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Why We Age-Theories and Effects of Aging - 4 views

    I choose this article because it is about gerontology (study of aging) which describes two theories of aging: one is natural aging that programmed in our body and the other one says that aging is a result of damage which accumulated over time. In this article we also can find information on how to take care of our body as we age, how to prevent age-related diseases and ilnesses.

NAHB: Learn About Aging-In-Place and What a Professional Can Do for You - 1 views

    The National Association of Home Builders offers information on creating a safe, accessible home for those people wishing to age in place. As people get older many find it important to be in familiar surroundings. Included are questions the home owner should ask like what things are needed in the home in order to age safely. There is a checklist provided on how to choose a remodeler. Additional questions are included that the homeowner should consider asking in order to get exactly what they need. There are Certified Aging-in-Place specialists that are trained in this specific area.
Sonya Mobley

WHO | What is "active ageing"? - 4 views

shared by Sonya Mobley on 18 Sep 14 - No Cached
    This was a good article to read about active aging. Active aging is continuing to participate socially, with families and friends, spiritual, economic affairs, etc. Being active as we age can help extend our life expectancy and quality of life. This article was a good reminder to me to stay active in my community, with my family, church family and friends as I age so as not to isolate myself as I grow older.
Sonya Mobley

Does Life End at 35? | - 5 views

    Does LIfe End at 35? I say not! I enjoyed reading this article about a man who said his career didn't even take off until he was 58. He accomplished many great things later in his life vs earlier in his life. I think people, and I am speaking for myself get hung up on age. I worry too much about my age and what I have not accomplished at my age. This article brought to my attention that age is just a number! You can accomplish many great things at any age!
Kellie Hudgens

PBS clip about Aging in Place - 2 views

    This is a current (2013) piece by PBS that talks about how seniors can 'age in place' in their home by being in touch with programs that come together to help each other with ADLs and IADLs. For example, the Capital Hill Village is a group of seniors who work together to make sure they are all taken care of in their home. This means that someone can volunteer to count pills, garden, or even take them to the doctor. The most important benefit of this group seems to be the social relationships and connecting with people. As OTAs we need to educate oursleves on what type of community programs are available so we can educate the elderly on how to more safely and soically age in place. Also, at the end of the clip it talks about home assessments and how everyone needs a plan for aging!

Aging - AOTA - 2 views

    This page from the AOTA website contains links to various topics associated with the aging adult. These are tip sheets that explain different conditions and how OT can help. These include aging in place, living with Alzheimer's, fall prevention, hip replacement, home modification, low vision, driving and stroke. In addition to the tip sheets, there are links to videos for aging in place, home modification and precautions the elderly can take to prevent falls in the home. This is a great place to look to obtain a lot of good information on a variety of problems the elderly can face and how occupational therapy can help this population.

Accommodation Ideas for Employees who are Aging - 4 views

    The Job Accommodation Network put this information together because the number of workers over 65 is going to increase dramatically as the baby boomers age. The benefits for hiring an older worker are listed as well as the laws protecting workers. This is a nice resource for those older workers to know what rights they have and what accommodations are even available. Some accommodations cover ADLs, weakness or fatigue, hearing limitations, vision limitations, psychological issues, to name a few. I thought it was really helpful that a few situations were presented with possible solutions. Also, for the consumer, is a link to products for accommodation options.

When Are You Old? Perspectives on Aging - 2 views

    This article made some great points about growing old and feeling old. Age is relative. Our bodies start to betray us as we age, but that is part of life. However, growing older doesn't mean we should stop living. I believe that when a person begins to put limitations on their selves is when one becomes "old".

How to avoid age-related illnesses - 1 views

    There are several things in life that we as individuals must face, there is no way to avoid it and that is aging. As we age, some people prepare for it and others don't. This article offers information as to how to live healthier to help avoid the inevitable. It offers information on how to help avoid cancer, cardiovascular problems, and many others. And in our lives it may be inevitable that we get these problems, BUT we can sure start now to try to keep from getting them as we age.

