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pepa garcía

Los E que no son veganos y aquellos que pueden no serlo. (7) - 0 views

    Estos son los aditivos E que no son veganos, es decir, que hacen que el producto que lo lleve como ingrediente no sea un producto 100 % vegano. Dicho de otra manera, mejor no comprarlos. Hasta que la AECV investigue la procedencia de cada uno de estos aditivos en cada producto del mercado, habrá que consultar esta guía.   E 120 Carmín, Cochinilla Colorante rojo, natural E 441 Gelatina Agente gelificante E 542 Fosfato comestible extraído de los huesos Agente anti-apelmazante E 630 Ácido inosínico Potenciador de sabor E 631 Inosinato sódico Potenciador de sabor E 632 Inosinato dipotásico Potenciador de sabor E 633 Inosinato cálcico Potenciador de sabor E 634 Ribonucleótidos cálcicos Potenciador de sabor E 635 Ribonucleótidos disódicos Potenciador de sabor E 640 Glicina y glicinato sódico Nutriente E 901 Cera de abejas Revestimiento E 904 Goma laca Revestimiento E 913 Lanolina Revestimiento E 966 Lactitol Edulcorante E 1000 Ácido cólico Emulsificante E 1105 Lisozima Conservante   Estos son los E que pueden no ser veganos, así que mejor informarse antes. En la AECV investigaremos la procedencia de estos E para cada producto del mercado. Pero eso será más adelante. Por ahora esta guía debe servirnos. Lo mas probable es que los aditivos que figuran como dudosos (los que vienen a continuación) sean veganos. No obstante, tengamos en cuenta que pueden no serlo. Si podemos evitar productos que lleven estos aditivos porque existe una competencia que no los lleva bien. En caso contrario, poneos en contacto con nosotros a través de Facebook e investigaremos el caso de cada producto en particular.   E 101 Riboflavina Colorante amarillo, vitamina B2 Aunque puede ser producido a partir de la leche, esto no se realiza comercialmente. E 101 (ii) Riboflavina- 5'- fosfato Colorante amarillo, vitamina B2 E 161f Rodoxantina Colorante amarillo natural Colorante de origen natural, presente en diversas plantas y aves. Comercialmente es preparado a partir de diferent
pepa garcía

Declaración universal de los derechos del animal / 23 septiembre 1977 - 0 views

  • b) Toda privación de libertad, incluso aquella que tenga fines educativos, es contraria a este derecho.
  • b) Toda modificación de dicho ritmo o dichas condiciones que fuera impuesta por el hombre con fines mercantiles, es contraria a dicho derech
  • Considerando que todo animal posee derechos,
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  • (ONU)
  • Considerando que el desconocimiento y desprecio de dichos derechos han conducido y siguen conduciendo al hombre a cometer crímes contra la naturaleza y contra los animales,
  • Todos los animales nacen iguales ante la vida y tienen los mismos derechos a la existencia.
  • El hombre, en tanto que especie animal, no puede atribuirse el derecho de exterminar a los otros animales o de explotarlos violando ese derecho
  • Tiene la obligación de poner sus conocimientos al servicio de los animales.
    • pepa garcía
      bien-tratar a los animales es un derecho de la carta de derechos de los animales, que es anterior a cualquier carta de libertades bienestarista
    Códigos Declaración universal de los derechos del animal Londres, 23 de septiembre de 1977 Adoptada por la Liga Internacional de los Derechos del Animal y las Ligas Nacionales afiliadas en la Tercera reunión sobre los derechos del animal, celebrada en Londres del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 1977. Proclamada el 15 de octubre de 1978 por la Liga Internacional, las Ligas Nacionales y las personas físicas que se asocian a ellas. Aprobada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), y posteriormente por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)   Preámbulo   Considerando que todo animal posee derechos, Considerando que el desconocimiento y desprecio de dichos derechos han conducido y siguen conduciendo al hombre a cometer crímes contra la naturaleza y contra los animales, Considerando que el reconocimiento por parte de la especie humana de los derechos a la existencia de las otras especies de animales constituye el fundamento de la coexistencia de las especies en el mundo, Considerando que el hombre comete genocidio y existe la amenaza de que siga cometiéndolo, Considerando que el respeto hacia los animales por el hombre está ligado al respeto de los hombres entre ellos mismos, Considerando que la educación debe enseñar, desde la infancia, a observar, comprender, respetar y amar a los animales, Se proclama lo siguiente:   Artículo 1. Todos los animales nacen iguales ante la vida y tienen los mismos derechos a la existencia. Artículo 2. a) Todo animal tiene derecho al respeto. b) El hombre, en tanto que especie animal, no puede atribuirse el derecho de exterminar a los otros animales o de explotarlos violando ese derecho. Tiene la obligación de poner sus conocimientos al servicio de los animales. c) Todos los animales tienen derecho a la atención, a los cuidados y a la protección del hombre. Artículo 3. a) Ningún animal será sometido a malos tratos ni actos crueles. b) Si es necesaria la muerte d
pepa garcía

