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Accommodation Ideas for Employees who are Aging - 4 views

    The Job Accommodation Network put this information together because the number of workers over 65 is going to increase dramatically as the baby boomers age. The benefits for hiring an older worker are listed as well as the laws protecting workers. This is a nice resource for those older workers to know what rights they have and what accommodations are even available. Some accommodations cover ADLs, weakness or fatigue, hearing limitations, vision limitations, psychological issues, to name a few. I thought it was really helpful that a few situations were presented with possible solutions. Also, for the consumer, is a link to products for accommodation options.
Kellie Hudgens

Home :: The Fontana Center :: Center for Work Rehabilitation - 0 views

    This is a link to an awesome website for The Fontana Center.  The Fontana Center is a center for work rehabilitation.  It is owned and run by an OTR and also hires COTAs, massage therapy, and fitness experts.  This place is very holistic.  It offers seminars and workshops on ergonomics and preventing work place injury.  It also prescreens employees for companies to make sure their candidate can handle the physical aspects of the job that they are applying for…this saves the company lots of money in the long run.  The facility offers functional capacity evaluations and work hardening programs.  It also has fitness classes including water aerobics/therapy, yoga, and even classes for seniors.  This is great for fall prevention! I love this place…I wonder how many places like this exist in the US?
Leslie Hamock

Occupational Therapy in Egypt - 0 views

    Ergonomics: Occupational Therapy in the Workplace (From the American OT Association: Reproducible consumer handout to further public education) Ergonomics is the science of designing a person's environment so that it facilitates the highest level of function. A person's work environment should fit his or her capabilities as a worker.Good ergonomics prevent injury and promote health, safety, and comfort for employees.

History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian - 1 views

    This is an article on the stand up desk Teri mentioned in class the other day. My fiancés place of work is giving the employees the option of having one of these as well and he opted to try it out. He says he can tell a difference in back pain when he stands vs. sitting, I assume it is because he is using better posture while standing. Since it was mentioned in class and he is using it I wanted to see if I could find other benefits to using a stand up desk while at work. I found this article explaining more benefits of using the stand up desk and I found it to be a very interesting read, and wishing I would have had this option at my desk job before I started school.
watsonml3 - 1 views

    This web site offers courses for thermal and electrical modalities that are used in OT. IT is a live online course. It covers treatment and safety precautions. I would love to take this course, but the price is $599.00!! I wonder if there are facilities that will pay for or pay for half of the course for their OT employee.

Employment Contractual Concerns - 0 views

    Employment law concerns are endless and extremely encompassing in our American workforce. With the exception of those entrepreneurial few, most OTs work for a company or some legal entity, and like other employees in our society, OTs may encounter employment issues when joining a therapy practice, group or company.
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