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Sexuality & Down Syndrome - National Down Syndrome Society - 0 views

    The website of the National Down Syndrome Society offers some valuable information for therapists and caregivers of individuals with Down syndrome to understand their sexuality and give appropriate sex education.

New TV Series Features Young Adults With Down Syndrome - 0 views

    The production company behind "Keeping up with the Kardashians" and other reality television staples will debut a new documentary series following young adults with Down syndrome. The six-episode series "Born This Way" will air on A&E Network starting Dec. 8 at 10 p.m. ET.----- I am anxious to see this show! I hope they portray it in a way that isn't dramatic and fake like all the other reality tv shows. I feel this show has to opportunity to show people more into the life of someone who lives with a disability! I know I'll be watching...anyone else?
Laura Dunaway

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 0 views

    This is a good website to look at UE injuries.
John Pruett

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - 0 views

    I chose this because I often wake with the pain and numbness from sleeping with extremely flexed arms.

Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Impingement syndrome - 2 views

    I like to share this webpage because it is very easy to read and has a lot of knowledgeable information. The interesting fact I learned for myself that Rotator Cuff Injuries are likely to happen in people after 40 years old, so I may seriously think about what I can do to prevent it happen to me. The website has a figure of the person on which you can point and it will take you to different syndromes of the body. The website explain in details definitions, causes, symptoms, treatments, preventions, recovery time and problems that can occur during the rehabilitation time. I thought it was very helpful.
Sonya Mobley

toxic epidermal necroloysis - 0 views

    This Youtube video may seem a little scary. I google searched toxic epidermal necrolysis to see what it looked like to share and this was one of the videos to come up. It is Steven Johnson Sydnrome which can result in toxi epidermal necrolysis. Seems a little frightening hearing the causes, but it this syndrome happens to 1 in a million. Interesting video about this syndrome and information that is good to know for working in the healthcare field.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Nerve Gliding Exercises - 0 views

shared by amanda03 on 13 Nov 15 - No Cached
    This video show five nerve gliding exercises that would help reduce, or prevent injury to the ulnar nerve. It starts off with explicit detail of what cubital tunnel syndrome is and provides a few examples of how one could develop cubital tunnel. The movie gives you step by step direction for the nerve gliding techniques, so it is easy to write these tips down while watching the video!
Sarah Clay

The Top 10 HIV and AIDS Myths and Misconceptions - 0 views

    The Top 10 Myths and Misconceptions About HIV and AIDS For nearly 30 years, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have been shrouded in many myths and misconceptions. In some cases, these mistaken ideas have prompted the very behaviors that cause more people to become HIV-positive.
Robin Scarbrough

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment - 0 views

    Just some good info about it.
julie palmer

Case studies for upper extremity injuries - 0 views

    Dr. Gold is a 45-year dentist who sustained injuries to the right hand and cervical spine in a motor vehicle accident. After EMG testing, he was diagnosed with right carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and right cervical (C7) radiculopathy. Dr. Gold can no longer use his dominant right hand with the same skill, dexterity, and strength that he did prior to his accident.
Leila Pursell

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Handout - 0 views

    I like this handout because it is full of good information and is easy to understand.

Medscape: Medscape Access - 3 views

    This article details the most common type of nerve compression syndromes of the hand. It describes the anatomy, site of compression, symptoms, and treatment for each one. I think it is very useful information for our upcoming exam.
Lindsay Rigsby

By a Show of Hands... - 0 views

    It's an unfortunate medical fact that women are more likely than men to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome - three times more likely, in fact.

Pelvic floor therapies in chronic pelvic pain syndrome. - 0 views

    My good friend Ragi Doggweiler is a researcher and practicing physician in this field. Once located right here in Knoxville she has moved back to her homeland of Switzerland. We have often had conversations about what PT's could do for this population but until I revisited this paper I had not thought of the under-utilization of OT practitioners in this area. While PT can and does work on the physical aspects of these issues OT would greatly enhance the treatments in so many ways.

Be My Baby - The Movie - 0 views

    This movie is about a young woman with Down syndrome who gets pregnant and acts against all societal norms by fighting to keep her child. Unfortunately, the movie is in German, but even if you do not know the language, you will understand the plot.

Ring Splint | Finger Splint | Finger Splints for Arthritis - 0 views

    Silver ring splints are taking over tape. When I first heard of these finger splints being used for hypermobility syndrome about 10 years ago, I thought this was genius! Now they are expanding the use as well as studying to see the positive/negative uses for them. We now have boutonniere splints, as well as swan neck splints.

The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints - 0 views

    This is a newspaper article about a little boy diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (J.I.A.) and his mother's search for a cure. The mother thinks there is a connection between leaky gut syndrome and the JIA. It is a very interesting read, especially reading about his symptoms prior to diagnosis. (spoiler alert -- it has a good ending).
    This is a heartbreaking disease. Children should be able to frolic in the fields, not have to deal with such a thing as this. :(
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