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The power of a single tweet: the bin Laden case study - 0 views

    A full hour before the formal announcement of Bin-Laden's death, Keith Urbahn posted his speculation on the emergency presidential address. Little did he know that this Tweet would trigger an avalanche of reactions, Retweets and conversations that would beat mainstream media as well as the White House announcement. Keith Urbahn wasn't the first to speculate Bin Laden's death, but he was the one who gained the most trust from the network. Why did this happen?

Critical Thinking as a powerful learning tool - 0 views

    Instead of starting out a project saying "What a great opportunity to try this new technique!", we can ask instead, "Looking at the problem I'm trying to address, have I learned anything in the past that can help me develop the most appropriate solution?"

US Government launches new online hub for digital Literacy - 0 views

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke today announced the launch of a new government initiative aimed at promoting digital literacy resources and collaboration. The federal Digital Literacy Initiative represents a major advance toward implementing the Knight Commission's recommendations for enhancing the information capacity of individuals through new collaborations, public policies and investments in technology. The centerpiece of the initiative is the portal, an online hub for librarians, educators, and other digital literacy practitioners to share content and best practices. It recognizes that Americans cannot compete globally without the skills and understanding to use technology and information effectively.

Twittamentary: a documentary on how we use Twitter - 0 views

    Twittamentary explores how lives meet and affect one another on the fast growing micro-blogging phenomena that is Twitter. Twitter users have contributed stories on a single theme: How Twitter has affected your life and the lives of those around you. What's your Twitter story? The documentary is directed by Singaporean filmmaker and Tweeter, Tan Siok Siok

The NYT social media strategy: 'Don't Be Stupid' - 0 views

    Liz Heron, the social media editor at The New York Times, is refreshingly honest about her paper's policies about Twitter and Facebook. Or lack thereof, as the case may be. "We don't really have any social media guidelines," she told the audience at the BBC's Social Media Summit. "We basically just tell people to use common sense and don't be stupid."

Twitter used to battle British 'superinjunctions' - 0 views

    An anonymous user created a Twitter account, @superinjunction, with the apparent purpose of posting six tweets about the subjects of various injunctions; including actors, a soccer player and a chef. Now, according to Forbes, the Twitter scoop is "forcing British lawmakers to think about whether such a thing is still feasible in the age of social media, and if it is, how to enforce it."

Students overestimate their tech-savvy, study says - 0 views

    When it comes to basic computer applications, even members of the millennial generation may not know as much as they think they do. A study by North Carolina Central University found that most students overestimated their skill levels when they were asked how they perceived their ability to complete certain tasks and then tested on those tasks. Researchers surveyed 171 undergraduates, the majority of whom believed they had either an average or high skill level in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The students were then tested on three different skill levels - basic, moderate, and advanced - in each of those applications. Students correctly perceived their skill level only in PowerPoint, the study said, with 81 percent of students who thought they had at least an average skill level actually performing that way.

Exposure to arts drives innovation, spurs economy - 0 views

    The study found that arts and crafts activities - such as painting, dancing and filmmaking - are closely related to success of the scientists, engineers and other innovators who create new companies and inventions that stimulate the economy. Yet during the past decade Michigan has cut funding for the arts by some 90 percent - from about $25 million in 2002 to $2.3 million this year. In Detroit, officials attempting to balance the budget have proposed large cuts to the city's arts and cultural institutions.

The White House social media survey - 0 views

    We've recently conducted surveys of the White House's Facebook fans and Twitter followers asking for their feedback on our online programs. Between the two surveys, we received thousands of responses and thought we'd share some of the results.

SuperChatter XLVI: A timeline of events vs. tweets for SB46 - 1 views

    Timeline of Super Bowl events and Twitter usage for SB 46, by Colle + McVoy

Minding your digital business: McKinsey Global Survey - McKinsey Quarterly - Business T... - 0 views

    Executives expect that new digital tech will transform their businesses, but admit their companies are far from prepared. (via @McKinsey)

RIP Elinor Ostrom, Distinguished Professor and Nobel Laureate at IU - 0 views

    The entire Indiana University community mourns the passing today of Distinguished Professor Elinor Ostrom, who received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for her groundbreaking research on the ways that people organize themselves to manage resources. Ostrom, 78, died of cancer at 6:40 a.m. today at IU Health Bloomington Hospital surrounded by friends.

