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Joti P

9 Foods for Fitness - 0 views

  • Taking the right foods will help you in attaining your target fitness and physique.
  • Coffee: Take a cup of coffee before you start to workout.
  • caffeine present in coffee blocks the pain-processing adenosine
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  • you will not stop your workout due to aches.
    • Joti P
      While reading through different articles previously I have found that coffee before working out is something that is highly debated because of it's high caffeine content.
  • Whole wheat Pasta: Carbs are responsible for maintaining the muscle’s glycogen levels.
  • 3 very healthy elements in it namely bran, germ and endosperm
  • Salmon: Salmon is highly rich in omega-3s which helps in bringing down your oxygen demand when exercising.
  • Salmon is packed with various nutrients and has lots of other health benefits.
  • Spinach: This iron rich vegetable has the ability to convert protein into muscles.
  • its high amino acid glutamine content can increase growth hormone levels and levels of protein synthesis,
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • Probiotic Yogurt:
  • helps in improving your digestion.
  • Cherry Juice: Cherry juice reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Ginger:
  • Ginger which is an anti-inflammatory root reduces the muscles pain by 25% when consumed regularly.
  • Cornflakes: Having a cup of cornflakes with skimmed milk will replenish your energy after workout
  • . Beetroot: The perfect stamina booster
  • help you to continue your workout for 16% percent longer duration.
  • high nitrate content.
    I thought it would be a good website to analyze some specific food for question #1 
Joti P

MyPyramid - Food Pyramid - Food Groups and Serving Sizes - 0 views

  • Fruit Group should provide 4 daily servings, or 2 cups.
  • Vegetable Group should provide 5 servings, or 2.5 cups
  • Grain Group should provide 6 ounce-equivalents (1 ounce-equivalent means 1 serving), half of which should be whole grains.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Meat and Beans Group should provide 5.5 ounce-equivalents or servings.
  • Milk Group should provide 3 cups/servings.
  • Oils should provide 24g or 6 teaspoons.
  • Discretionary Calories: The remaining amount of calories in each calorie level after nutrient-dense foods have been chosen. Up to 267 calories could be consumed in solid fats or added sugars if the other requirements were been met.
    Also provides a good description for my first question.
Joti P

Food for fitness training - 0 views

  • Carbohydrate energy Carbohydrates provide your body with energy fuel.
  • Failing to provide your body with quality carbohydrates for your workout will make you quickly feel tired and worn out
  • Avoid processed foods like white rice, white bread and white pasta. Also avoid sugary drinks and foods for the same reason.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Protein is an excellent source of power for your muscles
  • Good sources of protein such as fish, lean meats and poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts and soya will help facilitate muscle growth
  • too much protein is believed to actually harm the body
  • To get the iron you need, eat lean red meats, grains that are fortified with iron and green, leafy vegetables.
    • Joti P
      This articles provides excellent information on the food that is good for you and the food that is bad
    • Joti P
      I actually didn't know about the harmfull effects of too much protein.
  • A low-fat diet is healthy but people who workout need to ensure a supply of good fats.
  • mono-unsaturated fat like extra virgin olive oil, avocados and nuts into your diet.
  • When working out, the most important are calcium, to help build strong bones and prevent fractures, and iron, to oxygenate the blood that feeds the muscles.
  • your body will benefit from a boosted supply while training.
    Provides some good information for my first question 
Aninder S

Being A Vegetarian. Advantages Of Being A Vegetarian?-Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian... - 0 views

  • increased heart health
  • vegetarians also consume more soy milk (often to replace milk), which reduces "bad" cholesterol and has been linked to good heart health.
  • increased skin health
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • vegetarians enjoy is an increased natural consumption of antioxidants.
Aninder S - Meat production's environmental toll - 0 views

