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Cause and Effect poverty - 1 views

    This article talks about the causes and effects of poverty. It also talks about what was once thought about poverty. This article angered me when I learned that many people used to think that it was all the poor peoples fault for being poor.
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    An article that gives the definition of poverty (absolute and relative). It also gives some causes that have been spectulated over. Not only that, but it has a nice chunk about the effects of poverty AND a feminist perspective on it. This article can help you if you are doing causes or effects of poverty.
    The word poverty has a sterotype that the poor cause there own poverty. The effects of poverty are serious. Children who have lived in Poverty all their lives suffer more persistant, and ususally have sever health problems compared to the children who grew up with a little better health circumstances. The "blame the poor" perspective is stereotypic and is not true for all the underclass people. Not only are most poor people able and willing to work hard, they do so when given the chance. There are no solutions or explanations to why the poverty exist but scientist are going to continue to research though the years. \n\n
    There are theories that the cause of poverty has to do with lack on concern about the future and possibly commiting self harming activited. Other families are born into it if their parents were in poverty, so they can't help it. Many effects of poverty include birth defects, easily sick, and impaired vision because of the lack of nutrition.\nI was surprised that the artical said that infants born into poverty are more likely to die before their first birthday. It also scared me because it would be hard on the family if they lost a child.
    This gives a lot of information about poverty, and effects. It says that babies born to parents in poverty are more irritable, weigh less, and are more likely to die. It's kind of depressing, but we have to learn about the problem to solve it.
    wow you guys are like writing novels over here... I like this website, it had some stuff that really interested me, and stuff that was kinda disturbing too. ://

Share our Stregth - 0 views

    This is a columbus based program that helps people in poverty, particulary children. They reccomened and give out healthy foods. THey have many internal programs, such as cooking matters, which teaches low income families how to prepare and cook healthy delcious meals.

World Hunger, Poverty and Homlessness - 1 views

    This article gives some frightening facts about homlessness. It also, though gives some hope. It's a blog that focuses on Poverty, Homelessness and hunger.
    Although it's sad, it's good to now that there are people out there who are willing to spread the word about poverty. The people who are finding solutions to poverty are angels.

Statistics about the Homeless - 1 views

    this article talks about who are homeless and the percents of each homeless group. IT was really touching because it showed that everyone is affected. It really made me feel sad when I saw that 36% of homeless people are families
    it makes us relize how we shouldnt take things for granted, and just should be thankful for what we have, becuase some people dont even get the love and support we get. they just have nothing. ):
    I found this article interesting becasue it gives statistics about peopl who are homless, like 28% don't have enough to eat, compared to the 12% of adults who are hungry nut have homes." and "22% have been physically assulted". It gave me a different perspective about people who are homeless.

Kids in America who are homeless - 4 views

    This is Times magazine article about the number of kids who are homless in the U,S. A few statistics: Texas (337,105), California (292,624), Louisiana (204,053), Georgia (58,397) and Florida (49,886).
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    I wonder how accrate that survey was because I don't think people would tell the truth about how they are living. Some people are too proud. I didn't know that the level of kids living in poverty was so high before the economy got this bad!
    I think it's really sad that so many children are homeless. When you think of homelessness, adults usally come to mind. It is scary and alarming how many children and teens are homeless, especially if you put yourself in their shoes. I doubt I would survive.
    If i was one of those kids i would go mad out of my mind. Think of the kids who are 9 and younger live out side don't have food every day. How would you fill?
    That just feels so unfair that kids are just born into this kinda thing. It's pretty sad that they can't get the right education to be successful in their lives because they were born poor :(((((

Bread for the world - 6 views

    facts about hunger and how many people died a year and how to end hunger in the U.S and ways to stop it
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    It made me upset the nearly 16.7 million children struggle to put food on the table.
    It made me upset that nearly one in four children live in households that struggle to put food on the table. It is very sad and depressing
    it suprised me that only 13% of people in the u.s. live in poverty.
    It surprised me that 26.9 percent of latino's have a hard time to put food on the table. I feel sad.
    if america is one of the wealthiest countries we should be sharing the wealth instead of keeping it to ourselves. it surprised me that most people will go through poverty before they are 65.

Percent below poverty level (most recent) by state - 0 views

    This chart shows that there is a alot of poverty even here in the US. This lists them by states by the highest poverty rate. Its not surprising but its still sad.
    Ohio is #24. That's like, in the middle from everyone else. That's really sad to know, I feel bad for being so selfish and buying things for myself when there are people out there who don't own alot...
    Im surprised we are at #24 i thought we would be higher because i have seen a lot of poverty in ohio

How poverty is measured in the USA - 0 views

    This tells how poverty is measured is the U.S.A. It surprised me how many "qualifications" you have to have.
    Why do is it so hard to be poor. It would help more people if the qualifications were easier to make.

The Columbus Dispatch - Local/State | The Columbus Dispatch - 0 views

    Article on Ohio have one of the highest "rates of poverty and some of the lowest household income. This came as an eye opener that poverty is closer to us than we sometimes think. In our perspective Ohio would never look like the place with one of the highest rates of poverty and lowest household income but this article really opened my eyes.
    I didn't know that OHIO had one of the most highest poverty rates.

How people helped children in poverty - 0 views

    A few stories about how some people donated money to a child each month. Very different stories, but all to help a child in the end.

