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Nathan Goodyear

Estimation of risk of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient red cells to ozone an... - 0 views

    ozone and G6PD risk
Nathan Goodyear

Rare Occurrence of 3 "H": Hypercalcemia, Hemolytic Anemia and Hodgkin's Lymphoma - 0 views

  • administered zoledronic acid (4 mg). Prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day) was started and simultaneously, she was administered first cycle of ABVD (Adriamycin: 25 mg/m2, Bleomycin: 10 U/m2, Vinblastine: 6 mg/m2 and Dacarbazine: 375 mg/m2), which led to normalisation of serum calcium levels over 4 days and improvement in her hemoglobin levels
  • Etiology of anemia in Hodgkin’s lymphoma is multifactorial. Anemia of chronic disease, decreased red cell survival, infiltration of bone marrow by tumor and marrow suppression by chemotherapy/radiotherapy are the common mechanisms
  • Our case had only a transient response to steroids and chemotherapy. Therefore, she was treated with Rituximab which brought hemolysis under control
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  • Hypercalcemia in HL is rare and its incidence has been reported as 0.9, 1.6 and 5.4 % in different series
  • Hypercalcemia of malignancy involves three mechanisms: 1. Humoral hypercalcemia mediated by PTHrP—seen in solid tumors like breast cancer and adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), 2. Direct osteoclast mediated bone resorption due to bony metastasis—seen in solid tumors and multiple myeloma, 3. Calcitriol mediated hypercalcemia—seen in Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as well as granulomatous disorders like tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, leprosy and disseminated Candidiasis
  • Mechanism of hypercalcemia in HL has long been suggested to involve extra-renal activation of 1α-hydroxylase leading to production of 1, 25(OD)2 Vitamin D3 or Calcitriol, an active metabolite of Vitamin D, which leads to increased re-absorption of calcium and phosphate from intestine, increased osteoclast activation and bone resorption as well as increased phosphate re-absorption in renal tubules
  • The source of 1α-hydroxylase in HL has been postulated as monocytes and macrophages infiltrating the tumor akin to tuberculosis or sarcoidosis and is stimulated by IFN-γ secreted by T-lymphocytes
  • Like sarcoidosis, patients with HL exhibit increased sensitivity to Vitamin D supplements and sunlight, which have been found to precipitate hypercalcemia in these patients
  • Classical biochemical profile in Calcitriol mediated hypercalcemia include: an elevated calcium, normal/slightly elevated phosphate, normal 25(OH) Vitamin D, suppressed PTHrP and PTH, elevated Calcitriol and a normal/increased tubular reabsorption of phosphate
  • not been associated with a poorer prognosis and tends to subside after treatment of the underlying disease
    great read on hypercalcemia in hodgkin's lymphoma.
Nathan Goodyear

Inborn-like errors of metabolism are determinants of breast cancer risk, clinical respo... - 0 views