Twitterish: How technology remakes language. - 0 views

    ONE HAS LATELY heard much of the hashtag. That is, the Twitter symbol #, used to categorize a tweet. Charlie Sheen's first tweet, for example, was famously: "Winning ..! Choose your Vice... #winning #chooseyourvice." #Winning has gone on to live in irony across the Twitterverse, in mockery of the eternally less-than-winning Sheen. But even President Obama recently urged students to tweet their senators about raising the interest rates on federally subsidized student loans with the hashtag "#DontDoubleMyRate." The new thing, however, is using the word "hashtag" in conversation. Especially if you are under a certain age, you may be catching people saying things like, "I ran into that guy I met-hashtag happy!" or, in response to someone complaining, "My flashlight app isn't working," perhaps you have heard the retort, "Hashtag First World problems!" A college student not long ago reported a favorite witticism to be appending observations with: "Hashtag did that just happen?

Job insecurity is killing us - 0 views

    Humans are pretty good at rolling with short bursts of pressure, but chronic uncertainty throws us for a loop. Anticipating a major stressful event can be worse than the actual occurrence itself, research shows.  When we fear the hatchet will fall, when the future is a fog, when we're paralyzed by powerlessness, we start to flip out. We pile on more work than we can handle. We don't take sick days when we need them. We start fueling up on coffee and cigarettes, and dropping the things that are good for us, like leisure activities and trips to the gym. Under chronic stress, our immune systems start to buckle from "overresponsivity."

Piers Morgan: 'I don't feel bad' for hounding a 21-year-old woman off Twitter - 0 views

    It's an age-old tale: CNN anchor meets girl by harassing her on Twitter; girl refuses to accept anchor's further advances; anchor has a Twitter temper tantrum. On Sunday, Piers Morgan joined thousands of Twitter users in mocking 21-year-old Georgia Ford for tweeting, "'Is Wimbledon always held in London?"

CEOs Afraid Of Going Social Are Doing Shareholders A Massive Disservice (via @Forbes | ... - 0 views

    But if they persist in lagging far behind the general population in social media participation and not delivering value to the shareholders that is there for the taking, they may not be CEOs for much longer.

A Google-a-Day Puzzle: Strengthen your search skills each day. #digitalfluency - 0 views

    Every day, Google run a daily puzzle on Wired GeekDad challenging the geeky masses with a search puzzle. The previous day's answer is posted when the new puzzle is published. 

Baltimore City Fire department clamping down on firefighters' online presence - 0 views

    The Baltimore City Fire Department plans to implement new social media guidelines after Chief James S. Clack said he found that firefighters and officers were "crossing the line" by posting inappropriate or sensitive information online. The social media website Twitter has become a forum for griping about City Hall policies in 140 characters or fewer - the maximum allowed in postings. The new policy comes after fire personnel have written a number of heated, politically charged barbs aimed at the department, Clack, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the City Council over a recent budgetary decision to close three fire companies in the city

Yes, what you say on Twitter actually does matter - 0 views

    Is there a bright line between what you say in "real life" and what you say on social media sites like Twitter? If you are a public figure, a journalist, or an employee at a corporation, do your tweets reflect on your organization or are they merely personal opinions best ignored? Is a tweet "newsworthy" or is it something you say in the privacy of your own internet? Derek Andersen of Startup Grind thinks I'm "clueless" (and apparently every other author at Forbes) because I blogged about a tweet that one of EA's product managers made about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. In the tweet, Kevin O'Leary called the franchise "tired." To me, this was an interesting display of rivalry.

We stand on the shoulders of giants. Here's one: IU's Elinor Ostrom one of Time's Most ... - 0 views

shared by Kevin Makice on 19 Apr 12 - No Cached
    WTIU's Shameka Neely features a report on why Elinor Ostrom's research is pertinent all over the world.
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