On Human-Nonhuman Relations: On Rights and Animal Rights (Part One). - 0 views

  • Regan also articulates his firm belief that ‘moral philosophy is no substitute for political action’, but insists, ‘still, it can make a contribution. Its currency is ideas’. This assertion was made many years ago in 1983. However, it appears that large sections of the animal advocacy movement was not (and is not) listening to this important message. Many factions in the modern animal protection movement do not agree that a well worked out philosophical position assists in the furtherance of altering the moral standing of nonhuman animals. Moreover, many of those that do seem to agree with the general point that social movements require a solid basis for claims-making, appear not to accept the case for animal rights in the first place. Recent developments in the animal movement tends to confirm such a view. For example, Francione [4] states that ‘the modern animal “rights” movement has explicitly rejected the doctrine of animal rights’. In fact, it might be tempting to claim, analogous to Gilroy’s [5] declaration that ‘there ain’t no black in the Union Jack’, that there ain’t much rights in ‘animal rights’ either. This tends to beg the question, if not rights violations, what do modern animal advocates substantially rely upon in order to make claims on behalf of nonhuman animals? Francione argues that the contemporary animal movement appears content to rely on a new formulation of traditional ideas, which he labels ‘new welfarism’. He describes this conception of new welfarism as a ‘hybrid position’ which may be understood to be a more progressive, or in Francione’s terms, a ‘modified’ welfare position compared with traditional animal welfarism, especially in the sense that this ‘version of animal welfare…accepts animal rights as an ideal state of affairs that can be achieved only through continued adherence to animal welfare measures’.
  • However, for Francione, new welfarists – despite what sets them apart from traditionalists of the genre - should be regarded as committed to the endorsement of measures ‘indistinguishable’ from policies put forward by those ‘who accept the legitimacy of animal exploitation’.
  • Advocates who wish to pursue a position based on rights thinking are very few in number and, furthermore, do not often feature in ‘leadership’ positions within the current animal protection movement.
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  • Francione’s work, especially because it includes a strong critique of new welfarism, has not so much been regarded as a source of philosophical clarity within a social movement, nor helpful in terms of strategic thinking, but rather labelled ‘disruptive’, ‘divisive’ and ‘elitist’.
  • For understandable psychological reasons, ‘victories’ on any scale tend to be loudly trumpeted within social movements.
  • Why, since the modern animal protection movement has rarely if ever pursued an abolitionist agenda for any prolonged period, are many advocates apparently and unequivocally so sure that it is doomed to failure? Why are they so convinced that it will take hundreds of years? Why, moreover, that a philosophical grounding in widely accepted ideas of rights undoubtedly represent demands that unrealistically call for ‘too much’?
  • Francione agrees with Regan that philosophy and political action go together.
  • Indeed, in contrast to many in the movement, he claims the latter requires the former to inform its direction:
  • it is my view that the explicit goal must be abolition and that abolition must shape incremental change.
  • basic rights
  • a paradoxical situation in which the so-called ‘animal rights movement’ virtually rejects genuine rights theories while embracing a non-rights animal liberation position as its main philosophical stance.
  • ‘as a practical matter, [animal welfarism] does not work. We have had animal welfare laws in most western countries for well over a hundred years now, and they have done little to reduce animal suffering and they have certainly not resulted in the gradual abolition of any practices… As to why welfarism fails…the reason has to do with the property status of animals. If animals are property, then they have no value beyond that which is accorded to them by their owners.
  • Benton and Redfearn write: ‘Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation is…within the utilitarian tradition, and it may be that the animal welfare movement’s concern with animal suffering is a measure of the pervasiveness of utilitarianism as the ‘common sense’ of secular morality’
    This tends to beg the question, if not rights violations, what do modern animal advocates substantially rely upon in order to make claims on behalf of nonhuman animals? Francione argues that the contemporary animal movement appears content to rely on a new formulation of traditional ideas, which he labels 'new welfarism'. He describes this conception of new welfarism as a 'hybrid position' which may be understood to be a more progressive, or in Francione's terms, a 'modified' welfare position compared with traditional animal welfarism, especially in the sense that this 'version of animal welfare…accepts animal rights as an ideal state of affairs that can be achieved only through continued adherence to animal welfare measures'.
pepa garcía

Facebook | Queremos que MOCKUS incluya a los animales en su plan de gobierno - 0 views

    "Corriente Ciudadana desea que ANTANAS MOCKUS incluya temas animalistas y ambientales en su plan de gobierno y en el acuerdo programático. Propuestas: 1. Centros de protección animal. Transformación de los actuales centros de zoonosis en centros de protección animal (albergues) de perros y gatos callejeros, abandonados y maltratados, donde se de prioridad a la esterilización y vacunación, se promueva la adopción y se erradique progresivamente el uso de la eutanasia como medida de control poblacional. Ejemplo del centro de bienestar animal "La Perla" de Medellín. Implementación de una política nacional de protección de animales de compañía que cobije: la atención a animales desprotegidos, la regulación y el control de la venta de animales, la educación ciudadana en tenencia responsable de animales, la implementación de sistemas de identificación de animales y medidas sancionatorias eficaces frente al maltrato y el abandono de animales. 2. Vehículos de tracción animal. Erradicación de los vehículos de tracción animal (VTA) en todo el territorio nacional, a través de un programa de alternatividad laboral para los carreteros que incluya la sustitución de los VTA por vehículos de tracción mecánica y la organización gremial de los mismos. Ubicación de los equinos en programas de adopción (policía, particulares, Administración, etc.). Ejemplo: Proceso de sustitución de VTA adelantado en Medellín. 3. Comercio ilegal de fauna silvestre. Implementación efectiva de la legislación nacional en lo concerniente al control del tráfico de animales de fauna silvestre en todo el país, a través de: operativos permanentes de control, campañas de educación y sensibilización ciudadana, medidas sancionatorias a establecimiento comerciales y judicialización de comerciantes y tenedores de animales de fauna silvestre. Creación de albergues regionales para animales de fauna silvestre y exótica, operados por las Corporaciones Autónomas Ambient
pepa garcía