  • We now recognize that human cancers evolve in an environment of metabolic stress. Rapidly proliferating tumor cells deprived of adequate oxygen, nutrients, hormones and growth factors up-regulate pathways that address these deficiencies to overcome hypoxia (HIF), vascular insufficiency (VEGF), growth factor deprivation (EGFR, HER2) and the loss of hormonal support (ER, PR, AR) all to enhance survival and proliferation
  • RAS, PI3K, TP53 and MYC
  • The results suggest that breast cancer could be preceded by systemic subclinical disturbances in glucose-insulin homeostasis characterized by mild, likely asymptomatic, IEM-like biochemical changes
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  • The process would include variable periods of hyperinsulinemia with the consequent systemic MYC activation of glycolysis, glutaminolysis, structural lipidogenesis and further exacerbation of hypoglycemia, the result of MYC's known role as an inhibitor of liver gluconeogenesis
  • The metabolic changes we describe in breast cancer arise in concert with IEM-like changes in oxidative phosphorylation as detected by increased values of the ratio lactate/pyruvate (Supplementary Table 2A, 2B) characteristic of Ox/Phos deficiency [25]. In our study, 76% (70/92) of the European breast cancer patients had lactate/pyruvate ratios values higher than the normal value of 25.8
  • four-fold higher frequency of cancer (including breast) in patients with energy metabolism disorders
  • growing recognition that cancer cells differ from their normal counterparts in their use of nutrients, synthesis of biomolecules and generation of energy
  • glutamine concentrations in the cancer patients were reduced to nearly 1/8 of the levels observed in the normal population
  • blood concentrations of aspartate (p = 1.7e-67, FDR = 8.3e-67) (Figure ​(Figure1E)1E) and glutamate (p = 6.4e-96, FDR = 6.2e-95) (Figure ​(Figure1F)1F) were nearly 10 fold higher than the normal ranges of 0–5 μM/L and 40 μM/L, respectively
  • glutamine consumption associated with parallel increases in glutamate and aspartate (Figure ​(Figure1A1A red arrows) is considered a hallmark of MYC-driven “glutaminolysis”
  • Gln/Glu ratio inversely correlates with i- late stage metabolic syndrome and with ii- increased chance of death
  • changes in glutamine consumption, reflected by the Gln/Glu ratio could provide a metabolic link between breast cancer initiation and diabetes, reflective of a systemic metabolic reprogramming from glucose to glutamine as the preferred source of precursors for biosynthetic reactions and cellular energy
  • lower Gln/Glu ratios inversely correlated with insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes
  • the metabolic dependencies of cancer characterized by excessive glycolysis, glutaminolysis and malignant lipidogenesis, previously considered a consequence of local tumor DNA aberration [23] could, instead, represent a systemic biochemical aberration that predates and very likely promotes tumorigenesis
  • these metabolic disturbances would be expected to remain extant after therapeutic interventions
  • accumulation of very long chain acylcarnitines such as C14:1-OH (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C16 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C18 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0) and C18:1 (p = 1.73e-322, FDR = 1.16-321) and lipids containing VLCFA (lysoPC a C28:0) (p = 1.14-e95, FDR = 1.65e-95) in the blood of breast and colon cancer patients
  • Among the most powerful metabolic equations for MYC-activation is that which links the widely used MYC-driven desaturation marker ratio of SFA/MUFA to the MYC glutaminolysis-associated ratio of (Asp/Gln)
  • liver dysfunction shares many features with both IEM and cancer suggesting a role for hepatic dysfunction in carcinogenesis
  • cancer “conscripts” the human genome to meet its needs under conditions of systemic metabolic stress
    Breast cancer is a metabolic disease.  Now, where have I heard that cancer is a metabolic disease?
Nathan Goodyear

Pharmacological Ascorbate Radiosensitizes Pancreatic Cancer - 0 views

  • Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that pharmacological ascorbate is cytotoxic to pancreatic cancer cells while normal cells are resistant
  • Ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity is mediated by the formation of H2O2 during the oxidation of ascorbate
  • the combination of IR + ascorbate increased the concentration of intracellular H2O2
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  • Under steady-state conditions, intracellular GSH is maintained at millimolar concentrations, which keeps cells in a reduced environment and serves as the principal intracellular redox buffer when cells are subjected to an oxidative stressor including H2O2 (26). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity catalyzes the reduction of H2O2 to water with the conversion of GSH to glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Under steady-state conditions, GSSG is recycled back to GSH by glutathione disulfide reductase using reducing equivalents from NADPH. However, under conditions of increased H2O2 flux, this recycling mechanism may become overwhelmed leading to a depletion of intracellular GSH (27, 28).
  • ascorbate radiosensitization can create an overwhelming oxidative stress to pancreatic cancer cells resulting in oxidation/depletion of the GSH intracellular redox buffer, resulting in cell death.
  • Treatment with the combination of ascorbate + IR significantly delayed tumor growth compared to controls or ascorbate alone
  • Ascorbate + IR also significantly increased overall survival compared to controls, IR alone or ascorbate alone
  • 54% of mice treated with the combination of IR + ascorbate had no measurable tumors
  • Glutathione is a measurable marker indicative of the oxidation state of the thiol redox buffer in cells. In severe systemic oxidative stress, the GSSG/2GSH couple may become oxidized, i.e. the concentration of GSH decreases and GSSG may increase because the capacity to recycle GSSG to GSH becomes rate-limiting
  • This suggests that the very high levels of pharmacological ascorbate in these experiments may have a pro-oxidant toward red blood cells as seen by a decrease in the capacity of the intracellular redox buffer
  • These data support the hypothesis that ascorbate radiosensitization does not cause an increase in oxidative damage from lipid-derived aldehydes to other organs.
  • Our current study demonstrates the potential for pharmacological ascorbate as a radiosensitizer in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
  • pharmacological ascorbate enhances IR-induced cell killing and DNA fragmentation leading to induction of apoptosis in HL60 leukemia cells
  • pharmacological ascorbate significantly decreases clonogenic survival and inhibits the growth of all pancreatic cancer cell lines as a single agent, as well as sensitizes cancer cells to IR
  • Hurst et al. demonstrated that pharmacological ascorbate combined with IR leads to increased numbers of double-strand DNA breaks and cell cycle arrest when compared to either treatment alone
  • pharmacological ascorbate could serve as a “pro-drug” for the delivery of H2O2 to tumors
  • the double-strand breaks induced by H2O2 were more slowly repaired
  • The combination of ascorbate and IR provide two distinct mechanisms of action: ascorbate-induced toxicity due to extracellular production of H2O2 that then diffuses into cells and causes damage to DNA, protein, and lipids; and radiation-induced toxicity as a result of ROS-induced damage to DNA. In addition, redox metal metals like Fe2+ may play an important role in ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity. By catalyzing the oxidation of ascorbate, labile iron can enhance the rate of formation of H2O2; labile iron can also react with H2O2. Recently our group has demonstrated that pharmacological ascorbate and IR increase the labile iron in tumor homogenates from this murine model of pancreatic cancer
  • we demonstrated that ascorbate or IR alone decreased tumor growth, but the combination treatment further inhibited tumor growth, indicating that pharmacological ascorbate is an effective radiosensitizer in vivo
  • data suggest that pharmacological ascorbate may protect the gut locally by decreasing IR-induced damage to the crypt cells, and systemically, by ameliorating increases in TNF-α
    IV vitamin C effective as radiosensitizer in pancreatic cancer.