  • Between 1950 and 1994, global meat production increased nearly fourfold, rising faster than the human population. During this period, production rates jumped from 18 to 35.4 kilograms per person
  • Overpopulation puts pressure on the earth's resources
  • Each person has needs for food, water, shelter, heating/cooling and transportation. To a large extent domesticated animals have the same needs.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In United States, farm animals outweigh their human brethren by a factor of four to one, effectively making the US "population” balloon from 295 million to 1.2 billion.
  • In Canada, farm animals also outweigh people by a factor of four to one. On a given day there are approximately 14.6 million beef and dairy cattle, 13 million pigs, 8 million turkeys, 96 million chickens, and 30 million people alive in Canada.3
Aninder S

McDonald's Marketing Strategy - 0 views

  • "everyday affordability" message that drives customers to McDonald's restaurants
  • integrated campaigns centered around such initiatives as the Olympics, the Kung Fu Panda film and fresh "I'm Lovin' it" ads
  • We are always looking to tomorrow and how do we get better?"  This type of thinking and marketing philosophy has always kept the fast-food giant in the black.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Each and every day, 47 million consumers worldwide visit McDonald's because they know and love the Golden Arches, Ronald McDonald and Big Mac sandwiches.
    • Aninder S
      It's hard to avoid such a tempting restaurant with so many costumers, open 24 hours a day, affordable food, and added chemicals that make the food tasting delicious and making you want to come back. My sister herself works at McDonalds and finds it quite difficult to resist the temptation of BigMac and fries. Yes McDonald's does provide jobs for many young people like her, but McDonald's does not teach the benefits of healthy living. 
Aninder S

Eat McDonalds Food - The Truth - YouTube - 0 views

    • Aninder S
      I honestly feel disgusted by this video, but I think everyone should watch this. Fries that don't rot after 10 weeks is just disgusting! Every time you get the urge to just grab a quick bite at McDonalds always remember what you saw in this video and make sure you convince yourself to eat something else. 
Aninder S

Meat the Truth - Part 1 of 8 - YouTube - 0 views

    • Aninder S
      WOW! This video is absolutely mind-blowing. At he beginning I did wonder how meat was going to tie into global warming, but it's absolutely appalling to find out that livestock produces more pollution than transport around the world. This video is one of many on youtube, and it shows us how we are all the ones to blame for global warming as well. Our demands for meat have lead to immediate production of "synthesized" meat that may taste juicier to us, but is actually really bad for our health. The decisions we make for our diet affect our health and the environment, so always think twice. 
Aninder S

Is Meat Bad For A Diet? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Cholesterol is a waxy like substance that forms in the blood after eating fat
  • The highest cholesterol levels are found in meat
  • Poultry cooked with the skin left on is tasty and juicy
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  • But the skin is high in saturated fat and should be removed prior to cooking
  • Tenderloin, loin chops or leg tends to be the leaner cuts in lamb and pork
  • One serving of meat equals the size of a deck of cards
    • Aninder S
      This article is fantastic in banishing my concerns about meat in my diet. I always think that meat is a source of great fat but it tastes great. This article acts kind of like a cook book and tells you how should be eating your meat so that it's healthy for you and won't kill you! Also preparing your own meals is a good way to learn some cooking skills, save some money from going to McDonalds, and it's healthy! 
Aninder S

Teen Obesity & Fast Food | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images As more and more teenagers are being classified as over
  • gers are bei
  • teenagers
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • As more and more teenagers are being classified as ov
  • weight and obese, many parents are looking to fast food as a possible cause
  • children and teenagers who are overweight has more than doubled in the past 30 years
  • a trend that seems parallel with the growth of the fast food industry
  • McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder hamburger without fries or a drink can provide 730 calories, 40 grams of fat and 1,330 milligrams of sodium. When combined with a 590-calorie order of French fries and a 1,330-calorie milk shake, it is easy to see how even infrequent visits to fast food restaurants can add to the amount of calories and fat a teenager consumes on a regular basis.
    • Aninder S
      This article is really good in showing the relationship between teen obesity and fast food by using statistics. Not only that but it also tells us how we can control and manage our weight and not get sucked into big corporate business ways, like those of McDonalds. Providing junk at an affordable price. 
Ali C

