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Kelly Douglass

SuperBetter - 0 views

    SuperBetter helps you achieve your health goals - or recover from an illness or injury - by increasing your personal resilience. Resilience means staying curious, optimistic and motivated even in the face of the toughest challenges. Jane McGonigal developed this game while recovering from a concussion, you can watch her TED talk or check out her website at
Leslie Hamock

Sexuality For Men With Spinal Cord Injuries - 0 views

    Useful information about spinal cord injuries and sex.
julie palmer

Case studies for upper extremity injuries - 0 views

    Dr. Gold is a 45-year dentist who sustained injuries to the right hand and cervical spine in a motor vehicle accident. After EMG testing, he was diagnosed with right carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and right cervical (C7) radiculopathy. Dr. Gold can no longer use his dominant right hand with the same skill, dexterity, and strength that he did prior to his accident.

Mobility and Orthopedic Disabilities - 0 views

    This was written for college students with disabilities as a resource for instructors. It can be used for any age classroom. It covers the areas that are difficult to students with mobility issues or other disabilities and how to interact. A number of devices are listed that can be helpful. I really thought the list of injuries or diseases and their characteristics that will be of importance was great to include. A nice resource for the classroom.

PubMed- Therapeutic Activities vs. Therapeutic Exercise - 5 views

    I found this article to be interesting because we are told that Therapeutic Activities is more relevant than Therapeutic Exercise and this article was about a study that showed this to be true. Although this article speaks about PT performing the test i feel it was great to read about the study being performed. Shows really what how important keeping this in mind as we enter the world of Future OTA's. The study was done on 20 patient receiving Therapeutic Exercise after a hand injury and 16 receiving therapy sessions using Therapeutic Activities that mimic ADL's after hand injury. After 3 weeks and 5 days the study showed that the Therapeutic Activities mimicing the ADL's seem to be more beneficial.

Hector : [VIDEO] What about sex and dating? | Facing Disability: Spinal Cord Injury Res... - 0 views

    On this link there are several people who give their opinion on being in a wheelchair and their personal life. The videos range from young to old.

Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Impingement syndrome - 2 views

    I like to share this webpage because it is very easy to read and has a lot of knowledgeable information. The interesting fact I learned for myself that Rotator Cuff Injuries are likely to happen in people after 40 years old, so I may seriously think about what I can do to prevent it happen to me. The website has a figure of the person on which you can point and it will take you to different syndromes of the body. The website explain in details definitions, causes, symptoms, treatments, preventions, recovery time and problems that can occur during the rehabilitation time. I thought it was very helpful.

Wounded Marine keeps going in spite of injury - 2 views

    I have known this guy since we were kids, we grew up together and went to the same church. He is an awesome guy and I just wanted to share his story with you.
    Wow, that is a great story! He might be a good resource for phys dis class next year !

Therapy after Injury to the Hand - 3 views

    Information in this article includes edema control, wound/scar management, range of motion, splinting, strengthening, and soft-tissue mobilization. There is also information on desensitization and sensory reeducation following hand injury; such as using towels and immersion in various substances. Additionally, modalities are discussed such as fluidotherapy (heat), cryotherapy (cold), continuous passive motion (increases circulation, decreases edema) along with other modalities. Good information about treatment options for hand therapy.
    I really like this resource. If you are doing level II fieldwork at an outpatient hand therapy setting you must print this and use it! I wish I had it when I was at KOC first semester. Great resource.
Kellie Hudgens

Under Pressure on ADVANCE for Occupational Therapy Practitioners - 2 views

  • cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs
  • Identifying Ergonomic Issue
  • s While CTDs aren't initially
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • debilitating, they can become painful and limit function if the rate of injury exceeds the rate of repair. As such, prevention and early management are essential.
  • Ergonomics examines the relationships between physical functions, work demands and the body's response to them. Ergonomics programs can reduce worker injury and illness, boost productivity, increase comfort and enhance job satisfaction.
  • Highly repetitive tasks.
  • Localized mechanical stress.
  • Forceful exertions.
  • Static exertion.
  • Awkward postures.
  • Temperature exposure
  • Vibration.
    This article list ergonomic risk factors of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs). As occupational therapy practitioners we should focus on the following areas: highly repetitive tasks, static exertion, forceful exertions, localized mechanical stress, awkward postures, temperature exposure, and vibration (article has description of all of these). Prevention and early management are key to avoiding CTDs.

Tennessee AgrAbility Project homepage - 3 views

shared by tefain on 01 Sep 14 - No Cached
madronjm liked it
    I decided to share this article as I was unaware that there is a specific group to help farmers continue to live and work independently. In the rural area I live in, this information will definitely be needed. Many of the physical disabilities I witnessed in nursing homes and in outpatient settings were direct results of farming injuries. As well, farmers are very self-sufficient and their self worth is based mostly on their ability to maintain their lifestyle.
marsha raasch

Shriners Burn Hospital - 1 views

    This article gives a little history on the Shriners and their work with burn patients. With their four burn hospitals, Shriners cares for children with burn injuries from the time of acute injury through rehabilitation and individual reconstructive needs throughout their childhood.
Kellie Hudgens

Home :: The Fontana Center :: Center for Work Rehabilitation - 0 views

    This is a link to an awesome website for The Fontana Center.  The Fontana Center is a center for work rehabilitation.  It is owned and run by an OTR and also hires COTAs, massage therapy, and fitness experts.  This place is very holistic.  It offers seminars and workshops on ergonomics and preventing work place injury.  It also prescreens employees for companies to make sure their candidate can handle the physical aspects of the job that they are applying for…this saves the company lots of money in the long run.  The facility offers functional capacity evaluations and work hardening programs.  It also has fitness classes including water aerobics/therapy, yoga, and even classes for seniors.  This is great for fall prevention! I love this place…I wonder how many places like this exist in the US?

Burn Injury Resource Center - 2 views

    OT and treatment for third degree burns.

Shoulder FAQ - 1 views

    this website is a great resource for anything shoulder related. Dr. Luks, MD provides answers to frequently asked questions and provides pictures and short video explanations for a few. If you click on the shoulder & elbow hyperlink you can find related info on shoulder dislocations, labrum tears, and rotator cuff injuries

Occupational Therapy - 1 views

shared by usovan on 12 Nov 14 - No Cached
    This is very good website that describes most common types of burns, how to prevent burns, legal rights of the person with burn injuries. It is unbelievable that about 450,000 Americans receive medical treatments for burn injuries each year and that the most types of burns are preventable. Absence of smoke detectors and using alcohol while working with flames are the most common types. Occupational therapy for burn patients can help patients reacquire the skills needed to perform daily tasks independently (dress, groom, bathe and cook) and provide advice for patients how to accomplish daily tasks and prepare them to return to work or school.

applying kinesio taping to rotator cuff injury - 0 views

shared by meltonkt on 16 Nov 15 - No Cached
    This is a neat video that shows proper placements of kinesio tape when treating a rotary cuff injury. We use kinesio tape in the doctors office I work in. I thought this was so cool because I know several of us are interested in a variety of modalities.

Burn Injury in the Workplace - 0 views

    This is a guide for accommodations for burn injury in the workplace

Kinesio tape to treat rotator cuff injury - 0 views

    This gives a step by step guide on how to apply kinesio tape to help a rotator cuff injury.

Tendon Injuries - 0 views

    When a person experiences a tendon injury in the hand that affects the ability to flex or extend the hand properly and in a safe way, he or she likely will have a difficult time completing everyday tasks, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, using the bathroom, and attending to chores at home and at work. This could be a wonderful handout to someone who has had surgery or experiencing these same issues.
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