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Nathan Goodyear

EHP - Sulfated Metabolites of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Are High-Affinity Ligands for t... - 0 views

    Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) shown to disrupt thyroid hormone function through disruption of the transthyretin binding sites.  Not only is it a xenoestrogen, but it disrupts thyroid function too.
Nathan Goodyear

Comprehensive study of urinary cortiso... [Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2006] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Thyroid effects urinary cortisol metabolites.
Nathan Goodyear

The Colorful Diversity of Thyroid Hormone Metabolites - 0 views

    Though not specifically discussing the relationship of thyroid hormones and cancer, the implication is strong.
Nathan Goodyear

Type 1 5'-deiodinase activity is inhibited by oxidative stress and restored by alpha-li... - 0 views

    oxidative stress decreased type 1 deiodinase activity and thus T4 to T3 conversion, resulting in increased rT3 production.  Of interesting note, Alpha lipoic acid increased type I deiodinase activity and T4 to T3 conversion.
Nathan Goodyear

Deiodinases - National Academy of HypothyroidismNational Academy of Hypothyroidism - 0 views

    Great review of thyroid metabolism.
Nathan Goodyear

Endocrinology of the Aging Male - 0 views

  • All steps beyond the formation of pregnenolone take place in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  • Cytochrome P450 enzyme, CYP11A is located on the inner mitochondrial membrane and catalyses the rate limiting step of pregnenolone synthesis
  • Estrogen and related steroids, thyroid hormone and insulin increase SHBG levels.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • SHBG decreases in response to androgens, and in the presence of hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance.
  • Plasma SHBG levels tend to increase with increasing age
  • The apparent metabolic clearance rate of testosterone is decreased in elderly as compared to younger men
  • Testosterone circulates predominantly bound to the plasma proteins SHBG and albumin, with high and low affinity respectively
  • Testosterone is secreted in a pulsatile fashion
  • Current clinical guidelines suggest at least two measurements
  • In adult men, there is a well-documented diurnal variation (particularly in younger subjects) in testosterone levels, which are highest in the early morning and progressively decline throughout the day to a nadir in the evening
  • In older men, the diurnal variation is blunted
  • it is standard practice for samples to be obtained between 0800 and 1100 h.
  • Testosterone and DHEA decline, whereas LH, FSH, and SHBG rise
  • DHT remains constant despite the decline of its precursor testosterone
  • Longitudinal studies show an average annual decline of 1–2% total testosterone levels, with decline in free testosterone more rapid because of increases in SHBG with aging
  • Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS) data show DHEA, DHEAS, and Ae declining at 2–3% per year
  • DHT showed no cross-sectional age trend
  • Androstanediol glucuronide (AAG) declined cross-sectionally with age in the MMAS sample, at 0.6% per year
  • The EMAS data show that, consistent with the longitudinal findings of MMAS (Figure 1), the core hormonal pattern with increasing age is suggestive of incipient primary testicular dysfunction with maintained total testosterone and progressively blunted free testosterone associated with higher LH
    • Nathan Goodyear
      This author proves the point in the review of these two studies, that TT may remain constant in aging men, however, FT drops.
  • obesity impairs hypothalamic/pituitary function
  • Androgen deprivation in men with prostate cancer has been associated with increased insulin resistance, worse glycemic control, and a significant increase in risk of incident diabetes
  • Low serum testosterone is associated with the development of metabolic syndrome 116, 117 and type 2 diabetes. 118 SHBG has been inversely correlated with type 2 diabetes
  • Improvement in insulin sensitivity with testosterone treatment has been reported in healthy 121 and diabetic 122 adult men
  • In studies conducted in men with central adiposity, testosterone has been shown to inhibit lipoprotein lipase activity in abdominal adipose tissue leading to decreased triglyceride uptake in central fat depots. 123
    great review of hormone changes associated with aging in men.
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic Effects of Liothyronine Therapy in Hypothyroidism: A Randomized, Double-Blind... - 0 views

  • tissue euthyroidism is the net result of multiple steps including conversion of the prohormone T4 into its active metabolite T3, which is ultimately responsible for signaling at the end-organ target level
  • The circulating and intracellular pools of T3 of treated hypothyroid patients (i.e. devoid of endogenous TH production) depend entirely on the conversion of exogenous l-T4 into T3
  • TH is the major regulator of basal metabolic rate
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The substitution of l-T3 for l-T4 caused a significant weight loss
  • The substitution of l-T3 for l-T4 caused a significant reduction in lipid parameters
  • TH action is increased in the liver, and the SHBG increase supports this hypothesis
  • The changes in serum lipid metabolism parameters are similar to the effects observed with drugs approved for the treatment of dyslipidemia
  • This differential response appears to be limited to the lipid metabolism and SHBG, whereas no differences in indices of insulin resistance were detected. This is remarkable because hyperthyroid states are associated with an increase in hepatic gluconeogenesis (37), and overt thyrotoxicosis is a known cause of secondary diabetes.
  • Despite the increase in serum T3, the l-T3 treatment did not cause major changes in cardiovascular or musculoskeletal function, as indicated by the echocardiographic and maximal exercise tolerance tests and DXA studies.
  • Similarly, no significant differences were observed in blood pressure, heart rate, or endothelial vascular function
  • In conclusion, the results of this pharmacology, proof-of-concept study indicate that replacement therapy of hypothyroidism with l-T3, compared with l-T4 causes weight loss and favorable changes in the lipid profile without appreciable side effects
    Crossover study finds T3 versus T4 results in more weight loss, improved lipid management and increased SHBG without any adverse cardiovascular effects.   The T3 was dosed 3 x daily due to its short half life compared to T4.
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