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Contents contributed and discussions participated by simonmart


Jeux-sérieux de l'Université de Compiègne | - 0 views

    Dans le cadre d'un projet de l'UTC, Sami Ben Hassine et Fares Nabi ont développé un jeu en Flash. Voici une courte description : Cadrez-moi est un jeu pédagogique pour tous ceux souhaitent découvrir les principales règles d'esthétique en photographie. Dans un premier temps, une règle d'esthétique vous est présentée et dans un second temps, vous devez l'appliquer grâce à un viseur virtuel dans une scène pour laquelle on vous donne un objectif précis. Si votre score est bon, vous passez à la règle suivante !

Le monument de l'IGF sur l'économie numérique, par Olivier Ezratty  | FrenchW... - 0 views

    L'Inspection Géné­rale des Finances vient de publier sur son site une étude qu'elle avait réa­lisé fin 2011 et livré à ses auto­ri­tés de tutelle de l'époque Eric Bes­son et Fran­çois Baroin en jan­vier 2012 sur "Le sou­tien à l'économie numé­rique et à l'innovation". Le rap­port qui fait 421 pages est télé­char­geable ici. Il com­prend au début une grosse cin­quan­taine de "slides" de résumé.

Une école de rang version 2.0 | Pascale Breton | Éducation - 0 views

    "C'est l'histoire d'un petit village isolé en Haute-Mauricie. Un village dévitalisé. Les entreprises avaient déserté les lieux. La population ne cessait de diminuer. Au point où l'école du village a fermé, en 2003. C'est l'histoire de bénévoles qui se sont mobilisés parce qu'ils refusaient de laisser mourir leur village. Il y a quatre ans, ils ont mis sur pied la P'tite École, une école de rang résolument tournée vers l'avenir, où tous les enfants travaillent avec un iPad. C'est l'histoire de la P'tite École de Lac-Édouard."

Le Figaro - High-Tech : États-Unis : une génération web à la conquête du monde - 0 views

    "De Tumblr à Square en passant par Foursquare, Instagram, Pinterest et Airbnb, les étoiles montantes du Web d'aujourd'hui se sont toutes lancées au cours des quatre ou cinq dernières années."

McKinsey Report Highlights Failure of Large Projects: why it is better to be small, par... - 0 views

    "A recent set of studies published by McKinsey Quarterly provides further evidence that the bigger they are the harder they fall.  Given that the McKinsey Quarterly's audience is predominantly business executives rather than IT professionals, it's important that CIOs are aware of the findings and have a reasonable response. Large projects not only fail more often they deliver less.  According to the McKinsey/Oxford study half of IT projects with budgets of over $15 million dollars run 45% over budget, are 7% behind schedule and deliver 56% less functionality than predicted.  That means that:"

Moving the Needle Forward on Broadband & Economic Development « Fighting the ... - 0 views

    "August and September, in partnership with the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), I conducted a national survey of IEDC members and others affiliated with IEDC. The primary goal was to get a snapshot of how broadband impacts local economic outcomes. A secondary goal was to gather some insights to leveraging broadband as an economic development asset. This is the only survey that goes directly to the people who work in the trenches daily impacting local economic outcomes. Here is where I separate some of the hype surrounding broadband's power to transform local economies with some reality checks. Some of the findings from this year's survey include: only 11% of economic developers believe broadband's biggest economic benefit to individuals is helping them find jobs; 18% of respondents have insufficient speeds to produce economic outcomes listed and have given up hope for a solution; another 13% do not have enough speed to get the job done, but are actively trying to find or create a solution; 43.5% of respondents' jurisdictions exist under duopoly conditions, 15.5% are in communities that live with a broadband monopoly; about 12% of respondent' say their communities plan to start building broadband networks in the next 18 months, another 22% hope to build a network at some point in the future; 64% of respondents reject convention broadband remedies for urban areas to say "faster speeds, cheaper services" will have the biggest impact on economic development (value of computing centers compromised by crappy infrastructure in poor communities); fiber continues to outshine wireless in terms of expected impact on economic outcomes, with the biggest gap in expectations in the areas of attracting businesses to a community and making local companies more competitive; and 41% - 48% of respondents believe broadband can increase the number of home-based businesses; and significant percentages of respondents say broadband adoption doesn't mean j

Getting beyond the magic broadband bullet theory - Tech News and Analysis - 0 views

    "It can be hard to figure out the real economic benefits of broadband, which stops some politicians from ever investing in it. But if you define your scope and plan for additional programs to boost the effectiveness of a broadband investment, you'll see results."

