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Margaret Moody

Prezi - 0 views

    Prezi is a presentation tool that helps you organize and share your ideas
    This is a website where you can create a presentation. It is a very useful and efficient way to share your ideas and/or projects. It is also a great way to be innovative and original with a presentation to make it aesthetically pleasing.
Maureen Deppman

Slideshare - 0 views

    Slideshare is an amazing repository of both excellent and poor PowerPoint presentations. If you need some inspiration to create engaging slides, this is a great starting point. In addition you may use this site as a resource for information on your project
Eliza Kurth

Thinglink - 0 views

    This is a presentation tool that I have used in my English 10 class. The idea is to have one background picture, and then as many links as you want on it. It is fun, easy, and a wonderful option to present with.
Margaret Moody

Fact Monster - 0 views

    This site was especially helpful for me to research information that I needed for a presentation I was doing in Global Studies. I found that Fact Monster was a very reliable source, with a lot information. The information was as useful as facts about countries, to formulas and strategies for math. It is a very simple, helpful site that is easy to navigate.
Clayton Trombley

Different kinds of sentences - 0 views

    Good if you're trying to present a well written piece of writing.
Julia Siminitus

Memorizing Monologues - FAST & Easy - 1 views

    These tips on monologue memorizing are very useful for any type of acting presentation, and could potentially also be useful for classroom presentations.
Rider Maccrellish

Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham - 1 views

    This debate has been a very popular and controversial subject over the past weeks since it was aired. Ken Ham represents the christian, old testament, view of creationism and debates Bill Nye, who defends the theory of evolution, and the earth being 4 billion years old. The premise of Ken Hams argument is that there is a large misconception in modern science, in which "historical science" is studied in he same way as "observational science." His claim is that scientists cannot make claims about the age of the earth or "the past" solely by observing the present. Bill Nye tries to prove his own point that observational science and historical science are in the same category of study, and that the only way to make conclusions about the past, present or future is by observing the natural earth as it is now. Nye also makes a strong effort to disprove the old testament's claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that during Noah's Ark there in fact was a global flood. The debate is extremely thought provoking, no matter who you agree with coming into it. This particular debate is at the core of my ILO focus, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the idea of creation.
Katherine Moody

French verb Conjugation: modal verbs, irregular verbs, present, future, participle | Re... - 0 views

    I use this website every once in a while for my french class when I am having a difficult time conjugating a verb. It is really helpful for remembering how to conjugate irregular verbs. It also allows you to search for verb conjugation of past, present, future, conditional, etc.
Siena Hoaglund

Easy Bib - 0 views

    This website help you make your outline for a bibliography. It also helps you site websites. This is very helpful in making annotated bibliography.
josie jordan

What Goes In & Out of Hydraulic Fracking - 0 views

    A great visual presentation of the process and effects of fracking.
Maureen Deppman

Audio Boo - 1 views

    It's fantastic for many things: interviews for your website, wonderful ambient sounds, music you've made, even a full-on radio show. You can use it for reporting, storytelling, education, or as an online dictaphone. Audioboo works on ios, android and nokia devices or via the web, and soon blackberry and windows 8.
Myles Towsley

Timetoast Timelines - 1 views

    This is a handy tool for classroom use that guides students through the process of organizing information in timeline form and results in a polished finished product. To add events to a timeline simply click on the "add an event" button and a simple event box pops up in which you can enter enter text, place a link, or add a picture.
    Timetoast is a place to create timelines that you can add to your blog or website. You can create historical timelines of important events, or build a timeline of your vacation.
Maureen Deppman

Values - 0 views

    This is an interest inventory on values. After answering the questions on each value, a chart will be created showing most valued to least valued.
    Did you do the test? Does it match your present career?
Maureen Deppman

Wordle - 1 views

    Wordle is a tool for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.

The Physics Classroom - 0 views

    Another great source of free knowledge at an easy reader learning level
Clayton Trombley

Types of Sentences - 0 views

    This website has a ton of good information about english and different aspects of english
Meghan Hahr

Differentiating in the Kindergarten Stage - 0 views

    This is a power point by a kindergarten teacher about how important it is to differentiate the lessons at the kindergarten level. The presentation is concise and easy to understand. I recommend it to any future teachers.
Demitra Potter

Marriage laws throughout US - 1 views

    This website gives information on marriage laws throughout the US. Information is presented on an easy to read map -- very interesting.
Sofia Wolak

Triton - 0 views

    Out final project of the year for Science was to make a presentation on a moon or a planet in our solar system. I choose Triton. Before this project I knew absolutely nothing about Triton. Then I found this site. This site has the basic information that you would need to know to learn a little bit about Triton. This site was very helpful to me because it was just the information I needed to start off this project.
Katherine Moody

Enceladus - 0 views

    I used this website when I was researching the moon Enceladus for my science presentation. This site has great information about the climate, resources, and geology of the moon. I found all the basic facts that I needed!
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