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York Jong

《机器人》第二章-小心!机器车辆! - 0 views

  • 从1948年到1951年,英国心理学家沃尔特(W.Grey Walter)在英国造了六个电子乌龟,它们都带有超微型电子管大脑、旋转光电眼睛、接触开关式触角6。它们能在行走时避开障碍,在有特定光线召唤时能返回出发地。当几只小乌龟在一块时,它们会对彼此间的控制光线和触觉信号有所反应,表现出意想不到的社会行为,例如跳舞
  • 对于机器而言,计算要比推理容易得多,推理又要比感知和行动容易得多。为什么难易顺序正好与人相反呢?在十亿年的进化过程中,人类祖先的第一个进化选择都为了能在逆境的竞争中赢得生命要素,常常用一生的时间在竞争中更有效地感知和行动。达尔文的进化过程使人类的大脑具有获取和行动的特殊本领───这点因为太平常而常被忽略。
  • 在20世纪的大部分时间里,每二十年机器计算力就会有上千倍的提高
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • 目前,控制最好的商业机器人的计算机能够产生昆虫级的行为。它们的耗资不少,社会用途却很少,仅在工厂作为喷涂车、点焊车、安装电子器件和将东西移来移去
  • 在未来十年中,机器全面智能化的进程将大大加速,我相信机器人数量会大增,应用范围会慢慢拓宽以满足普遍要求,最终成为通用机器人
  • 移动机器人是这一新生的计算机控制机器人领域中的最年轻一代,并在1985年后成为此领域中的主角。1985年前为数不多的工作重点之一是阿波罗登月计划
  • 许多任务似乎只需两个基本的图像操作就能完成,一是挑选出好的特征集(图像中许有特别的区域),另一个是对同一区域从不同视角来寻找
  • 三角测量、障碍检测、机器人运动演绎可以确定三维位置。我寻找实现这些想法的快速算法。采用空间压缩图像技术可完成大量工作,4、16、64以及更多像素的平方被平均为一个数,然后用汇编语言巧妙地编码,而我的算子能在一幅图中挑出许多有用特征,并得到另一幅图。整个过程计算机大约只用10秒钟
  • 不对物体的位置进行分类,而是积累位置的“物体性”。尽管特别物体的特性甚至存在与否总被怀疑,可以肯定地认为机器人周围的位置是存在的,能被当作永久性的“存储桶”,以稳定地积累哪怕是内容的一丁点迹象。
  • 机器人周围的的区域被分成栅格。程序给栅格的每个单元赋以数值代表积累的证据,也就是说,相应的单元包括一些内容或什么都没有。随着每次声纳激励,含有信息的单元被更新。在回波距离处的单元被占据(因为此处的任何物都将导致更短的回波)。声音强度和检测可靠性随着声纳离中心点的距离增大而减弱,所以得到的证据量也据此发生变化
  • 在运算速度为1/2 MIPS的丹宁机器人上,我们研制了能进行每秒十次声纳反馈信息处理的有效程序。操纵机器人的关键一步,即校正同一区域的两幅映像图,需要3秒钟
  • 实验揭示,在狭窄而墙壁光滑的走廊里(恰与我们实验室杂乱环境不同)声波被不断反射,类似光线在充满镜子的大厅里的情况,此时大部分的反馈信息是不正确的,得出的映像图也不会有价值。处理程序是以声纳单元的分类为基础编写的,而此时并不能表明声纳数据真正给出环境信息
  • 1990年,我们用一种“学习”算法寻找更好的环境模式。将环境模式译成带有12个参数的数学公式,这些关键参数控制着模式的形态。我们先仔细地测量门廊,人工建立了近似理想的映像图。然后让机器人沿已知的路线穿过门廊,隔一定的距离收集声纳数据。我们编写程序,重复处理收集的数据,模拟机器人穿越门廊的映像。每次模拟之后,程序都要将结果与理想的映像图比较。然后修改证据公式的关键参数,再进行模拟。如果新证据模式的结果与理想情况更接近,程序会将关键参数向同一变化方向调整,否则就向其它方向调整参数。在10 MIPS的机器人上进行上万次的模拟移动,耗时数天,程序才能找到合适的证据模式,以再现环境。这种方法对墙壁光滑的场景同样适用。
  • 在10 MIPS的计算机上可运用二维证据栅格,速度能满足正常的室内要求。
  •  图2.5 1990年,难以穿越门廊的二维证据栅格
  • 在三维空间中,这些是一致的,不会出现模糊现象,栅格的分辨率会更高,单元内容会更确定。在二维空间中,一把椅子只是占据若干个单元的模糊东西,无法与其它具有同样尺寸的物体区分。在三维空间中,椅子就会有座位、椅腿、椅背,能由形状确认。三维图像可以使程序规划复杂路径,不仅可以四处迂回行进,而且能跨越障碍。视觉出错的可能性变得微乎其微。
  • 广角镜覆盖面很广,但它产生明显的“鱼眼”失真。到了1995年,我才编写了克服此不足的程序。程序通过摄像机视察几百个黑点的校准模型,得到一个“纠正”函数,将原始图像校正为一个理想的几何图。
  • 20世纪80年代后期,状态低迷的“基于模型”(或“基于图像”)机器人人面临着基本问题。在麻省理工学院,精力充沛且善于表演的罗德.布鲁克斯(Rod Brooks)声称,基于模型的方法不切合实际,并示范了如何从没有模型的机器人人获取复杂行为。布鲁克斯的机器被巧妙设计的多反射层或行为集所控制,类似格雷.沃尔特的小乌龟或霍普金斯野兽,但更为复杂些。在行为集中,一种元素可能使机器人避开障碍,而根据检测,另一种元素或许使机器人沿墙行走。有些元素对另一些元素有所响应或无视它们。每个元素其实是适度分享处理器的简单程序,典型地,可以处理许多行为元素的机器人也许有1 MIPS的运算能力。自然界中的昆虫似乎被这种方式所控制,每个动作都由几百个神经元的神经节产生。布鲁克斯的机器人动作很像昆虫,当他的实验室开始研制六条腿行走的微型机器人时更说明了这点
  • 但是新奇感过后,人们不得不承认,在完成复杂动作方面,基于行为的机器人可靠性并不比集成多控制器的机器人要好
  • 20世纪90年代,基于模型的机器人可以在室内行驶,也可穿越乡村。它们含有一些反射行为集的元素,用于避开障碍和处理险情。也许受此影响,布鲁克斯研制了机器人“Cog”.它被大量可学习的反射行为所控制。迄今为止,它可以通过学习来用视觉跟踪物体,并抓获物体。与我们人类的神经系统很相似,但我认为它的模仿是低层次的。需要足够运算时间的Cog,其方法思路也许有助于追溯人类的进化和发展,或许可以导致全智能机器。虽然如此,我认为模仿高层的抽象性是更快的一条途径,直接可以借鉴有用的计算机科学和工程的成果
  • 大部分实用自动机必然是按基于行为的思路而研制的。尽管对可预测性的设计必然会降低逼真度,但用电线连接的机电继电器很像简单昆虫的神经节,五十年来,它们一直用于控制自动电梯和工业机器。从20世纪80年代开始,微处理器。系统复杂性在慢慢增大,但大部分控制器仍以简单的方式对刺激产生反应
York Jong

