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Kevin Makice

How Twitter Won the Super Bowl - 0 views

    Sorry Packers fans, I gotta break it to you: The real winner of this year's Super Bowl was Twitter, proving again that social media can deliver record audiences. The faceoff between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers marked the biggest Super Bowl since 1987, according to Fox.
Kevin Makice

How JetBlue's Twitter Saved the Day - 0 views

    "On Twitter, a JetBlue rep asked me to Direct Message (DM) them my confirmation number. Once I did, 18 short minutes later they had not only replied via DM that the flight had been re-booked to my new specifications, the confirmation email had already hit my email inbox. In less than 140 characters - easiest flight rebooking ever!"
christian briggs

Social Networks: Cautious Engineers and Collaboration-Focused Suppliers - 0 views

    "Survey results revealed engineers' chief concern to be fear of exposing critical company intellectual property (IP), with 58.5 percent of respondents citing security as their primary hesitation. Loss of productivity was a worry for 40.1 percent of respondents, while 29.3 percent said company policy precluded them from frequenting social networking sites on the job."
Kevin Makice

Why Groupon's Super Bowl Ad Was So Offensive - 0 views

    The joke was intended to be absurd, but the absurdity presumed a lack of seriousness in the whole matter. It was an attempt at post-serious humor - but most people with common sense agree that the struggles of Tibet still deserve respect and seriousness. The joke is on anyone who really cares. It came across as the kind of out-of-touch humor that overprivileged, spiritually mean, advertising industry creatives (specifically, the kind that kids refer to as "douchebags") would come up with.
christian briggs

Who's the Boss, You or Your Gadget? - 0 views

    "GIVEN the widespread adoption of smartphones, text messaging, video calling and social media, today's professionals mean it when they brag about staying connected to work 24/7." Too much connectivity can damage the quality of one's work, says Robert Sutton, author of "Good Boss, Bad Boss" and a professor at Stanford. Because of devices, he says, 'nobody seems to actually pay full attention; everybody is doing a worse job because they are doing more things." Mobile devices and social media, he says, "make us a little more oblivious, a little more incompetent." Just recall those pilots who overshot their destination two years ago because they were using computers, he adds.
christian briggs

Can complexity theory explain Egypt's crisis? - 0 views

    This is worth reading and thinking about on both a governmental and at an organizational level. As elements in a system become more interdependent, and as the speed and scale of financial, informational, contractual, physical transactions between the elements of a system increase, the system can become more prone to big shocks from relatively small disruptions.  If Churchill said in the age of radio that "..A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on" what would he have said about organizations in the age of mobile devices, Twitter and YouTube?
Kevin Makice

Anatomy of a Community Meltdown: Revisiting analysis of 2007 MacSerial Junkie rifts - 0 views

    The MacSerial Community meltdown has some big lessons, particularly in the context of these days of "Web 2.0″ and "user-generated content". It also speaks loudly to the questions raised, debated and debated again in the wake of the events leading to Kathy Sierra's decision to stop blogging. It involves cyberbullying and power plays, and in the best human tradition, reads like a soap opera. But this meltdown is distinctive - it was over two years in the making and involved trusted volunteers. The genesis of the conflict appears to begin two years ago, when two moderators came into conflict with each other. One was ready to strip the other of their mod powers when they withdrew to their own server, voluntarily resigning mod powers. However, the underlying conflict was not resolved and was driven farther underground. The lessons learned for community creators include: Visibly manage volunteers; Stay active and visible in the community; Don't let resentments fester; and, Define community boundaries, communicate them, and enforce the rules.
Kevin Makice

Threat to employers and workforce productivity (UK) - 0 views

    A survey by King's College London and law firm Speechly Bircham reveals that employers are facing a sustained increase in workplace unrest as austerity measures, longer working hours, stress and a genuine skills gap take their toll on the UK workforce.
Kevin Makice

How Al Jazeera uses promoted tweets/trends to get into U.S. - 0 views

    Over the past day, Al Jazeera has pushed the issue with its promoted trend and tweets like this, which reads "Like our coverage from #Egypt? Think we should be shown on US TV? It's time to #DemandAlJazeera" Yesterday, clothing outlet Kenneth Cole tried to leverage the popularity of Egypt-related hashtags in a similar manner, tweeting "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now available online at" Immediately, the company caught a lot of flack for the tweet and shortly after publicly apologized and pulled the tweet. The difference in the two situations, we would think, is that Al Jazeera is trying to leverage the popularity of a specific event to gain entry into a market that has essentially shut it out. The end result might be similar to Kenneth Coles' desired outcome - increased sales - but it would come with the increased spread of information.
Kevin Makice

