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yves boisselier

Le Comptoir des Héros - Economie Collaborative | Labyrinthe - 0 views

    Pour la première édition du Comptoir des Héros, l'apéro-débat festif et créatif du magazine Labyrinthe, l'équipe de la rédaction vous propose d'aborder thème de l'Economie Collaborative ! « Crise » et « Mondialisation » sont les mots (ou maux ?) qui auront bercé la génération Y.  Dépassant les constats fatalistes et acrimonieux de ses dirigeants, la génération des « révolutions horizontales » ne cesse de se questionner et d'inventer de nouveaux modèles alternatifs. Pour le moments encore souterrains, certains de ces modèles pourraient pourtant vite se généraliser, tant les réponses qu'ils apportent font preuve de pertinence et d'inégniosité. C'est le cas de l'économie collaborative ! Du crowdfunding à la diffusion gratuite et illimitée des connaissances en passant par la culture du hacking et le partage de biens entre pairs, les principes de l'économie collaborative bousculent l'ordre établi d'une société hautement hiérarchisée et individualiste fondée sur la centralisation du pouvoir, des ressources et des savoirs.
Thanasis Priftis

Mozilla Learning/WebLiteracyStandard/Legacy - 2 views

    A grid from the Mozilla Web Literacies White Paper with the skills, competencies and literacies needed to not only consume but help make the web!
Théo Bondolfi

Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap - MozillaWiki - 0 views

    "Where do you go if you want to get better at your web skills? How do you even know what's important to learn? The Web Literacy Map contains the competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web. The Web Literacy Map is part of Mozilla's ongoing goal to create a generation of webmakers - those who can not only elegantly consume but also write and participate on the web. Read more"
Théo Bondolfi

Open Badges Community - 2 views

    "Hundreds of organizations and individuals have designed and issued Open Badges. They include educators, multinational companies, non-profits, industry alliances, and people interested in professional development."
yves boisselier

Digital Badges: An Annotated Research Bibliography v1 | HASTAC - 1 views

    Digital Badges: An Annotated Research Bibliography selected and annotated by Sheryl Grant and Kristan E. Shawgo and published on HASTAC on February 27, 2013. (Looking for the Badges for Learning Research collection? Click here.) This bibliography has been curated by Sheryl Grant, Director of Social Networking for the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition, and PhD student at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and annotated by Kristan Shawgo, HASTAC Special Projects Manager and Ci-BER Library Liaison, and recent MSLS graduate from SILS at UNC-CH.  Why a Badges Bibliography? Following the  flood of response to the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation's Badges for Lifelong Learning initiative in 2011, and the release of Mozilla's Open Badges Infrastructure, HASTAC decided to assemble this Badges Bibliography v.1 as a humble attempt to organize the universe of knowledge about digital badges. More importantly, we hope this bibliography will come to represent a cross-disciplinary approach that inspires questions, perspectives, and approaches to badges that reflect the inherently collaborative nature of badge systems.
yves boisselier

Flipped learning - 1 views

    What is Flipped Learning? Flipped Learning occurs when direct instruction is moved from the group teaching space to the individual learning environment. Class time is then used for active problem solving by students and one-to-one or small group interactions with the teacher. Students can watch the short lessons as many times as they wish to grasp the content and come to class ready to jump into the lesson, answer questions, work on collaborative projects, and explore the content further. Educators are embracing Flipped Learning in elementary, secondary and higher education in all subjects. More information about the FLN, including board members, staff and contact info can be found in the left nav bar.

About | Open Badges - 0 views

    Get recognition for learning that happens anywhere. Then share it on the places that matter. Opean Badges help you share skills & interests with the world.

Validation des acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) :: HES-SO Haute école spécialisée... - 0 views

    "La HES-SO propose en partenariat avec l'Université de Genève la Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience dans la perspective de la formation tout au long de la vie. En reconnaissant les compétences acquises, dans le cadre d'activités professionnelles et associatives, la VAE permet une dispense partielle d'un programme de bachelor."


    ECVET pilot projects funded under the lifelong learning action programme, other projects relating to the ECVET testing and development exist. These concern the European Qualification Framework (EQF) projects, which offer interesting complementarities with the ECVET pilot projects and the national ECVET projects; as well as projects funded by the LEONARDO programme.

