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rotator cuff injuries - 0 views

    Another visual learner alert! This is a very detailed image about rotator cuff tears. It really helped me understand it better to see it and I thought out of all the images I looked up this was the best, and more realistic looking one. It also has just about everything labeled which is really great!
Sarah Clay

Burns: Heat, Electrical, Radiation, Friction, and Chemical Burns - 0 views

    Most burns are minor injuries that occur at home or work. It is common to get a minor burn from hot water, a curling iron, or touching a hot stove. Home treatment is usually all that is needed for healing and to prevent other problems, such as infection.
Rachel Brown

braces - 0 views


Sex with Disabilities - 1 views

shared by cbouvia on 14 Oct 15 - No Cached
    This video was very insightful! They talked about different terms used such as "chair chaser" (look that up on urban dictionary), spinal cord injuries and sex, drugs that can be used to assist with sex, assisted devices such as a love wedge (helps with movement) and toys used for individuals with sensation issues. They also indicated that for some people sex is therapy. It can help alleviate pain.
Sarah Clay

Common Injuries of the Shoulder - 0 views

    Whether throwing a ball, paddling a canoe, lifting boxes, or pushing a lawn mower, we rely heavily on our shoulders to perform a number of activities. Normally, the shoulder has a wide range of motion, making it the most mobile joint in the body.
william murphy

Proper Patient Transfer Technique - 1 views

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that, "Manual lifting of residents be minimized in all cases and eliminated when feasible." The American Nursing Association finds that, "Every day, nurses suffer career-ending and life-altering injuries from repeatedly lifting and moving patients," and outlines sound ergonomic...
william murphy

ErgoDirect-USA: Ergonomic Keyboard Trays, Mouse Devices, Computer Chairs - 1 views

    Enhance Your Computing Comfort And ProductivityWelcome to! We offer products that help you feel more comfortable at the computer. By customizing your workspace you can enjoy the benefits of improved productivity and an enhanced sense of well-being. At the same time, you'll be reducing your risk of work-related injuries and preventing the development of any computer-related health conditions.
Tiffany Hawn

Four Basic Principles of Body Mechanics - 0 views

    Four Basic Principles Of Body Mechanics. If you have ever lifted a heavy box at work and later suffered low back or neck pain, you have experienced poor body mechanics: using the body in a way that doesn't protect it from pain or potential injury.
Amanda Robinson

NCAA lawsuit concussions - 0 views

    Thought this was interesting.
    Sadly, the NCAA is becoming like the NFL. They just see the bottom dollar figure, even at the health expense of the players. On the flip side, these athletes know what they're getting themselves into and the potential for injury every time they suit up.
Mitch Thomas

National Fall Prevention Day September 22 - 0 views

    Coinciding with tomorrow's lesson on aging adults and fall prevention, there's a "National Fall Prevention Day" set to take place September 22. The article contains some stats regarding injuries and death related to falls.
Kelly Douglass

STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) Tool Kit for Health Care Providers - 0 views

    Many pdf files available for download specifically for health care providers.
Kelly Douglass

Search video | - 0 views

    Use the below search engine to view members' videos. If you view a video, please consider contributing one of your own. You must be a member and logged onto the site to upload videos. If your click search you get all videos, in the category drop down box there are choices to narrow down your results, such as tetraplegia, paraplegia, type of transfer or skill.
Kelly Douglass

Wrist Fractures - 0 views

    Three quarters of wrist injuries are fractures of the distal radius and ulna. The eight carpal bones are injured less frequently. Accurate diagnosis and correct treatment help to prevent long-term loss of function. As with fractures elsewhere in the body, wrist fractures can be: For a fracture to be compound, the bone does not have to be protruding through the skin.
Laura Dunaway

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 0 views

    This is a good website to look at UE injuries.
John Pruett

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - 0 views

    I chose this because I often wake with the pain and numbness from sleeping with extremely flexed arms.

How to Ergonomically Optimize Your Workspace - 4 views

    We spend a lot of time sitting at our desks every day, and while it may not look like it, it can wreak havoc with our bodies. Here's how to set up a healthy, ergonomic workspace to keep you comfortable and injury-free.
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