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Osmara Altenhof

D#1.1 HW#3 - Website chapter 1 - 0 views

    This website is a comprehensive look and provides information on the key concepts and strategies of rhetorical thinking. Check out my blog for the other two sites/links I found:a glossary of rhetorical and critical thinking terms and the Society of Technical Communications - an organization we may all be a part of someday.
    All great sites Osmara...thanks for sharing!
Rochelle Drinon

D#1.1, HW#3-- Micron - What is Technical Writing? - 1 views

shared by Rochelle Drinon on 24 Jan 10 - Cached
    I didn't realize that my favorite link was already shared by Valerie! I'll post my second favorite link, too. I think that this site has a very concise approach of defining and giving examples of technical communication.
Osmara Altenhof

D#7 HW#2 - Effective E-mails - 0 views

    This site includes other good info on business and communication skils. This article in particular mentions using EOM - End of Message - in your subject line if all the info you need to share is in the subject (see their example), then recipient then doesn't have to actually open the e-mail, making 1 point per e-mail (keeps them short, and you can send as many as you want - it's free) and make sure to respond! (simple courtesy).
Kyle Martinez

D#4 HW#4 - Forrst Community - 1 views

shared by Kyle Martinez on 30 Jan 11 - Cached
    -Clear contrast between the title box and website content -Plenty of white space throughout the page -Proximity, each link is next to its proper items and all text is near its necessary areas as well -all next is aligned along invisible straight lines and guides
Jessica Guzman

d#2 hw 7-Virtual culture - s.u. - 1 views

    As my understanding of how virtual cultures work I understand that the internet has much to do it with, the reason that I choose Apple is because with its prouducts worldwide people are able to communicate all over the world. With its many apps people have many ways to be able to send all sort of information any where they can reach and well with the internet that makes it nearly anywhere that there is a connection.
Tessa DeBell

The Virtual Community by Howard Rheingold: Table of Contents - 0 views

    An online book written by Rheingold, who was cited in the article. Several of the chapters relate to material covered in the article.
James (Mitch) Thompson

(D6, H2) World's Fair Use Day (since my first link appears to have been used several ti... - 0 views

    This is an interesting little website showing us a variety of projects developed to showcase the power of Fair Use information, to discuss the political significance of the laws, and to generate a community of people to actively support the Public Knowledge organization.
jason richard

DL#2HW#7 -Virtual Cultures- - 0 views

shared by jason richard on 21 Jan 11 - Cached
    I'm sure YouTube is well known by all, however, I believe that it is a good example of a online community of people who share common interests, as well as other aspects addressed in the reading (trolling, spamming, pretending to be someone else etc.)
Nicole Carnal

D #2 HW #8 Writing Instructions - 0 views

  • Don't expect homeowners to know what a terminal bud is unless you've told them.
  • Keep sentences short and vocabulary easy.
  • Make sure the steps are in the right order
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Use active, command verbs.
  • Use illustrations and diagrams.
  • Make sure you haven't left anything out.
  • Additional suggestions:
    This is a really simple how to site. I feel that I can learn a lot from this type of instruction. It is simple and an easy way of understanding.
  • ...3 more comments...
    How to write clear how-to instructions | Extension and Experiment Station Communications
    I really liked the various examples they put on simplifying a phrase for the reader. It helps to see the different ways to state practically the same thing. This will come in handy when i'm writing my instructions.
    I really like this article because it gives you helpful hints on how to write instructions. It gives you examples of how to clearly write instructions as well as bad examples on how to explain something. 
    This webpage is very helpful because it uses examples throughout the article and gives tips about each detail that clear instructions need. I also thought that the paragraph about layout at the bottom of the article was very informative and something that I will keep in mind when creating my own how-to instructions.
    This site gives a clear example of how to write instructions. Not only does it give you tips, but shows you an actual scenario.

