Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tony Searl
How can we help you to learn with mobiles - PBL project « - 3 views
useful to the functional needs of school administration and proof of action
The project, as always, needs to make a product, and a case to an audience.
as do the echo chambers of walled garden hell, but because this is provided as expertise, what is dished up is not questioned sufficiently, let alone updated/audited for functional use. Designers/providers rarely use what they perceive as "offered" as the end consumers using those same consumer's metrics of time, space, function with all associated limitations.
how developing nations are using phones
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The Gates Foundation as a Philanthropic Case Study | LFA: Join The Conversation - Publi... - 0 views
“I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts."
next to nothing is spent on education research. "That's partly because of the problem of who would do it. Who thinks of it as their business? The 50 states don't think of it that way, and schools of education are not about research.
rving videos
Big Data and Education - 1 views
Root Causes and the Save Our Schools March - Practical Theory - 3 views
we have to see the teachers in front of us.
I want to know who broke this teacher. I want to know why. I want to understand… and I want to help her see that it doesn't have to be that way… that hurt doesn't have to be permanent… that the kids are still there, waiting for her.
And that's not going to happen with the current trends in educational policy. In fact, the current movement will engender less empathy, not more.
The centrality of leadership in 21st century schools « 21st Century Learning - 3 views
ideally place students at the centre of learning.
Learning Reimagined: Participatory, Peer, Global, Online | DMLcentral - 4 views
I work from the first moments to persuade people that it's possible for all of us to learn together as a community in a more deeply satisfying and useful way than if students take responsibility only for their own learning
shared goal of learning about infotention, curation, personal learning networks, and cooperation theory is our goal of becoming a learning community
Roles include searchers, chat summarizers, session summarizers, mindmap leaders, session bloggers
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Political Debate In Australia - 1 views
Despite the exponential increases in public education and access to information in the past century, the quality of political debate appears to have become increasingly unsophisticated, appealing to the lowest common denominator of understanding
In 1860 the technology was primitive but the ideas were profound and sophisticated. In 2011 technology is sophisticated but the ideas uttered by presidential aspirants are embarrassing in their banality, ignorance and naivety.
In 2006 I suggested that it might be time to actually define ''Education'', something omitted in the draft bill, and to explore its role in personal and community life, but this was rejected as too ambitious.
5 way to make life easier for the audience « - 9 views
National curriculum - 6 views
The Ubiquity of Informal Learning: Beyond the 70/20/10 Model by Ben Betts : Learning So... - 3 views
70:20:10 is simply a reference model or framework that is being used by organisations re-focus their efforts and resources towards where most real learning actually happens, through experiences, practice, conversations and reflection in the context of the workplace, not in classrooms. Anyone trying to 'prove' that the percentages fall exactly this way is not only wasting their time, but clearly doesn't 'get it' or understand the vagaries of Human Behaviour research.
International Society for Technology in Education - Blog > The Flipped Class: A New Par... - 3 views
Jonathan Bergann and Aaron Sams are two science teachers from Woodland Park, South Dakota who are leading a revolution in instruction called "The Flipped Class." Stated simply, their method involves flipping what happens in the classroom with what happens at home. Rather than lecture live, they make videos for their student to watch at home. Class time is spent working with students to better understand the material covered in the videos. Their motto is, "class is for conversation, not dissemination."
Piazza, a Homework Help Site, Has a Social Networking Twist - - 5 views
Education is a big focus area for us. You’re going to see big fundamental shifts in the way education is performed,” said Aydin Senkut
Its peers include Kno and Inkling, two platforms for interactive, digital textbooks.
Imagine K12
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Blackboard Press Releases - 1 views
lackboard Inc. (NASDAQ: BBBB) is a global leader in enterprise technology and innovative solutions that improve the experience of millions of students and learners around the world every day
Providence Equity Partners is the leading global private equity firm specializing in equity investments in media, communications, information services and education companies around the world
Users for Sale: Has Digital Illiteracy Turned Us Into Social Commodities? - things that... - 3 views
I think the only way to behave is as if nothing is private. And then fight to make what you care about legal and acceptable.
Big history to give students big picture | The Australian - 4 views
"He and I agreed immediately on the idea that education is so compartmentalised," Mr Clark said. "Kids go to maths and they do that in isolation, they go to science and they do that in isolation.
"Big history just ties everything together. And I think a lot of history had become obscure and irrelevant to modern students."
News Corporation unveils its own education revolution | The Australian - 7 views
Gartner Says By 2015, More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Proc... - 3 views
The goals of gamification are to achieve higher levels of engagement, change behaviors and stimulate innovation. The opportunities for businesses are great - from having more engaged customers, to crowdsourcing innovation or improving employee performance. Gartner identified four principal means of driving engagement using gamification:
Google Wants Your Data. - Neoteny - 2 views
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