 of breast, 26 of prostate, and 7 of ovarian cancer, and several that assessed the association of vitamin D receptor genotype with cancer risk. The majority of studies found a protective relationship between sufficient vitamin D status and lower risk of cancer. The evidence suggests that efforts to improve vitamin D status, for example by vitamin D supplementation, could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost, with few or no adverse effects
Matti Narkia

Current Impediments to Acceptance of the Ultraviolet-B-Vitamin D-Cancer Hypothesis - An... - 0 views

    Current impediments to acceptance of the ultraviolet-B-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis. Grant WB, Boucher BJ. Anticancer Res. 2009 Sep;29(9):3597-604. PMID: 19667154 The ultraviolet-B (UVB)-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis was proposed in 1980. There have been numerous ecological, observational and other studies of the hypothesis. There are about 14 types of cancer for which it seems to apply: bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, gallbladder, gastric, ovarian, pancreatic, rectal, renal and vulvar cancer and both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Nonetheless, the hypothesis has not yet been accepted by public health agencies. Some of the reasons for this include a distrust of ecological studies, some mistrust of observational studies, and the existence of just one positive randomized controlled trial, an analysis of a vitamin D and calcium supplementation study involving post-menopausal women in Nebraska. Paradigm shifts such as this generally take time, in part due to opposition from those content with the status quo. In this paper, results of ecological studies in the United States using summertime solar UVB as the index of vitamin D production, which is highly asymmetrical with respect to latitude, and indices for other cancer risk-modifying factors (air pollution, alcohol consumption, dietary iron and zinc, ethnic background, socioeconomic status, smoking and urban/rural residence) are discussed in terms of supporting the hypothesis. These studies were not considered while other ecological studies were examined in recent critiques of the hypothesis. While additional randomized controlled trials would, of course, be helpful, the current evidence seems to satisfy the criteria for causality as outlined by A. Bradford Hill.
Matti Narkia

Shedding light on vitamin D deficiency 'crisis' - Diet and nutrition- - 0 views

    The vitamin D craze has been building over the last few years, with low levels of the supplement being the blamed as a source of many of our ills. Depression? D can ease it. Chronic pain? Take D. It is said to prevent kidney disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon and breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, or even the common cold. Recently, a study linked low vitamin D levels to the rise in Caesarean births.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D levels associated with survival in lymphoma patients - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2009) - A new study has found that the amount of vitamin D in patients being treated for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was strongly associated with cancer progression and overall survival. The results will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology in New Orleans. Also, several recent reports have concluded that vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor outcomes in other cancers, including breast, colon and head and neck cancer. This is the first study to look at lymphoma outcome

High vitamin D levels, lower colon cancer risk? - Yahoo! News - 1 views

    Higher levels of vitamin D in the blood may help protect both men and women from cancers of the colon and rectum, confirm results of the largest study ever conducted on the topic.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D Newsletter Mar 2006 | Dr. Wactawski-Wende, New England Journal of Medicine, a... - 0 views

    "Good research is good for medicine. The only thing more important than good research is ethical research. The February 16th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) had a research paper on vitamin D and colon cancer. Was it good research? Was it ethical research? At stake are the lives of 36,000 older American women who agreed to participate in the Women's Health Initiative. "
Matti Narkia

The Role of Vitamin D in Cancer Prevention -- Garland et al. 96 (2): 252 -- American Jo... - 0 views

    The role of vitamin D in cancer prevention. Garland CF, Garland FC, Gorham ED, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Mohr SB, Holick MF. Am J Public Health. 2006 Feb;96(2):252-61. Epub 2005 Dec 27. Review. PMID: 16380576 DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.045260 Vitamin D status differs by latitude and race, with residents of the northeastern United States and individuals with more skin pigmentation being at increased risk of deficiency. A PubMed database search yielded 63 observational studies of vitamin D status in relation to cancer risk, including 30 of colon, 13 of breast, 26 of prostate, and 7 of ovarian cancer, and several that assessed the association of vitamin D receptor genotype with cancer risk. The majority of studies found a protective relationship between sufficient vitamin D status and lower risk of cancer. The evidence suggests that efforts to improve vitamin D status, for example by vitamin D supplementation, could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost, with few or no adverse effects.
Matti Narkia

