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Nigel Coutts

Moving beyond linear plans for learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    An important part of the role of any educator is that of planning learning sequences. Perhaps you are tasked with designing curriculum or more likely you are translating a mandatory curriculum into workable units of learning. The task is complex and there are multiple arrangements. The goal is to design units that connect students with learning in ways that are meaningful and relevant. A well-designed unit of learning fits seamlessly alongside other learning opportunities and the overall sequence of learning should match the learners developing expertise. As we plan units of learning we must consider a great variety of factors which impact the learning we design. Our knowledge of our students and where they are with their learning is crucial and a strong place to start. We also need to know what it is we are required to teach and have a grab bag of pedagogical moves that bring this content alive.
Rhondda Powling

Understanding 3 Different Learning Styles | Sylvan Learning Blog - 1 views

    Discovering your students learning styles will help you better assist on their learning. Sylvan Learning has created this interesting visual that provides tips about how to engage with three different types of learners: Auditory learners, Visual learners, and Tactile learners.
Nigel Coutts

Visual Literacy - Metalanguage & Learning - 0 views

    An increasingly significant aspect of literacy is an awareness of the visual elements that fall beyond the traditional components of written text. Termed 'Visual Literacy' this is the ability to read and create communications that use visual elements. It combines the skills of traditional literacy with knowledge of design, art, graphic arts, media and human perception. It takes literacy further beyond a decoding of text to a decoding of the complete package around the communication.
Rhondda Powling

Google Blockly Is a Visual, Drag-and-Drop Tool for Building Apps and Learning to Code - 7 views

    Google Blockly is a visual programming language that can help you get started quickly.The webapp lets you drag blocks together to build apps, which can then be exported to actual programming languages.
Rhondda Powling

25 Top Concept-Mapping Tools For Visual Learning - 1 views

    A list of concept or mind mapping tools with short descriptions 
Rhondda Powling

A Visual Guide To Every Single Learning Theory | Edudemic - 12 views

    Infographic containing a detailed analysis and chart of every single learning theory. Zoom in to study or print a PDF.
John Pearce

10 Infographics for Learning | Getting Smart - 7 views

    "We all love infographics. Why? Well, they help us grasp information in a quick and fun way that appeals to our visual senses. In fact, there's an infographic here explaining that. Below you'll find 10 infographics that discuss learning in many different capacities - online, blended, mobile, etc."
Rhondda Powling

A Visual Chart on Summative Vs Formative Assessment ~ Educational Technology and Mobile... - 1 views

    "An infogragphic to help explain the differences between formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment as assessment for learning and summative assessment as assessment of learning"
Rhondda Powling

A Step-By-Step Visual Guide To Being An Effective Instructor | Edudemic - 8 views

    A nice infographic offering a visual Step-By-Step guide to assist teachers who want to give effective Instructions
Rhondda Powling

A Simple Guide To 4 Complex Learning Theories - Edudemic - 5 views

    "This helpful infographic does a solid job of breaking down the basics of learning theories in a visual and understandable format."
Tony Searl

metaphors for teaching & learning - 4 views

    a visual essay exploring teaching, learning, and society by csessums
Tony Searl

Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW - 1 views

  • SNAPP is a software tool that allows users to visualize the network of interactions resulting from discussion forum posts and replies.
  • Discussion forum activity is a good indicator of student interactions and is systemically captured by most LMS. SNAPP uses information on who posted and replied to whom, and what major discussions were about, and how expansive they were, to analyse the interactions of a forum and display it in a Social Network Diagram. The following figures illustrate how SNAPP re-interprets discussion forum postings into a network diagram.
  • What can a network diagram tell me? A network diagram is a visual depiction of all interactions occurring among students and staff. This information provides rapid identification of the levels of engagement and network density emerging from any implemented online learning activities. Social network visualisations provide a snapshot of who is communicating with whom and to what level. A network diagram of your students’ discussions online can:
Rhondda Powling

Survival Tips for Digital Storytelling | Teacher Reboot Camp - 2 views

    "There are many free online tools to help their students create and learn through digital storytelling. Many of these online tools have free apps available on i-devices and Android devices. Through digital storytelling we motivate our learners to apply, contextualize, visualize, and personalize the knowledge they learn. In the post there are some great free apps, tools, and resources that will help begin creating digital stories with learners. The slide presentation embedded will explain the process and provide you with tips on managing a digital storytelling project." This is a great resource for any teacher thinking about undertaking digital storytelling with their students.
Rhondda Powling

A Must See Graphic on Creative Commons for Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile... - 2 views

    "A good infographic here that clearly and simply explains Creative Commons and how it works, It visually captures the main concepts of CC for better student understanding.
Rhondda Powling

My Wonderful World -- Give Kids the Power of Global Knowledge - 6 views

    This is an good resource for geography teachers and geography students. My Wonderful World provides a host of great ideas, lesson plans, games, videos, and visual aids for teaching and learning geography.
Rhondda Powling

Awesome Visual on Creative Commons ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 8 views

    A simple infographic that simply sums up the poignant points that teachers and students need to know to better understand CC.
Rhondda Powling


    From the Teachers pay teachers site. "A visually appealing PowerPoint covering Roman History from the First Triumvirate of Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey through the death of Mark Antony and rise of Octavian. Each slide includes images and graphics that hold students' attention and keep them focused on the lesson. Topics covered include the rise of Julius Caesar, Pompey and the Senate's plan to bring him home, his crossing of the Rubicon, the civil war, his relationship with Cleopatra, his assassination, and much more. It concludes with an open-ended exit ticket that has students thinking critically about the things they learned. "
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