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Brown B

15 shocking facts about poverty - 19 views

    This article really opens your eyes to the reason why we have poverty. It gives who is to blame and why many people don't know about poverty or very little about it.
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    this is a good website too because it opened my eyes in many ways!
    Wow. It was really interesting for me to here that poverty actually has to do with politics. I never knew that politics had anything to do with poverty.
    I was supried when i found out that both parties are to blam for the econimy.
    It really made the problem stand out the way it was wrote. The article really enlarged the problem and hopefully that will help people to see it.
    It made sense to me because i neveer felt like america was ever really in debt. I would hear it in the news then go to the polairs mall and couldnt find a parking lot so it just didn't hit me. When i herd about middle class slipping into proverty it started to scare me because my dad's work place is letting people go and my mom has alredy had to deal with that at her work place. What if they are choosen to be let go of, will i still be able to live in worthington? so its kinda scary.
    I thought it was crazy that the U.S. has the third worst poverty rate out of all the developed nations. I knew it was a problem, but I didn't know how bad. i mean you think of the u.S as being one of the richer countries, but we are struggling a lot too.
    I liked how it repeated that the US is becoming poorer and poorer month after month because it means it is a serious problem. ANd I never thought that the politics had anything to do with poverty, I always thought it was just that people weren't able to afford things and stuff like that...
    This article is very upfront and sort of forces you to listen to it. It really hit me when they said that many people think that America is and always will be "the wealthiest country." But even though we are better off than some countries, many people in America are struggling to put food on the table; those kinds of things, like eating dinner every night, I just take for granted.
    I saw the fact about how one out of every six families are on a plan for anti-poverty. It was really surprising and I was wondering if the other five out of six people are left alone or are they getting help locally?
    I found it sad that the U.S. where we think we are so much better than everyone else we have the third worst poverty rate among devoloped countries
    Oh wow that's kind of scary, it gets me worried. The person who wrote the article seemed more rude than anything though.
    i did not know anything of those fact! that is amazing that poverty is everywhere! and we did not know about it!
    I thought that it was kind of funny, that the republicans said that poverty was the democrats fault and the democrats said it was the republicans fault. Those were interesting facts though
    I read it and it looked very sad and it made me feel sorry for the people, but also the facts are very shocking. The "1 in 6 families have the government's anti-poverty program" made me think that about 13 people in here have the program.
    i was really sad when i saw the fact that 45 million Americans were living in poverty in 2009
Giesman G

Consequences of poverty - 3 views

    This article is about the effcts poverty has on children. It gives the consequences poverty sometimes causes for children living in it. Children living in poverty are more likely to have behavior problems, as well as emotional and physical problems. I felt upset reading about the consequences that children living in poverty had to deal with because it wasn't their fault they were poor.
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    This article is about some of the long term effects that poverty can cause for children in poor families. I think that it is really sad that a child's potential can be limited so much by not having enough money.
    I really like how this article goes into the mental aspects of children who live in poverty. It's interesting and sad to learn how many behavioral problems children can have when they grow up not having money.
    I think its sad how it talks about how children are limited in their futures because they were born into poverty. I think its good that it shows how there is poverty even in the US. A child could have amazing potential and cant get anywhere because they are in poverty.
    I like how it gives the numbers. It helps me to have a better view. For example, I knew that poorer people are more likely to do worse in school, I just didn't know how much. Twice as much as a nonpoor person.
Strauss V - 4 views