Massachussetts Legislature Bans Twitter From Office Computers | Techdirt - 0 views

    Copycense points us to the bizarre news that the Massachussetts state legislature has decided to ban Twitter from office computers. While Facebook is still allowed, and officials can still tweet via their mobile phones, it's banned on computers. The Legislative Information Services dept is claiming that it's because Twitter is "vulnerable to viruses," but that's fairly bizarre reasoning. Twitter itself is not prone to viruses. Some users may post links to viruses, but that's true on Facebook as well. Besides blocking all of Twitter seems like a sledgehammer approach.
Kevin Makice

The Impact of Social Media - 0 views

    "Harvard Business Review Analytics Services has released a study on the impact of social media. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, blogs etc. offers organizations the chance to join conversation with millions of customers around the globe every day. But even though social media has great potential, many organizations do not properly integrate social media in their marketing and communication efforts, or only use it as a one-way communication channel instead of listening, analysing, and driving conversations. The survey was conducted among HBR magazine and newsletter subscribers during July 2010. The participating organizations were mainly based in the US and in Asia."
Kevin Makice

Egypt Leaves the Internet - Renesys Blog - 0 views

    "Confirming what a few have reported this evening: in an action unprecedented in Internet history, the Egyptian government appears to have ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the Internet. Critical European-Asian fiber-optic routes through Egypt appear to be unaffected for now. But every Egyptian provider, every business, bank, Internet cafe, website, school, embassy, and government office that relied on the big four Egyptian ISPs for their Internet connectivity is now cut off from the rest of the world. Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt, Etisalat Misr, and all their customers and partners are, for the moment, off the air."
Kevin Makice

Study: Workplace diversity must include buy-in from whites - 0 views

    "Without the support of whites, organizations and educational settings will fail in their attempts to navigate and manage the complexities of diverse work forces and constituencies," said Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, an associate professor of management and organizations at Michigan's Ross School of Business. "In the face of the dramatic projected growth in demographic diversity, such failure could have severe economic, social and political consequences. "Our research reveals that this resistance can have little to do with prejudice. Instead, it can stem from a basic human need to belong."
Kevin Makice

Digital Overload: Your Brain On Gadgets : NPR - 0 views

    The constant stream of information we get through mobile and hand-held devices is changing the way we think. Matt Richtel, a technology writer for The New York Times, explains how the use of digital technology is altering our brains -- and how retreating
Kevin Makice

Spice It Up - 0 views

    Advertising industry information from Adweek. Read inside stories on advertising, creative, and client - agency relationships.
christian briggs

Schumpeter: Logoland | The Economist - 0 views

    Interesting thoughts on heightened consumer reactions to re-branding in the age of "Cognitive Surplus" (Shirky) or "Participatory Culture" (Jenkins)
christian briggs

"Alone Together": An MIT Professor's New Book Urges Us to Unplug | Fast Company - 0 views

    Wired interview with Sherry Turkle about her new book "Alone Together." What she is talking about here (though she does not say it explicitly) is the need for fluency - to know when and why to use digital technology as opposed to just how and what. 
Kevin Makice

Texting generation doesn't share boomers' taste for talk - 0 views

    Jane Beard and Jeffrey Davis didn't realize how little they speak to their children by phone until they called AT&T to switch plans. The customer service agent was breathless. The Silver Spring couple had accumulated 28,700 unused minutes.
Kevin Makice

Companies using social media are making more money, says McKinsey | The Wall Blog - 0 views

    Interesting research from McKinsey suggests that companies using social media or "collaborative Web 2.0 technologies" are achievingt higher profits. Read more:
christian briggs

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Winona Ryder (1/10/11) - Video - - 0 views

    Winona Ryder claims that she is afraid of the Internet. While she may be partially joking about her fear that by using Google she may end up accidentally becoming part of Al Qaeda, it is an interesting example of how people's mental models can get in the way of developing digital fluency.
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