Biology study site: - 1 views
Riley Forbes on 23 Feb 14Summarize: The main points of the Environmental Biology website is to show the five main nutrient cycles: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, phosphorus and water and how energy flows through ecosystem. The topics covered include: ~the roles of an organism (such as a consumer, herbivores, etc.) ~energy flow through an ecosystem ~food chains and webs/ pyramids and biological magnification ~Humans vs. natural food chains This article goes through the basics of ecology and is very easy to understand. There are pictures of the cycles that relate to the reading. Review and access: This is a wonderful source because it includes all the different nutrient cycles as well as pictures and writing. It also brings up many concepts: bio magnification, the different roles of an organism and human vs. natural food chain. This website doesn't go in depth in a specific part of ecology, but is instead a basic and broad overview of the whole thing. Most websites either only talk about food chains or nutrient cycles, yet this website includes it all. This website is reliable, because I have compared it to other websites and classwork. I would recommend using this website when learning basic ecology or just refreshing your mind because a lot of simple concepts are mentioned. This article won't take long to read, because everything is pretty broad. Reflect: This source was helpful for me when refreshing my knowledge on the water cycle and learning about the oxygen and nitrogen cycle. I have used this site as a notes resource for the ecology unit in my biology class. This site has helped me to better understand the different cycles, the movement of energy through an ecosystem and food chains vs. food webs. ~Riley