    This website provides information about several health issues that are a result of poverty. It also introduces you to one of the several solutions to help end poverty. This article really forced me to see the reality of it and just how many people are impacted.
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    This website is about world poverty and its effects. The home page has a map of people dying all around the world because of hunger/hunger related causes.
    This website shows deaths this hour, and sadly it is mostly kids ans women who die. I noticed none of the deaths are from America.
    Well, this article tells you facts about poverty. It tells you organizations that help out this problem too. It told me that over 25,000 people die because of poverty and I was like, "OMGNOWAY!!"
    It really mad me sad to see all of the faces on the map. It made me sad, but yet it mezmorized me to see all of the people that had died
    I hated how the faces were showing up, but what made me sad was that most of them were in asia, africa, and a few were in south america. What i REALLY didn't like was at the bottom of the home page, it said the faces and the names were fake.
    this article expains statistics and how although there is enough food for everybody, not everybody can afford it. About 25,000 people die every day of hunger,yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. its sad to see how many people are dying in just this hour.
    I was really disturbed when I read that 25,000 people die each day of hunger or hunger related causes... I knew people died but I never thought that it would be that many...
    Being in the situation we are, or at least the situation I am, I always feel very datatched rfom the world of poverty. But seeing the actual faces and coming to mental realization that these4 are people with families and storys was really an eye opener. good find.
    oh my god, this article makes me soo depressed. but i don't understand how they could have the picture up of people who just died in that hour? unless i read it wrong
    One person dies every 3 and a half seconds according to the United Nations. Children die more often than adults. The world has plenty of food to feed everyone but the problem is that people are trapped in severe poverty. They dont have the money to buy the food. If they never have food, they become week and sick causing them to not work and they get poorer. There are programs around the world the can help children buy food when they are at school so their families can save money.
    It's sad just knowing how many people die from poverty, but seeing their faces makes it even worse!
    The fact that every 3 1/2 seconds, a person dies due to poverty is really sickening. It makes me feel guilty that we have such a great life compared to others.
    thats so sad that over 25,000 people die a day because of poverty. it is also very sad because they show the pictures of the people who died witch made me very sad.
Haines M

Why Teen Pregnancy Is a Poverty Problem - 19 views

    This article explains how poverty and teen pregnancy are related.
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    That is really shocking! I've never thought that poverty would be related to teen pregancy, but now that I read this it makes so much sense. It's so sad, but it's also promising, because if we can beat poverty, then that can significantly help teen pregnancy.
    Wowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would never think that teen pregnancy and poverty were related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    wow. i agree with avery-you don't really relate poverty and teen pregnancy
    i don't think that we could beat teen pregnancy. you really can't tell someone to stop you know. but poverty could be beaten easily then again there both decisions. or well teen pregnancy is.
    or maybe i read the comment wrong.
    i agree with suzi, this aritcle seems a lil over strong though. i dont like the point of view its coming from
    ya, you can't really control how many teens get pregnant, but poverty can lead to teen pregnancy (and vice versa).
    its really sadening that if the mother has not earned a high school diploma or equivalency degree, the child will grow up in poverty 64 percent of the time. i think that this problem needs to be adressed so that we can stop this vicious cycle.
    i didnt think that teen pregnancy could be related to poverty.
    I never linked poverty and teen pregnancy to poverty, but after reading thing article, it all makes sence. I also think that it would be really tough to be a teen mom in general, but then on top of that living in poverty. I cant image how hard and stressful that would be on a family.
    i think its sad that a child born to an unmarried teen mother has a 27 percent chance of growing up in poverty. i mean, how would you feel if that was your mom who made that decision. ?
    WOAH!!! theres 2.2 billon children in the world and theres 1 billion in poverty:(
    Its sad that just some dumb mistakes made by teenagers can change there lives forever. and part of beeing a teenager is makeing duimb mistakes, so you can learn and become expirenced adult. But all you can say is "abstinance" I beliveve that the gov't needs to work even harder to prevent it, and really spend some time and money to fight this growing problem.
    Its so sad, if a baby is born to a poor mom they are more likely to live in poverty when their older
    I never thought teenage pregnancy would ever be related to poverty. I was amazed at how the numbers of poverty in a state was closely followed by the numbers of teen pregnancy in that area. I would never what to have a kid when I am like 16. But living poverty at the same time must be so hard. It was so shocking how the teen's kid would must likely grow up to be like their parents were. Which is so sad.
    I thought that this article was interesting because i never would have thought that that getting pregnant would be a cause of poverty.
    It doesn't really suprise me that teen pregnancy is linked to poverty. Most teenage mothers can't pay for all the costs of a baby.
    It sad but clearly obvious that teen pregnacy is a vicious cycle. Born to a teen mother, children are likely to grow up in poverty, making it likely that they will get pregnant in their teenage years.
    This article was very shocking for me. "The report's rankings of states by teen pregnancy rates looks eerily similar to the U.S. Census rankings of states by poverty rates." That line really just took my breath away, because I seriously had no idea that teen pregnancy could be linked to poverty in any way. It just hurt my heart seeing the way that poverty can really have that much of an effect on people.
    I agree with Kelsey, its not surprsing at all. Yestarday i went to the food pantry and Mr.Maddox noticed a can of maybe formula and said that pint of baby formula lasts two days and costs $15. its crazy how much a child costs and especially for a teen whose not prepared finacually and mentally
    I liked how this article gave another example of what can cause many people to be in poverty because of. I think its really sad how many young girls throw their life away and have to end up being homeless or in poverty.
    I think it's sad how 27% of children with teen moms grow up in poverty. They deserve a better life than that even though they can't control who their mom is.
    I think this site should open peoples eyes. .When i think of causes of poverty this never came to mind. This is a big cause of people who are in poverty. I also feel bad because if you are in poverty you cant provide your kid with the right essentials. And its says that about 27% of kids grow up living in poverty because their mothers were living in poverty too. Dont have sex kids. thanks. (:
Banks T

