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Sleeping Brains Can Process and Respond to Words - 0 views

    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!

Deer Diseases | Missouri Department of Conservation - 1 views

    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article is modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.
    I just read an article on a web site about deer diseases. The main points of this article are modern and common different deer diseases. For example, CWD, chronic wasting disease is a disease found all throughout the us and in many different species of deer. Other diseases listed are also cutaneous fibromas, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, bluetongue, lyme disease, nasal bot flies, and tapeworms. The purpose is to inform you about deer diseases throughout the us. If someone asked me what this article was about I would probably say that it is about more recently found deer diseases. This is a useful source because of how much writing there is about each disease. When compared to other sites I have used this site goes further in detail about each topic. This information for me was written by a reliable source and relates to my focus. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to learn about deer diseases. This source was very helpful for my learning. This source was helpful because it related to my focus and helped me further my education. This site has made me want to direct my learning closer to diseases and problems that reduce the deer population. I can use this source to learn about deer diseases. For example if I were to see a deer that looked unhealthy I could use this site to find out the side effects of each disease and compare it to the deer I saw to find out what was wrong with it.Overall, this site has been helpful for my learning.
Kelsey Haskins

Dialogue Dos and Don'ts - 0 views

  • Dialogue Dos and Don’ts
    This website helped me learn how to write dialogue smoothly and flow-like like in a movie or in a real life conversation. It told me what to do and what not to do which was helpful. I learned that dialogue sets the character's mood towards another character in the story and that was something that I wanted to learn more on. I think I expanded my knowledge of writing dialogue by finding this website!
Kamille Snell

Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free - 0 views

    This source has been vital to me to learning languages. It does not teach languages (so far) that do not use the same characters as English, but it teaches all of the major European languages. It starts you off by teaching you how to say you are drinking or eating and your gender, and slowly raises your skill level in the language by adding more vocabulary and the longer you work on the courses, the faster you'll be able to say exactly what you want! This resource has helped me to keep up my French skills during vacations and breaks for school, it also has helped me to have very basic skills in German, Spanish, and Italian. I would highly recommend this app (YES! IT'S AN APP FOR YOUR MOBILE PHONE! AS WELL AS A WEBSITE!) to anyone who's even the slightest bit interested in learning a language. It will slowly build you up using the strategy of making you translate from English to the language and vice versa. This is a must-use for anyone learning a European language.
    This is a site that I have used in the past and actually downloaded onto my phone. This is a great site to learn more about a language and to play games to improve!
Will Aldrich

Mahli Knutson - 1 views

    Mahli is an amazing teacher. She helped me to learn Mandarin at a more precise level. Instead of just teaching me vocabulary, she taught me grammar rules and the tones that are crucial to the Chinese language. She would stay after school with me or meet up with me for around an hour every few days and we would go over things that I needed and/or wanted to know and she would help me with them and she would also critique my Chinese. Mahli studied abroad to China, so she knows the difficulties of learning Mandarin, so she is extra patient with you. She is really a great teacher and to anybody who would like some advice on Mandarin Chinese, I would certainly recommend talking to Mahli.
    Is there a link to Mahli? Ha! Wishing so!
Riley Forbes

Music Theory Website: - 1 views

    Summarize: This is a music theory website which I used for a music composition course that I was taking. Common chord progressions was just one of the lessons from the website that I used. In this article that I used the main points were major and minor chord progressions. The purpose of this article is to show what chords most often progress from one chord to the next and the different chords that progress in a major vs. minor key. The theory website has many topics ranging from the basics: dotted rhythms to harder more complex things: cadences and neapolitan chords. They are all very nicely ordered and categorized if you have any specific things that you need to know about. Once you have selected a topic of interest a paragraph appears on the screen. There are two arrows at the bottom that allow the reader to read the page a sentence at a time along with the model that explains what you are reading. It is almost like a PowerPoint but you control the speed at which it moves. Review and access: This is a useful source, because the website explains everything in a clear and easy to understand way. There are pictures to guide your learning. When using other resources I find that they are hard to follow because of their advanced musical terms. Also, the models on other websites often go with one part of the paragraphs and not the other so it gets confusing. The information on this site is reliable, because we used it in class to learn some of the musical terms in each lesson. I would recommend anyone who wants, needs or just likes learning about music theory to use this website as a tool. Reflect: This source was super helpful for me and I accessed it many times throughout my composition course when I was confused on a certain topic, word or structure of song. This site helped me direct my learning because it is very organized and I could find the exact topic that I was looking for. You can use this source as a reference to terms or musical topics, or use it as notes

