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Panos Kotseras

US - World copper tube and pipe market analysis - 0 views

    According to a recent report published by Global Industry Analysts, the global copper tube and pipe market will exceed 3.6 million tonnes by 2015. While mature regions such as North America, Western Europe and Japan exhibit flat or negative growth, emerging economies in Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe and the Middle East will generate significant prospects for the copper tube and pipe industry. The fastest growth will be realised in China because of its ongoing industrialisation and urbanisation activity.
Sergio Ferreira

The energy efficiency of cars - 0 views

  • That future is electric vehicles powered by high ERoEI renewable electricity.
  • ERoEI for wind ~ 20, efficiency factor = 0.95 Grid transmission losses = 0.9 Battery efficiency = 0.97 Motor efficiency = 0.92
Colin Bennett

Revolutionizing Nano-Device Fabrication Using Amorphous Metals - 0 views

    Unlike most metals, "amorphous metals" known as bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) do not form crystal structures when they are cooled rapidly after heating. Although they seem solid, they are more like a very slow-flowing liquid that has no structure beyond the atomic level - making them ideal for molding fine details, said senior author Jan Schroers of the Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science.
Colin Bennett

Rio Tinto Board Recommends Formation of Aluminium, Copper and Iron Ore Joint Venture - 0 views

    The Boards of Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited (together "Rio Tinto") announce today that they are unanimously recommending to shareholders a transaction with Aluminium Corporation of China ("Chinalco"), a leading Chinese diversified resources company. The transaction will forge a pioneering strategic partnership through the creation of joint ventures in aluminium, copper, and iron ore as well as the issue of convertible bonds to Chinalco, which would, if converted, allow Chinalco to increase its existing shareholding in Rio Tinto.
Brian Butler

GloboTrends Wiki / FrontPage - 0 views

    Top Trends for 2009: On our GloboTrends wiki homepage, we will keep an updated list of global macro trends that we think are the most important to keep an eye on. Some of this list are statistically unlikely to occur, but if they did, it could cause global disruption. These unlikely events were dubbed Black Swan's in a book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb , or might be called the "fat tail" probability in statistics. Others trends we are watching in the GloboTrends wiki are currently ongoing right now (such as our coverage of the credit crisis, deleveraging, margin calls, etc), and we will talk about how they happened, and predict their likely outcome. The format of a wiki makes the document dynamic, so any of our community is welcome to help shape our views of these important developments. Please log in to our wiki, and feel free to comment... In no particular order, here are the global macro trends that we think will be most significant in the coming year (2009): 1. credit crisis of 2007/08 will continue on into 2009...this one is clear...but, how long will it last? how will it fundamentally change international finance? Add your comments to our wiki... 2. fiscal stimulus and crisis recovery 2009 3. deleveraging of Financial markets will continue. In my opinion, this is the most destructive of all the trends. 4. Risk of deflation in the US as Fed Funds target rate approaches zero (other analysts see the opposite risk of potential hyper inflation). Add your comments.. 5. more... add to this list.. Predictions-for-2009
Colin Bennett

China aluminum export hits seven-year low - 0 views

    China exported 17,646 tons of aluminum not forged or rolled in January, far less than the 77,422 tons exported in last December and the 70,108 tons for the average monthly export of 2008.
Colin Bennett

A Slippery Slope For Contract Manufacturers - 0 views

    Conditions in the global electronics contract manufacturing business are continuing to deteriorate due to the recession and the weakening high-tech industry, prompting iSuppli Corp to further cut its short- and long-term growth expectations for this volatile industry. Global contract manufacturing industry revenue, consisting of sales by Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) and Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) providers, now is expected to decrease by 9.9 per cent during 2009 with revenues of $270.8 billion, compared to $300.7 billion in 2008.
Colin Bennett

Questions follow announcement of green superhighway - 0 views

    Wisconsin regulatory officials, utility companies and environmentalists agree that more line capacity is needed to transport electricity generated by the growing number of wind farms. But they're not sure ITC's plan for giant-sized lines is the answer. Michael Vickerman, executive director of the Madison environmental group, Renew Wisconsin, said he has "reservations" about the need for 765-kilovolt lines. Smaller transmission upgrades can accommodate new wind generation, he said. Wisconsin Public Service Commission Chairman Eric Callisto also has questions. "I don't want to close any doors to what they have proposed but I have lots of grave concerns about the cost," he said. ITC is proposing "very large lines" that would require "very large right-of-ways," Callisto said. A right-of-way is the legal permission to use a property owner's land or the area above it.
Panos Kotseras

US - General Cable's Q4 2008 sales results - 0 views

    General Cable Corporation has announced its sales results for Q4 2008. In volume terms, sales in Q4 2008 contracted by 6.3% y-o-y. In the same period, operating income decreased by 17.8% y-o-y to US$76.4 million. The company attributed the decline in its operating income to weak demand in developed economies and lower capacity utilisation. Sales to Europe and North Africa contracted by 7.8% y-o-y, particularly due to lower demand and pricing for construction products in Spain, and weakening activity across Europe. In North America sales fell by 6.6% y-o-y, as the company experienced reduced demand for high metal content copper telecommunication and low voltage cables.
Colin Bennett

