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Katie Day

a Course in Social Media & Open Education - Alec Couros - 0 views

    "EC&I 831 is an open access, graduate-level course offered at the University of Regina. The instructor is Dr. Alec Couros. This course is open to for-credit students (those taking the course for university credit) and to others, non-credit students, who would like to participate in various, less formal ways. "
Louise Phinney

5 Free Online Courses For Social Media Beginners | Edudemic - 0 views

    "Whether you're new to technology, just getting started with a social network, or looking for some useful tips then these courses are for you. They're part of a new idea that I've been working on with a few friends. We're calling it Modern Lessons and it's essentially a 'Khan Academy for real-world skills' where a small handful of people build free online courses designed to help you learn some important things."
Katie Day

Neuroscience & the Classroom - 0 views

    "Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections is a self-contained distance-learning course distributed free of charge on the Web. The course is designed by Kurt Fischer, director of the Mind, Brain, and Education Program at Harvard University Graduate School of Education; Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, assistant professor of education at the Rossier School of Education and assistant professor of psychology at the Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California; and Matthew H. Schneps, George E. Burch Fellow in Theoretic Medicine and Affiliated Sciences at the Smithsonian Institution and director of the Laboratory for Visual Learning at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). The multimedia course consists of six units, with an introduction and a conclusion. Each unit contains many integrated videos and sidebars of additional information, as well as a list of resources."
Katie Day

MIT OpenCourseWare | Economics | 14.73 The Challenge of World Poverty, Fall 2009 | Home - 0 views

    A free online university course, but some of the readings might be useful to teachers in primary/secondary  - DESCRIPTION: "This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this challenge. The questions we will take up include: Is extreme poverty a thing of the past? What is economic life like when living under a dollar per day? Why do some countries grow fast and others fall further behind? Does growth help the poor? Are famines unavoidable? How can we end child labor-or should we? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? How do we deal with the disease burden? Is micro finance invaluable or overrated? Without property rights, is life destined to be "nasty, brutish and short"? Has globalization been good to the poor? Should we leave economic development to the market? Should we leave economic development to non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? Does foreign aid help or hinder? Where is the best place to intervene?"
Keri-Lee Beasley

Open, CC-licensed photo course draws up to 35,000 students - Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The BBC's picture editor Phil Coomes has a long, excellent feature on the open education photography classes offered by Jonathan Worth and Matt Johnston through Coventry University. The course is open to anyone in the world, via webcast, and runs with up to 35,000 students. The class focuses not just on technique, but on the role of photographers in the 21st century, when everyone has a cameraphone, and when controlling copies of photos on the net is an impossibility."
Katie Day

'I Urge You to Drop E67-02': Course Syllabi by Famous Authors - Emily Temple - The Atla... - 1 views

    fascinating reading - which I will be using as I order books for the library - e.g., course reading lists by David Foster Wallace, WH Auden, etc.
Jeffrey Plaman

Making Sense of Data - Course - 0 views

    This is a 10-15 hr online course that introduces essential concepts of understanding data, organizing and displaying it using Fusion Tables. This would be good for students who are undertaking survey research or other data collection activities. 
Jeffrey Plaman

Free iPhone & iOS Development Video Courses from Stanford University - 0 views

    Stanford course for iOS developers
Louise Phinney

Free Technology for Teachers: 3 Ways To Quickly Share Bunches of Links With Your Students - 0 views

    "If you have ever tried to get all of your students to the same set of websites at the same time, you know that just a couple of mistyped characters can create a frustrating experience. One solution is to post all of the links on your course blog. Another solution is to use a link bundling service that will group all of your links together into one package. Then instead of sending out a bunch of individual links you can just send one link that will open all of the bundled links for your students. Here are three services that you can use for just that purpose."
Katie Day