Muscle Memory - 1 views This site was very helpful if you are trying to learn about how the brain learns to remember things that you do in everyda...

Muscle Memory Brain Basketball

started by craigbristol17 on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

General Information About Deer Farming | Deer Farming Articles | NADeFA - 0 views

    Starting a deer farm or ranch requires energy, innovation and much time spent in research. Once you have considered your options and decided what is right for you, visit established operations and talk to other deer owners who are raising the type of deer you are interested in. I just read a piece on the North American Deer Farmers Association or NADeFA website about general information on deer farming. The main points of this article are knowing the regulations, start up capital, plan, farm layout, fencing, building pens, nutrition, feeding program, herd structure, handling, health care, buying stock, and transportation. The purpose of this site is to give the average person who wants to know about deer farming or a someone who is new to deer farming, the general information needed to deer farm. Some topics or issues covered in this article were Land to live stock ratios, laws that someone would need to know, how to treat illnesses, and how to prepare the land for deer. This article is about the general information needed to deer farm. This source is very useful because of all the solid factual information. Compared to other sites I have used, this provides a good amount of writing and great details about each topic stated throughout this article. This information comes from a good reliable source used by deer farmers all throughout the us to talk with other farmers and to get information from the site itself. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone who wants to learn about deer farming. This site helped me learn a lot about deer farming and the general information you need to know to deer farm. This information made me realize that I want to learn a lot more about deer farming and possibly consider it as future a career. Someone could use this site/article for advice when starting a new deer farm or if someone just wants to know about deer farming in general. This article has made me want to focus one of my learning topics on deer farming.
Will Aldrich

Lesson 1, Unit 2, Level 1 Rosetta Stone Mandarin Chinese - 0 views

    This lesson taught me new vocabulary pertaining to how to refer to people and things. I learned how to say things like, "I," "you," and "they." It helped to teach me how to describe, very basically, my feelings toward something. This lesson really helped me to speak Mandarin at a level I was starting to really hope to achieve. I am still extremely basic, but now I can talk about myself and other people instead of just talking about food and basic actions. I would highly recommend getting to at least this lesson in Rosetta Stone because it will really help you to be able to convey much more than what you could before, no matter how basic you still are. This resource is a must to anyone wanted to learn Mandarin Chinese.
Sam Daniels

Learn to code - 1 views

    Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends. I'm using this site to learn PHP, python, java script, and many other kinds of code. the site has pre-made lessons to help teach you about the codes.
    You might want to try Kahn academy. They've got some great programming tutorials; a 5th grader showed me last week and it is awesome!
Meghan Hahr

Differentiating in the Classroom - 3 views

This was a blog entry by a kindergarten teacher that went into details about how one could help each student at different levels advance in the classroom. The blog went into great detail about not ...

Education Differentiating Multiple Intelligences

Will Aldrich

InterPals Penpals - Make friends online and find free pen pals from around the world! - 0 views

    Like with any social network, be careful. Not everyone on there is a person just like you trying to learn a new language. But that aside, this website was really great for me to talk with people who knew Mandarin Chinese and were willing to help. Some people I just had quick conversations with that only lasted a few sentences, others I still talk to today. The person that knows Mandarin that I still talk to lives in China and is always happy to help me with the tones and to have conversations with me and teach me how to say things like a normal Chinese person would say them. This is a really great resource for person to person interaction. But again, be careful, as always.
Kiley Pratt

Things to Avoid When Learning a Foreign Language - 1 views

    This is an immensely helpful video which explains the importance of completely immersing yourself in a culture when learning a foreign language. This will be very important when I am feeling homesick next year!
Kiley Pratt

How to speak multiple languages without mixing them up - Fluent in 3 months - Language ... - 1 views

    This is a great article about how to not mix up languages when you are learning more than one. In addition, this site is a wonderful resource for general language learning tips and tricks.