Flu Symptoms And Home Remedies | Health Blog - 0 views

    In this article we covered Flu Symptoms And Home Remedies. Influenza is a common respiratory illness that affects people from all age groups. Flu symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, catarrh, and headache. Home remedies for flu are being used for centuries and have proven to be effective.
    Influenza is a highly contagious, respiratory illness that affects people from all age groups and geographic backgrounds. In temperate regions, it occurs mostly in the winter months. There is no clear seasonal pattern in tropical climates. It varies in its severity from person to person. Sometimes, it presents as a mild, temporary infection. Other times, it can cause complications like red urine and ultimately lead to death. Influenza causes approximately 375,000 deaths worldwide each year.
Nathan Goodyear

Broad targeting of angiogenesis for cancer prevention and therapy - 0 views

  • vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), interleukin-8 (IL-8), placental growth factor (PlGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), angiopoietins (Angs) and others (reviewed in [4])
  • The switch may also involve down-regulation of endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis such as endostatin, angiostatin or thrombospondin (reviewed in [5]) and has thus been regarded as the result of tipping the net balance between positive and negative regulators
  • There is a complex interrelationship between tumor hypoxia and tumor angiogenesis
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  • chronic hypoxia
  • acute hypoxia
  • Environmental stress as a result of low oxygen and proper nutrient deprivation, such as glucose deprivation, are capable of inducing VEGF mRNA stabilization resulting in increased levels of the secreted ligand and angiogenic growth
  • HIFalpha subunits accumulate in the cytoplasm where they bind HIFbeta to form a heterodimer that subsequently translocates to the nucleus to activate transcription of target genes, including genes important for various processes such as metabolism (glucose transporter (GLUT)-1, hexokinase (HK)-1), cell growth (cyclin (CCN)-D1 [23]) and also angiogenesis, such as erythropoietin, VEGF and PDGF [24] (summarized in Fig. 1)
  • When oxygen levels are low (hypoxia; red arrow) PHDs cannot hydroxylate HIFalphas thereby allowing them to escape pVHL-mediated degradation. HIFalpha subunits accumulate and bind to their heterodimeric partner, HIFbeta, translocate into the nucleus and activate a cascade of hypoxic signaling first by the transcription of various target genes including microRNAs that are important for tumor promoting pathways
  • c-Src is also capable of activating HIFs by indirectly inhibiting PHD activity via the NADPH oxidase/Rac pathway.
  • mTOR can also promote stabilization and HIF transcriptional activity
  • hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), heterodimeric transcription factors composed from alpha and beta subunits, which can be rapidly stabilized to fluidly adapt to and overcome the effects of a hypoxic environment
  • Curcumin inhibits the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3, and the kinase activity of Src and FAK, which are responsible for the induction of angiogenic genes as well as endothelial cell polarity and migration
  • Curcumin also reduces the MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression, along with the suppression of growth and invasion potential of tumor cells in culture and xenograft experiments
  • The expression of angiogenic biomarkers COX-2 and serum levels of VEGF were significantly reduced in the curcumin-treated group
  • Resveratrol inhibits capillary endothelial cell growth and new blood vessel growth in animals
  • interrupting cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis
  • [155] and impeding angiogenesis by suppressing VEGF expression through down-regulation of HIF-1alpha
  • resveratrol was reported to inhibit cell proliferation of human ovarian cancer cells and human osteosarcoma cells by attenuating HIF-1alpha
  • prevents cytokine-induced vascular leakage and tumor metastasis
  • The underlying molecular mechanisms include: blocking VEGF- and FGF-receptor-mediated MAPK activation, inhibiting Akt- and MAPK-driven HIF-1alpha basal expression and its induction by IGF-1, stimulating the proteasomal degradation of HIF-1alpha, inhibiting phosphatidyl inositol (PI)-3K/Akt and Ras/mitogen/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK)/ERK pathways, and activation of forkhead box (FOX)O transcription factors
    natural compounds to attach cancer explained.
Nathan Goodyear

