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A Doctor Unlocks Mysteries Of The Brain By Talking And Watching - 0 views

    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
Whit Lower

Step By Step Geodesic Dome Video - 0 views

    Work with Nature. "How to Make a Geodesic Dome / Geo Dome / Bio Dome." YouTube. YouTube, 07 Aug. 2012. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. . This is a Youtube video sponsored by Work with Nature where a man shows on camera, step by step, his building geodesic domes (including his calculations and math). He made this video to help other people who are eager in building domes and to tell people about his business of selling these domes to people who don't want the excitement of building their own. The video uses metal piping and it covers cutting the metal, drilling holes, pressing it, attaching them, the math, the construction, what materials to use, and how to cover the dome. This video will be the most helpful tool I will use during my ILO, because as of October 7th, I have decided to use metal piping for a greenhouse and this video is the perfect step-by-step visual instructor. I will basically follow these steps exactly with maybe some background research and experiments from other websites. I have spent a lot of time on YouTube looking for other videos of this caliber, but this one is by far the best. I've read the reviews and comments for this video and it looks like other people have successfully made domes using this video. This video has already proven a huge help to me. Through this video I have made decisions like what materials to use, how to attach them, and how to do the math that is necessary in making a dome. This source is easy to use, and when you miss a step it is easy to go back and watch it until you have it down perfectly. This video has made me much more confident going ahead with my project now that I have such an easy, usable model to go off of. I highly recommend using this source if you need to make a geodesic dome.
Caitlin Davis

Shakespeare's Tempest: to be read or watched? - 0 views

    This article discusses whether Shakespeare's works should be enjoyed on stage or enjoyed through reading. What do you think - to be read or watched?
wyatt lossmann

moto gp - 0 views

    Watch this if your bored. This is a moto gp race.
Ryan Prim

Longboarding - Coleman Slide Tutorial. - 0 views

    I watched the video produced by Daniel Snyder on how to safely do the Coleman Slide which is a slide to reduce speed. The video had sections made in slow motion so that I could specifically understand what to do during the slide. I know a little bit about the Coleman Slide and I thought that this video clearly explained the steps. This video would be helpful for beginner longboarders because it is taped step by step. This was a useful resource because it taught me how to do the Coleman Slide. I have seen the Coleman Slide in videos but I have never practiced the move. I searched out this video because I wanted to learn how to do the slide. I liked the way this video explained the steps and I would search for other videos by this person in the future.I would recommend this site to other people because the video was very clear.
Kelsey McCormick

Decorating Cupcakes - 0 views

    This video I found showed a few different way to decorate cupcakes. Kayla and I are baking cupcakes in a few days for a craft fair and need to learn how to use the piping bags, I thought it would be a great idea to watch a video. It also showed different ways to display cupcakes which Kayla and I have been trying to figure out. I plan to show Kayla this video so she can have a better understanding as well. This was a very helpful video
Kelsey McCormick

Putting together a layered cake - 0 views

    This was a video that showed how to put together a layered cake. Although I already posted a video about layering cakes this one was very simple to follow. It showed just how you're supposed to do it. If you are a new baker and trying new cakes you should really watch this. Comparing this video to the previous one I posted this one is the easier out of the two.
Josh Bennett

Basic Silversmithing - 0 views

    This is a video I used for reference when I made a pendant for someone. The prong setting was very difficult for me to find out how to do on my own, and I quick google search came up with this. I found it easy to follow by watching the person make a prong setting rather than try to read step-by-step directions.
Amelia Bruhl

How to cut in paint edges and get a straight ceiling line when cutting in walls. - YouTube - 0 views

    A video on how to "cut in" while painting. This video is really helpful for people that just learned the technique of cutting in while painting sets. Cutting in allows the painter to smoothly paint along the edges of one wall without getting paint on the other side or the ceiling. It is a very effective technique to use when painting sets. Also, you tube has many other how-to videos if more information is needed!
    A video on how to "cut in" while painting
josie jordan

Welding How To Video - 1 views

    This is a good one. 270,00 views!
wyatt lossmann

2013 KTM 1190 RC8 R - 0 views

    This video of some sweet bikes on a race track for a track day.
Sebastian Durante

Diabetes and Foot Problems Pictures Slideshow - 0 views

    Watch this slideshow on diabetes related foot problems. For people with diabetes, too much glucose in the blood can cause serious foot complications such as nerve damage, infection, ulcers and even amputation. Find proper foot care tips to help prevent serious complications.
Arrien Gadue

Terminator Body Painting SFX - 0 views

    This was a really useful video as someone who is just beginning to explore body painting.
Arrien Gadue

Cut Finger Makeup tutorial - 0 views

    This video helped show how to make a small cut look as realistic as possible using professional equipment I own.
Courtney Panton

Basic Training-Day 1 Video - 0 views

    This video shows a short blurb from a day of basic training. It sounds harsh but they explain about the importance of breaking you down to build you back up stronger.
wyatt lossmann

pipe welding - 0 views

    This is about pipe welding in the field.
wyatt lossmann

purged tig - 0 views

    On this site they talk about tig welding stainless with an inert gas purge.
wyatt lossmann

stainless pipe welding - 0 views

    This video shows how to do sanitary pipe welding. This is very informational.
Demitra Potter

"Waiting" by Jasmine Mans and Alysia Harris - 0 views

    The link will take you to a video of my favorite performance of the poem "Waiting" by Jasmine Mans and Alysia Harris. The poem documents different experiences of love and explores the power of the influence these experiences can have on ones life.
Clayton Trombley

Defending Guantanamo Bay Prisoners - 0 views

    This video is about the man who defends the prisoners held in Gitmo by the United States and how he does it. It shows how the prisoners are abused and the hunger strikes they go on. I found it interesting how it all connects to the constitution and politics.
    I would love to hear more of how this article triggers your connection to the constitution, specifically our judicial branch.
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