Novel role of the vitamin D receptor in maintaining the integrity of the intestinal muc... - 0 views

    Novel role of the vitamin D receptor in maintaining the integrity of the intestinal mucosal barrier. Kong J, Zhang Z, Musch MW, Ning G, Sun J, Hart J, Bissonnette M, Li YC. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2008 Jan;294(1):G208-16. Epub 2007 Oct 25. PMID: 17962355 These observations suggest that VDR plays a critical role in mucosal barrier homeostasis by preserving the integrity of junction complexes and the healing capacity of the colonic epithelium. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency may compromise the mucosal barrier, leading to increased susceptibility to mucosal damage and increased risk of IBD.
Matti Narkia

YouTube - Vitamin D: It's Not Just For Bones Anymore - 0 views

    David Feldman, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford, explores the biological action of Vitamin D beyond its widely understood role in the information and maintenance of bone. Emerging therapeutic uses of the vitamin include the prevention and treatment of breast, prostate and colon cancer, chronic kidney disease and arthritis, among other conditions.
Matti Narkia

GrassrootsHealth | Vitamin D Action - Seminars - 0 views

    Dear Colleague: What public health action could you take today that could possibly stop breast cancer and colon cancer, prevent type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, and reduce the incidence of infectious diseases? What would be the economic impact of this action? A group of physicians and researchers in the vitamin D field are presenting information at this conference to look at the current research and practice with vitamin D to enable everyone to take action today based on what's known to solve the deficiency epidemic, and, to start the prevention of many diseases.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D delivers multiple benefits | - 0 views

    Vitamin D may not just be good for you, it may help save your life. Recent research from Johns Hopkins University suggests that higher amounts of vitamin D in your diet decreases your likelihood of dying. Studies found that a vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of death by 26 percent, and vitamin D decreases the mortality rate from almost every type of cancer including breast, colon and prostate. Research also suggests that vitamin D helps prevent diabetes, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Matti Narkia

WHFoods: vitamin D - 1 views

    What can high-vitamin D foods do for you? * Help prevent a growing list of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, osteoporisis, breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer * Help keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy * Regulate the growth and activity of your cells * Reduce inflammation What events can indicate a need for more foods rich in vitamin D? * Bone pain and/or soft bones * Frequent bone fractures * Bone deformities or growth retardation in children
Matti Narkia

GrassrootsHealth | Vitamin D Action - Vitamin D Scientists' Call to Action Statement - 0 views

    "We are aware of substantial scientific evidence supporting the role of vitamin D in prevention of cancer. It has been reasonably established that adequate serum vitamin D metabolite levels are associated with substantially lower incidence rates of several types of cancer, including those of the breast, colon, and ovary, and other sites. We have concluded that the vitamin D status of most individuals in North America will need to be greatly improved for substantial reduction in incidence of cancer. Epidemiological studies have shown that higher vitamin D levels are also associated with lower risk of Type I diabetes in children and of multiple sclerosis. Several studies have found that markers of higher vitamin D levels are associated with lower incidence and severity of influenza and several other infectious diseases."
Matti Narkia

Ecological Studies Of Ultraviolet B, Vitamin D And Cancer Since 2000 - 0 views

    Ecological studies of ultraviolet B, vitamin D and cancer since 2000. Grant WB, Mohr SB. Ann Epidemiol. 2009 Jul;19(7):446-54. Epub 2009 Mar 9. PMID: 19269856 CONCLUSION: These findings provide strong evidence that vitamin D status plays an important role in controlling the outcome of cancer. Support for the UVB-vitamin D-cancer theory is now scientifically strong enough to warrant use of vitamin D in cancer prevention, and as a component of treatment. More research studies would help to explore whether there are benefits beyond the substantial effects that have been observed.
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