Motion for Resolution - 2 views

    This article gives some resolutions to end poverty. They state some of the things they are worried about concerning poverty, and then give ideas and suggetions of ways to end it and solve those problems. Some ideas of how to end poverty: eliminate school fees, support breast-feeding, provide drugs for AIDS, access to electricity, action against domestic violence, deworming children in affected areas, free school meals, and many more. Knowing these things is helpful because it gives you actual ideas to act on in order to end the vicious cycle of poverty.
    it is so horrific that little kids have to go through prostitution and human trafficing, when their just little kids. when they don't even have sanitary items or hospitals near by, that child can get severly ill and a chance of dieing, from prostitution. It also made me sad when i saw the pictures on the side of this artical, and how these children have to go through this is a big part of their life.
Borror D

Poverty in Ohio spreading and getting worse - 19 views

    Ohio has the top 3 poorest cities. i thought that ohio had tones of money before this came up. Its sad that Ohio can't help the people in those city. Why can't we lower the taxes or something like that to help the people that need it.
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    omg i did kno we were poor kinda ironic because we grow so much food!
    I was supried when i found out that the top 10 poorest cities, three are in Ohio are Cleveland, Cincinnati and Toledo. I meen those are mentioned all the time for art shows and cool events and to think that they are poor?!! wow!
    this article is about how 1in 5 Marion County residence went into poverty last year. and how bad the economy has effected Ohio
    i agree with adele about the cool events. I drive though cinncinati a couple times a year and i see the big stadium plus i have family down there who are dintist so i never would have thought it would be one of the more poor cities in ohio. I also can't believe clevland because its up by lake errie and i travle there too and i would think they would have more job opertunities from working the ferries or working at cedier point.But i guess thats why its so shocking to me.
    it terrible that all of this is happening in the U.S but also in our own state, and in the cities around us. it was sad that even though people had a job, they were living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes jobs help you, but sometimes they don't. nice artical ryan.
    I never really thought that ohio had alot of poverty! I was suprised that Cleveland, Cincinnati. and toledo are listed in the top 10 of poor cities. I am hoping that we can whip this country back into shape before eerything goes down!
    this amazed me that no other state has more than one city that is in poverty. Coming from the state ohio, living in columbus, i had no idea toledo, cleveland, and cincinnati was in poverty.
    This article is about how poverty in Ohio is growing really fast. I was pretty dang surprised at the numbers when the article told how fast poverty is growing. I think it's a really good 'cause there's a lot of good information!
    This article really surprised me. I couldn't believe that Ohio has the most cities in poverty! I never really thought that our state was really poor, until I read this article.
    I always thought Ohio didnt have a lot of poverty, but that is just becasue I'm protected from it, so i never see it. this is a huge eye opener because even working families in Ohio arent doing well financially.
    It was shocking that Ohio has three of the poorest cities in all of America. That's like 1/3 of the top ten are where we live... Disturbing.
    woah dude! I thought that we were kinda rich.... But I guess not o_O... nice article, I learned a lot!
    I never knew Ohio was this bad. I thought Ohio was coming back but apparently not according to the stats.
    I was very sad to read that Ohio is three of the poorest cities in all of America. It makes me feel to do something since I live around poverty. Very eye opening!
    to be honest, it doesn't suprise me that Ohio has the top 3 poorest cities. Everyday I see people struggle.
    I can believe that Ohio has the poorest cities, but yet it still suiprises me. Deep in your head you know that people are poor, but you don't want to believe it.
    yeahh what rachel said. i mean even though i don't really see many people on the streets like you would in D.C. or chicago. but still it is very truee. :c
    I never thought that poverty in Ohio was this bad. I guess I just hadn't opened up my eyes to the people who are struggling. To see that our home is riddled with hardship is not only sad, but it is a monumental weight on your mind.
    This doesn't suprise me. I see people on the street and in food banks.
    the highest number of poverty in 51 years? Wow the world really sucks today.
    This is Crazy, In Marion The Salvation Army's food pantry served 1,020 This August. The number of people doubled from a year ago. This shows that more and more people need support, its sad
    i agree with caroline. it seems like the world is getting more expensive how will we survive when we're older. the population is getting out of hands too.
    It's scary to think that Ohio is has more poor people in this year than last year. Hopefully, we can get reduce poverty levels in Ohio again.
    i can't believe the sitaution is so bad, and how WILL we survive? (that was supposed to be in italics) it doesn't make sense-if the world becomes poorer and poorer, then the rich become fewer and fewer, and eventually it's going to snowball and just get out of control
    I was surprised to see the one of the facts said that poverty is a much more complex problem today than it was when the war on poverty began in the 1960s. I would have thought that that it would have gotten better because there were more jobs avaliable and more money. It would make sense to be bad in the 1960s because there werent a lot of jobs available. What if it keeps getting worse? What will happen in about 50 years from now? Will everybody be living in poverty? It would be helpful to find these answers out now.
    I think this quote hits the nail on the head. "We're seeing a different wave of people using our health centers as the recession hits people in the middle class who have recently lost their jobs," - Julie DiRossi if the economy keeps tanking the way it has been the U.S is in trouble, the majority of this country is people in the middle class and if people keep losing jobs and not being able to build the econonmy up and its just a circling problem
Mullet K