FCC unveils plan to expand broadband access - 0 views

    "Declaring expansion of broadband Internet access the nation's next great infrastructure challenge, federal regulators on Monday unveiled an ambitious, decade-long strategy to make super high-speed connections available in every corner of the country. The plan by the Federal Communications Commission sets a goal of making sure at least 100 million homes have affordable access to networks that allow them to download data from the Internet at speeds of at least 100 megabits per second - at least 20 times faster than what most people get today. The proposal, which will be sent to Congress, also seeks to put ultra-fast Internet access of 1 gigabit per second in public facilities such as schools, hospitals and government buildings in every community."

émergenceweb : blogue » Plan numérique: viser l'exploitation du savoir et non... - 0 views

    "Comme c'est le cas pour l'ami Mario Asselin, notre démarche qui permet de réactiver un processus qui pourrait permettre l'émergence d'un Plan numérique pour le Québec ma plaît beaucoup. Mais il n'y aura pas de plan ni même de future société québécoise basée sur le numérique si on ne relève pas à mon avis deux grands défis auxquels font face les entreprises et ensuite leurs employés."

Un plan numérique pour s'affirmer ! | Mario tout de go - 0 views

    "Notre démarche qui permet de réactiver un processus qui pourrait permettre l'émergence d'un Plan numérique pour le Québec ma plaît assez. L'idée qu'un groupe de « citoyens du numérique » se soit spontanément formé avec l'arrivée d'un nouveau gouvernement pour rédiger un « rapport d'étonnement », en amont d'une vraie démarche de planification stratégique me semble cohérente."

A Bandwidth Breakthrough | MIT Technology Review - 0 views

    "A dash of algebra on wireless networks promises to boost bandwidth tenfold, without new infrastructure."

Accros aux écrans : nos enfants, ces mut@nts - Le Nouvel Observateur - 0 views

    "ès le berceau, ils passent une partie de leur vie devant les tablettes, ordinateurs, et autres smartphones... quel impact sur leur développement ? Enquête."

Un rapport caché de l'IGF épingle le Fonds national pour la société du numérique - 0 views

    "Bercy vient de rendre public un rapport de l'Inspection général des finances sur "Le soutien à l'économie numérique et à l'innovation", pourtant remis au gouvernement dès janvier 2012. Il faut dire que le document critiquait ouvertement les orientations du FNS, le fonds national pour la société du numérique. Inutile de s'interroger longtemps. Si le précédent gouvernement n'avait pas rendu public le rapport de l'Inspection générale des finances (IGF), sur le soutien à l'économie numérique et à l'innovation, c'est parce qu'il épingle ouvertement les orientations du Fonds national pour la société du numériques (FSN) créé par le Programme des investissements d'avenir."

Why data centers have a big impact on the economy - Tech News and Analysis - 0 views

    "Data Centers have come under attack as terminally wasteful and "dirty" enterprises that offer little in the way of jobs. Joe Weinman, senior VP at Telx, disputes that, and says in fact they indirectly employee countless thousands across many industries."

hMeasuring the Information Society 2012 - 0 views

    The report presents the ICT Development Index (IDI), which ranks countries' performance  with regard to ICT infrastructure and uptake, and the ICT Price Basket (IPB), a unique metric  that tracks and compares the cost and affordability of ICT services. This edition also features  new data series and analyses concerning revenue and investment in the ICT sector, and  proposes a new methodology using non-conventional data, to measure the world's  telecommunication capacity.  The past year has seen continued and almost universal growth in ICT uptake. Much of this enhanced connectivity is due to  the rapid uptake - a 40 per cent rise in 2011 - of mobile-broadband subscriptions, to the point where there are now twice  as many mobile-broadband as fixed-broadband subscriptions. The surge in numbers of mobile-broadband subscriptions  in developing countries has brought the Internet to a multitude of new users. The report nevertheless notes that the prices  for ICT services remain very high in many low-income countries. For mobile broadband to replicate the mobile-cellular  miracle, 3G network coverage has to be extended, and prices have to go down further.