Creatine & Protein Shakes | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Creatine and protein shakes are commonly used by weightlifters and athletes looking to bulk up or improve their overall physical fitness levels. Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in fish and meat and produced naturally in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Protein shakes are supplements used to fuel the body with protein in an effort to build muscle.
  • Creatine works by supplying the muscles with additional energy during a workout. This can help you increase the intensity of your workouts, although it has been shown to be ineffective for some people, the University of Maryland Medical Center notes. Protein powders are primarily used immediately following a workout to help replenish the body with much-needed proteins lost during an intense lifting session. Muscles are made of protein, considered the building block of all bodily tissues.
  • Contrary to what some people believe, protein supplementation is not necessarily a healthy way to lose weight, cautions Mayo Clinic dietitian Katherine Zeratsky. Meal-replacement shakes that are high in protein cannot replicate or achieve the nutritional value of whole foods. Zeratsky recommends focusing on eating healthy, well-balanced meals and watching your calorie intake to lose weight safely.
    • Ali C
      A website that answered all my questions about creatine and protein shakes. It told me how much I should take, what affects it has, and exactly what is in it.
    • Jason Levitt
      Creatine is a hugely debated topic. Many boys your age feel that they have to supplement their diet to see huge gains in their progress. I am interested to chat with you about your thoughts about creatine.
    • Ali C
      Yeah I would be interested to talk about it Mr. Levitt! I dont know wether I should take it or not, like I take regular protein for now. I just know you must drink alot of water with creatine or you get kidney stones.
Aninder S

5 nutritious habits of the planet's healthiest countries - Page 2 - CNN - 0 views

  • Healthy Habit 2: Savor leisurely dining
  • Healthy Habit 3: Practice portion control
    • Jason Levitt
      One of the keys to a healthy lifestyle; moderation in all that we do!
Joti P

Muscle confusion: The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • “It's changing up your workouts on a very regular basis to make sure that your body doesn't get used to the task
  • doing the same workout over and over, the body's muscles dull to the routine
  • mixing up exercises, sets and reps, muscles become “confused,” forcing them to work harder
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  • There's plenty of science to support muscle confusion's claims, says Matt Heath, a neuroscientist in the school of kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario.
  • It's about the strategy you employ in order to recruit all the different … motor neurons that ultimately go on to fire off and tell the muscle to contract.
  • mixing things up does have one benefit that can't be denied, especially when it comes to the often tedious experience of trying to get in shape. “It doesn't get boring,”
  • Muscle confusion: Hey biceps, you'll never guess what's next
    • Jason Levitt
      Tony Horton - P90X built his entire program on this principle. No plateau and keeps you interested!
    This is a really good article from a relly famous magazine that really emphasises my 8th question.
Ali C

The Benefits Of Glucose When Working Out | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Glucose, which is transported by your bloodstream to organs and tissues after eating carbohydrates, provides an essential source of energy for both your muscles and brain when working out. As energy and glucose needs to increase with exercise, it's important to eat enough carbohydrates in order to fuel your workouts. Having low blood glucose levels during exercise harms performance and can lead to physical and mental fatigue, sometimes resulting in weakness, dizziness and hypoglycemia. Glucose also prevents the body from using protein for energy.
  • When glucose isn't needed for immediate energy, the body stores it as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscle. Glycogen stores are especially important when working out, as the body's energy demands may exceed the amount supplied by glucose in the bloodstream after prolonged exercise or when exercising with insufficient carbohydrate intake. According to Iowa State University, during low-intensity workouts, glycogen stores can be used to increase glucose levels in the bloodstream for as long as 90 minutes -- whereas during high-intensity exercise, glycogen stores provide energy for only about 20 minutes. Active people therefore need to replenish glucose regularly by eating plenty of carbohydrates. However, in less-active people with adequate glycogen stores, additional glucose is stored as fat.
    • Ali C
      Website was pretty good, I wanted to learn more about the effects of sugar intake before a workout, but I did get my answer. Sugar is good for our body, but must be used is a respective amount.
    • Jason Levitt
      All things in moderation! Sugar contains no fat, but has lots of calories. Natural, not refined sugar is the best for you. Important learning taking place here.
Ali C

