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"It's outrageous and a morale killer": Yahoo's crackdown on remote work. - 0 views

    "Courtesy of a plethora of very irked Yahoo employees, here is the internal memo sent to the company about a new rule rolled out today by CEO Marissa Mayer, which requires that Yahoo employees who work remotely to relocate to company facilities. "Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home," reads the memo to employees from HR head Jackie Reses. "We need to be one Yahoo!, and that starts with physically being together." Painfully awkward as this is phrased - I might have used "being present together" - it means every Yahoo get to your desks stat!"

Burger King Twitter account hacked by Anonymous - 0 views

    "At the time of publication, Burger King had not yet reclaimed control over its Twitter account. One Twitter user noted that the Burger King hack may not really be such a bad thing overall as it elevates Burger King into the national conversation, even if it is for a horribly embarrassing incident. Any publicity is good publicity, right?"

Cardinals barred from Twitter as they select the new Pope - 0 views

    "Twitter-using Cardinals are going to have to shutter their devices when they all convene to select a new Pope to replace the outgoing Benedict XVI. The 117 Cardinals who will participate in the upcoming Papal Conclave will be barred from tweeting the moment they sit down to make the decision. Like a sequestered jury, the Cardinals will be prohibited from have access with the outside world - and this of course includes Twitter."

Are the @girlscouts actively discouraging girls from using technology? - 0 views

    "This year, the Girl Scouts also has a program that encourages girls to collect donations for the "I Care" program, which sends Girl Scout Cookies to troops overseas. In the past, girls in Girl Scout troops have typically sold cookies and exchange currency face-to-face. Now, with the mainstream adoption of social media and technology, girls like 11-year-old Emma Vermaak have turned to social media and PayPal to help market and sell cookies, as well as collect these donations. When the Girl Scouts discovered Emma was using PayPal to collect donations for the "I Care" program, the organization initially tweeted her support for doing what "Girl Scouts is all about!" Shortly afterwards, Emma's mom, Kimberly Reynolds, was contacted by Emma's troop's leader, who was told Emma could only take cash. The Girl Scouts then tweeted at Emma the next day (while she was at school), clarifying that they didn't mean to cause confusion by supporting her efforts, explaining "But girls cannot transact the sale (take payment) online. That must happen in person to build oh-so-important people skills.""

Newsjacking the Super Bowl: a good collection of brand use of the Blackout - 0 views

    Thanks to super-fast reactions, at least three brands were able to "newsjack" the power outage that hit the Super Bowl early in the third quarter of today's game. With the Ravens up by a score of 28-6, and a 49ers third-down play just about to begin, the lights inside the stadium went out, causing a somewhat lengthy delay that's still ongoing as I type this. Several brands saw the power outage as a chance to market themselves in clever ways on Twitter, which is no doubt experiencing new, all-time usage levels for a sporting event.

Social media sites can help kids develop identity - 0 views

    "A new study that seeks to understand how new, kid-focused online venues effect adolescence says that social media forums can promote forms of social and identity development. Those skills, the study says, can help encourage civic involvement later in life. "

Michigan Wolverines deny using 'catfishing' on own players - 0 views

    "The University of Michigan athletic department denied claims made Friday morning that it had been creating fake online personas -- also known as "catfishing" -- to lure its own student-athletes into fictitious relationships, following comments made during a speech by Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon."

.@SesameStreet converts book into Twitter storm - 0 views

    Today, the amazing folk behind the Sesame Street twitter account treated us to an updated version of the much beloved story, The Monster at the End of This Book: Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover. The updated version is There Is a MONSTER at the End of This Twitter Conversation. The result, as you will soon see, was something very special, indeed.

When CEOs Tweet: the SEC reaction - 0 views

    "Why the increasing business use of social media by business? Social media offers immense potential for marketing, image-making, advertising, public relations efforts, customer relations, investor relations and a variety of other positive, beneficial activities.  But it also carries potential risks, a caveat perfectly illustrated by the Hastings case. The risks of social media are in some, but not all respects, similar to those of print media.  But not all libel laws apply-issues of malice and negligence have not been definitively decided in the courts. Insider trading issues, however, are clear.  The transmission via social media of insider information about a publicly traded company is illegal. Using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or private blogs to transmit insider information to large numbers of people is a violation of law."

Forcing choice may hamper decision-making - 0 views

    "Managers tend to pick higher-risk options when forced to choose between competing alternatives to complex situations, according to researchers from the University of Guelph and University of Waterloo whose study was published recently in the Journal of Business Ethics. But when they're not forced to choose, managers tend to reflect more and solve problems with fewer negative consequences, says the study."