Los asesinos no descansan. Fuck Peta > Deceptive 'Animal Rescue Act' Will Endanger Anim... - 0 views

    Deceptive 'Animal Rescue Act' Will Endanger Animals in Florida! A dangerous bill has been introduced in the Florida legislature. Misleadingly named the "Animal Rescue Act," Senate Bill 818 (SB 818) and its companion bill in the house, House Bill 597 (HB 597), if passed, would put homeless and unwanted animals at risk of being handed off to hoarders who pose as "rescues." The so-called "Animal Rescue Act" would force shelters to give animals to groups regardless of the geographical location of the agencies, increasing the risk of animals being inhumanely and illegally transported to unregulated groups across the country. The act also doesn't require rescues to be nonprofit groups, opening the door for animal abusers, such as those who collect and sell animals to laboratories, dogfighters, and other cruel individuals and enterprises. Hoarders posing as "rescues" now make up an estimated 25 percent of the estimated 6,000 new hoarding cases reported in the U.S. each year. The Animal Rescue Act would only increase the problem as it vilifies professional animal shelters, most of which already work with reputable placement groups and labor around the clock to find homes for and fight the widespread abuse and neglect of animals in their communities. Ask your legislators to oppose SB 818 and HB 597 today! Ask them to consider that the most humane and effective way to reduce the number of animals who must be euthanized at animal shelters in Florida is through prevention, by implementing a strong state law penalizing citizens who allow their dogs and cats to reproduce. CONTACT *Title *First Name *Last Name *Your E-Mail *Street Address *City *State/Province *Zip/Postal Code Sign me up for PETA E-News and special announcements from PETA. MESSAGE *Subject Dear [Decision Maker], *(Edit Letter Below) Sincerely, [Your Name] By signing up here and giving us your details, you're acknowledging that you've read and agreed to our privacy policy.
pepa garcía

AnimaNaturalis y PETA ¿Lo mismo? - 0 views

    Desde Igualdad Animal queremos además exponer, al margen de la frivolización del sufrimiento animal que ha tenido lugar con este acto, el tipo de organización que es PETA y que nos lleva a rechazar tanto a la mencionada organización como los actos que lleva a cabo y a pronunciarnos al respecto. Desgraciadamente diversos medios de comunicación les presentan como defensores de los animales o de los derechos animales y parte del denominado movimiento animalista mantiene esta imagen vigente. Sin embargo, y al margen de los medios y de la actual confusión, gran cantidad de organizaciones e individuos dedicados a la defensa de los animales en diversos países del mundo se oponen totalmente a PETA y sus planteamientos, siendo Igualdad Animal una de estas organizaciones. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals apoya la explotación animal y llega a acuerdos con la propia industria de explotación animal de forma que ambos, tanto PETA como la industria, puedan anunciar sus respectivas victorias con el correspondiente beneficio para ambos. Realmente las organizaciones de derechos animales (que no de bienestar animal) mantienen que es inaceptable el uso de animales y, por tanto, son rechazables las reformas legales de su explotación, las cuales no hacen sino legitimar socialmente dicha explotación y beneficiar a la propia industria como desde Igualdad Animal hemos expuesto en repetidas ocasiones. Así ha sucedido con su apoyo a Burger King [2], sus elogios a McDonalds [3] e incluso con el premio a la empresa de venta de carne Whole Foods [4] o a la diseñadora de mataderos Temple Grandin [5]. Cualquiera puede comprender que si la industria que cría y mata animales clama victoria difícilmente podremos concluir que los animales se beneficiarán de tales acuerdos. Si quienes supuestamente defienden a los animales imparten cursos prácticos a matarifes sobre cómo realizar su trabajo [6], promueven el asesinato sistemático de gatos callejeros [7] y perros pitbull [8
pepa garcía

Twitlonger: Anyone who claims that ethical veganism, as it is represented in the abolit... - 0 views

    "No mainstream group has adopted ethical veganism as its exclusive, or even a, central focus. An ethical vegan would not support any animal exploitation. Therefore, to say that ethical veganism is a SIC is to fail to understand the nature of ethical veganism or the fact that SICs rest on distinguishing among various forms of animal exploitation and promoting the notion that some forms are worse than others and, by implication, that other forms of exploitation are morally desirable or morally acceptable. One can, of course, use the expression "veganism" to apply only to diet in the sense that one who does not eat any animal products may be considered to have a vegan diet. This use of "vegan" is more restricted than the notion as I have developed it in my abolitionist theory. Promoting a vegan diet is more like an SIC than is promoting ethical veganism and the abolition of all animal use. But the practical reality is that if people rejected eating any animal products, we would see a rejection in all sorts of other animal use. The most significant form of animal exploitation--the form that "legitimizes" all the others--involves using animals as food. If you dislodge that use, you dislodge all others."
pepa garcía