Cause and Effect poverty - 1 views

    This article talks about the causes and effects of poverty. It also talks about what was once thought about poverty. This article angered me when I learned that many people used to think that it was all the poor peoples fault for being poor.
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    An article that gives the definition of poverty (absolute and relative). It also gives some causes that have been spectulated over. Not only that, but it has a nice chunk about the effects of poverty AND a feminist perspective on it. This article can help you if you are doing causes or effects of poverty.
    The word poverty has a sterotype that the poor cause there own poverty. The effects of poverty are serious. Children who have lived in Poverty all their lives suffer more persistant, and ususally have sever health problems compared to the children who grew up with a little better health circumstances. The "blame the poor" perspective is stereotypic and is not true for all the underclass people. Not only are most poor people able and willing to work hard, they do so when given the chance. There are no solutions or explanations to why the poverty exist but scientist are going to continue to research though the years. \n\n
    There are theories that the cause of poverty has to do with lack on concern about the future and possibly commiting self harming activited. Other families are born into it if their parents were in poverty, so they can't help it. Many effects of poverty include birth defects, easily sick, and impaired vision because of the lack of nutrition.\nI was surprised that the artical said that infants born into poverty are more likely to die before their first birthday. It also scared me because it would be hard on the family if they lost a child.
    This gives a lot of information about poverty, and effects. It says that babies born to parents in poverty are more irritable, weigh less, and are more likely to die. It's kind of depressing, but we have to learn about the problem to solve it.
    wow you guys are like writing novels over here... I like this website, it had some stuff that really interested me, and stuff that was kinda disturbing too. ://
Costello R

poverty - 4 views

    this shows the results of poverty and how it affects world hunger. I was very surprised after i read about how much things most people that are being affected by poverty can't get. I was also very surprised on how many children die of poverty in under 5 years.
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    i like this one it seems very helpful in ways and that helped with what i was looking for!
    This site gave me a lot of useful new facts without adding a lot of fluff. I found it interesting and an easy to read if you dislike your topic and would otherwise give up.
    i agree this article is a very good article with problems and solutions about poverty
    D: That's so sad.I know there are a lot of people out there who can't get the kind of healthcare they need, and I know a ton of people who go to the hospital often. If there are that many in my neighborhood, I wonder how many can't afford to go to the hospital.
    This article was really sad, I couldn't believe that over 250,000 children die from hunger each week. I think it gave lots of good information without too much to read.
    Great article. It was sad but atleast it wasn't trying to hide the truth or make it sound not as bad as it is. The fact that so many children die cannot be ignored...
    With so many children dieing I almost wish people wouldn't have babies if they can't feed them because in the end the child will die.
    Its disappointing because at the end of world war 2 scientist that with the advancement of technology, poverty would disappear but it didn't ;(
Borror D