Gartner Executive Program Survey of More Than 2,000 CIOs Shows Digital Technologies Are... - 0 views

    Over the last 18 months, digital technologies - including mobile, analytics, big data, social and cloud - have reached a tipping point with business executives. Analysts said there is no choice but to increase technology's potential in the enterprise, and this means evolving IT's strategies, priorities and plans beyond tending to the usual concerns as CIOs expect their 2013 IT budgets to be essentially flat for fifth straight year.

Don't Blame Video Games for Real-World Violence (via @Chronicle) - 0 views

    There exists a pool of several hundred studies on media violence. These studies have always been inconsistent, despite some unfortunate claims by some scholars to the contrary. Recent reviews of this research, ranging from the 2001 Department of Health and Human Services report on youth violence through recent reviews of video-game research by the U.S. Supreme Court and the governments of Australia and Sweden, have all concluded that the research is inconsistent and weakened by methodological flaws.

The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck | Mother Jones - 0 views

    "The researchers were trying to find out what effect exposure to such rudeness had on public perceptions of nanotech risks. They found that it wasn't a good one. Rather, it polarized the audience: Those who already thought nanorisks were low tended to become more sure of themselves when exposed to name-calling, while those who thought nanorisks are high were more likely to move in their own favored direction. In other words, it appeared that pushing people's emotional buttons, through derogatory comments, made them double down on their preexisting beliefs."

The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science (via @MotherJones) - 0 views

    "The theory of motivated reasoning builds on a key insight of modern neuroscience (PDF): Reasoning is actually suffused with emotion (or what researchers often call "affect"). Not only are the two inseparable, but our positive or negative feelings about people, things, and ideas arise much more rapidly than our conscious thoughts, in a matter of milliseconds-fast enough to detect with an EEG device, but long before we're aware of it. That shouldn't be surprising: Evolution required us to react very quickly to stimuli in our environment. It's a "basic human survival skill," explains political scientist Arthur Lupia of the University of Michigan. We push threatening information away; we pull friendly information close. We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself. We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself. We're not driven only by emotions, of course-we also reason, deliberate. But reasoning comes later, works slower-and even then, it doesn't take place in an emotional vacuum. Rather, our quick-fire emotions can set us on a course of thinking that's highly biased, especially on topics we care a great deal about."

Tone of comments about science articles shape perception of research - 0 views

    "In their newest study, they show that independent of the content of an article about a new technological development, the tone of comments posted by other readers can make a significant difference in the way new readers feel about the article's subject. The less civil the accompanying comments, the more risk readers attributed to the research described in the news story. "The day of reading a story and then turning the page to read another is over," Scheufele says. "Now each story is surrounded by numbers of Facebook likes and tweets and comments that color the way readers interpret even truly unbiased information. This will produce more and more unintended effects on readers, and unless we understand what those are and even capitalize on them, they will just cause more and more problems." If even some the for-profit media world and advocacy organizations are approaching the digital landscape from a marketing perspective, Brossard and Scheufele argue, scientists need to turn to more empirical communications research and engage in active discussions across disciplines of how to most effectively reach large audiences."

Twitter Lists help monitor Congressional reaction to Fiscal Cliff - 0 views

    The Utility of Twitter Lists As the negotiations progressed, it was helpful to monitor a Twitter list of Congress members in order keep up with their feelings about the proposed deals. After the final votes were cast, a stream of tweets from members came pouring through, providing an instant window into how they voted and why they voted the way they did. (thanks CSPAN)

The 10 skills that get you hired In 2013 - 0 views

    The 10 most critical job skills to parlay in your job search for 2013: Critical thinking, Complex problem solving, Judgment and decision-making, Active listening, Computers and electronics, Mathematics, Operations and systems analysis, Monitoring, Programming, Sales and Marketing

IAA Director Michael Rappa sees a Big Data talent shortage - 0 views

    "The Institute's director, Dr. Michael Rappa, spoke today in Washington, DC with senior IT executives across Federal agencies and state government about the looming talent shortage in Big Data. The panel included Jeff Butler, Director, Research Databases, with the Internal Revenue Service and Micheline Casey, former Chief Data Officer, State of Colorado. This past summer Dr. Rappa served as academic co-chair of TechAmerica Foundation's Big Data Commission, which examined strategies for transforming government through the application of Big Data."

Charities say lack of digital skills could damage fundraising prospects - 0 views

    "Alongside this, we wanted to gauge wider views across the sector into charities' use of digital and how else they think it could help them. So today we're launching the results of our Charity Digital Survey at our sold out Charity Digital Summit, part of our Google funded programme of technology events for charities. Many of the 334 charity sector professionals who responded to the survey view digital as essential to their work, but fear they could miss out on opportunities for fundraising and income generation due to a lack of digital skills."
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