Prognostic value of RDW in cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis - 0 views

    Elevated RDW associated with poor outcomes and poor prognosis in patients with cancer.

Pimples In The Penis - What Is The Cause? - 1 views

    The penis gets pimples, white or red items make men worried because they don't know the cause. In most of the causes of penile acne, the group of causes of sexually transmitted diseases is the most dangerous. Genital skin is very sensitive, especially in the penis. Only a small change can cause abnormal symptoms such as tumors, irritation, irritation and discomfort. Men need to understand the reasons for effective prevention and treatment. Group of allergy causes: Men with acne in the penis due to local allergies, for example, the penis skin has been exposed to "strange" substances from poor quality condoms. In addition, wearing underwear that is too tight, fabric material is not guaranteed or new clothes bought without washing well and many dust and dirt also cause irritation and penile pimples. Eating allergenic foods can also irritate the skin and, if unfortunately, the skin is as delicate as the "genital area".
Nathan Goodyear

The Risk of Fluoroquinolone-induced Tendinopathy and Tendon Rupture - 0 views

  • Achilles tendinitis or rupture is among the most serious side effects associated with FQ use
  • The large body of data provided by clinical reports, histopathological examination, and experimental studies provides cogent evidence supporting a direct link between FQ use and tendonitis/tendon rupture
  • Risk factors associated with FQ-induced tendon disorders include age greater than 60 years, corticosteroid therapy, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, and a history of musculoskeletal disorders
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  • The average age of FQ-induced tendinopathy is 64 years, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1, and a 27-percent incidence of bilateral involvement
  • Although more than 95 percent of cases of tendinitis/rupture secondary to FQ involve the Achilles tendon, other reported sites of tendon involvement include the quadriceps, peroneus brevis, and rotator cuff
  • FQs demonstrate a 3.8-fold greater risk for development of Achilles tendinitis/rupture
  • a large population-based case control analysis, patients treated with FQs exhibited a substantially increased risk of developing tendon disorders overall (1.7-fold), tendon rupture (1.3-fold), and ATR (4.1-fold)
  • patients taking FQs with concurrent exposure to corticosteroids were found to experience a compounding effect on the risk of tendon rupture, specifically a 46-fold greater predisposition
  • Some authors have recommended that patients with a history of Achilles tendinitis and advanced age should not be prescribed FQ antibiotics
  • Approximately 50 percent of patients will recover within 30 days, with 25 percent of patients having symptoms persistent for longer than two months
  • Approximately 85 percent of patients present in less than one month
  • The exact pathophysiology of FQ-induced tendinopathy remains elusive
  • it is possible that FQs have a direct cytotoxic effect on enzymes found in mammalian musculoskeletal tissue
  • It has been theorized that FQs disproportionately affect human tendons that have a limited capacity for repair, such as in older patients or structural compromise (i.e., pre-existing tendinopathy or trauma)
  • histopathological findings are similar to those observed in overuse conditions in athletes
  • Treatment with a FQ should be discontinued and physical therapy initiated
  • treatment should include rest and decreasing the physical load on the tendon.
  • The mean latency period between the start of FQ treatment and occurrence of tendinopathy has been reported to be a few hours to months, with a median onset of 6 days
  • Because rupture can occur even late in the course of treatment or after discontinuation of FQ use, patients receiving a FQ should be counseled to seek medical attention immediately if symptoms, such as redness, pain, swelling, and stiffness, develop
  • FQs should be used cautiously in patients with risk factors associated with tendinitis, such as advanced age, history of tendon rupture, corticosteroid use, and/or acute or chronic renal dysfunction
    Great review of the link between flouroquinolones and Tendinitis and Tendon rupture.  Yes, there is a direct link.
Nathan Goodyear

