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Teri Gergen

University of Washington OT Assessments - 1 views

    Carolyn Baum OT Assessments - Executive Function Performance Test; Complex Task Performance Assessment (divided attention/sequencing)

gait - AOTA - 4 views

    I found this question, on the AOTA web site, of whether OT practitioners could assess a clients gait while assessing mobility. It indicated the possibility of crossing into PT's scope of practice but also included ways and why certain assessments can be incorporate in the scope of OT through functional mobility.

Selected Assessment Tools for OT Reporting of Outpatient Functional Data to the Medicar... - 2 views

    This is a handy-dandy chart of a variety of assessments that OTs can use to help determine a patient's functional limitations and how those limitations may change over time. According to fairly new rules related to Medicare, OTs and other therapists must now include a G-code which helps documents changes in patients and gives Medicare decision making abilities about the patient's future services. Originally I was looking for the use of the Barthel Index in OT settings when I found this chart and recognized some of the other assessments as well. If you are especially interested in working with older patients, this chart could be helpful.
    I really like charts. I just posted one above. Thank you!
    Very handy! I had thought about posting a small chart and think I will now! Thanks Beth

Independent Aging and Home Safety - 0 views

    This article talks about independent aging and living at home for as long as possible is always preferable to residing in a rest home, where you are away from what is familiar and existing in a hospital-like environment. But, you may have some natural fears to being home alone, just in case something happens. Just thought this article tied in to the upcoming home assessments
marsha raasch

Resource aims to enhance workplace posture assessment practices | OT News News - 3 views

    A quote says "The ability to conduct posture assessments in the workplace can assist with the prevention and control of musculoskeletal disorders." This short blurb contains a link to download the recently released report on workplace ergonomics

Restraint Reduction or Elimination - 1 views

    This AOTA article defines "restraint", provides information on the role of OT in regards to providing restraint reduction or elimination, and lists common environments where this type of intervention takes place. By assessing what client-centered modifications, as well as environmental modifications, can be made, occupational therapy looks for ways "around" the use of restraints in order to enhance the client's engagement and participation in meaningful occupations.
marsha raasch

Respiratory assessment - 0 views

    How to accurately measure and record respiration rates Nursing Time provides the latest unbiased news and opinions, best practice information and advice Never miss out on the information that you need Online and mobile access to the latest news as it happens plus newsletters and the weekly magazine Ensure you are up to date with the latest best practice Unlimited access to our online archive of over 4,500 double-blind peer-reviewed articles Free CPD with Nursing Times Learning Unlimited free access to Nursing Times Leaning units.

OT's Role During Training | Orthotic & Prosthetic Product Reviews, Blogs, Videos, News ... - 2 views

    This is a very interesting and informative article on the pre-prosthetic treatment OT gives a client. The client will be assessed by OT for things like ROM, scar management, pain, phantom pain and sensation, and desensitization. Client interview helps the practitioner choose a correct prosthetic. Always consider the psychosocial aspect. There are different things to consider if the amputation is unilateral or bilateral. The OT will help prepare the limb to wear the prosthetic. Mirror therapy can be used as a treatment option for phantom pain. The OT will help in ADL training, stump care, prosthetic care, and psychosocial care.
Kellie Hudgens

PBS clip about Aging in Place - 2 views

    This is a current (2013) piece by PBS that talks about how seniors can 'age in place' in their home by being in touch with programs that come together to help each other with ADLs and IADLs. For example, the Capital Hill Village is a group of seniors who work together to make sure they are all taken care of in their home. This means that someone can volunteer to count pills, garden, or even take them to the doctor. The most important benefit of this group seems to be the social relationships and connecting with people. As OTAs we need to educate oursleves on what type of community programs are available so we can educate the elderly on how to more safely and soically age in place. Also, at the end of the clip it talks about home assessments and how everyone needs a plan for aging!
Amanda Sproles

An Occupational Therapist as a Sexual Health Clinician in the Management of Spinal Cor... - 0 views

    I enjoyed what this article spoke about. It seems to me to have a little of all the things we have spoken about in relation to sexual activity and the basic steps on how we can help our clients. Even though the article was set up for spinal cord injuries I feel the steps could be helpful for a lot more.

Stop Driving - 1 views

    At my last fieldwork placement I got to watch a couple of driving assessments. Driving brings a person much freedom. Taking away the privilege can be devastating to some. This article gives some good tips on to talk with a loved one about their ability or non-ability to drive. I think the tips would apply to those of us who find ourselves working in situations where we would have to talk with client's about this subject.
    This is a tough issue. I used to worry about my grandmother so much. She started having little fender benders. It is good for us to be aware as COTA's how significant driving or not driving can be to our clients.
    The conversation regarding when someone should no longer drive could be quite hard. I found this website that gives advise on how to have this conversation. It discusses how to plan for it, how to bring it up, how to handle objections and the environment in which it should take place. It also talks about how to help the individual with the transition (finding other means of transportation, etc).
Mitch Thomas

Fall Prevention at Stanford University - 1 views

    Includes two home/mobility/ADLS assessments by registered OT's. Must meet qualification criteria (limited to counties in California).
William Dunaway

Work Hardening - 0 views

    This article explains the services provided by work hardening programs.
Rhonda Lowe

Talking to our patients about sex remember PLISSIT - 1 views

    our role with sexuality
    Written from an OT perspective. Includes an interview process and Sexuality Assessments.
    commonly used to determine the level of participation a professional should have with clients, remember P-li-ss-it
Tobi Coulter

Total Hip Replacement Precautions - 4 views

    I thought this was a great list of hip precautions for almost every OT problem area. Including bathing, dressing, sitting in a car... etc.
    Tobi, this is a great site. Thanks for sharing. It will come in handy as well when we have to do our skills assessment at the end of the semester.
    Tobi, this is great!! Thanks for sharing.

PDF.js viewer - 0 views

    This article lays out, very clearly, the definitions and examples of restraints. They give easy-to follow directions in assessing whether or not a restraint is necessary. I felt this information will be helpful in my position as a COTA.

Fall prevention program for older adults - 2 views

    This document discusses the risks of falls in the older population and why prevention is so important. It goes on to explain how to develop a community based fall prevention program and the necessary components such as education, exercise, medication management, home assessment and home safety. Great resource with a lot of information about fall prevention.
John Pruett

UE Amputations - 0 views

    Information about UE amputations, including assessment tools, etc.
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