Body Toning Exercises: Upper Body - 0 views

  • Exercise 1 - Chest and Shoulders Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched to the sides. With your elbows slightly bent, lift your arms above your chest until your hands are almost touching. Return to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 2 - Chest and Shoulders Lie on your back and grasp your weights with the palms of your hands facing up, and your arms outstretched above your head. Grip your weights and bring them over your head and down to your hips, by your sides - a semi-circular motion. Lift back to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 3 - Chest and Back Sitting with your back straight (preferably supported) and legs straight out in front of you, hold your weights in at your chest with your elbows out to the side (parallel to the floor). Push your arms out straight in front of you then pull them back in. Repeat.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Exercise 6 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back Standing with feet slightly apart, grasp your weights and bend at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor. Extend your arms towards the floor with palms facing outwards. Lift your arms out to the side, keeping them straight, until parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 5 - Shoulders and Upper Arms Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms raised straight up above your head, grip your weights with your palms facing behind you. Slowly bring your arms forward and down, without bending at the elbow, until level with your shoulders. Lift back to starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 4 - Back and Shoulders Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your sides, gripping the weights with palms facing outwards. Making sure your movements are slow and concentrated, tense your shoulder and upper back muscles, then slowly "shrug" them up and down.
  • Exercise 7 - Upper Arms, Shoulders and Back Standing with feet slightly apart, position your arms straight down in front of you almost against your body - with your weights almost touching. Bend your elbows and lift your weights towards your chin, bringing your elbows out to the side, in line with your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Exercise 8 - Arms and Chest The classic push up. With your hands shoulder width apart place your palms on the floor. Stretch out your body with either your knees on the floor, or if you're feeling ambitious, your toes - so you are supporting your body weight. Keeping your back straight and using your arms lower yourself gently toward the floor until you are hovering just over it. Push yourself slowly back to your starting position and repeat. Remember - don't lower yourself to the point where you come into contact with the floor, it'll be much harder to push back up.
  • Exercise 9 - Arms In a sitting position with your back straight, relax your arms in line with your body. Grip your weights with your palms facing upwards and curl them up towards your shoulders, then back down again. Repeat. Keep your torso still and back straight, let your arms do the work.
  • Exercise 10 - Forearms Holding your weight with your arm outstretched in front of you, tilt your wrist up and down repeatedly. Try doing this with both an overhand and underhand grip on your weight. Do one arm at a time.
    • Ali C
      really good site, it had everything I wanted. I wanted to learn about tone and how to tone parts of the body and it gave me every inch of detail from chest to arms to forearms.
Ali C

Reps, Sets and Where to Exercise - Choosing Repetitions, Sets and Where to Workout - 0 views

  • How Many Reps/Sets To Do You've figured out the exercises you should be doing, but what about the number of sets and repetitions? Your decision should be based on your goals. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 8-12 reps for muscular strength and 10-15 reps for muscular endurance. They also recommend at least 1 set of each exercise to fatigue although you'll find that most people perform about 2-3 sets of each exercise. In general:
  • For fat loss: 1-3 sets of 10-12 reps using enough weight that you can ONLY complete the desired reps.
  • To gain muscle: 3+ sets of 6-8 reps to fatigue. For beginners, give yourself several weeks of conditioning before going to this level. You may need a spotter for many exercises.
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  • For health and endurance: 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps using enough weight that you can ONLY complete the desired reps.
    • Ali C
      After reading this site, I learned that it is more effective to do things in "sets" and "reps" rather than maxing it out. It works out better for the body and has a better effect on the body.
Ali C

