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Ann Banegas

Image Citation - Images - Subject and Class Guides at University of Washington Libraries - 2 views

    This site is a good resource for citing images with varying amounts of information available and provides useful examples with a link to UMUC for APA style citation.
Jim Sweigert

Copyright and Fair Use in the UMUC Online or Face-to-Face Classroom - 0 views

    This is UMUC's definition of copyright laws and fair use procedures.
Barbara Lindsey

31 resources for teaching the language of graphs, plus one website that allows you to m... - 2 views

    A slew of resources to help learners of all ages learn how to read and report on charts and graphs.
Barbara Lindsey

Preparing for the IELTS test with Holmesglen Institute of TAFE - 2 views

    Sample tasks with answers that focus on how to read and write about charts and graphs. Great resource for students in EDTC 615.
Barbara Lindsey

ADMC HD Common Year Writing Graphs - 3 views

  • Read this two-page step-by-step guide to writing about graphs, or download in Word, or PDF
  • Class Grades
  • Compare two line graphs: the number of farms in the US and the number of farm workers, 1910-2000. See a suggested answer and short reading with questions on industrialised farming (pdf, 134 kb, includes key).
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Televisions and Computers, Selected Countries.
  • Introduction with Model Answer
    This site provides comprehensive resources to learn how to read and write about graphs and charts. Especially useful for EDTC 615 students.
Barbara Lindsey

Understanding Assessment: Home - 1 views

    A tutorial on language testing specifically designed for language educators.
Barbara Lindsey

ResourcesfromGreg - Handouts from Conference Workshops and Sessions - 0 views

    These handouts provide resources that focus on improving language programs through planning for and assessing proficiency and performance.
Barbara Lindsey

Idea #85: Assigning a Grade to a Proficiency Rubric | The Creative Language Class - 3 views

    A language teacher's example of how she uses a proficiency rubric to assess students' performance-based activities.
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