What are the Long Term Effects of Poverty? - 4 views

    This talks about the long term effects of poverty and has a few paragraphs about understanding generational poverty. Reading the effects, I wasn't to surprised because I can see all of that happening to children and families in poverty.
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    This article tells the long-term effects of poverty, the different kinds of poverty, and how we can help stop it. I thought that this article was really helpful if you don't know much about poverty, or if you want to know how to help it. I think it's pretty sad that some people are born into poverty and they can't get the right education because of it.
    The article seems to really talk a lot about how poverty affects the life of a person. It's terrible how those with less money have so many more difficulties than those who have money. Basic needs should have no price.
    THis article made me so sad! I never knew all of the problems that can be caused by poverty! I agree with Pen Basic needs should have no price. I really want to reach out and help those familes in need. I also think I will understand people who are depressed or who are in poverty. I think I will become a better person because of this article.
Demmler A

poverty in ohio - 11 views

    proverty has grown 41.7 percent in ohio last year. Most of the people who have proverty has a family of four. Thats just sad because i have a family of 4 and we are having hard times with money. My family is working out the prombles fast because we don't want to go homeless.
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    Poverty isn't just in other countries, it is in our country and our own state.
    poverty is everywhere, not just in our country but all over the world
    I can not believe 1.5 million people in ohio make less then $22,050 a year. Its so sad, to think that maybe they couldn't get food for their family or have a cozy house to go to at night.
    there was a great family in ohio, then one day everything changed and turned in a different direction. one night the father looses his job, and then that once great family became under the level of poverty. they need help!
    This article form the Columbus Dispatch is talking about how Ohio's population has increased since 2002 by 1.2 percent while the people living in poverty has grown 41.7%. I was really surprised at how many people live in poverty in our state. I think That This increase had to do with so many job losses in ohio
    yes but its in our state too. some of us don't realize. probably some of us thought it was in like africa at first.
    I know there is poverty everywhere, but never thought there was so much in Ohio.
    Jeez, I'm almost 16 years-old, and knowing that I might not get a good paying sulks, and knowing that Ohio is going into poverty makes it even more worse! I wonder what it will be like in 2015, or 2020?
    This is an article about rising poverty in Ohio. This was really shocking that poverty is really becoming a problem in Ohio.
    This article in the Columbus Dispatch gives statistics and info about the poverty rate in Ohio. Acording to the article, 1.5 million people live in Ohio, and 13.7% of them live in poverty. This shocks me because I've never really seen or heard of people living in Ohio being in poverty.
    Yea like my mom works for Marion City school and works with special needs kids with adhd learning disabilites and most of the famileis in Marion Live in Poverty. It just makes me sad.
    This is a really, really interesting article. I had no clue that there was so much poverty in Ohio. You just sort of always think it's somewhere else, not in your own city.
    Gives an overview of poverty statistics in Ohio. It's surprising that the number of people living in poverty has grown by 40% as well as a little disturbing.
    Extremely eye opening. i thought the same thing as a lot of people that Columbus was pretty well off and wealthy... apperantly not.
    This article was posted on January 22, 2010, just one year ago. In this article you will find suprising statstics, showing the hgh rate of poverty in our own home state. The unemployment rate has soared in the past few years, and more Ohioans are finding it hard to cope. This article almost made me sick to my stomach, seeing that so many people are living in poverty, and that I was totoally oblivious to it. I felt guilty in a sense, since I have not even NOTICED that there was such a problem with poverty. It was very informational, as well as somewhat recent.
    This article literally comes close to home. Everybody thinks that Columbus and the suburbs of it are really rich, but the statistics proved me wrong.. And the fact that we've gone nine months now with "double digit unemployment" is too bad. Everybody deserves to be supported. If our society makes money so important for life, why can't they provide jobs? Ridiculous...
    I like this article because it shows that poverty isnt just in africa, but its in the us to.
    I thought that this article contained many good statistics. The one about how the population living in Ohio has grown by 41 percent since 2002 was very fascinating and sad to hear. That is a huge change.
    this gives information about the poverty levels in ohio and gives the total household income of every year (22,000). they wern't joking at the food pantry. this is something that people really need to think about.
    It was surprising that the population only increased 1% but the poverty level increased 41%. It made me realize how many people are in poverty right here in Ohio.
    i am very surprised that about 33% of Ohio people are poor :(
Plummer H

