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Gurkirat S

20 Super Foods You Need to Build Muscle | - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      20 Super Foods. 1. Whole Eggs 2. Fish Oil 3.. Wild Salmon 4. Berries. 5.Yogurt. 6. Flax Seeds. 7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 8. Mixed Nuts. 9. Red Meat 10. Broccoli 11. Spinach 12. Turkey 13. Quinoa 14. Oats. 15. Tomatoes. 16. Oranges. 17.Apples 18. Carrots. 19. Water 20. Green Tea.
Paul McCarlie

Staying skinny all about your attitude | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sp... - 0 views

  • The things that make you slim are not what keep you slim. You need a different skill set.
  • o stay slim, it turns out, you need to stay positive, regularly giving yourself praise, rewards, pep talks and back pats for staying on track. Forget modesty. Tell yourself daily, "Great job!"
  • Find new thrills
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Love your new body.
  • Adopt a "can do" philosophy.
  • Learn to say "Ahh," not "Oh, no."
  • Check the scales.
  • Find 8.5 minutes a day
    • Paul McCarlie
      basically stating that in order to stay skinny, you need to be positive
    about the connection between weight loss and attitude
Gurkirat S - Bar None: 6 Things To Look For In Any Protein Bar - 0 views

    Six Things to Look for In Any Protein Bar. 1. Total Calorie Count 2.Total Number Of Carbohydrates 3.Presence Of Sugar Alcohols 4. Ingredient Panel Listings 5.Dietary Fat Content 6.Carbs To Protein Ratio
Paul McCarlie

Top 7 Secrets to Staying Thin - 0 views

  • Goldstein interviewed over 60 naturally thin people to learn their thoughts, beliefs, actions around being thin.
  • Naturally Thin People Don’t Diet
  • Naturally Thin People Say “No” A Lot!
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Naturally Thin People Eat the Foods Their Bodies Love
  • Naturally Thin People Are Aware of the Effect Food Is Having On Their Bodies
  • Naturally Thin People Deal with Their Emotions in a Number of Ways
  • Naturally Thin People Know Exactly When to Eat
  • Naturally Thin People Know When to Stop Eating
  • 90% of naturally thin people have no understanding how a hot dog could help when they are feeling bored, or how a cheeseburger could help when they are feeling sad. Why would food help them with non-food problems? They find it entirely illogical to connect food with emotions.
    • Paul McCarlie
      Interesting connection between food and emotion
Gurkirat S

Nutritional Foods - What Should You Be Eating? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      All foods carry some nutritional value to them, whether its good or bad for your health is what needs to be determined. Common nutrtitonal foods are fruits, vegetables, and meats.
Gurkirat S

When to Eat Protein Bars & Shakes - 0 views

    For people trying to maximize workout gains and overall health and fitness, supplementing a meal plan with a protein bar or shake can be a very effective tactic. It's an easy way to ensure that you meet your dietary needs for protein and other nutrients.
    Eating a protein bar before working out is a good way to fuel your body with energy. It will also send nutrients to your muscles. Eating immediately before a workout is never a great idea because you could end up feeling sluggish or cramped. Therefore, 45 minutes to an hour before the start of a workout is an ideal time to incorporate a protein bar or shake into your meal plan.
    After working out, its even more important you intake protein from all the weight lifting, or exercising. You should eat something within half an hour or an hour after training session.
Gurkirat S

After Exercise: Recovery and Rest / Fitness / Exercises - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      The benefits of rest and letting your body recover after you exercise, it allows replenishing your energy stores.
Gurkirat S

Should I rest muscles after working out - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      Muslces need 24 hours to full recover atleast. Researchers say the repair process may take upwards of 72 hours, but atleast 24 hours of rest, before you hit up the same muscle group.
Gurkirat S

Weight Lifting (Resistance Training) Types, Programs, Tips and Benefits on - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance with the objective of increasing strength, tone, mass, and/or muscular endurance. The resistance can come from dumbbells, weight machines etc. So, increasing the weight lifting willl depend on what your focus is on.
Gurkirat S

4 Signs You Need to Lift More Weight - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      4 Signs You Need to Increase Your Resistance 1. The current weight you are lifting is not a challenge. - Strengthing training is meant to be challenging and difficult, so the overload of wieght your lifting will help you build muscle. 2. You could go forever. When you are strengthing training, naturally you should feel muscle "fatigue" within 15 repetitions or even less. If you able to do more than 15 reptitions than its time take turn the resistance notch up. 3. You have never increased the weight you lift. -When you start you started off with easy weight lifting, so you should increase lfiting more weight as you get stronger over the time period. 4. The progress has come to a stop. You have stopped seeing your muscles grow stronger, they don't seem like you have gotten any stronger and its too easy, It's time to add more weights.
    Ways to tell if you should be increase the amount of weight your lifting.
Gurkirat S