Wish You Were Here : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • At a well run No Kill animal shelter, there are a variety of ways to respond to animals, depending on the reason that animal is in the shelter in the first place. There is not a one-size fits-all strategy of impound, holding period, adoption or killing, as is common in traditional, poorly run, high kill shelters. Each animal is treated as an individual, and the needs of every animal are addressed and met on a case-by-case basis.
  • When their animal control officers find lost animals in the field – they knock on doors or call the numbers on tags so that they can take the animal home instead of impound him/her.
  • If the animal is impounded, shelter staff is efficient at cross checking lost and found reports, so that the number of lost animals that are reclaimed by their people is much higher, and they have hours that allow people with lost pets to conveniently visit the shelter to reclaim them.
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  • Some animals entering a shelter are free-living cats. A No Kill shelter will spay/neuter and release those cats instead of kill them.  Likewise, injured animals will receive medical attention, and then go into foster homes, as will other sick animals, orphaned neonatals, and dogs with behavior issues that need rehabilitation. And, lastly, further reducing the number of animals a shelter has to find homes for are local rescue groups. These groups take some of the animals entering the shelter, and a well-run No Kill shelter considers such organizations valuable allies, and has a friendly, cooperative relationship with th
  • good adoption hours
  • offsite adoption venues,
  • the lack of programs, the lack of alternatives to killing.
  • the problem is not “pet overpopulation,” but a lack of imagination, commitment, and determination to treat each animal as an individual with distinct needs that must be met.
pepa garcía

TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter - 0 views

    Thanks to the 562 people who have signed the petition to FARM to ban H$U$ from the (so-called) "animal rights" conference. Please read the thoughtful comments. As expected, Paul Shapiro and the well-financed corporate butchers of H$U$ delivered a slick and sleazy presentation that bemoaned animal eating, a position not normally offered elsewhere, bemoaned pig confinement, while having a mass murderer of pigs employed as a director, and while conducting experiments on wild horses with drugs made from pig eggs, and bemoaning battery cages for chickens while promoting the egg industry's agenda for battery cages for chickens. Down with H$U$, the meat industry's self-appointed voice for "animal rights"!!! TAKE BACK THE ANIMAL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FROM THE BUTCHERS OF H$U$!!! No one elected Wayne Pacelle and H$U$ to be a voice for animals or animal rights activists!!! Hey Hey Ho Ho, H$U$ has got to go!!!
pepa garcía

Interview with PETA Official Bruce Friedrich - The Stanford Progressive - 0 views

  • That's an interesting eventual philosophical discussion. Obviously, with animals rights we don't mean the same as human rights like liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Attempting to figure out precisely how one would apply those as inalienable rights to animals is going to be very difficult. What PETA has focused on and what the animal rights movement has focused on is the right of animals not to be eaten, worn, or experimented on (unless it is in their own best interest—similar to experiments which involve human beings), and not to be used as a mean of human amusement. And there are going to be some grey areas. One of the big grey areas right now is the fact that about 8 million animals are dropped off at shelters every year but there are only homes for about 4 million of them. So what do you do with the other 4 million animals? We know that if they were turned loose on the streets most would die horrible deaths. There aren't old feral cats, and thus, right now, until we can create a world in which people are not breeding animals and selling animals, in which everyone is going to a shelter to adopt an animal, it is in those animals best interest to be humanely euthanized. So there are some grey areas, there are some dicey discussions to be had, but at the end of the day eating animals, wearing animals, experimenting on animals—those are pretty easy philosophical and scientific discussions to have.
pepa garcía

Maddie's Fund - Using Data to Make Austin a No-Kill City - 0 views

  • I founded a low-cost and free spay/neuter clinic, Emancipet, in 1999.
  • The thought was to decrease the number animals entering the shelter through fewer births in the community so fewer would have to be euthanized in the shelter for lack of space.
  • By 2008 and after over 60,000 spay/neuter surgeries, I had expected to see a bigger reduction in city shelter intake numbers.
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  • Although there was an initial decrease in euthanasia from 85% to 50% between 1999 and 2001, after 2001 the AAC (the only open admission shelter in Austin, Texas) consistently took in over 23,000 animals and euthanized an average of 50 - 55% of the animals admitted each year.
  • In fact, AAC euthanized over 14,000 animals in 2007, which was a decade record and showed me that my efforts were not decreasing shelter intake or euthanasia like I had hoped.
  • The other piece of data that was eye-opening to me in 2008 was that the number of AAC live outcomes stayed static at 10,000 per year, year after year, even after budgetary increases.
  • By then, the City of Austin and the Austin nonprofit animal welfare partners were providing substantial community services for spaying, neutering, vaccinations, and wellness clinics; however, the city's live releases had not changed at all in spite of the wealth of community resources that were geared towards lowering euthanasia.
  • It was clear that the city had a system that was capable of producing no more than 10,000 live outcomes per year, regardless of intake numbers, which meant that euthanasia only fluctuated when intake numbers fluctuated. If intake went up, euthanasia went up. If intake went down, euthanasia went down.
  • For years, the city had been measuring "inputs" for city performance standards such as the number of spay/neuters performed, the number of microchips placed, the number of rabies vaccines given; and with the large amounts of city and donor funds going into free and low-cost spay/neuter, it appeared to politicians and foundations from a performance measure standpoint that Austin was at the top of its game.
  • The thing that really struck me was that although "outputs" such as euthanasia, adoption, return to owner, and transfers were being documented and measured, decisions to directly impact those numbers were not being driven by their measurement. Funds were never requested to directly improve live outcomes and city staff was not being directed to strive for higher live outcome numbers. In fact, there was no live outcome improvements projected for at least the five years after 2007 and that was apparent as plans for capacity in building a new shelter got underway.
  • It bothered me that we had no real conclusive studies that showed the impact of spay/neuter on euthanasia in the shelter
  • and that the labors of all my work were not something I could see an impact from in a decade.
  • I felt strongly that there had to be a way to save more lives at the shelter and a more direct way to measure the work that provides that impact.
  • If it takes longer than a decade to see an impact at the shelter euthanasia level through spay/neuter, the work can never be tweaked to have a bigger impact.
  • There had to be a more direct method to save lives that could be measured month-to-month and tweaked quickly if the desired effect is not seen.
  • It appeared that a new and different kind of work needed to be created to really get measurable results on euthanasia figures since it also appeared that all current resources were operating at their max.
  • It was apparent to me that I needed to change what I was doing to effect faster change in the community.
  • The American Veterinary Medical Association's (AVMA) Demographic Sourcebook dispelled my belief that there were not enough homes.
  • In the Greater Austin Area, AVMA calculates that at least 75,000 homes take in a pet less than one year old each year, and the ASPCA has reported that only 20 - 25% come from shelters and rescues. We only had to find homes for up to 14,000 pets per year.
  • This seemed very doable when 75,000 homes are open each year for incoming pets.
  • Using Data to Identify and Fill in the Gaps
  • Using Data to Re-Assess and Fine-Tune Programs
  • The second strategy
  • Using Data to Develop Programs: Filling the Gaps
  • The first strategy
  • the medical help that I provided did not help the sheltered animals leave alive in any larger numbers.
  • off-site adoption programs
  • These were animals with mange or kennel cough, minor behavior issues like being scared, or animals with minor injuries. APA created a large-scale foster program to provide short-term foster for these animals as they overcame their minor problems.
  • neonatal nursery with all the supplies needed for around-the-clock kitten care
  • again built up a large-scale medical foster base for all the injured and ill animals.
  • large breed dogs with behavior problems.
  • The Austin community's demand for adopting a pet is higher than the supply from AAC
  • By bringing in animals from other shelters, APA is able to prevent adopters from becoming pet store pet buyers and thus save a whole lot more lives.
  • adult large breed dogs with behavior issues are adopted each year because of improved customer service,
  • pet-matching practices,
  • behavior modification
  • APA rescued over 5,000 animals last year. No cat, kitten, small breed dog, puppy of any breed, or large breed friendly dog, including pit bulls, died in the City of Austin in 2011 simply because it didn't have a home.
  • increase the number of adoption venues
  • additional exposure.
pepa garcía