Ted Williams with Golden Voice and the Myths About Homelessness - 7 views

    I liked this artical because not only did it show that some myths about homless people arn't ture is also showed a story about a man who wasonce homless but now has a job and i thought i was uplefting.
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    I remember hearing abut that guy n tv! I never really knew that there where "myths" about poverty. It was really interesting to see the stereotypes that people come up with.
    TED WILLIAMS. he is so amazing I love his story. It makes me really happy to know that hes going to visit his mom for the first time in like 40 years thats so sweet. C:
    That's so sweet that he's the announcer for the Cavaliers now! He was in a macaroni and cheese commercial too. It's so crazy that he went from homeless to famous in two days!
    Its nice to see someone overcome such a problem and able to beat it. Really gives me hope that our nation can beat this problem
    i think people really need to read this srticle-it's short and sweet, but kills a lot of mithys about poverty. go Ted!
    I think that this story shows that you can get out of poverty! It shows hope to a lot of different people including those in poverty.
    yeah Declan........ All you need is a perfect radio voice.... -_____-
    At first I thought that this man's story was amazing, but as his real story developed, I was disgusted by this story. Turns out that he was a drug addict and that he has (still is) physically abused his daughter, lying to her, saying that he was sober when really he was slobbering drunk. Now he is going to rehab. Guys, rehab isn't free. Who's paying for that? Some person who felt generous. Well, why is it that the people who have chosen to throw their lives away get all this support? What about the people who are pure? While this man gets attention for being a drug addict, people are STILL starving on the streets. Juss' sayin.
    shelby, the guy overcame homelessness and poverty and has pratically turned his life around. Rehab will help the guy to become a better person. I think his story is pretty remarkable
    He a drug addict. He can't pay for it so someone elso is paying for his rehab when that money can go to the streets were familys need it most.
    I would disagree; other people turned his life around for him. Do you really think that if he didn't have rehab PAYED FOR HIM he would have sought help for his addiction? He wouldn't have told anybody :/ Sure, it's awesome that he was found on the street, and that HIS life is better, but there are STILL people who I believe deserve help more than him. It makes me sick that all the corrupt people are the ones who get all the attention, when the pure are left to fend for themselves.
    I like this article it is very interesting about how he was homeless one day and then in 3 days he's now rich and has a house. so i think what they are trying to say is that not all homeless people are non talented school drop outs. they are trying to say that some are very talented and might have messed up in life.
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Omar H

Major Cause of Poverty - 1 views

    The website is about what has lead us to poverty and what still is. It seems like from the website that people in the west take advantage of poorer regions because the resources are cheaper. I find that very selfish. I was also very suprised too see that the main problem were the policies of international institutions.
    it was weird to read that the food banks can help people, but some people it doesnt help them at all.
    haley im sorry but would you care to explain what you are saying a bit more
Mousou M

World Poverty - Challenges and Solutions - 5 views

    it shows challenges of world poverty and the solutions. One example is the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. Throughout the 1990s, hungry people rose by 18 million. 4 million a year and 25,000 people die from poverty. I think that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer is not all true, because some people donate money to poor people.
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    I heard on NPR that surprisingly, more people are looking up to the richer people for help, than looking down on them and blaming them that they hoard a lot of money and that they should be at fault for the economy.
    I could not believe that the war in I raq has killed as many people in five years as poverty killed in four days!
    It's kind of sad how selfish and uncaring people are/can be. Once the amount of money between people is even, poverty wont be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
    declan that is called down trickleing. the rich buy stuff, the money fom the stuff gets distributied among emploees, emploees buy stuff and it keeps going down the class pyrimid.
    thats insane! the worlds so messed up with war, im making a song about it, but still this website has alot to offer and i also saw the war thing very interesting
Sawyer T