Should I be increasing weight lifting every time I work out? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      First you should decide that if you want to build muscle, lose fat, increase strength or improve your body in anway.
    • Gurkirat S
      6 Factors of A Perfect Workout Routine. 1. Frequency 2. Weekly Split & Schedule 3. Intensity 4. Volume 5. Exercises. 6. Progression.
Gurkirat S

6 Smart Snacks to Eat After a Workout - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      6 smart foods you should eat after working out: 1. Protein Shake with a Banana. 2.Peanut Butter & Banana on Rice Cakes. 3. Hummus and Pita 4. Yogurt and Fresh Berries. 5,Tuna on Whole Wheat 6.Turkey and Cheese with Apples Slices These foods are healthy, low in fat, high in proteins, and good carbohydrates for you. These smart snacks are simply and easy to make in a flash.
Gurkirat S

What You Eat After Exercise Matters - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      What you eat after working out is a major affect on your body. It will produce a difference in your body metabolism. You should eat after working out but the food your taking in, should not contain fats and sugars.
Gurkirat S

Eating after exercise - - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      It's important not to neglect your protein intake after excerise due to the fact that this will help strengthen muscles. For example, lean meant and hard boiled eggs are both good post-work out foods. You should also beware of the fats and sugars you are intaking. Remember after working out, you should aim to consume less than 15% fat.
Gurkirat S | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      The main point of why you should eat after working out is recovery and storage because you need to recover the losses you undertook during the exercise, and your body is the best in storing your fuel right away after your workout.
    • Gurkirat S
      What to eat after working out, is protein and carbs because proteins provide amino acids which are necessary to rebuild muscle tissue that is damaged during intense and prolonged workouts. And carbs will help you fine on their own.
Paul McCarlie

How to Stay Thin - wikiHow, the free how-to guide - 0 views

  • Moderation. When serving your own meal, it's best to have just enough food on your plate to avoid over-eating.
  • Avoid the munchies. Eating junk food between meals is not good for you.
    • Paul McCarlie
      I am guilty of this
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Balance
  • Variety.
  • Try to limit red meats in your diet (beef and pork) to once or twice a week. Instead, eat chicken, turkey, or fish (not fried!)
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
    • Paul McCarlie
      I don't even eat breakfast
  • keep your body 'thin'.
Gurkirat S

How Hard Should You Exercise? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      How hard you workout, affects the amounts of calories you burn and how much weight you lose. To find out your own ideal exercise intensity, you shoudl consider several factors. First is your heart health, if have a heart disease or have had a stroke in the past its highly recommend you should first of all consult with your doctor before starting a workout. Secondly, is injuries, when being injured you should workout but at a lower intensity. Thirldly, if your goal is to lose fat, than its recommend you workout vigorously to lose the excess fat on your body, which isn't needed or wanted. Last but not least, it's recommended that your workout for 150 minutes per week, at a moderately-intense workout, under the circumstances.
Paul McCarlie

Exercise in the Morning for Better Sleep - 0 views

  • you should exercise in the morning soon after you get up for quality sleep later that night.
  • Insufficient sleep has a detrimental impact on everyday activities.
  • Exercise at 7 AM led to significantly greater improvements in sleep quality compared with exercise at 1 PM or 7 PM
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Based on the findings of this study, exercise early in the morning leads to better sleep.
    talks about morning exercise and sleep
Paul McCarlie

Quick Exercises for the Morning - Military Fitness - - 0 views

  • Here are some ideas for those of you who only have a few minutes a day to exercise
  • 1. Wake up with Crunches
  • - Regular Crunch: 10-20 reps - Just lift shoulder blades off the floor - Reverse Crunch - 10-20 reps - Lift hips off the floor - Double Crunch - 10-20 reps - Lift BOTH hips / shoulders off the floor simultaneously - Left Crunches - 10-20 reps - Take right elbow to the left knee - Right Crunches -10-20 reps - Take left elbow to right knee - Bicycle Crunches - 10-20 reps - Take right/left elbow to left/right knee by bicycling the legs - Plank pose - 30-60 seconds - Stomach stretch - 30 seconds
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 2. Jumping Jacks / Pushups
  • Do 10 jumping jacks / 10 pushups and repeat the non-stop cycle 5-10 times depending on your fitness level. This takes 3-5 minutes if you push all 10 sets.
  • 3. Replace Pushups with Squats
  • If you want to add in a leg workout try replacing pushups with squats above.
  • 4. MJDBs - Multi-Joint Dumbbells Exercises
  • With a set of dumbbells mix in a few exercises into one movement: - Bicep curl, military press, tricep extensions - do 10-15 reps - Squats, bicep curl, military press, tricep extension - do 10-15 reps - Squat thrust, pushup x 5, stand up, bicep curl military press, tricep extension - 5-10 reps
  • 5. CARDIO Option
  • You can skip all the above and just run, bike, walk, elliptical glide, or row for 15-20 minutes or you can add in a quick burst of cardio for the remaining time you have.
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