機器人:由機器邁向超越人類心智之路 - 0 views

    作者 漢斯.莫拉維克(Hans Moravec),機器人研究領域的權威之一,曾參與世界最大機器人軟件的創立工作,現在卡內基-梅隆大學工作。著作有《智力兒童:未來機器人和人類智能》等
York Jong

Robot Room - IRB and Roundabout Resourcess - 0 views

  • "Exposing a Flaw: Shoot-Through" describes the serious problem with that circuit, especially when pulsed
  • Above is an improved version of the circuit, which is now PWM compatible. PWM, coast mode, and the capability to avoid shoot-through are provided by adding a fifth MOSFET (labeled Q5) to the source/ground connections of Q1 and Q3.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • By default at power-up, the circuit is in coast mode. To brake, set IN A to 0 V, IN B to 0 V, and Q5 to 5 V. To spin clockwise, set IN A to 5 V, IN B to 0 V, and Q5 to 5 V. To spin counterclockwise, set IN A to 0 V, IN B to 5 V, and Q5 to 5 V. At any time you can return to coast by applying 0 V to Q5. Or, you can apply pulses of 0 V/5 V/0 V/5 V (and so on) to control the speed. The more time spent at 5 V, the faster the motor will spin. Whenever you change modes, if you set Q5 to 0 V before making changes to IN A and IN B (and then set Q5 back to 5 V or pulsing) there will be no shoot-through.
    This secret page is for owners of the book, Intermediate Robot Building. On this page, you'll find updates, corrections, and source files. Thank you for buying the book!
York Jong