D#9 HW#3 - New Media - 0 views

    This organization is striving to provide the public with a better understanding of the internet and it's new media communication. The layout is pretty easy to read with posts listed on the main page that links to articles relating to some issue of new media. Just reading the headlines you can tell the different types of new media present today.
Shannon Ridgeway

Job Hunters Seek Winning Edge in Video Resumes : NPR - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This site covers some pros and cons of a video resume. While it can be too revealing too fast, a well produced video with effective communication can make a candidate stand out.
    NPR does a great job at listing the benefits of using a video resumes as opposed to on paper. The big understanding is that video resumes stand out and can let the employer know just who you are.
    NPR goes over the pros and cons of video resumes. 
    Good NPR article about getting an edge on finding a job in a tough market.  Even has links to several good examples of effective video resumes.
Victoria Burch

D#12, HW#3 - Does a New Website Hold the Secret to Great Customer Service? - 0 views

  • the trend with big companies has been to outsource and mechanize and it's getting ever harder to get through to a live person who knows as much as you do about the problem you're trying to get help with. We're creating a kind of social network designed for companies and customers to communicate with each other.
  • Your best customers know more about the product than many people who work inside the company -- certainly more than most of the low-paid, call center people who are reading from a script.
  • When customers start to converge and talk, for many companies this is gold -- real engagement with current or future customers.
    This is an interview with Thor Muller, CEO of Muller discusses the importance of customer service and how it is replacing outsourcing. He talks about how it's much easier for people to discuss their problems are quickly read about them through forums on the internet vs. waiting on hold with customer service. He discusses both the benefits to the companies, as well as, the customers'. 
Briseida Aguirre

D#2, HW 2 - 0 views

  • The goal of visual design is to communicate.
  • We are visual beings and can quickly pick up on visual cues to better understand our environment.
  • Headings are hierarchy and make some words more important than the rest of your type. Tags for blockquotes and lists, strong, and em, also add a visual hierarchy to your typography.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Think of the basic design principles contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity
  • You create a hierarchy in design, by adjusting the visual weights of your element.
  • The mechanisms for controlling visual weight are the same in both cases. Size – As you would expect larger elements carry more weight Color – It’s not fully understood why, but some colors are perceived as weighing more than others. Red seems to be heaviest while yellow seems to be lightest. Density – Packing more elements into a given space, gives more weight to that space Value – A darker object will have more weight than a ligher object Whitespace – Positive space weighs more than negative space or whitespace
  • Your hierarchy should begin with thoughtful consideration of the content and goals of the page. Only after you’ve decided intellectually the hierarchy of your page should you attempt to visually design that hierarchy.
  • Visual Hierarchy is a deliberate prioritization of
    This gives some great examples of visual hierarchy

10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    I found that this site closely related to the ideas and principals from chapter one of Basics of Design. The site specifically talks about the principles of effective web design and website usability. It talks about how the typical web users brain works and the proper design to get the most out of them. This site shows the effectiveness of simplicity in design and how to get the most out of the space which you are working with. Also it mentioned having effective writing through talking business and the use of bold/italics keywords. Lastly the site encouraged designers to not fear having blank/white space on their site and to communicate with language that is clear and consistent with the concept of the site. Friedman, Vitaly. "10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing Magazine." UX Design: Smashing Magazine. Web. 22 Aug. 2011. .
Alex Portela

Instructions: How to Write Guides for Busy, Grouchy People - Jerz's Literacy Weblog - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This was referred from Due Date # 2 but I highlighted a few great points and insights. Instructions are a hassle but knowing how to service and communicate to your audience the right way makes a big difference. It comes down to keeping it simple.
    Interesting title to catch your attention but basically talks about the same main points to follow for writing only for a manual or guide.
  • ...2 more comments...
    This How To guide was already bookmarked to TWC301 it looks like. I sure like the title though.
    I really liked the title on this one. It had similar information to the previous one but it does give good examples of what real life "grouchy" people may think when reading a long piece of information. Also I think the way the author wrote it, it did make me enjoy the reading a little more.
    This is probably one of the pages I found that had the most detail/info about writing instructions and after reading the grading criteria for the first assignment I found this page to be most helpful
    This web page takes you through steps of how to write effective instructions; after reading the grading criteria for asssignment 1 I found this to be one of the most helpful
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