Types of Deer - 0 views

    It may surprise you to discover that there are over 100 different sub species of deer in the world. They live in all locations except for Antarctica where it is too cold. As the name of this animal tells us, the White Tailed Deer is one that has a patch of white that is located around the area of its tail. The main points/the different species listed on this site are white tailed deer, red deer, caribou/reindeer, moose, water deer, common muntjac, axis deer/chital deer, elk, sika deer, elds deer, sambar deer, visayan spotted deer, fallow deer, key deer, mule deer, pampas deer, pudu, roe deer, and extinct species. The purpose of this site is to list all the species of deer. Some topics and issues covered are, why the deer is called what it is, unique features, size, other names, fawns, etc. The topics and issues covered are a few characteristics of each species. If someone asked what this webpage is about, I would say it briefly explains the 100+ different species of deer. This source was useful because it informed me of all the different species of deer in the world and some of their characteristics. Compared to other sources I have used, this article lists many types of species but is less descriptive about each individual species as they are brief. This information is reliable because it comes from a legitimate source called BioExpedition. There is a use policy at the bottom of the website that says this source can be used by students and teachers for school projects and homework. I would recommend this source for people looking to learn more about the many species of deer. This source was helpful to me because it showed me all the different species of deer and is focused on my current area of study - deer. It helps me direct my learning by giving me more material to focus on in class and at home. I can use this source to identify deer species when I'm out in the wilderness by their recognizable characteristics explained in this source. It has change

How horses build charater - 0 views

    Interacting with horses is not only a lot of fun for children, but it also builds their character in ways that will benefit them in all other areas of their lives. The best thing that parents can do for their horse-crazy child is let them learn to ride and handle horses.the main purpose of this article is to show that it's good to let children and teens ride because they develop responsibility and a bond between horse and rider. The topics that are covered are what the child will learn with a horse like sensitivity, patience, trust, respect, teach us to have a open mind, teaches us to learn from our mistakes, and it teaches us self discipline.this article is about how letting a horse crazy child ride and care for a horse.

French Flashcards - 0 views

    It is very useful because it teaches students new words in a fun and creative way. It isn't the same as listening to it on a movie or a radio, but it allows the student to learn to spell the words as well, and learn conjugations.

A Doctor Unlocks Mysteries Of The Brain By Talking And Watching - 0 views

    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.

Tracking/stalking deer - 0 views

    The Benoits and many other famous deer hunters have used tracking for years and people today still use tracking to hunt. Being able to track a deer is probably one of the most important and effective ways to hunt. I read an article on hungry for hunting .com that tells people the basics on tracking deer. The main points were, where and when to use tracking, Identifying the gender by looking at the tracks, and trailing the deer. Some topics and issues covered throughout this article are, soils that show tracks better, size and shape of tracks, the difference between old tracks and new, etc. If someone asked what this article is about I would respond by saying that it is about the struggles, importance, and knowledge to track deer. This source was very useful to me, my leaning, hunting, and wildlife exploration. Compared to other sources I have used, this source was very detailed and helpful. This article has pictures and a good chunk of writing. This information is comes from a reliable source and is not opinion based. This source is related to my learning. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to know about tracking deer. This source was a helpful to my education and my outdoor hobbies. It has help me direct my learning by making me want to know more about hunting and scouting for deer and other species. Someone could use this source to find out how to track deer for hunting. I have learned about tracking deer and it has made me want to know more about hunting and scouting.
megan hill

learn about cows! - 0 views

    This site makes learning about diseases so easy! You simply search what ever illness you want to learn more about in the search engine. Within seconds the site will bring up a bunch of links regarding info and statistics about what you searched.
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