Late Disseminated Lyme Disease: Associated Pathology and Spirochete Persistence Post-Tr... - 0 views

  • In this study, we have demonstrated microscopic pathology ranging from minimal to moderate in multiple different tissues previously reported to be involved with LD, including the nervous system (central and peripheral), heart, skeletal muscle, joint-associated tissues, and urinary bladder 12 to 13 months following tick-inoculation of rhesus macaques by Bb strain B31
  • Based on histomorphology, inflammation consisted predominantly of lymphocytes and plasma cells, with rare scattered histiocytes
  • in rare instances, morphologically intact spirochetes were observed in inflamed brain and heart tissue sections from doxycycline-treated animals
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  • colocalization of the Bb 23S rRNA probe was not observed in any of the sections of experimental inoculated animals shown to harbor rare persistent spirochetes (Supplemental Figure S1). Previous in vitro work has shown large decreases in Bb rRNA levels when in a stationary phase of growth despite the majority of spirochetes remaining viable
  • The possibility that the spirochetes were intact but dead also exists, though this may be unlikely given the precedence for viable but non-cultivable B. burgdorferi post-treatment
  • The doxycycline dose utilized in this study (5mg/kg) was based on a previous pharmacokinetic analysis of oral doxycycline in rhesus macaques proven to be comparable to levels achieved in humans and was meant to mimic treatment of disseminated LD
  • In addition to the brain of two treated animals, rare morphologically intact spirochetes immunoreactive to OspA were observed in the heart of one treated animal
  • Although we did not measure the doxycycline levels in the cerebrospinal fluid, they have been found to be 12% to 15% of the amount measured in serum
  • We and others have demonstrated the development of a drug-tolerant persister population when B. burgdorferi are treated with antibiotics in vitro
  • The adoption of a dormant or slow-growing phenotype likely allows the spirochetes to survive and re-grow following removal of antibiotic
  • The basic premise that antibiotic tolerance may be an adaptation of the sophisticated stringent response required for the enzootic cycle by the spirochetes is described in a recent review as well
  • Although current IDSA guidelines recommend intravenous ceftriaxone (2g daily for 30 days) over oral doxycycline for treatment of neuroborreliosis, a randomized clinical trial failed to show any enhanced efficacy of I.V. penicillin G to oral doxycycline for treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis (no treatment failures were reported in this study of 54 patients).
  • we can speculate that the minimal to moderate inflammation that was observed, especially within the CNS and PNS can, in part, explain the breadth of symptoms experienced by late stage Lyme disease patients, such as cognitive impairment and neuralgia.
  • Erythema migrans, the clinical hallmark of early localized Lyme disease, was observed in one of the rhesus macaques from this study.
  • In 2014, a trailblazing study in mice demonstrated a dramatic decline in B. burgdorferi DNA in the tissues for up to eight months after antibiotic treatment followed by the resurgence of B. burgdorferi growth 12 months after treatment
  • This study provides evidence that the slow-growing spirochetes which persist after treatment, but are not cultivable in standard growth media may remain viable.
  • The first well-documented indication of Lyme disease (LD) in the United States occurred in the early 1970s
  • Lyme, Connecticut.
  • Lyme disease is now known to be caused by multiple closely related genospecies classified within the Bb sensu lato complex, representing the most common tick-borne human disease in the Northern Hemisphere
  • approximately 30,000 physician-reported cases occur annually in the United States, the annual incidence has been estimated to be 10-fold higher by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.6
  • Current antibiotic therapy guidelines outlined by the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) are successful in the treatment of LD for the majority of LD patients, especially when administered early in disease immediately following identification of erythema migrans (EM)
  • ‘post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome’ (PTLDS)
  • host-adapted spirochetes that persist in the tissues, probably in small numbers, inaccessible or impervious to antibiotic
  • inflammatory responses to residual antigens from dead organisms
  • residual tissue damage following pathogen clearance;
  • autoimmune responses, possibly elicited by antigenic mimicry
  • Experimental studies on immunocompetent mice, dogs, and rhesus macaques have provided evidence for the persistence of Bb spirochetes subsequent to antibiotic treatment in the form of residual spirochetes detected within tissue by IFA and PCR, and recovered by xenodiagnoses
  • Ten male rhesus macaques
  • half (five) of the NHP received antibiotic treatment, consisting of 5 mg/kg oral doxycycline twice per day.
  • Minimal and focal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
  • inflammation was observed in the leptomeninges overlying a section of temporal cerebral cortex
  • Minimal localized lymphoplasmacytic choroiditis
  • Peripheral nerves contained minimal to moderate lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with a predilection for collagen-rich epineurium and perivascular spaces
  • Inflammation was observed in 56% (5/9) of the NHPs irrespective of treatment group
  • For all animals, inflammation was reserved to perineural tissue
  • The treatment lasted 28 days
  • Minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation of either the myocardial interstitium (Figure 2Figure 2A), pericardium (Figure 2Figure 2B), or combination therein was observed in 60% of NHPs
  • A single morphologically intact spirochete, as indicated by positive red immunofluorescence (Figure 2Figure 2C), was observed in the myocardium of one treated animal
  • mild, multifocal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was observed in one doxycycline-treated animal
  • three animals exhibited minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation affecting joint-associated structures
  • 10% to -20% of human patients treated
  • Multiple randomized placebo-controlled studies which evaluated sustained antimicrobial therapy concluded that there is no benefit in alleviating patients’ symptoms and indicated that long-term antibiotic therapy may even be detrimental to patients due to potential associated complications (ie, catheter infection and/or clostridial colitis)
  • and the rapid clearance of dead spirochetes in a murine model
  • higher doses may be needed to combat neuroborreliosis
    persistent borrelia burgdorferia were found in the brain (2) and the heart (1) up to 13 months post standard antibiotic treatment suggesting borrelia burdorferia, the cause of Lyme, can persist in a chronic, persistant state poste acute treatment.

