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Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash - 0 views

    Artiklen, der linkes til, er tredie side i en længere udredning om, hvilken lære vi kan drage af de udfordringer russerne stod i efter Sovietunionens sammenbrud med deraf følgende sammenbrud i alle aspekter af systemet, hvilket medførte ophør af institutionel ansvars varetagelse på stort set alle områder; økonomi, energiforsyning, fødevareforsyning, sikkerhed etc. Man kommer til at tænke over, hvilke livsfornødenheder man selv ville kunne tage ansvar for at varetage, såfremt en disintegration, af det system man selv indgår i, skulle indtræde.
    "In the U.S., there is an industry of political commentators and pundits which is devoted to inflaming political passions as much as possible, especially before elections. This is similar to what sports writers and commentators do to draw attention to their game. It seems that the main force behind political discourse in the U.S. is boredom: one can chat about the weather, one's job, one's mortgage and how it relates to current and projected property values, cars and the traffic situation, sports, and, far behind sports, politics. In an effort to make people pay attention, most of the issues trotted out before the electorate pertain to reproduction: abortion, birth control, stem cell research, and similar small bits of social policy are bandied about rather than settled, simply because they get good ratings. "Boring" but vitally important strategic issues such as sustainable development, environmental protection, and energy policy are studiously avoided. Although people often bemoan political apathy as if it were a grave social ill, it seems to me that this is just as it should be. Why should essentially powerless people want to engage in a humiliating farce designed to demonstrate the legitimacy of those who wield the power? In Soviet-era Russia, intelligent people did their best to ignore the Communists: paying attention to them, whether through criticism or praise, would only serve to give them comfort and encouragement, making them feel as if they mattered. Why should Americans want to act any differently with regard to the Republicans and the Democrats? For love of donkeys and elephants?"

You are not a gadget - book by Jaron Lanier - 0 views

  • The problem is not inherent in the Internet or the Web.  Deterioration only began around the turn of the century with the rise of so-called “Web 2.0” designs.  These designs valued the information content of the web over individuals.  It became fashionable to aggregate the expressions of people into dehumanized data.  There are so many things wrong with this that it takes a whole book to summarize them.  Here’s just one problem:  It screws the middle class.  Only the aggregator (like Google, for instance) gets rich, while the actual producers of content get poor.  This is why newspapers are dying.  It might sound like it is only a problem for creative people, like musicians or writers, but eventually it will be a problem for everyone.  When robots can repair roads someday, will people have jobs programming those robots, or will the human programmers be so aggregated that they essentially work for free, like today’s recording musicians?  Web 2.0 is a formula to kill the middle class and undo centuries of social progress.
    Jaron Lanier about how in the short devolopment of the internet it became fashionable to aggregate expressions of people into dehumanized data.

Why Reddit's Science Forum Banned Climate Deniers | ThinkProgress - 0 views

    These people were true believers, blind to the fact that their arguments were hopelessly flawed, the result of cherry-picked data and conspiratorial thinking. They had no idea that the smart-sounding talking points from their preferred climate blog were, even to a casual climate science observer, plainly wrong. They were completely enamored by the emotionally charged and rhetoric-based arguments of pundits on talk radio and Fox News.

Indignez vous! by Stephane Hessel - the text « Sapte Stele / Seven Stars - 1 views

  • The end is not far away
  • The public interest must prevail over the interest individual, the fair sharing of the wealth created by the world of work override the power of  money.
  • “The press freedom, its  honor and independence againt the power of the State, the power of money and foreign influences.” That is what turns further orders on the press in 1944. Yet that is what is now in danger. The Resistance was calling for “an effective opportunity for all French children to benefit from the most developed education”, without discrimination, yet the reforms proposed in 2008 go against this project. Young teachers, which actions I support, were up to refuse to apply them and they saw their wages cut as a punishment. They were outraged, have “disobeyed” and found these reforms too far from the ideal of the republican school, too much in the service of Page 3 the money society and not enough developing the creative and critical thinking. It is just the base of the social conquests of the Resistance which is now in question (2)
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The gap between the poorest and richest has never been so important, and the race for money, the competition has never been so encouraged.
  • We, veterans of resistance movements and fighting forces of Liberated France, we call the younger generations to stand up, to transmit the heritage of the Resistance and its ideals.
  • When I try to understand what caused fascism, what caused the invasion by it and by Vichy, I tell myself that the wealthy, with their selfishness, have been terribly afraid of the Bolshevik revolution. They have been guided by their fears
  • Proust
  • Walter Benjamin
  • I tell young people: Look for a bit, you’ll find.
  • The worst attitude is indifference, saying “I can not do anything, I’m doing my job.
  • I had the chance after Liberation of being involved in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, 10 December 1948 in Paris at the Palais de Chaillot.
  • René Cassin was  the one whom we owe the term “universal rights Page 7 and not” international “as suggested by our Anglo-Saxon friends.
  • It is obvious that to be effective today, we must act in a network, take advantage of all means of modern communication.
  • Alas, history gives little examples of people who learn from their own history.
  • Guillaume Apollinaire: “That hope is violent ” not politics
    Selve teksten (på engelsk) fra Hessel, først udkommet i okt. 2010.