What to do when aging. - 1 views

    I really thought this article was interesting and thought I would share it with you all. It's about understanding the natural changes that come with aging and what we can do to improve these issues. I also think that reading this, other individuals see that these issues that they are having themselves are common and they are not alone. I think that helps them to see a different light about it and they are able to accept these problems more easily,

Healthy Aging - 3 views

    This web site provides resources to aging individuals. It includes studies, programs, tools, prevention services, among many others. This web site is a reliable resource that can be share in patient education. Our materials are designed to assist health professionals in learning about and engaging in activities of CDC's Healthy Aging Program and The Healthy Brain Initiative to promote independence andwellbeing. Access general health information for older adults. Get email updates To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address:

Working With an Occupational Therapist or Certified Aging in Place Specialist - AARP Ho... - 0 views

    This is an article that discusses aging in place. It goes into specific detail about what OTs do and their involvement with aging in place. It also talk about CAPs (Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist) and the role they take on with aging in place. I found it to be pretty interesting on this subject.
Tobi Coulter

Aging In Place - 3 views

shared by Tobi Coulter on 05 Sep 13 - Cached
    Aging in place. A site where you can send pts.
    This is a whole website dedicated to Aging in Place. They say it is their "mission is to provide Caregivers, Seniors, and Baby Boomers resources for aging in place." There is a blog that gives valuable advice, information, and support. You can even order AE on this site for convenience. I thought this gave a nice all encompassing look at aging in place.

Exploring Careers in Aging: NAHB: Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist - 0 views

    NAHB: Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist Houses for Living. Homes for Life. American's are getting older - 88 million people will be over 60 within the next 15 years according to AARP, which also reports that 83% of middle-aged Americans wish to live in their homes indefinitely rather than an assisted living facility.

10 tips to help you age gracefully - 0 views

    This relates to Unit 2 (the aging adult). I was talking with my grandmother and she made a statement, "it's hard to age gracefully". So, I went searching and I came across 10 tips on how to age gracefully. Most of them should be common sense and we've talked about them in class. Maybe we could give these tips to our older clients?
Amanda Robinson

Sex and aging - 0 views

    Tells what normal changes and causes are

9 Facts About Aging That Will Actually Get You Excited About Growing Older - 9 views

    I just found these facts, not sure how accurate they are but since we are talking about aging I found them pretty neat. One of the facts that stood out to me was that there was a study that shows people are happiest in early 20's and then again in 70's and 80's.. It states the reason is because by that age we have built social and emotional instincts that keep us from worrying about little things.
marsha raasch

America is rapidly aging in a country built for the young - 4 views

    Although we seldom think about them this way, most American communities as they exist today were built for the spry and mobile. We've constructed millions of multi-story, single-family homes where the master bedroom is on the second floor, where the lawn outside requires weekly upkeep, where the mailbox is a stroll away.
    I found this really interesting as we're discussing ageing in place and accessibility in housing. One wonders how society as a whole will handle this issue as a huge demographic ages.
marsha raasch

Connected to Community: Current Aging in Place Choices by Susan Poor - 1 views

    As we age, our needs and interests evolve and change, so our choices of housing should be wide ranging, as should be the spectrum of activities and services. Most older adults wish to remain in their homes and communities as they age.
    I chose this article because when I was at Keystone, an adult day program in Oak Ridge, I saw the benefit of this program in allowing seniors with physical and cognitive deficits to remain at home, or in assisted living, for longer periods of time. I liked this article's emphasis on integration of many programs to age in place successfully.

Aging in Place - 0 views

    I found this website is very interesting because like most of us I have an older parents.The one of the most difficult decisions children have to make is to place his or her aging parent in long term care facility. This website provides different tips on how to keep seniors in their regular place of residence as long as possible. The organization PACE that covered under Medicare or Medicaid provides necessary services, include adult day program, transportation, activities and medical help. As a future OT practitioners we may recommend this website to our clients.
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