Photography Tips For Couple - Candid Wedding Photographers in Banglore Hydrabad - 0 views

    Are you imagining yourself with your partner in a beautiful portrait? Do you want to capture your romantic moments with your beloved in the most amazing locations? No worry! Get photographed like this amorous couple. Get some bonus tips from Yellow red photographers' team of Wedding photography Bangalore expertise in a couple photoshoot.
fitspresso - 0 views

    Sight Care | Official Site · by Sight Care Sight Care Only $49/Bottle Limited Time Offer! Sight Care Special Deal + Special 67% Discount Save $600 + 180 Days Money Back Guarantee #1.The Sight Care vision supplement is a dietary supplement for helping you improve your vision and brain health. Sight Care eye supplements are formulated to provide a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that are essential for maintaining healthy vision Regular Price: 147/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle What Is Sight Care? This powerful vision support supplement is made with a unique blend of natural ingredients and plant extracts that work together synergistically to deliver numerous benefits for your brain and eye health. With Sight Care, you can expect to experience increased energy levels, improved eyesight, and an overall revitalized sense of well-being. Taking care of your vision health is not just about seeing clearly; it's also about maintaining your overall brain health. As we age, our vision deteriorates, and our eyes and brain can experience a decline in function, but there are steps you can take to support your visual and cognitive health. Regular eye exams are crucial for detecting and treating vision problems early on, and making healthy choices such as eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly can also help. However, with busy schedules, it can be difficult to find the time to devote to a healthy lifestyle. This is where the Sight Care supplement comes in. It's designed to support both vision and brain health with its blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to promote healthy vision and cognitive function You must not compromise your eye health for momentary exhilaration. If you are glued to digital screens day and night, you must take measures to prevent eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration. The SightCare vision supplement has been made using 100% natura
Nathan Goodyear