    The Internet significantly affects OECD economies at different levels and in numerous different / impact areas. In particular the Internet impacts firms in various sectors, individuals and governments. It / also has some observable general macro-economic effects. /  At the firm level, the restructuring of business models in association with use of the Internet has / led to improved efficiencies./ 1/  The impact of the Internet can also be seen in the rapid growth of new firms / founding their businesses on the Internet. The Internet's enhanced communication capabilities are affecting / nearly all sectors of the economy in ways that may be as subtle as making previously hard-to-find data / available online or as profound as transforming an entire market such as is occurring with music, video, / software, books and news.  /  The Internet is reshaping the way individuals live. It brings benefits of higher consumer welfare / (through a larger variety of digital goods and services, lower prices, improved information gathering, more / distribution channels and so forth). In addition, individuals benefit from a more efficient labour market/ 2/ and, on a broader level, from positive impacts on the environment/ 3/  and in education. /  For governments, Internet development enables better communication with citizens, industry and / other organisations. The Internet has also helped governments run more efficiently via improved / information sharing, increased transparency and the automation of various resource-intensive services.  /  The impacts of the Internet on the individual, firm and government level can be also observed at / the aggregated, macroeconomic scale. Existing empirical studies, including ongoing OECD work, suggest / a positive link between increasing Internet adoption and use and economic growth. Even though the / aggregated effects are still preliminary, the relationship between Internet development and economic / growth, as well as microeconomic ev

Our Mission | Connect2Compete - 0 views

    Connect2Compete is a national nonprofit organization bringing together leaders from communities, the private sector, and leading foundations. Through our programs and the power of technology, we will improve the lives of Americans - regardless of their age, race, geography, income, or education level. The use of technology to access educational content is necessary to ensure future generations can compete in the global economy and to prepare them for the 21st century workforce. Connect2Compete will help Americans access technology through three exciting offers: free digital literacy training, discounted high-speed Internet, and low-cost computers. To promote the work, Connect2Compete will create a national outreach campaign focused on the importance of technology to develop digital skills and find new opportunities.

Broadband Strategies Handbook | - 0 views

    "The Broadband Strategies Handbook is a guide for policy-makers, regulators, and other relevant stakeholders as they address issues related to broadband development. It aims to help readers, particularly those in developing countries, by identifying issues and challenges in broadband development, analyzing potential solutions to consider, and providing practical examples from countries that have addressed broadband-related matters."

After the Stimulus: Broadband and Economic Development - 0 views

    Last year the U.S. broadband stimulus program finished awarding public, private and  nonprofit organizations over $7 billion to build new broadband infrastructure, create  public computing centers and implement broadband adoption programs. Concurrently,  hundreds of millions have come from private and other public sources for broadband.  Improving economic development is a driving force behind these investments.  What have we achieved for our investments, particularly in underserved urban and rural  communities? It is a little early in the process, though, and only a small portion of the  stimulus checks have been issued. Perhaps the more important question is, what  economic outcomes can we hope to achieve in the next two or three years? This  survey's results provide a number of clues. 
simonmart - 0 views

    T oday's global economy is forcing executives, governments and consumers  to adopt a new way of thinking. The financial crisis and deep recession that  ended in 2010 caused a seismic shift that has reshaped the global business  landscape. No longer can companies rely on credit-fuelled domestic markets  for growth. Indeed, the need for households, banks and governments to regain  their balance will dampen growth opportunities in many advanced economies.  Instead, we are seeing the emergence of what has been called a "new normal  economy" characterised by several key factors discussed below. 
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