U.S. Hunger - 4 views

    This article is giving information about how many people are struggling in the United States from poverty. It gives causes and facts about hunger in the U.S. It was very eye opening when I read that 13 percent of people in the U.S. struggle with hunger. 16.7 million children live in households that struggle with putting food on the table.
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    Wow! Has it really gotten so bad that 1 in 4 familys struggle to put food on the table? I meen,i can't think about that because sometimes if i don't like whats on my plate then i throw it away and some people woule die for that.
    The "Causes of Hunger in the US" article was super interesting. It made me realize that we have so much food in the US but if you don't have money to buy it, then you just can't buy it at all.
    i was suprsed to see that 13% of people are living in poverty in the united states
    I know Adele! When I don't like something on my plate, I just throw it away and not think about how much someone right then is struggling and starving.
    its amazing that poverty hits so close to home
    In the "hunger and poverty in african americans" article, i was so shocked of the total income, food insecurities, and poverty total. I am completely blown away by this!
    I definetly agree with Adele. It's also sad that 51.4% of Americans will live in poverty before the age of 65. But it is nice to see that not only does this website have facts that grab you and give you a sense of how big this problem is, they also have solutions. The more solutions we can get, the better.
Buchbinder A

Dealing With Poverty While Traveling in Africa - 2 views

    This article talkes about how a women took a trip to africa and she talks about how bad the poverty level is there and her reations. she also tells the reader some sugerstons to help with the people. I was suprised with some of the sugerstons she gave to the reader.
Stonerook J

Factors of Poverty; The Big Five - 3 views

    This article is about what causes poverty. I like how it goes into the social and cultural details that come with poverty. It talks about mental aspects of poverty, not just physical.
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    You are right! I really like how it had many aspects to how poverty effects people. I thought it was a very interesting article.
    This article is full of information about how poverty starts and keeps on growing with no help of stopping it. There are many factors and causes that are explained on how families or individuals can't pull themselves out of poverty. I think that when they were explaining the causes of disease, then said that the knowledge of a cause won't solve it, but knowing the factors that lead it it will help us to better understand the ways to fix it. I think that this is very true and should be aware to all.
    Very in depth. I love the detail they put into it. It talks about all of it instead of just one part of it.
    Factors do not cause problems, but merely contribute to make the matter worse. This article speaks of the five major factors of poverty: Disease, Ignorance, Apathy, Dishonesty, and Dependency. The article speaks on each matter in turn, and explains each topic. I found this article quite intriguing, and very truthful. It definently deserves a read-through.
Buchbinder A

How to Address Poverty in the Classroom - 0 views

    This article talks about how to adress the major problem of poverty in a class room(teachers veiw). I thought that in the article it was cool that they would give the teachers different ways to handle that certen stiuation in a good affective way.
Chesser G

solutions to poverty by the group CARE - 9 views

    the group CARE- a nonprofit organization works to provide food and water to those living in poverty. They have improved the lives of over 31 million people living in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. This article gave me a sense of how many people were living in poverty and how sad it is too see that number - Grant Chesser
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    i cant believe that almost 3 BILLION people are in poverty in the world. one of our friends could be in poverty and we dont even know it.
    thats amazing that just one group has helped more than 31 million peolpe all over the world.
    It's phenomenal that the nonprofit organization improved the lives of over 31 million people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the middle east.
    i can't believe that 3 billion people live on 2$ of food everyday. That is half of the world.
    I thought it was cool that this organization helped actually educate and train people to become farmers. It's one thing to give money to help a family in poverty, but eventually that money will run out. By training people to be farmers, they can then get a job and make a steady income to support their family on their own.
    I thought this was a very good article to read! I liked how they helped these people by not only feeding them but teaching them, giving some health care and standing alongside families that need soulutions to problems. THat is alot of people that need help. THis program is doing a great job of helping those in need.
    I think that this article really shows how much we can help people in need. This one organization has helped over 31 million people. It's really upset me that 3 billion people are in poverty. Thats almost a 1 out of 2 kids being in poverty.
    I find it amazing that a non-profit organization can be so wide spread throughout the world. This shows how if we all come together like the members of this organization, we can overcome great obsticles such as poverty. It ' s shocking however that so many people will not even attept to help those poor unfortunate families.
Anders P

Statistics - 1 views

    A website explaining a little bit about who's in poverty and gives a few graphs to show the poverty rates. I think helps in seeing the problem and applying that to what you know with words.
    I found it interesting that poverty rates have droped world wide, but the rate of people likely to slip into poverty is rising.
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