The distribution of ascorbic acid between various cellular components of blood, in norm... - 0 views

    vitamin C has been documented to concentrate 80-fold (8,000%) above plasma levels.
Nathan Goodyear

High-Dose Vitamin C for Cancer Therapy - PMC - 0 views

  • diabetes [8], atherosclerosis [9], the common cold [10], cataracts [11], glaucoma [12], macular degeneration [13], stroke [14], heart disease [15], COVID-19 [16], and cancer.
  • 1–5% of the Vit-C inside the human cells
  • interaction between Fe(II) and H2O2 produces OH− through the Fenton reaction
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  • metabolic activity, oxygen transport, and DNA synthesis
  • Iron is found in the human body in the form of haemoglobin in red blood cells and growing erythroid cells.
  • macrophages contain considerable quantities of iron
  • iron is taken up by the majority of cells in the form of a transferrin (Tf)-Fe(III) complex that binds to the cell surface receptor transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)
  • excess iron is retained in the liver cells
  • the endosomal six transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 3 (STEAP3) reduces Fe(III) (ferric ion) to Fe(II) (ferrous ion), which is subsequently transferred across the endosomal membrane by divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)
  • labile iron pool (LIP)
  • LIP is toxic to the cells owing to the production of massive amounts of ROS.
  • DHA is quickly converted to Vit-C within the cell, by interacting with reduced glutathione (GSH) [45,46,47]. NADPH then recycles the oxidized glutathione (glutathione disulfide (GSSG)) and converts it back into GSH
  • Fe(II) catalyzes the formation of OH• and OH− during the interaction between H2O2 and O2•− (Haber–Weiss reaction)
  • Ascorbate can efficiently reduce free iron, thus recycling the cellular Fe(II)/Fe(III) to produce more OH• from H2O2 than can be generated during the Fenton reaction, which ultimately leads to lipid, protein, and DNA oxidation
  • Vit-C-stimulated iron absorption
  • reduce cellular iron efflux
  • high-dose Vit-C may elevate cellular LIP concentrations
  • ascorbate enhanced cancer cell LIP specifically by generating H2O2
  • Vit-C produces H2O2 extracellularly, which in turn inhibits tumor cells immediately
  • tumor cells have a need for readily available Fe(II) to survive and proliferate.
  • Tf has been recognized to sequester most labile Fe(II) in vivo
  • Asc•− and H2O2 were generated in vivo upon i.v Vit-C administration of around 0.5 g/kg of body weight and that the generation was Vit-C-dose reliant
  • free irons, especially Fe(II), increase Vit-C autoxidation, leading to H2O2 production
  • iron metabolism is altered in malignancies
  • increase in the expression of various iron-intake pathways or the downregulation of iron exporter proteins and storage pathways
  • Fe(II) ion in breast cancer cells is almost double that in normal breast tissues
  • macrophages in the cancer microenvironment have been revealed to increase iron shedding
  • Advanced breast tumor patients had substantially greater Fe(II) levels in their blood than the control groups without the disease
  • increased the amount of LIP inside the cells through transferrin receptor (TfR)
  • Warburg effect, or metabolic reprogramming,
  • Warburg effect is aided by KRAS or BRAF mutations
  • Vit-C is supplied, it oxidizes to DHA, and then is readily transported by GLUT-1 in mutant cells of KRAS or BRAF competing with glucose [46]. DHA is quickly converted into ascorbate inside the cell by NADPH and GSH [46,107]. This decrease reduces the concentration of cytosolic antioxidants and raises the intracellular ROS amounts
  • increased ROS inactivates glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
  • ROS activates poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which depletes NAD+ (a critical co-factor of GAPDH); thus, further reducing the GAPDH associated with a multifaceted metabolic rewiring
  • Hindering GAPDH can result in an “energy crisis”, due to the decrease in ATP production
  • high-dose Vit-C recruited metabolites and increased the enzymatic activity in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), blocked the tri-carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and increased oxygen uptake, disrupting the intracellular metabolic balance and resulting in irreversible cell death, due to an energy crisis
  • mega-dose Vit-C influences energy metabolism by producing tremendous amounts of H2O2
  • Due to its great volatility at neutral pH [76], bolus therapy with mega-dose DHA has only transitory effects on tumor cells, both in vitro and in vivo.
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