Nature Outlook : Malaria - 0 views

    Summary via The Scout Report (May 2012): "The journal Nature provides a range of peer-reviewed scientific works on a weekly basis, along with science updates and materials aimed at the general public. This particular feature on malaria is available at no charge to the curious public, and as the homepage asks, "What will it take to finally subdue this deadly disease?" Visitors will find a collection of recent articles in the Outlook area, such as "The Numbers Game" and "Vaccines: The Take Home Lesson." Moving on, the Collection area brings together peer-reviewed pieces on the story behind the efforts to eradicate the disease, along with some nice pieces about how the disease is transmitted. It's easy to see how this collection could be used in a public health course, or in another classroom setting. Finally, the site also includes links to popular articles from Nature, along with other open access materials. [KMG]"
Louise Phinney

6 Creative Education Blogs You Can Learn From - 3 views

    good suggestions of blogs to follow - one from Jeff Utecht who is coming to us in the next school year for the COTAIL course
Keri-Lee Beasley

Connected coach - my conncected coaching journey « Teaching English using web... - 1 views

    "When I listen to my colleagues in this connected coaches course, I think one area we have in common is that we see the urgent need for change and we are impatient. I read the article "What can we do about teacher resistance" by Jim Knight. Teachers are unlikely to implement a new practice successfully, if they implement at all, if they have had only workshops without coaching or other forms of follow-up support."
Louise Phinney

A Class to Teach You How to Use Google - - 0 views

    some resources and a free online course to learn more about google
Louise Phinney

12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012 | MindShift - 2 views

    GAMING: Game-based learning has been on the cusp of being "the next big thing" for a while now. Perhaps 2012 will be the year. With the flourishing of mobile technologies, with the promise of data and analytics, and with a realization that we can create new and engaging ways to move through lessons, we are likely to see an explosion of educational gaming apps this year. The big question, of course - with this as with every new ed-tech development: does this actually improve learning? When is a educational game fun? What makes it engaging? What makes it actually educational?
Katie Day

8 Must-Have Google Chrome Apps For Students | Edudemic - 1 views

    "Below are some of the top web apps for students looking for helpful tools to focus while online, as selected by Google's Chrome Web Apps Guru, Rahul Roy-Chowdhury. StayFocusd - StayFocusd is a productivity extension that helps you focus on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.  You can restrict entire sites or just parts of them for as long or short of a time as necessary. is an intuitive and easy to use online to-do list and task manager. It helps you get organized and get things done by organizing your tasks into projects and subprojects, adding customized icons and labels, and assigning due dates to your tasks. Read Later Fast - This app lets you save pages to read later - online or offline, and fast. All you have to do is right click and save the page for later to avoid having too many open tabs on your browser. Write Space - Write Space is a customizable, full-screen text editor that lives in your browser. It is designed to minimize the distractions that come between you and your writing.  This app also auto saves your work and works offline. StudyStack - StudyStack helps students memorize anything with millions of flashcards that have already been added to the site or the ability to create your own.  There are dozens of flashcard categories including foreign languages, math, LSAT and GRE. - An app for math majors, is an app that brings the graphing capabilities of your calculator to the browser. It's easy to use and good for plotting graphs based on equations. WordReference - For anyone taking a foreign language course or studying abroad, this extension gets you the translations you need in a fast and easy way.  Since it's an extension and placed right next to the address bar, you don't even have to leave the site you're on for a quick translation. BONUS APP: Panic Button - Ok, this app won't help you pass your class, but it might just come in handy during
Keri-Lee Beasley

Seth's Blog: The map has been replaced by the compass - 1 views

    "Technology keeps changing the routes we take to get our projects from here to there. It doesn't pay to memorize the route, because it's going to change soon. The compass, on the other hand, is more important then ever. If you don't know which direction you're going, how will you know when you're off course?"
Katie Day

The Big Religion Comparison Chart: Compare World Religions - ReligionFacts - 0 views

    < is an attempt to summarize all the complexities of religions and belief systems into tiny little boxes on a single, quick-reference comparison chart. Yes, of course this is impossible. As we always warn with our co
Katie Day

Annenberg Learner: browse all programs available - 0 views

    free online courses for learners of all ages
michal Philips

lte pcc course - 0 views

    A important component in LTE network is the lte pcc course, policy and charging control (PCC) function that brings together and enhances capabilities from earlier 3GPP releases to deliver dynamic control of policy.
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