A commendable legislative measure to spare more pets - Our Take - - 0 views

  • intends to phase out euthanasia and progressively increase the pet “live release” rate from 61 percent to above 90 percent sometime next year. Only terminally ill, injured and suffering pets as well as vicious dogs will continue to be euthanized.
  • Manatee pet rescue and animal welfare organizations aim to boost pet fostering and adoption and promote free or low cost spay and neutering programs.
  • Thus, it would be illegal for shelters to kill animals when a qualified non-profit rescue organization expresses a willingness to spare the creature.
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  • requiring public animal control agencies and shelters maintain a registry of private rescue groups willing to take animals earmarked for euthanasia.
  • Animal advocates point to a No Kill Nation statewide survey of rescue groups that shows 63 percent of the organizations encountered a government shelter that rejected a collaborative approach and killed animals instead.
  • helters have a variety of rescue access policies, with half the respondents saying the criteria sometimes depended on the whims of staff on duty
  • That is poor public policy.
  • An additional benefit is a savings for taxpayers as shelters lower operating costs by releasing animals to rescue groups.
  • Bennett cites both those savings and the additional shelter revenue from adoptions as rescue organizations would be charged a fee for saving animals.
  • The city and county of San Francisco saved almost $500,000 in animal control costs with a similar rescue access law and transferred 4,000 additional animals to private groups, according to Florida-based No Kill Nation.
  • One of the keys to increasing pet adoptions is marketing
  • writes a popular weekly column for the Bradenton Herald titled “A View to No-Kill” t
  • One of the most popular features on www.braden are the image galleries of available pets.
  • Animal Services posts images of adoptable animals at
  • a group of volunteer photographers is joining forces to boost the no-kill movement by shooting more becoming images and posting those at a new website, www.picture,
pepa garcía

ASPCA Funds Poultry Production Operation; Birds treated "with dignity and compassion" s... - 0 views

  • The Farm Forward board chair, Steven J. Gross, is father of University of San Diego theology professor Aaron Gross, who founded Farm Forward in 2007 and is chief executive officer. For approximately 10 years, 1998-2007, Friedrich and Steven J. Gross represented PETA in a variety of farm animal advocacy campaigns.
  • the lack of heritage breed birds is a significant barrier to the development of high-welfare poultry rearing.
  • Suzanne never mentioned that she and the ASPCA had already arranged to help finance a poultry operation and promote chicken and turkey consumption.
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  • Responded Humane Farming Association founder Brad Miller, “It is simply delusional to think that getting humane organizations into the business of promoting meat from heritage breed chickens will result in even the slightest reduction of animal suffering. The ASPCA decision to fund the commercial production of chickens for meat raises a number of troubling issues,” Miller continued. “Beyond the obvious ethical issues from the animals’ standpoint, there is also the matter of using charitable dollars to further the commercial interests of a privately owned, profit-driven poultry company. This is just the latest,” Miller charged, “in a growing trend on the part of several major animal organizations to, in effect, merge with the livestock industry.” Miller noted that Farm Forward has previously promoted a variety of federal and state legislation that HFA regarded as more likely to entrench the status quo in animal agriculture than to bring about meaningful change.
  • “A commercial animal production operation is not an alternative to factory farming, but an extension of it. In this instance, chickens and turkeys are being mass-produced in mechanical hatchery incubators, raised motherless for human consumption by the thousands, and slaughtered, i.e., factory farmed.
  • “In addition to cruelty and commodification of animals being falsely represented as ‘humane,’ ‘compassionate,’ ‘anti-factory farming,’ etcetera,” Davis added, “is that these relatively smaller farms seek to grow and expand. Regardless of what size they are, they do not reduce the amount of resources needed to raise and slaughter animals
  • “It is unethical for an ‘animal welfare’ organization,” Davis concluded, “to suggest to the public that millions and billions of people can continue to eat the same number of animals, as long as these animals are raised ‘humanely’ on non-factory farms. Humans will never set aside hundreds of millions or billions of acres of land to accommodate billions of animals living ‘free range,’ yet this is the false prospect being offered to a public that wants to believe that incompatible desires and realities can be reconciled.”
  • If you think it is wrong for the ASPCA to use charitable donations to fund and promote poultry slaughter, expand poultry breeding and hatchery facilities and pretend that a factory farm is Not a factory farm, while doing NOTHING to promote genuine compassion and respect for these birds,
pepa garcía