Robot Room - Intermediate Robot Building Book - 0 views

    Includes all of the step-by-step instructions you need to create your own robot that can explore rooms, follow lines, or battle opponents in mini sumo. The circuits and parts in this book are presented as independent modules, so that you can build the complete robot as described or apply the modules to your own unique robot designs.
York Jong

Robot Building for Beginners - 0 views

    Cook begins with the anatomy of a homemade robot and gives you the best advice on how to proceed successfully. General sources for tools and parts are provided in a consolidated list, and specific parts are recommended throughout the book. Also, basic safety precautions and essential measuring and numbering systems are promoted throughout.
York Jong

Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence - 0 views

    this book simplifies the process of finding basic circuits to perform simple tasks such as how to control a DC or step motor, and offers instruction on creating moving robotic parts such as an eye or an ear.
York Jong

德国机器甲虫大战森林火-RoboticFan(机器人爱好者) - 0 views

  • OLE是德国大学Madgeburg-Stendal里机器人科学家们的最新成果。长着六条腿的它就像我们平常一直看到的小甲虫一样,可以慢慢的挪来挪去。时速9-18公里。恩,没错。爬的其实很快。理论上,几十个这样的机器人可以被布置在森林的一些重点火灾区,然后使用一个生物探测系统来探测火源。一旦发现有火,火苗的话,可以利用自身带的灭火剂,将火种扼杀在萌芽中,如果是大火,那就三十六计中上计咯,由于自身带的陶瓷复合纤维能够承受1300度的高温,再加上灵活的移动能力,逃出生天应该是可以的。
York Jong

Getting Started With Crickets - 0 views

  • the Cricket's yellow LED flashes when the Cricket is sending infrared signals.
  • You can type any Cricket Logo instruction in the Cricket Logo Command Center, and it will be immediately transferred to the Cricket and executed.
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  • the Cricket's green LED light goes on while the Cricket is executing commands.
  • You can "launch" a procedure directly from the Cricket by pressing the white button on the Cricket.
  • You can send information from the Motor/Sensor Cricket back to the computer using the send instruction.
York Jong

BASIC Stamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller with a small, specialized BASIC interpreter (PBASIC) built into ROM.
  • The third variant is the Javelin stamp. This stamp uses Sun Microsystem's Java programing language instead of Parallax's PBasic
  • all current PICs are Flash-based, and support in-circuit programming.
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  • The Basic Stamp > interprets instructions in real-time, essentially running a virtual machine on the PIC. This means that it is much slower
  • The Stamp implements a complete solution on a single PCB. In comparison, a bare PIC requires a separate power regulator and substantial decoupling on its output.
York Jong

The Playful World: How Technology Is Transforming Our Imagination - 0 views

    A trenchant analysis of the new "gaming" technology introduces readers to the interactive toys that will soon influence an entire generation of young users.
York Jong

HomePage of GoGoBoard - 0 views

    The GoGo board framework is a collection of open-source hardware platforms mainly aimed for educational projects.
York Jong