Cardio 101 - Duration - 0 views

  • Split your workouts into smaller workouts throughout the day.
  • Make the time. People who workout don't have more time than people who don't. They've just practiced making exercise a priority. Scheduling your workouts and treating them like any other appointment you wouldn't miss may help you stick to your program.
  • Do all those things you know you should be doing: take the stairs, walk more, stop driving around looking for that front row parking space, etc.
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  • Take a few minutes here and there for some stair-climbing or speed walking.
  • Pay someone to make you exercise. Finding a good personal trainer can make a difference when it comes to motivation and reaching your goals.
  • Do something...anything. If you think 5 minutes isn't enough time to workout, you couldn't be more wrong. Whether it's 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 60 minutes, every single minute counts.
  • Keep in mind that doing too much cardio is a no-no as well and can actually backfire. There is a point of diminishing returns, so keep it reasonable (3-6 days a week, depending on your fitness level), vary your intensityf and don't forget to take rest days when needed.
    • Ali C
      A good site to learn about cardio, and actually taught me that too much cardio isnt good either.
Ali C

Abdominal Exercuses for Men | Core Exercises for Men - 0 views

  • One of the best abdominal exercises for men is the basic crunch. There are a lot of people who figure the regular crunches just do not work but in fact this is one of the best exercises you can do for toning and shaping your stomach. It is all a matter of focusing on your core and squeezing your abdominal muscles as you perform each crunch, to ensure you are working the right muscles.
  • This is one of the most effective abdominal exercises for men, so lets see how you should be doing it. Lie flat on your back, knees bent, and arms folded with your hands behind your head. Concentrate on your core and squeeze your ab muscles, using them to push your torso up until your head is almost at your knees.
  • This is a full crunch and you should include at least fifteen reps in your set, and try to do three sets minimum.
    • Ali C
      Good site to learn about ab exercises and it goes into detail with them.
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  • Another of the best abdominal exercises for men is the lunge. People often assume this exercises focuses only on the legs but that is actually not true. Lunges – and especially when you use dumbbells at the same time – also work the abdominal muscles. Remember to focus on your core and squeeze your abs as you perform each lunge, keeping your abs tight and your back straight.
Ali C

Healthy Diet To Tone & Strengthen Abs | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Oatmeal can help you stave off your hunger and take inches off of your waist. Cravings are caused by a drop in blood sugar. Oatmeal is high in fiber, which will keep you fuller longer and stave off any snack attacks or sugar cravings. Fiber also allows you digestive system to work better, ridding you of any bloating or constipation and leaving you with a firmer midsection.
  • Eggs are full of vitamins and nutrients that burn fat and build muscle. Eggs contain vitamins A, D, E and B12, which the body uses to metabolize fat. They are also a great source of protein, which the body uses to build muscle. A study at Louisiana State University found that those who ate eggs for breakfast daily lost more weight than those who ate bagels, the Quick & Simple website notes.
  • You need fat to lose weight, believe it or not. Monounsaturated fats are a good thing, and you can find them in cooking oils such as olive oil and canola oil. Good fats also help lower your cholesterol and lessen food cravings. Olive oil has also been shown to help prevent Alzheimer's disease, and to help deliver nutrients to the brain. Other foods high in monounsaturated fats include olives, avocados and almonds.
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  • Nuts will help you get the abs you want by keeping you fuller longer. A study at Purdue University showed those who ate nuts felt fuller for longer periods than those who ate rice cakes, Quick & Simple reports. Don't overindulge with nuts, though, because they are high in calories and fat. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also instructs you to avoid salted nuts, because they exceed the agency's recommendations for daily sodium intake.
    • Ali C
      Good site, because I wanted to know what you should do to have healthy abs and toned abs. It gave me a list of things to eat and their effects.
Ali C

Arm exercises for the perfect biceps and triceps - 0 views

  • The concentration curl focuses on the biceps. Excises that focus on the biceps are important for building strong arms.
  • Seated preacher curls The seated preacher curl works the biceps and also strengthens your forearms. This is a great exercise for the biceps since you cannot easily cheat and use other muscle groups to help with the exercise.
  • Standing dumbbell curls This is a good a good exercise for beginners when you start using free weights. An alternate to the standing dumbbell curls is the seated curls. The seated curls will help stabalize your back more proper.
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  • Barbell curls This is one of the most common biceps exercises as well as one of the most effective. This classic biceps exercises is great for building mass inyour biceps.
    • Ali C
      Good website, gives short and specific details on how to workout arms. Although I wanted to learn more about triceps, it was still a good site
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