Philadelphia Cuts Its Food Pantry Budget While Families Go Hungry - 7 views

    This is an article about how Philadelphia cut its food pantry budget while so many families are already struggling. To be more specific they cut their State Food Purchase Program which is how the states buy food for their food pantries.
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    It is extremly eye openeing learning that 1 in 8 americans are on food stamps, i never knew poverty was climbing so quickly. if i had to go to walmart at midnight for food because i've been waiting a week for it, i would be depressed. and it isn't fair that these people only get half of what we spend, but still make it last a week longer than the avarage american would have.
    I found it terrible that it was really hard to find help from food pantries when people were starving. It would be so much better if the food pantries could be easier for these starving people to get access to
    Dude that's all kinds of wrong! I really don't think it was a bright idea for the city to cut the food pantry budgets.... Just, ehh, wrong. -_-
    that's sad. It seems like Philadelphia doesn't really know what is going on with their poverty level
    It bothered me that budgets qere cut when the number of struggling families rose! I don't like that so many people in poverty are children.
    whats wrong with Philly. cutting food pantries while so many people go hungry. that's really sad. :(
    thats not cool. that made me sad. Philadelphia is making a very bad decision i feel.
    Why would you you do a budget cut for a food pantry when tones of familys need the most help they can get.
    Thye decision to cut Philadelphia's food pantry, is cutting on human lives. People who are in poverty are starving in Philadelphia, and whithout people alive in Philadelphia, then what, or where is Philadelphia?!

Poverty in American & what we can do to help! - 0 views

    this gives information about how people living a good life style, can help other people in need.
    I was suprised that nearly 51% Americans will live in poverty at some point before they are 65.

Homeless Statistics - 0 views

    This site has statistics of homelessness all over the world! India has the highest homeless rate out of all 100,000,000 people without homes in all of the world, with 78,000,000 people out on the street. This are some shocking numbers, and really deserve to have a look. I find it amazing that there's enough homeless people in Hong Kong alone for them to make the list with other countries.

Graph of poverty level in every state - 0 views

    This shows a graph of the percentage of poverty in each state. It opens my eyes a lot, because I realize that even though ohio is bad, it could be worse.


    this website shows all the cites in Ohio and how much a family needs for money and food and how much they spend each year or on average
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    It really made me sad that over two and a half times as many families fall below EPI's family budget levels than below federal poverty lines. I can't imangine how it's like to live that way.
    Its shocking how so many people in ohio are in poverty, when i don't SEE many.
    woah. I really never see anyone living on the streets in Ohio.... I didn't really notice that our state is so poor o_o
    I find this artcle not suprising. I see it, go downtown to the brewery district, you'll see it. That article was made in 2001 i think. I wonder if those statistics are still the same.
    Me neitherr!

Ohio's poverty, uninsured rates up; median income drops sharply - 2 views

    This artical tells the poverty rates in ohio and all around the US. I was so suprised about how high the poverty rate has grown and how it has gotten this bad so fast.
    This article has percentages and rates on the poverty levels in all of the states
    i can't believe the poverty rate is so high in ohio...D:

Statistics on Poverty and Food Wastage in America - 6 views

    Includes many statistics, such as food wastage in America (over 100 billion lbs per year!) and poverty rate for children (55% for children under 6 living with a single mother!). I Found some of these statistics very surprising, but sadly, not unbelieveable.
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    I can't believe Americans waste about 100 billion pounds of food each year.
    It's hard to believe that so many people in the world's richest country aren't always able to put food on the table. it is especially sad that so many children go to bed hungry. but i'm glad there are companies out there that help the hungry and supply them with food.
    With the amount of resources wasted here, we can feed every homeless person! We're not very considerate...
    wow thats really aweful how much we abuse our resources so badly, and yet not surprising like julia said
    With the knowledge that so much of our food is being wasted, I wonder if things have been put into action to help this.
    its amazing how unbalanced wealth is
    What I found hard to swallow was that people wasted 14% of their food. That just strikes me as wasteful.
    I think that 20% of people in the US who request food not getting it is crazy, especially in America where we have some of the richest people in the world.
    This article gives information on Food wasage in america. It tels how much food is wated per year and how many people would have gladly accepted it. This article also gives some statistics on poverty in the united states.
    35.9 million people in America live below the poverty line. About 100 billion pounds of food each year is wasted in America. Those living in poverty would gladly accept the food that would go to waste. Some families have to skip a meal or each very little becasue they can't afford to eat alot. In a house, about 14% of the food that is bought will be wasted. And around 49 million people could have been fed by that food. \nSeeing all of the wasted food and people that could use that food makes me want to find a way to save some of that food and give it to people in poverty. Also it's sad to know that there are alot of kids out there that live in poverty. If I were a parent it would be hard on me not being able to provide for my kids.

Federal Poverty Guidelines - 0 views

    Poverty Threshold is different that poverty guidelines. Threshold is normaly used for statistics, such as estimating the number of Americans in poverty. Poverty guidelines are used for administrative purposes, such as seeing if someone meets the requirments of certain programs. The poverty guildelines may also be known as 'federal poverty level.' (There are charts showing the poverty guidelines for different family sizes that live in the 48 connected staes, Alaska, and Hawii) The poverty guideline changes depending on where you live. \nI was surprized to see that in 2009 Alaska had the highest poverty guideline at $13,530 and the 48 connected states had the lowest with $10,830. I also cant imagine my family of six living off $29,530. It also makes me think about all the other nessesities that we take for granted and how people living in poverty would be really greatful for them.

Regional Differences in Family Poverty - 1 views

    This article shows the differences in poverty in different places and reasons why the poverty levels are different.

Goal 1 Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty - 1 views

    One of the Millienium goals is to "Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day." This article gives statistics and ways people have begun to reach the goal.
    This program looks really awesome! They have great goals, and great personal values!
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