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Sonya Mobley

Does Life End at 35? | - 5 views

    Does LIfe End at 35? I say not! I enjoyed reading this article about a man who said his career didn't even take off until he was 58. He accomplished many great things later in his life vs earlier in his life. I think people, and I am speaking for myself get hung up on age. I worry too much about my age and what I have not accomplished at my age. This article brought to my attention that age is just a number! You can accomplish many great things at any age!
Richard Bensey

Stress management (Mater Health and Wellness Clinic) - 0 views

  • Occupational therapists aim to assist their clients to achieve stress reduction and improve occupational performance through evidence-based and practical interventions. Research has shown that stress and anxiety management strategies improve quality of life during stressful life experiences such as
    Stress management Occupational therapists aim to assist their clients to achieve stress reduction and improve occupational performance through evidence-based and practical interventions. Research has shown that stress and anxiety management strategies improve quality of life during stressful life experiences such as adjusting to changed life roles (e.g. parenthood or illness).

Occupational Therapy: Rebuilding A Burn Survivor's Life - 3 views

    An OT discusses lessons she has learned from her patients.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Adrienne Lauer, an Occupational Therapist, discusses Occupational Therapy's important part of rebuilding the life of so many Burn Survivors and others that have been injured or ill.
    OT: Rebuilding a burn survivors life
    This is a great piece written by an OT that talks about what she has learned and what she does when working with burn survivors.
    Adrienne Lauer, an Occupational Therapist, discusses Occupational Therapy's important part of rebuilding the life of so many Burn Survivors and others that have been injured or ill.
    The writer of this article does a great job exploring the different areas that occupational therapy care can impact a burn victim's recovery. Some of them are obvious but I admittedly forgot some aspects such as integration back into the community.
Miranda Longmire

Oncologist-approved cancer information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology - 1 views

    End- Of- Life- Care
Leila Pursell

Tips to live a well balanced life - 0 views

    I found a lot of these tips useful! It is important that we take time to ourselves in hopes to maintain a healthy and well balanced life. I especially liked the idea of scheduling a work out so that it doesn't get pushed aside. I know that if I schedule something I am more likely to do it.
Amanda Sproles

Stem cells to save a life - 0 views

    We have the possible opportunity to literally save a life with just a mouth swab we can see if we match a person who needs some of our stem cells to stay alive. This is a website that we can go to receive a free mail in swab to determine if we can help.

OT role in end of life care - 0 views

    this article is from AOTA on OTs role in end of life care

Get Help | Limbs For Life - 0 views

    To see if you are eligible, see FAQ's below. Before applying to Limbs for Life, please check these alternate sources for funding first: Your state Vocational Rehabilitation Services, view here Local, state and regional service providers and foundations Find helpful resources at Cure Our Children Limbs for Life has a waiting list of clients who have been approved for funding.

Meet the woman who has 'awesome sex life' with her '2-foot-8-inch' hubby - 2 views

    Ok, I admit when I watch this special guy on the stress video Teri posted I couldn't help but think about his life and how things clicked for him? I looked a few more of his vidoes and found he was married and is a very sexual little person. So, I wanted to share what I found. :)
    That's great!!!!
Sarah Clay

Occupational Therapy - 1 views

    Occupational therapy practitioners have the knowledge and expertise to modify activities and environments to allow individuals to do the things they want and need to do to maintain quality of life. The role of occupational therapy in oncology is to facilitate and enable an individual patient to achieve maximum functional performance, both physically and psychologically, in everyday living skills regardless of his or her life expectancy.
Kerri Bryant

Stress Management: How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress - 0 views

    Identify the sources of stress in your life Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn't as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren't always obvious, and it's all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Emily Morgan

Defining Wellness: Hettler's Six Dimensions. Live Well. - Healthy. Happy. Life. - 1 views

  • Wellness 101. In college, one of the most fundamental theories that health/fitness students learn is Hettler's Six Dimensions of Wellness.
    Healthy Happy Life serves up Kathy's vegan recipes, healthy inspiration and food photography
    This website talks a lot about vegan lifestyle, but still has lots of great info.
Kelly Douglass

Life and Death in Assisted Living - 0 views

    FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate assisted living in America. A disturbing look at assisted living in America.
Sonya Mobley

WHO | What is "active ageing"? - 4 views

shared by Sonya Mobley on 18 Sep 14 - No Cached
    This was a good article to read about active aging. Active aging is continuing to participate socially, with families and friends, spiritual, economic affairs, etc. Being active as we age can help extend our life expectancy and quality of life. This article was a good reminder to me to stay active in my community, with my family, church family and friends as I age so as not to isolate myself as I grow older.

Tennessee Department of Human Services - 3 views

shared by tefain on 06 Sep 14 - No Cached
    My supervisor during last semester's fieldwork told me that she had seen people wait up to a year to obtain funding for devices they desperately needed to improve their quality of life. This was due mostly to red tape and hoops you must jump through to obtain these funds. I feel it is extremely important to familiarize ourselves with all of the available resources in order to expedite this process.

Sexuality and people with disabilities: What experts often are not aware of - 4 views

    For most people sexuality is a very intimate area of their personal life which they do not wish to share with other people with the exception, perhaps, of a few very close persons. On the other hand, other peoples' sex life is of great interest to a large part of the population as evidenced by the huge market for sex-oriented films, magazines and similar products.
    This article has a great list of websites for patients, care givers, and therapist. Great resource for sex and OT.

AmputeeOT-Safe Showers - 0 views

shared by amanda03 on 01 Oct 15 - No Cached
    I love this lady! She is an OTA who has a lower extremity amputation and allows the viewer to see the real life struggles in a first person point of view. She gives good advice for safe showering/bathing and points out different ways for different people. Lastly, this video will help home health OTA's to know what an amputee may need to make life easier (stand up shower vs. bathtub).
    This is so funny! Love the cat! Good, practical info too.

MS and Your Sex Life - 1 views

    This is a short, easy to read article that would be a helpful resource for patients. Individuals with MS have many symptoms; one of the most common is fatigue. Suggestions about position and time of day may help persons have more fulfilling sex lives. Many of the ideas given in the article are very similar to the alternatives identified in chapter 16 of the Early text.

Hector : [VIDEO] What about sex and dating? | Facing Disability: Spinal Cord Injury Res... - 0 views

    On this link there are several people who give their opinion on being in a wheelchair and their personal life. The videos range from young to old.

How Stress And Sleep Loss Are Shortening Your Life - 1 views

    Would you prioritize sleep if you knew it kept your immune system strong? That's the question the American Academy of Sleep Medicine wants you to ponder this week. Lost in the hoopla surrounding Independence day was the publication of some eye-opening (or eye-shutting) research by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine showing that the immune system responds sharply to sleep loss.
    This article emphasizes the correlation between stress and sleep. No matter our age, everyone needs plenty of sleep to properly function. Sleep is a time for our bodies to "reboot". Just like stress, lack of sleep is harmful to one's overall well being. The article lists similar physiological effects that are caused from lack of sleep that our text book has listed for chronic stress. High stress levels and an inefficient amount of sleep wreak havoc on a persons immune system. It is always easier said than done, but we all could improve our health by finding ways to reduce stress and sleep more.
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