Twitlonger: For those who think that the Endangered Species Act has something to do wit... - 0 views

    "Finally, it should be understood that it is unlikely that any significant change in the status of animals as property will come about as the result of legislation or court cases until there is a significant social change in our attitude about animals. That is, it is not the law that will alter our moral thinking about animals; it must be the other way around. It was not the law that abolished slavery; indeed, the law protected slave ownership and the institution of slavery was not abolished by the law but by the Civil War. The present-day world economy is far more dependent on animal exploitation than were the southern United States on human slavery. Animal exploitation is not going to be ended by a pronouncement of the Supreme Court or an act of congress-at least not until a majority of us accept the position that the institution of animal property is morally unacceptable. "
pepa garcía

Comunicado y llamamiento respecto de las "Estrategias para la implementación ... - 3 views

  • Lo que resulta de las Conclusiones propuestas es un conjunto de directivas de acción que significarán el manejo y control de los animales sin hogar en manos del SENASA y asociados, muy especialmente teniendo en cuenta las condiciones socio-económicas en que se desenvuelven estas biopolíticas sugeridas. Significará una matanza de animales “debido a” una lista de excusas que, llegado el caso, ningún defensor de los animales podrá corroborar.
  • Otro objetivo prioritario de estas Conclusiones es ocuparse especialmente de controlar criaderos, asociaciones que nuclean criadores, refugios, exposiciones, paseadores, establecimientos veterinarios, tenencia de animales guía y de trabajo y asistencia, etc. Se fortalece así el uso de los perros para su venta para compañía, guardia, etc.
  • La “tenencia responsable” es un término que grandes organizaciones de bienestar animal acuñaron en su momento llevando a culpabilizar a las personas de un problema que sólo les atañe en parte a ellas, pero que en tal caso no se limita a la situación de los animales sin hogar. También se culpabilizó de esta manera a los que se debería haber protegido: los perros en situación de calle, a los que se señaló como transmisores de todo tipo de zoonosis y problemas. La representación del animal como portador de un “mal” o de un “problema”, es característica de la creación de una simbología que opera como metáfora educativa al servicio de determinados intereses. Esta fue la idea original de quienes impusieron el término “tenencia responsable”, surgido en EE.UU. y difundido por doquier. Acerca de las implicancias de la postura ideológica del Bienestar animal, hay suficiente dicho por nuestra parte. Basta con leer la Declaración del Bienestar Animal de la WSPA, quien pidió firmas de adhesión a la misma a través de su campaña: “Los animales importan.”
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  • Así que será dudosa la posibilidad de que las matanzas se circunscriban a los casos “limitados” previstos por estas estrategias
  • Porque los animales realmente importan es que nos posicionamos lejos de esta zona de violencia creada por quienes mantienen y quieren mantener el control  de los animales. Si la educación es tan importante, como se deduce de estas estrategias, la que implementarán no será una a favor del respeto por la vida de los animales no humanos. Estos sectores son los que mantienen una barrera entre la animalidad humana y la no humana, que no vacilarían en tirar  abajo si razones de índole económica lo favoreciera.
    La "tenencia responsable" es un término que grandes organizaciones de bienestar animal acuñaron en su momento llevando a culpabilizar a las personas de un problema que sólo les atañe en parte a ellas, pero que en tal caso no se limita a la situación de los animales sin hogar. También se culpabilizó de esta manera a los que se debería haber protegido: los perros en situación de calle, a los que se señaló como transmisores de todo tipo de zoonosis y problemas. La representación del animal como portador de un "mal" o de un "problema", es característica de la creación de una simbología que opera como metáfora educativa al servicio de determinados intereses. Esta fue la idea original de quienes impusieron el término "tenencia responsable", surgido en EE.UU. y difundido por doquier. Acerca de las implicancias de la postura ideológica del Bienestar animal, hay suficiente dicho por nuestra parte. Basta con leer la Declaración del Bienestar Animal de la WSPA, quien pidió firmas de adhesión a la misma a través de su campaña: "Los animales importan."
pepa garcía

