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John Pearce

Cybersmart Detectives - 0 views

    Cybersmart Detectives is an innovative online game that teaches children key internet safety messages in a safe environment. Children work online in real time liaising with community professionals to solve an internet-themed problem. The activity is based in the school environment, and brings together a number of agencies with an interest in promoting online safety for young people, including State and Federal Police, internet industry representatives and child welfare advocates.
    Cybersmart Detectives is an innovative online game that teaches children key internet safety messages in a safe environment. Children work online in real time liaising with community professionals to solve an internet-themed problem. The activity is based in the school environment, and brings together a number of agencies with an interest in promoting online safety for young people, including State and Federal Police, internet industry representatives and child welfare advocates.
John Pearce

Internet safety: Share your story in the Trend Micro Internet safety video contest - 1 views

    "We're excited to announce the Grand Prize of the 2011 What's Your Story? Internet safety video contest!"
Rhondda Powling

Survey reveals disconnect in online safety education | Curriculum | - 1 views

    A new report suggests that many schools are not adequately preparing students to be safe in today's digitally connected age, and it cites basic online safety and ethics as two areas in which students need more education. The report, "State of K-12 Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and Cybersecurity Curriculum in the United States," was published by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and sponsored by Microsoft.
John Pearce

Internet Safety Resources | SimpleK12 - 5 views

    This is a very comprehensive list of links to Internet Safety Resources under a range of headings: Online Predators, Cyberbullies and Harassment, Identity Thieves, Filters, Sexting, Searching, Safe Surfing, Phishing, Fraud, Gaming, Gambling, Addiction, Scams and more.
Rhondda Powling

School filters coddle kids, are ineffective - Internet - News - 1 views

    "Internet filters in schools often compromise a teacher's ability to teach, yet at the same time are easy for tech-savvy students to get around, a parliamentary committee on cyberbullying has heard. The Federal Parliament undertook a cyber-safety committee late last week to investigate community concerns about protecting children from bullying online and the measures that could be used to prevent it, such as Internet filtering."

websafety4kids / FrontPage - 0 views

    a wiki set up to support presentations for parents about Internet safety. It contains links to a range of resources that parents may find helpful in a dealing with their children's use of the Internet
John Pearce

Google Family Safety Centre - 2 views

    "We know how important it is to protect and educate young people on using the Internet and want to provide all of our users with a safe experience. When it comes to family safety, we aim to: * Provide parents and teachers with tools to help them choose what content their children see online * Offer tips and advice to families about how to stay safe online * Work closely with organisations such as charities, others in our industry and government bodies dedicated to protecting young people "
Roland Gesthuizen

Larry Magid: Online Safety Tied to Real World Behavior - 2 views

  • technology can change the way people bully, but bullying is still bullying. Whether it happens through text messages, on Facebook, in a chat room or in the schoolyard, it still involves repeated harassment and typically an imbalance of power between the victim and the bully.
  • Cyberbullying does have unique aspects, though -- the bully can be invisible and actions can quickly go viral, involving lots of people "piling on" a single victim.
    "Internet safety" is mostly about behavior in the blended world where kids live on and offline. How they treat themselves and others has a big impact on whether their experiences will be good or bad.  And it's true for adults as well. While there are unique aspects to protecting yourself online, many of the major online risk factors -- especially for children -- have their offline equivalents.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2017 Activation Keys [Crack] - 0 views

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2017 Activation Keys Crack is a suite that is powerful of hunting, anti-hacker, internet safety tools with browsing protections
John Pearce

YouTube - googlefamilysafety's Channel - 3 views

    A collection of videos from Google employees around the globe talking about internet safety plus other resources.
John Pearce

Go Figure 2 (Online Safety Version) - YouTube - 2 views

    "Facts and statistics about online safety."
John Pearce

Internet Safety St Mary's Wollongong - 0 views

    The good folk at St Mary Star of the Sea College in Wollongong, Australia have put together this great Slideshare presentation for an education session for parents at the school. As the say in the Slideshare info, "The college works with parents to create a healthy and safe environment for learning and growth." and with well presented information like this they are certainly headed in the best direction.
Rhondda Powling

BrainPOP Spotlight: Digital Citizenship. Movies, quizzes, activities, teacher resources... - 5 views

    Free Brainpop video on digital citizenship. Four other free videos are included in the series: blogs, cyberbullying, digital etiquette and online safety.
John Pearce

Stalking in English Class | Remote Access - 5 views

    "We've been stalking people in english class. Wanting to teach the kids in my class about concepts of digital footprint and online safety, I used three people well known from the edusphere as examples: Will Richardson, Jabiz Raisdana and Jeff Utecht. I introduced these three friends to the students in my class by giving them only a photo and a name. I simply told the kids in my class: find out all you can about these three guys." Clarence Fisher's great project on looking at digital footprints.
Rhondda Powling

Digital Citizenship Resources - 7 views

    A good LiveBinder by VisionsByVicky "This binder is an attempt to collect and organize Digital Citizenship resources by age (grade level). Often when we think of Digital Citizenship, we only think about the safety aspects of it but being a digital citizen is much more than just being safe. The nine elements of Digital Citizenship as outlined in the book Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey are:
John Pearce

Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer wiki / safedsn - 0 views

    This wiki from Wes Fryer is all about cyberbullying and internet safety. "Generally adults help young people learn to drive safely before giving them car keys and turning them loose on the streets of the world. Young people also need guidance and adult assistance to learn how to safely navigate the virtual environments of the 21st Century. Schools must be proactive, rather than merely defensive, in helping students acquire the skills of digital citizenship needed today and in the future. Simply banning read/write web tools on school networks is an inadequate response: Educators must strive to learn alongside students and parents how these technologies can be safely and powerfully used to communicate and collaborate."
Kerry J

KerryJ's blog » Freedom of speech vs. safety - what a week! - 0 views

    It's been an amazing week for Australia in terms of the debate on filtering, censorship and internet safety. Our country is now on an international surveillance list of repressive regimes. Ouch.
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