RoboLogo - Teaching Children how to program Interactive Robots - 0 views

  • All of the procedures take a discrete ``gear'' to specify the speed. The reasons for this are two-fold; first, by limiting the power of the truck, we simplify the interface to children. Secondly, it allows use to calibrate the ``gears'' so that, for example, 10 seconds forward in first gear is the same distance as 10 seconds backward in first gear.
  • The limitation of LOGO however is the lack of feedback from the environment. There is no way of expressing an event occuring in the outside world.
  • Simple constructs in iLogo extend the original LOGO language with interactivity capabilities of reading sensors and transfering control to different parts of the program.
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  • These above rules handle all of the commands and expressions of the iLogo language except for the DoUnlessCommand. This command will execute a list of commands unless a boolean condition is met. If so, control is switched to a new list of commands for handling the exception condition.
  • Each stage of the compiler is designed using the Visitor pattern described in the book Design Pattern by Eric Gamma, et al. This pattern allows tree traversers to be created as seperated objects, instead of doing all traversals as methods of the nodes of the tree
  • We decided to use the JavaCC/JJTree tools created by Sun for generating a custom parser for our iLogo language written in Java.
  • The language must have primitives which allow the user of the language to write programs which easily transfer control based upon outside stimuli, in this case sensors on the truck.
  • An LM18293 push-pull motor driver connects the programmable counter array (PCA) of the 8051 to the truck's motors.
    • York Jong
      LM18293 is a DC motor driver.
  • We took the Berkeley Logo language design as our base and then added a primitive for reading sensor and an exception-based control structure.
    RoboLogo is a system that enables children to program interactive robots. Children can program a robotic truck that interacts with the environment without having to deal with low-level implementation details.
York Jong

遊習世紀 - 0 views

York Jong

机器人制作·提高篇 - 0 views

York Jong

Intermediate Robot Building - 0 views

  • This book provides far more detail on the hardware aspects of robot building than any other I have seen to date and is worth picking up.
  • "Intermediate Robot Building" offers the kind of real-world knowledge that only an experienced robot builder can offer--the kind of knowledge beginners usually have to learn through mistakes. In this book, you'll learn the value of a robot heartbeat and the purpose of the wavy lines in photocells.
    Intermediate Robot Building by David Cook covers all aspects of robot building, from mechanical, to electronics, to microcontroller selection.
York Jong

Robot: mere machine to transcendent mind - 0 views

    The book considers the history and future of intelligent machines. It argues that robots will match human intelligence in less than fifty years, and suggests arrangements for a comfortable human existence in a fully automated economy. Concluding chapters speculate on the distant future of evolving intelligence.
York Jong

BEAM Pieces -- Integrated circuits - 0 views

  • 1381s are CMOS voltage-controlled triggers -- these "gate" a source until the voltage is above some "trip" limit, at which point it is allowed onto a third pin
  • We use them as 3- or 5-volt triggers
  • This chip is often considered the heart of Nv net technology
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  • The '240 is often called "the bicore chip," because we can take advantage of the 240's inverters to turn a single 74*240 into a bicore
  • The '240 also has tri-state outputs, so an enable line can be used to turn its outputs on and off simply (good for adding reversing capability to a 'bot).
  • any *cores built with a 74*04 will require additional logic "downstream" to amplify the current to levels sufficient to drive a moto
  • Schmitt triggers can't easily be used in suspended bicore implementations
  • use its buffers as little current amplifiers
  • it is usable for either grounded or suspended bicore designs (but better for suspended)
  • 74HC/HCTxx non-buffers (74HC14 or 74HC04) draw about half of the current consumption, and have about half the drive current compared to HC / HCT buffer chips (74HC240 or 74HC245). Non-buffer chips are thus better for oscillators, say Nv and Nu applications; they are not suited for use in driving motors.
  • 74AC is best suited for motor driver applications with all inputs driven rail to rail.
  • The '245 is an octal buffer chip, and so has 8 channels of buffering power available for our misuse. This chip was designed for data transmission uses, but we'll misuse it as a motor driver chip
  • The '244 provides us with 8 (thus the "octal") buffers, enableable in banks of 4. This is a very useful chip for amplifying small currents
  • it can drive up to 4 motors in 2 directions each, or you can "buddy up" inputs and outputs to drive fewer motors at higher current
  • it can drive up to 4 motors in 2 directions each, or you can "buddy up" inputs and outputs to drive fewer motors at higher current
  • If you can't find 1381s locally, you might have better luck finding its European cousin, the TC-54 -- for details on it
  • Note that if you need more than about 200 mA per motor, you'll need to use an H-bridge, or some similar motor driver
  • The ideal BEAM circuit would use a low (2V-3V) voltage core and sensors combined with level shifting high (5-6V) volt motor drivers to maximize efficiency.
  • 74ACxxx used in typical BEAM applications uses 4x more supply current than does 74HC/HCTxxx.
    The following material is intended to cover usage and part selection details of ICs you're most likely to see in BEAM robots.
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