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Mary-Kate Clark

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens - 0 views

    This website allows you to read "A Christmas Carol" free online. It's a great way to read the original text without having to buy the book because it has the full text online for free. The site also supplies other books online for free, like an online library.

Physics | MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials - 1 views

  • Physics I: Classical Mechanics (Fall 1999)
  • Physics I: Classical Mechanics (Fall 2008)
    Best place for free education at an acceptable learning level
Sadie Newman

Free sewing projects and learning how to sew articles, along with so much more. - 0 views

    Home sewing- with free sewing projects, free patterns, learn how to sew articles, sewing and craft tips, bridal sewing, and crafts for kids.

10 Things You Should Do Before Having Brain Surgery - 0 views

    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.
    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.

Sleeping Brains Can Process and Respond to Words - 0 views

    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
Maureen Deppman

Fotobabble - Talking Photos - 0 views

    Fotobabble is a free service that allows you to quickly turn a picture into an audio picture story. To use Fotoabble just upload an image to the site, and allow the site to access your computer's microphone, and start recording your voice. You can comment on your photo, explain what's happening in your photo, or tell a story related to your photo. When you've completed your recording you can save it in your Fotobabble account, contribute to a public gallery and or embed it into your blog. Have students upload images from lab experiments or field trips and then talk about them. Have student define vocabulary words and offer images. Have students describe an image of a painting or some other piece of art.

The Physics Classroom - 0 views

    Another great source of free knowledge at an easy reader learning level
Carina Isbell

The Vegan Chickpea - 0 views

    This website has tons of recipes and resources for people on a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diet. It focuses especially on vegan baking, and has a lot of cool personalized posts that is sure to inspire anyone.
Hannah Jackman

Spark Notes ACT Prep - 0 views

    In preparation for the ACT, I have been studying with Spark Notes. Not only does the website gives you tips on how to take the test, but it gives you some practice questions too. My goal is to strengthen my score on the English component of the ACT, and so I have been focusing on the English practice problems. They also have a free practice test as well, which was nice because all of the other study guides for ACT/SAT are not free. Hopefully studying with this tool will increase my standardized testing score.
Lauren Parren

WEVideo - 0 views

    Free video editing tool, which can be shared with colleauges for collaboration. Naturally, digital citizenship is important and our Acceptable Use Policy must be respected. Wevideo may be used on Chromebooks, iOS or Android devices.
Myles Towsley

Flashpunk - 0 views

    Flashpunk is a very useful game engine for the actionscript 3 language that allows users to make prototypes and even full games very quickly. Not only is it free, but there is also a very large and friendly community who can help with any problems you might have.
Hannah Funk

Burlington Free Press - 0 views

    This is very helpful in finding current events and local news. It gives great detail in everything and is updated very regularly with new articles.
    This was a very helpful site for me for my research in Global Studies. I used this site to look up current events.
    I was introduced to this site through American Studies, since it is our primary source for the History of the Day (HOTD) assignment that we do once a quarter. For HOTD, we use the e-newspaper, which simulates the experience of reading that day's paper complete with "flipping" through the international, national, and local news. I know that the Burlington Free Press is a reliable source since it is fairly well known in this state, and it has multiple reporters and editors working on every story and checking the facts to make sure that it is accurate. This source is probably a bit liberal as news sources go, since it is published in Vermont where most of the readers are democrats, but I usually feel as though I am being informed, not persuaded, when I read it. I really enjoy getting news from the BFP because the paper is small enough that you can receive information without getting overwhelmed, and it doesn't take too long to read the whole thing. Using this source in American Studies has also changed my perception of my state, since it has helped me realize that even though it is a small state, Vermont has talented editors and is able to produce a news source that is equally as informative as big-time sources like the New York Times.
Luke Freidin

Ceramic Glaze Guide - 0 views

    This a free online guide to glazing which give lots of good tips on spicing up the glazing game. The guide comes from a website that is all about ceramics, including videos, photos, guide, and much much more.

Teachers Pay Teachers - 0 views

    This is a website where teachers can put any kind of school activity, game or lesson on and other teachers can buy them at pretty low prices. The only way to get anything off this site is to sign up, and it is FREE. There are also lots of activities, games and lessons that are free for teachers. My mentor told me that she gets the majority of her games off of this one website. She has found it useful for her whole teaching career.

The Secrets of Coconut Oil Exposed - 0 views

shared by nmsinfo on 26 Feb 16 - No Cached
    Learn Tony Evans alternative report: How Coconut Oil Will Set You Free - and Improve Your Health!
Sadie Newman

Slacker Radio - 0 views

    Slacker is a great online streaming service with barely any adds at all. Enjoy millions of songs and hundreds of programmed stations for free, on demand, online and on mobile.
Carina Isbell

Nutrition Course (Online) - 0 views

    I was given this link by one of my friends and am excited to learn more about nutrition in a free online course. This is perfect for anyone wanting to know about food, have an interest in nutrition, and possibly want to pursue it in the future!
Brian Kuhns

Weight, Perceived Gravity, and Weightlessness - 0 views

    This video discussed the difference between absolute gravity and perceived gravity. It talked about how an object in free fall is weightless but still experiences gravity. It explained how G-force is not the same as gravity, because it can also be caused by acceleration, and it even showed some interesting experiments that demonstrate some of the concepts that were talked about.
Brian Wendel

Iran govt. continues to block social networking sites. - 2 views

    The Iranian government briefly lifted their blocks of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook on Tuesday of this week - only to put them back the following day. These Iranian blocks of websites came about after the 2009 riots that were the direct result of social networking sites. - These types of social networking sites promote so much networking, knowledge and idea sharing and communication that they must be accessed by those with the technology - not blocked by a fearful government.
    Do you agree with Reza that the Iran government may have turned off the block to catch more people using these prohibited sites? Why would a government like Iran want to limit this access? How does this reinforce the importance of the basic American First Amendment right to a free press?
luc charlebois

Animoto - make & share awesome videos from pictures - 0 views

shared by luc charlebois on 13 Sep 13 - Cached
    Animoto's philosophy is to make it simple and make it beautiful. This tool can be used to make a video. Animoto can also be used byiPhone and Android owners by downloading the free app! Create and share videos using your phone's pictures and video clips, or watch and download the ones you've made on your computer.
    This website is so easy to work with. All you do is upload your pictures and Animoto does the rest.
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