Las Condes - busca-petr y chips - 0 views

  • BUSCA-PETR, PROGRAMA DE APOYO PARA LA LOCALIZACIÓN DE ANIMALES EXTRAVIADOS DEL PAÍS. Todos sabemos lo doloroso que resulta la pérdida de nuestra mascota. El 33% de las mascotas se perderá en algún momento de su vida, No espere a que sea la suya. Busca-PetR, es una red de clínicas y establecimientos veterinarios interconectadas del país. El programa de búsqueda se encuentra habilitado en comunas como Vitacura, Providencia, Ñuñoa, Las Condes, La Dehesa, Lo Barnechea, La Florida, Peñalolén, La Reina, Huechuraba, La Pintana, Conchalí, Independencia, Colina, Maipú, Renca, La Cisterna, San Bernardo, Cerrillos y Santiago. También en Provincia como en la ciudad de La Serena, Buin, Talca, Chillán, Los Ángeles, Concepción, Chiguayante, Villarrica, Pucón, Valdivia, Temuco, Osorno y Puerto Montt. El programa Busca-PetR funciona registrando el animal con sus datos completos. Al ingresar al sistema el animal queda inscrito de por vida en el programa de apoyo. Para el caso de que el animal se pierda o sea robado debe editarse un formulario de extravío, entregando la mayor cantidad de información del evento. Automáticamente se edita un boletín de búsqueda a todos las clínicas y establecimientos interconectados a Busca-PetR. El archivo queda activado hasta que se haga efectivo su encuentro. Los boletines de búsqueda son enviados periódicamente a los establecimientos, los que deberán avisar inmediatamente si encuentran al animal encargado por pérdida o robo. De esta manera sus mascotas y clientes se sentirán más protegidos y con mayores posibilidades de encontrar una mascota extraviada Para mayor información contáctese con o
    BUSCA-PETR, PROGRAMA DE APOYO PARA LA LOCALIZACIÓN DE ANIMALES EXTRAVIADOS DEL PAÍS. Todos sabemos lo doloroso que resulta la pérdida de nuestra mascota. El 33% de las mascotas se perderá en algún momento de su vida, No espere a que sea la suya. Busca-PetR, es una red de clínicas y establecimientos veterinarios interconectadas del país. El programa de búsqueda se encuentra habilitado en comunas como Vitacura, Providencia, Ñuñoa, Las Condes, La Dehesa, Lo Barnechea, La Florida, Peñalolén, La Reina, Huechuraba, La Pintana, Conchalí, Independencia, Colina, Maipú, Renca, La Cisterna, San Bernardo, Cerrillos y Santiago. También en Provincia como en la ciudad de La Serena, Buin, Talca, Chillán, Los Ángeles, Concepción, Chiguayante, Villarrica, Pucón, Valdivia, Temuco, Osorno y Puerto Montt. El programa Busca-PetR funciona registrando el animal con sus datos completos. Al ingresar al sistema el animal queda inscrito de por vida en el programa de apoyo. Para el caso de que el animal se pierda o sea robado debe editarse un formulario de extravío, entregando la mayor cantidad de información del evento. Automáticamente se edita un boletín de búsqueda a todos las clínicas y establecimientos interconectados a Busca-PetR. El archivo queda activado hasta que se haga efectivo su encuentro. Los boletines de búsqueda son enviados periódicamente a los establecimientos, los que deberán avisar inmediatamente si encuentran al animal encargado por pérdida o robo. De esta manera sus mascotas y clientes se sentirán más protegidos y con mayores posibilidades de encontrar una mascota extraviada Para mayor información contáctese con o
pepa garcía

Harold Brown ~ ARZone Chat Transcript of 16/17 October 2010 - Animal Rights Zone - 0 views

  • In my opinion there isn't a heck of a lot of difference between these "animal protection" organizations and the industry and its proxies. Another way to think of this situation is what we have seen in the environmental movement since the 1980's. What I have observed is that once any organization grows to a certain critical mass things change. There is always a disconnect from the grassroots and survival of the corporate entity is job one. It was a back room trade off. An "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine." The industry is changing of its own volition due to recent developments in animal husbandry and the re-engineering of the animals them selves. As far as I know these "animal protection" organizations have never put into print, spoke of or promoted animal rights. It is the media that has conflated these animal husbandry reform organizations with animal rights and many well meaning activists become confused and support them thinking that they are convertly animal rights organizations.
  • You talk about cattle and dairy culture being validated by TV advertisements; about a dominating culture of indoctrination; and how frightening social change can seem.
  • Where the animal movement has gone wrong for over 30 years is the story they shared. It is a message of suffering, cruelty and harm.
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  • what Will Tuttle calls radical inclusion. 
  • rom the other side of the fence and I knew that
  • Guilt and shame never changed anyone’s heart or mind.
  • They now have a new sow that gives birth to about 20 piglets and that her body size is such that the old crates are too small, that they literally won't fit into the old crates.
  • There is NO humane solution to dairy other than just making it stop
  • that most calves are sent to auction 24-72 hours after birth.
  • the coming convergence of global warming, peak oil, population growth, ecological disaster and other factors will force a remedy upon us. 
  • I am the eternal optimist and believe that people are capable of great things if given the opportunity. I have seen it time and again. It is about creating a safe place and a community where people can come and deconstruct their indoctrination.
  • I think it is important that although you may want to give up cheese it isn't all your fault that you can't, despite your will power.  there is a component in the protein of milk called casomorphine.  Yup, morphine.  You are addicted as are so many vegetarians that want to eat a plant based diet.  It is a tough addiction to break but to be informed  goes a long way.  One we understand that there isn't anything in any animal product that we need then it is recognized that it is only a want. Wants are easy to leave behind.
pepa garcía