Trends in VET policy in Europe 2010-12 - 0 views

    This report analyses progress towards the short-term deliverables. The synthesis report indicates the overall trends and the progress of Member States. Separately published country fiches, concise information on VET systems, and statistical indicators, to be published in the beginning of 2013, will complement the report and provide further, specific data which will allow policy makers to consider concrete actions for development. 
yves boisselier

ECVET Repository by OI-Net - Open Innovation ERASMUS network - 1 views

    Here a short repository on education and Training topics including: ECVET, EQF, EQARF, ECTS...
    Here a short repository on education and Training topics including: ECVET, EQF, EQARF, ECTS...
Théo Bondolfi

A WIKI OF EU COMMISSION : EUROSTAT !!!! Lifelong learning statistics - Statistics Expla... - 0 views

    "In June 2010, the European Commission presented a ten-year vision for the future of vocational education and training in a Communication titled 'A new impetus for European cooperation in vocational education and training to support the Europe 2020 strategy' (COM(2010) 296 final). In December 2010, in Bruges (Belgium) the priorities for the Copenhagen process for 2011 to 2020 were set, establishing a vision for vocational education and training to be reached by the year 2020: attractive and inclusive VET; high quality initial VET; easily accessible and career-oriented continuing VET; flexible systems of VET based on a learning outcomes approach which cater for the validation of non-formal and informal learning; a European education and training area; substantially increased opportunities for transnational mobility; easily accessible and high-quality lifelong information, guidance and counselling services. Based on this vision a total of 11 strategic objectives were set for the period between 2011 and 2020 as well as 22 short-term deliverables for the first four years. There are a number of initiatives under development to enhance the transparency, recognition and quality of competences and qualifications, facilitating the mobility of learners and workers. These include the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), Europass, the European Credit System for VET (ECVET), and the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET (EQAVET). "
Théo Bondolfi

ECVET MAGAZINE 2013 (quote) - 0 views

    "'Now that we see how ECVET can work, broader national strategies are needed which create a link between all the European transparency instruments'. Carlo Scatoli, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG EAC"
Théo Bondolfi

ECVET ToolBox > Methodologies > Designing units of learning outcomes - 0 views

    A GREAT TOOLBOX TO DESIGN ECVET PROGRAMMES AND VET CREDIT, such as : 1) "ECVET Conversion Manual Project Name/Author: VET-CCS project in Malta Date Posted: 22 October 2013 Description: A Manual for the conversion of qualifications and training courses to ECVET - output of the VET-CCS project in Malta. "
Théo Bondolfi

The ECVET reflector study - 0 views

    "The ECVET reflector study was carried on behalf of the European Commission between December 2005 and February 2007, shortly before the ECVET consultation phase. It is embedded in the general objectives of the European Commission and Parliament on enhancing mobility of apprentices (both young people and adults) within VET. The study mandate was to analyse the relationships between the characteristics of the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET), as proposed by the European Commission in its consultation document, and the existing regulations and practices of assessment, validation and certification as well as accumulation and transfer of learning outcomes in the national VET and qualification systems in Europe. The aims of the study include: Formulating qualified proposals as to how to design ECVET for possible subsequent implementation throughout Europe in accordance with national and regional rules and regulations; Identifying possible needs for support during ECVET implementation and application; Formulating recommendations for further actions at VET stakeholder levels in national and regional contexts."
Théo Bondolfi

Ecvet connexion - Enseignement général - Expertise et audit en éducation - CIEP - 0 views

    A list of 3 eexisting ECVET studies on policies, case sudes, etc..., by : 1. MOVE IT Study of the obstacles to transnational mobility of apprentices and other young persons in initial vocational training and of how these obstacles can be surmounted 2. ECVET REFLECTOR Study on the implementation and development of an ECVET system for apprentices and other young persons in initial vocational training 3. ECVET CONNEXION Study on the feasibility of an ECVET system for apprentices and other young persons in initial vocational training (test phase)
Théo Bondolfi

Case Studies | ECVET Experts UK - 0 views

    "Case Studies We will be showcasing best practice projects who are implementing ECVET on our website. Below is an example case study, available to download as a PDF:"
Théo Bondolfi

APTES : transdisciplinarité et esprit d'entreprise sociale pour booster votre... - 0 views

    "Imaginez une entreprise où différentes professions se côtoient: développement web, comptabilité, traduction, formateur d'adulte ... Tous prospectent et trouvent leurs clients, tous ont leur identité propre. Mais une seule entreprise facture, encaisse, salarie et facilite le partage (de matériel, de savoir-faire, de la clientèle). C'est la formule proposée par APTES pour booster votre carrière sociale et professionnelle. "
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