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Sleeping Brains Can Process and Respond to Words - 0 views

    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!

10 Amazing Things People's Brains Have Done - HowStuffWorks - 0 views

    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
keely shaw

Insurgent - 0 views

    This book is the second in the divergent series. If you haven't read divergent you may have a hard time understanding whats going on in this book. But it is a good read, and this is a hard book to put down. So don't pick t up if you want to get some sleep.
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