Effects of Mandatory Spay/Neuter laws - Houston animal shelters | - 0 views

  • These laws are not having the desired effect i.e. a reduction in kill rates in local animal shelters.
  • One of the programs of the No Kill Equation is high volume, low cost spay/neuter services:  "Low cost, high volume spay/neuter will quickly lead to fewer animals entering the shelter system, allowing more resources to be allocated toward saving lives."  
  • increased voluntary sterilization does help reduce the number of animals entering shelters
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  • MSNL do not decrease the number of animals entering or being killed in shelters.
  • MSNL have resulted in more abandoned animals, higher shelter admissions, higher kill rates, lower compliance with licensing and rabies vaccination laws, and radically increased costs for animal control. 
  • People become afraid to get pet licenses because proof of sterilization is required. 
  • They are afraid to go to a veterinarian for rabies shots or medical care because veterinarians are required to report them
  • People abandon their pets because they fear fines and penalties.
  • Numerous studies have shown that the primary reason people do not sterilize their pets is costs
  • When the result of not sterilizing is an unaffordable fine or confiscation/impoundment of the pet, animals die.
  • more than 80 percent of owned cats in the US are already sterilized
  • This means that the majority of unsterilized cats are unowned strays.
  • MSNL would do nothing to increase the sterilization of unowned cats and would not reduce their deaths in shelters.
  • Also, MSNL are a nightmare to enforce.
  • hey burden already underfunded, understaffed animal control departments with more responsibilities.
  • Each community must hire more animal control officers to enforce them so an enormous amount of additional money is spent to enforce a draconian law when a much better use of those funds would be to provide low cost or free spay/neuter services.
  • immediately after passing MSNL, kill rates began to rise in L.A.
  • after MSNL were passed, for the first time in a decade, impounds and killing increased;
  • successful no kill shelters have stopped the killing without these laws.
  • Even though the author claimed that the economic downturn has caused kill rates to rise in L.A., clearly this isn’t the correct explanation.
  • All of these shelters dropped their kill rates without MSNL.
  • It is obvious that Mandatory Spay/Neuter laws are not a factor that helps to stop the killing in shelters. 
pepa garcía

@garylfrancione - TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter - 0 views

    "I received a question: isn't it better to be a non-vegan who rescues than one who does not? Yes. And it's better to be a serial murderer who does charity work on Thursdays than a serial murder who does no charity work at all. But that does not address the morality of murder or the inconsistency of murdering while doing charity work! My point is that those who rescue animals but who continue to eat them necessarily (even if not explicitly) regard the moral value of the animals they save as greater than the moral value of the ones they eat.  Please understand that I think that doing rescue work is fantastic and I have great respect for those who do it. (I have done TNR/fostering.) Many rescue folks work 24/7 helping unfortunate animals who will otherwise be killed in shelters or otherwise come to a horrible end. It is precisely because I do have a high regard for those who rescue/foster that I raise these issues. Rescue should not be just a matter of which animals are our "favorites." If someone were to rescue dogs but trapped and poisoned cats, we would surely find that odd. But the same analysis applies to those who do any sort of rescue work but then consume animal products.
pepa garcía

More on Milk - - 0 views

  • the links between milk (or dairy) and such a broad range of ailments has not been well studied, at least by the medical establishment.
  • Yet if you speak with people who’ve had these kinds of reactive problems, it would appear that the medical establishment is among the last places you’d want to turn for advice.
  • the job of an agriculture department should not be to sell whatever crops our farmers can grow most efficiently, it should be to encourage the growth of crops that will benefit the greatest number of Americans. Those crops are not corn and soy, grown largely to create hyper-processed food or animal feed (and in turn animal products), but an increasing variety of plants that can be directly eaten by humans.
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  • for many doctors drugs are the answer to almost every condition, a situation that suits Big Pharma just fine.
    More on Milk By MARK BITTMAN Mark Bittman on food and all things related. TAGS: DAIRY, DIETS, MILK Not surprisingly, experiences like mine with dairy, outlined in my column of two weeks ago, are more common than unusual, at least according to the roughly 1,300 comments and e-mails we received since then. In them, people outlined their experiences with dairy and health problems as varied as heartburn, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, eczema, acne, hives, asthma ("When I gave up dairy, my asthma went away completely"), gall bladder issues, body aches, ear infections, colic, "seasonal allergies," rhinitis, chronic sinus infections and more. (One writer mentioned an absence of canker sores after cutting dairy; I realized I hadn't had a canker sore - which I've gotten an average of once a month my whole life - in four months. Something else to think about.) Although lactose intolerance and its generalized digestive tract problems are well documented, and milk allergies are thought to affect perhaps 1 percent of the American population, the links between milk (or dairy) and such a broad range of ailments has not been well studied, at least by the medical establishment. RELATED Mark Bittman: Got Milk? You Don't Need It Yet if you speak with people who've had these kinds of reactive problems, it would appear that the medical establishment is among the last places you'd want to turn for advice. Nearly everyone who complained of heartburn, for example, later resolved by eliminating dairy, had a story of a doctor (usually a gastroenterologist) prescribing a proton pump inhibitor, or P.P.I., a drug (among the most prescribed in the United States) that blocks the production of acid in the stomach. But - like statins - P.P.I.s don't address underlying problems, nor are they "cures." They address only the symptom, not its cause, and they are only effective while the user takes them. Thus in the last few days I'
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