The empathy deficit - The Boston Globe - 0 views

  • young people today have been inundated with news to the point that they cannot care anymore.
  • people often feel powerless to address the problems in their own lives — much less affect big issues like climate change — perhaps young Americans are just evolving to focus on what matters most: their own tiny worlds
    Artikel om, at unges empatiske evner i de sidste 10 år er mindsket, og en række overvejelser omkring det.

As Amazon Rises, So Does the Opposition - The New York Times - 0 views

    "If you relentlessly squeeze workers and suppliers, if you undermine every community's local businesses, if you capture all of this surplus under the guise of efficiency and channel those gains to a small number of people, you end up with a system that is very vulnerable," said Ms. Mitchell, an antitrust reformer and monopoly critic. "That is what we've been doing, systematically and as a matter of public policy."

Krugman attacks Ron Paul, Austrian Economics - 0 views

  • A lot of it was spent on bailing out US banks and that money is still there, as well as money funnelled into well connected corporations within the US. Already in the UK inflation is going out of control because of QE in this country, why should the US expect to be any different? What will happen when the US’s banks begin lending those trillions they are sitting on?
    • rune66
      Godt spørgsmål.
  • prefer ron paul /austrian economics view of life, but if you take on fiat debts worth trillions… you can’t solve the problem by cutting spending and having people suffer for this, this is not right, this type of debt should be canceled first (at least most of it)
    • rune66
      Én fra "Den anden lejr" (i modsætning til f.eks. Ole B.), som også argumenterer for gældseftergivelse.
    Paul Krugman oprindelig i Politiken. Jeg bed mærke i det, fordi han nævnte guldstandarden og den østrigske skole.

Book Party for 'Coming Insurrection' Backs Tarnac 9 of France - - 0 views

  • When the French publisher La Fabrique first issued “The Coming Insurrection” in 2007, it received comparatively little attention. But among those who did take notice were the French police, who began monitoring a group of people, mostly graduate students, living in the tiny mountain village of Tarnac in central France. Last November nine of those men and women, ages 22 to 34, were arrested and accused of “associating with a terrorist enterprise” and disabling power lines that left 40,000 passengers stranded for several hours on high-speed trains. A spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutors’ office said that one of the nine, Julien Coupat, was believed to have written “The Coming Insurrection.” He has denied being the author but told interviewers in France that he admired the book.The government eventually released the group — who have come to be known as the Tarnac Nine — pending further investigation, with some opponents of the official action accusing the police of carrying out arrests without sufficient evidence.
    New York Times' artikel om The Coming Insurrection af The Invisible Committee.

GeorgieBC's Blog - 0 views

  • To suddenly be of use again, to find a movement that values truth and intelligence, is like finally coming home for a great many people who have been so frustrated with the anti-intellectual feeling of the last several decades. Academia has also been on the front lines of the attack from the US government, with students at Columbia University told by the US State Dept that discussing Wikileaks on Facebook or Twitter would hurt their chances of a job in the future. Joe McCarthy could not have said it better.
    Jeg tagger denne med grundlagsdebat fordi den handler om anti-intellektualisme. - En kyndig og læsværdig blog om wikileaks, der bl.a. beretter om myndigheders forsøg på censur overfor wikileaks. (Amy Goldmann fra Democracy Now har også flere citater fra universiteter og myndigheder der forbyder deres ansatte at dele eller søge eller bruge noget som helst fra wikileaks).

GOOD Home Page - GOOD - 1 views

    Omfattende og grundigt politisk og kulturelt webmagasin.
    Er ikke nået til det grundige endnu, kun en række kortere artikler, men det er også godt det samme. Læste den om Delicious og lod mig især ramme af følgende: "Two Internet entrepreneurs are hunting the Great White Whale of the web, the problem that results from following hundreds of people on Twitter, reading dozens of blogs, keeping 15 browser tabs open at a time and participating in social media from Facebook to Google+: There's just too much data coming in for the human mind to process." Og jeg er oven i købet hverken på Facebook eller Google+ ...

World-Information.Org - 1 views

  • The CIA can deploy their people in all news agencies of the world
  • so that most common citizens remain uninformed.
  • In the USA, any oppositional positions in these matters have been superseded.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I can hardly answer that question because I have unsubscribed from most of these media, precisely because of this background. However, it is remarkable how the Germans have arrived at reasonable conclusions in spite of the newspaper editorials, and how they have supported the position of the Government even against the press and media landscape.
    Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister for Research and Technology and former German Secretary of Defence, currently a lawyer in Bonn, on disinformation strategies and the role of intelligence services.
    Ret skræmmende at en forsvarsminister så utvetydigt kan tale om efterretningstjenesters effektfulde spredning af disinformation i de store medier. Et faktum som søvngængere automatisk kalder konspiration.

Sustainable Montreal » Economics - 1 views

    Mark Bergers blog (ham som skriver ret fint om peak oil og økonomi).
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