Economic Conditions Snapshot, February 2009: McKinsey Global - 0 views

    Whatever specific actions governments take, executives indicate that support for innovation should be the overall focus of governments' actions, rather than help for existing industries or companies (Exhibit 6).
Colin Bennett

European Union at the Eve of the "Third Industrial Revolution" - 0 views

    It is clear that we are at the beginning of what has correctly been called the "third industrial revolution" - the rapid development of an entirely new energy system.
Colin Bennett

Credit crunch will exacerbate the commodity super-cycle - FT - 0 views

    The commodity super-cycle is not over, it is just pausing. For the world economy to resume growth of 5 per cent, energy supply must expand by a similar rate. But with lower oil prices and a credit crunch, energy investment is plummeting, suggesting global energy demand will eventually pick up more rapidly than productive energy capacity. Assuming the ongoing global recession does not turn into a multi-year event that pushes energy demand down structurally, steep decline rates could again put upward pressure on oil prices as soon as 2010 or 2011. In particular, if the low oil price/high cost of money environment persists for most of this year and next, our base case scenario for non-OPEC production could prove optimistic, exacerbating the second leg of the commodity super-cycle. If and when the global economy starts to recover, too many dollars chasing too few barrels will only lead to much higher oil prices.
Colin Bennett

Does a Big Economy Need Big Power Plants? - 0 views

    This evolution made sense at first, because power stations were costlier and less reliable than the grid, so by backing each other up through the grid and melding customers' diverse loads, they could save capacity and achieve reliability. But these assumptions have reversed: central thermal power plants now cost less than the grid, and are so reliable that about 98 percent to 99 percent of all power failures originate in the grid. Thus the original architecture is raising, not lowering, costs and failure rates: cheap and reliable power must now be made at or near customers.
Colin Bennett

Easier Recycling Of Electronic Waste - Engineer Live - 0 views

    The aim of this project, known as Sormen, is to develop a technology for the separation of scrap metal from electronic waste based on a multispectral vision system and incorporate it into a recycling plant. This new machine overcomes the limitations of current, essentially manual, methods that are labour-intensive and time-consuming, and which are unable to separate metals whose characteristics of colour, shape and weight are similar.
Sergio Ferreira

2.2 million Australian homes to get free insulation - 0 views

  • Insulation may not be as sexy as solar panels or wind turbines, but it’s an important tool in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
  • The Australian Government is stepping up its commitment to the environment by installing ceiling insulation in 2.2 million homes— for free. The Government will also increase the rebates for solar water heating from AUD$1000 to AUD$1600.
Colin Bennett

Why our sustainable energies are unsustainable - New Scientist - 0 views

    Renewable energy needs to become a lot more renewable - a theme that emerged at the Financial Times Energy Conference in London this week.
Brian Butler

Financial de-globalization (a real trend?) | GloboTrends blog - 0 views

    There has been lots of talk lately of "deglobalization"...especially since Gordon Brown (Prime Minister of the UK) mentioned these words at Davos, a little over a week ago. But what does it mean? Are we really de-globalizing? In this article, I will argue that while the treats of protectionism are's still a bit too soon to call "deglobalization" a trend (no matter how good this may sound in headlines).
Colin Bennett

Materials Industries Face 'Perfect Storm' Of Long-Term Challenges - 0 views

    Global competition, energy supplies and new technologies are among the issues converging to create a perfect storm that threatens to engulf the materials industries, according to a materials industry consultant.
Panos Kotseras

US - Mueller's 2008 sales results - 0 views

    Mueller Industries, Inc. has announced its sales results for 2008. Net income in 2008 amounted to US$ 80.8 million, compared with US$ 115.5 million realised in 2007. Net income in Q4 2008 reached US$ 7.8 million compared to US$ 28.8 million in the same period in 2007. The company attributed the sharp contraction in its Q4 income mainly to weak shipments and the lower average cost of copper. The plumbing and refrigeration segment has been hit by slowing demand and higher per unit conversion costs on lower production volumes. In addition, European copper tube activities were interrupted for approximately four weeks due to a fire. In response to the ongoing economic crisis, the company's strategy for 2009 is to readjust operations and reduce costs.
Colin Bennett

Secure Super Grids - 0 views

    The first superconductor transmission cable in a commercial power grid was installed on Long Island last year-and the next stop is New York City. Project Hydra (the code name for the Manhattan grid upgrade scheduled to start in 2010) will use American Superconductor's liquid-nitrogen-cooled Secure Super Grid cables, which can transfer 10 times more power than conventional copper cable, with lower impedance.
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